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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Exactly <_< (QFT)"Peaceful" is not defined as people not breaking the law. <_< There probably isn't any laws against going around and telling every second person you meet to go "fuck themselves" but it's still by no means a peaceful attitude. Hostility and breaking the law are two separate issues. @Eclipse A sorry existence you are Okay let me put it this way, would you be comfortable with a group of extremists setting fire to things infront of your house? Would you be happy to let them chant "burn in hell" loud enough for your entire neighborhood to hear? They're not committing any crimes (actually intentionally setting fire to things for the sake of burning them in public is an offense) but hey, they have the right to protest and voice their opinion whereever they want right? @Rest Why is it so hard to arrest someone? We're not talking 20 years or anything here. You don't even need to put them in prison really. Restraining and preventing this sort of behavior is connected to protecting the social cohesion in society. Right of speech? Yeah, okay <_< Bloody westerners so caught up in their "rights" they've lost any shred of common sense they had left
  2. Are you two still waiting for Psych? Talk about being dedicated XD Have you tried PM'ing him?
  3. Completely true ... unfortunately. And they're usually played by people who take offense to the smallest things XD It's a niche of the internet population that I just can't get along with. I wish more people could see this post and comprehend it <_<
  4. Nothing wrong with trying to grab attention :/ In this case their means was a bit extreme, and perhaps crossing some invisible boundary. However most issues don't get solved or even recognized unless someone tries to grab society's attention. Ignoring them and letting them do whatever isn't much better then retaliating in kind, since it'll lead to a slower but more secure form of escalation.
  5. Two, Verses, Door?...... What? What was wrong with "meat?" xD

  6. Legend = Epic Story Legends = Stupid overpowered creatures of mass destruction which roam the world in his RP. So in essence, they're complete opposites. Hence the "s" is Really important :/ Not really no, it's just LoAFs system with a few tweaks here and there for conveniences sake, or to make things more complicated and laborious.
  7. @Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth Just going to restate VanguardRavens point (and Deaths) that the protest is not peaceful :/ I don't know where you're getting the idea that the protest described is peaceful. All I can say to you now is "Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about, piss off already" Okay I don't actually mean that, but tell me, is that peaceful or hostile? I haven't broken any laws, I have the right to express my opinion. So I suppose that's me telling you politely that I disagree with you? (Of course not). Just to be clear, I don't want you to shut up, it was just an example.
  8. Why should they be left alone? I thought we got over the "If we don't acknowledge they exist, they can't exist" era? Or are you one of those homosexuals that are ashamed of your sexuality? :/ Also lol'ed at "Sirius" discussion XD
  9. Nyeh, I agree with Death, Putting a positive spin on it doesn't really help. It's not something to be proud of, and shouldn't be elevated at such. (It's also not something to feel bad about). Personally, I don't mind homosexuals when it's a trait someone has. If my best friend told me she was homosexual, I might make a few snarky comments now and then, but nothing our friendship would be weakened by. However I don't like it when they're in your faces constantly reminding you that they're gay. Gay parades in particular are annoying, pointless displays from a group that want the world to know that the fuck the same gender. I'm sure there are more worthy causes to parade and raise funds for.
  10. It's your lucky day, you're right. :/ If I was being serious with the first paragraph, I'd have contradicted it in the second. The child not having full rights is irrelevant. They still have a right to speak, and silencing them for the sake of some formal assembly is an infringement on his rights! /sarcasmI'm not familiar with British law, but I'm sure there's something against being a public nuisance. Wishing a group of people to "burn in hell." Would be akin to me chanting "Black people are dirty, that's why they have black skin" on the street corner. Intentionally hurtful and rather pointless. Now if they were holding placards saying "Get out of the Middle East" "War = Bad" or anything else protesting against the war, you might have a point. But the message portrayed in those images aren't at all peaceful or meaningful. Either way, I'm not sympathetic to muslims. I don't like religion as a whole, and while emotion might stir for victims of war, idiots in a distant country telling people to burn in hell, or that they have the protection of old beardie..... well why doesn't Allah just save those damn victims? We have no one, they have Allah, and they're still the victims. Just shows how useful having God on your side can be.
  11. Not being sure of this thread point, and not understanding it's intentions are completely different. Though you might fail to comprehend the difference featherbrain :/ Of course you'll get interest. I mean, no one knows what the point of this is. Testing grounds for stat RP's? Yeah okay... and why do we need one? Is there a demand for stat rps? Doesn't seem so on this specific forum. People might show an interest if you post something for them to comment on. "I wanna test battle systems!" can only yield two results. "Good for you" or the one I opted for "Shut up and stop wasting space over nothing"
  12. I'd think it'd be better to go with the dragon, and let those who don't want to, try Eli. Different set, but it's not really that big a deal is it? Alternatively, have a set of 4 mugs instead of 3? (Though you only need to use parts from 3. Still can use parts from all 4 though)
  13. But how is chanting "British Soldiers Burn in Hell" on a day of remembrance, during a period where everyone is asked to be quiet disrupting the peace? XD Anyway I really don't see "expression freedom" as a good excuse here. Using a much more common example, that's like arguing why a student couldn't jump up and down shouting "peanuts" during assembly (school). Or a office worker complaining "why the fuck do I have to listen to you" while sitting in a board meeting.
  14. Not sure what you're waiting for here.... or what the point of this thread is in general :/ The first paragraph hints at it being an open thing for all future RP'ers, but considering how it's true intentions is to help you with your own RP. If not, then I don't know why you even bothered with this thread unless there's some sort of demand for stat-based RP's. You've mentioned you've got "at least one system" yet haven't posted anything in regards to it, other then it's existence. Hard to test or comment on things that aren't visible. You've also asked for volunteers, volunteers to do what? Test your system? Your system which isn't posted yet? Yeah, sign me up, don't know what the hell I'm signing up for but hey, who cares? /sarcasm. As if you Loafers haven't wasted enough space in this forum
  15. Also sitting this one out (I've been missing for the last few anyway). Looking forward to the clothing that people come up with using the dragon though.
  16. I always miss the good stuff >_< Trents trolling again XD You tell him his colors are bad, and after a long winded debate he gets proper colors (sorta), and then you yell at him for only presenting recolors? XD IMO if you can't recolor you're an idiot or new to spriting, and you really shouldn't be attempting splices. OP is gone now, but looking at the images in Nickt's post the recolors have gotten better. So going against the flow, good job Zero, now reading up on a few tutorial in splicing might be a good idea. (I won't suggest any since I don't know of any good ones) While I will say those splices were of rather.... poor quality, it's nothing to get your panties in a knot for Meat head Nickt. :/
  17. Hmm, a year and a half it was *Pulled up GMHQ to check* ~Nostalgia~ XD You haven't seen me because Aeo scared off your forum Glad to see you changed your Prince's name to Ryen..... the former name had..... bad connotations XD *Apologizes to all Ryans out there except one* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In other news I considered dropping in at PE last week but couldn't remember my password XD That and I noticed you've moved to a Pokemon forum anyway.
  18. Amelia's :/ best and cleanest one that still retains the "spliced" appearance. ' While I assume Waq spliced I can't even tell which part comes from where anymore, incredible skill, but not something I'm looking for in a splice comp. Honorable mention to Astelaine (I just don't like Robin hood, and the head piece looks a bit messy) and Strawman for splicing.... whatever he spliced.
  19. Wow this thing was still going Leafy? Didn't you start working on this like.... 2 and a half years ago? :/
  20. I wonder which part of "splicing competition" you people don't get. Is it the splice part where you fiddle around to the point it borders customs, or is it the part regarding this being a competition (opposed to just making everyone else look bad)? XD /rant
  21. *Is astonished at the spriting level difference between Lemon and the splices*
  22. Hair looks awkward, shading when matching hair and face needs to be darker and more consistent
  23. Bethold is Damians father, Or rather the father of Ethers character. That should be more then enough explanation why Bethold is stronger then all forces in the RP combined. What's wrong with throwing in extra light magic skills? Edited to clarify.
  24. Getting a really one-sided vibe here. Probably because "I forgot" is a common excuse used with my family. Me: Can you take the rubbish out Sister: Okay...... ~30 minutes later Me: You still haven't done it Sister: I'll do it, get off my case already ~Day later~ Me: You didn't take the rubbish out did you? Sister: I forgot~ Me: You're an idiot Sister: I'm an idiot so you shouldn't ask me to do things then. That's not forgetting, that's pure idiocy. I can accept once or twice, but when it gets repetitive I think I can safely assume she's just lazy bitch and isn't actually forgetting. I think this is what your parents are getting at. Since no one I've met is stupid enough to state forget=impossible. You could just easily reverse it with, "So you've never forgotten anything in your life?" Sounds a bit childish I know, but if you live with them, you can probably pick out a case or two, or many where they've forgotten something. In the case of my sister, she should have taken the rubbish out the first time I asked her. And by not doing so, she created the opportunity to forget. And in such cases blame lies solely with her. It's like arguing, "I forgot to extinguish my cigarette on a hot summers day, it's not my fault the neighborhood is up in flames"
  25. Problem with those that support Anarchism is that they mistake it with Totalitarianism. Only in the latter they are always at the top. In which case they can do whatever they want without repercussion. Yet still be able to defend their own position were it ever threatened. Wouldn't work, even if such a town existed external bodies moving into the town may not feel the same way. Nevermind that people are susceptible to change and a loving couple may end up killing eachother just because they don't agree on whose turn it is to change the kids nappy.
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