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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Name: Kaguya Homurabi 香虞夜 焔火 Age: 21 (Female) Occupation/Residence: Shrine Maiden at Homurabi Jinjya (Homurabi Shrine) Lying on the outskirts of Miyama-Districts residential area (The Japanese houses) she spends most of her days looking after the place. The head shrine in Kyoto pays for her modest lifestyle in exchange for her services. But with the advancement of magecraft and technology, people have turned away from the traditional gods resulting in the Homurabi shrine gradually becoming pretty much forgotten to the inhabitants of Fuyuki City, with the only human visitors being a handful of elderly citizens. Personality: Kaguya has a deeply ingrained hatred for males. In her childhood it was so bad that she'd attack any boy she came across on sight. (and usually get beaten up, increasing her hatred) As she grew up she's become more accepting and manages to talk to boys and the elderly without glaring, and is able to somewhat suppress her sentiments towards the rest of "man"kind. She's usually seen emitting an hostile aura which makes it hard for people to approach her, if interrupted she'll most likely respond with a sharp tongue and angry glare. Reason You Fight: To erase the people she loathes from existence. (Yes I'm being vague, Keeping this vague since giving away a characters biggest desire is boring~) Background: Kaguya was born into the world with no family. Her father had fled during her mothers pregnancy, and her mother had died from grief shortly after giving birth to Kaguya. Having no other relatives, she was sent to a local orphanage, but her constant hostile attitude towards the other orphans eventually resulted in her being transferred to Honganji shrine in hopes that the discipline of the monks there would rub off on her. She spent the first twelve years of her life there, learning to cook, clean and care for the temple, but was sent away as several monks started voicing their objection to having a "woman" in the temple. This didn't sit quite well with Kaguya as she felt abandoned once again, which reflected in her attitude towards other shrines and temples she was sent to, resulting in her welcome being short lived while she was passed around from shrine to shrine until she ended up at the Homurabi shrine located on Miyama-districts outskirts where she would meet an elderly magus called Sayuri Homurabi; Her adoptive mother, teacher in magecraft and closest friend.
  2. *shrugs* It irks me, but considering rn7's Saber Viking, I'm open to anything now XD (No offense, just saying, having a burly viking fill the Saber role is... well O_o) Personally, I don't mind either, I just think it'd make better sense if you changed Izanagi's name to a chinese deity (or at least Chinese sounding name) or you moved the Empress of China to Japan. EDIT: I'm not familiar with Persona, but the previous games *Shin Megami Tensei* explained where the demon originated from in the profile, doesn't Persona continue that? I mean, I loved my Demon Compendium :/
  3. I figured as much, though I was hoping you weren't that stupid :P I'm not sure if there are exceptions, but as far as I know, The Persona series uses the concept of existing gods, monster, demons etc to form their demon list. Izanagi no Okami could be considered the most important deity of the Yao Yorozu as he and Izanami created the islands of Japan, and are the root of all Japanese gods. (Shinto)
  4. That actually works really well with the character concept I've been playing with, but that's not important. My main issue with Izanagi is his name XD I never thought I'd come across someone who'd try and twist one of the core gods of the Yaoyorozu into a Chinese General XD Ah well, better get to work on my own character now. Will have something up in the next 24 hours. (Only Servant class left now is Assassin)
  5. Depends on what you consider love. Love as in casual love (I love that show!), Love towards parents, love towards peers (friends) or love in a male-female gonna get married one day type thing? (Yes I'm over-exaggerating with the marriage).Since all but the last one point to a fear of expressing oneself, (usually gratitude) and often comes with the "I'm a loner! I'm cool" or "I can live fine by myself" mentality XD. Though judging from your post, I assume the last one. And..... well maul it, cut it into peices and throw it in the washing machine. Love is evil and will take away what little sense you have! *Points to her parents for a good example* What am I scared of?.... Well the first thing that came to mind was my sisters room. taking a shower once a week makes me wander what she does in there. (She spent the entire day in her room during the past two months) And the last time anyone (mom, dad, myself) cleaned that room was 9 months ago.... and we know she's not sensible to clean that room herself >_<
  6. *Kills Sage* What? You asked for it :/ That and you're a LoAFer, considering my stance in relation to this RP, I'm allowed to kill you right?
  7. Psst he wants you to make it a NP. Frankly, if the sword doesn't have any power (special power) it's not much different from a pet cat a character has. If the cat can do things, (talk, scout, dance) then it becomes a Familiar, and in the case of Fate, it'd become a phantasm. But if Gram's just a sword. (Aka, If Ragnar would hrug his shoulders and grab another sword) then I don't see a problem with keeping it the way it is. It's the difference between, "others" naming it, and "an individual wielder" naming it. Put simply it's "The Gram" or just "Gram." And from what I've read so far, it just sounds like "Gram." No one knows about it, no one cares about it(Besides Ragnar), the only thing special about it is the sentimental value the owner has towards it. *Hopes for some male Masters* Two females atm, and mine will most likely be female too XD
  8. Either my image of the Saber class just crumbled, or I lost any respect I had for the Vikings XD
  9. That's what I'd usually assume but I've been on for a fair while now, and I've seen more then half the cast log on. So I was just curious.
  10. You guys are awfully quiet today :/ Probably yammering away on your IRC, but still :/ LoAF on Christmas break? XD
  11. So wait, the only ones still available (servants) are Saber (Wow, I thought this would of been the first to go) Assassin (Thought this'd be popular too :/) Archer (Not sure, unregistered= 1 more, or no more?) That certainly cut down the possibilities XD And there's still only two masters right? (Kimiko/Makoto)
  12. Why? *grabs popcorn* Two senseless overgrown apes smashing eachother on the head? Eh Wrestling does it, why can't you? We do not fear your caps. *Curls up into a ball* Please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me-please-don't-hurt-me.....
  13. So that's 4 Servants and two Masters now :/ And there goes the double that I was hoping could be avoided XD But ah well. Now that Donald Err I mean rn7's joined, I see Cats, Fush and Purg on the horizon :/ Can't have one of the 4 sacerd LoTE Beasts without the others right? XD Now I just need to brace myself for text walls, when I join XD Ragnar had me interested until the skulls, I'm evil, spiteful and rude, but I don't have any desire to drink out of skulls thanks XD
  14. I don't see the point of being too rigid with personalities, I mean if it's really that big an issue and you want to make your Heracles a nerdy bookworm, just make an original hero called Horacles who is a bookworm XD But I do agree a physically weak Heracles would be wrong. As long as the core meaning remains the same, I don't see any reason to stick any closer to the historic bio. And Seph! :o You silly illiterate boy, I asked the same question a few posts up. Apparently we get to pick, and those that don't pick will be randomly assigned by Echo @Echo Yeah XD What Seph said, don't take my comments seriously, well not all the time at least anyway. Forgot you weren't used to me yet. Azusa, Snowy and Seph all know me from previous RP's and I won't kill my Master without a somewhat legitimate reason..... :P That said, probably going with a Master anyway since Azusa seems to want me to be a Servant too. (Silly Ether, I don't want to fight your overpowered crazy beserker phallus character)
  15. Hi. Do you like to speak in short sentences. It makes you sound robotic. I think you're doing it on purpose. Anyway welcome back. Two years already huh. Probably been less then that for me. I'm that annoying person. I quarralled with you several times on FEShrine. Think I used the name Tsuki-Hime back then. If you've forgotten me, I'm hurt. Not really....... I can't type like this anymore >_< Never heard happened to you, though I do recall either you or someone else making a fuss over it. Frankly I didn't care then, and I don't care now considering how we're in completely different parts of the forum...... Actually no, I think it was you that said something about moving to an anime-based forum since FE was no longer entertaining for you. Not that that's a problem, I myself think FE is a crappy game and I've been here the whole time XD It's interesting how a lot of people from back then are becoming active again. The only person that I can think of from back then that isn't back now is Kate (The lesbian hacker). :/ Ah well, no idea why you came back but now that I've posted, I suppose I'm obliged to give my unwilling welcoming.
  16. So there's nothing stopping me from killing my Master and treating Fuyuki city as an all-you-can-eat buffet? Either way, sounds close enough to food for me :/ "Boned".... such an interesting word to use there :/ Ah well, will ask two or three people to see if they're interested. :/ Even if it's going to be a no, considering they haven't joined already If I end up not joining, at least I managed to kill a few hours here already XD
  17. Hey, a good portion of the people who loathed me a year ago don't care for me anymore. Pushing their buttons doesn't work anymore :( so I hate to mash their buttons as if I were playing dynasty warriors (or something) in the hope that one of the buttons will make them angry.... either I'm getting too old for this, or you people are getting smarter. Probability leans heavily towards my age Don't know about the "slim-to-none" comment. Usually in FSN it's pair going up against several other pairs. But from what I've read so far, it doesn't seem like it'll just be pair1 trying to defeat pair2. Otherwise it'd turn into an RP which locks itself into only communicating with ones partner, with a few insults hurled about during battle. Could make a servant..... but nyeh.... not sure. I mean, I'm so very very tired of "Damian jumped forward and thrusted himself at *Random person A*" "RpA squealed in pain" "Damian continued his attack relentlessly until RpA was all sweaty and gasping for air before finishing (RpA) off" Seems more fun, just standing off to the side and trying to seem important XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: How important is a connection/partnership? I mean if a Master dies, will that make the servant vanish too? I think I read somewhere that the Master sends Prana to the servant, but doess the Servant have Od which it can draw on? (Or the ability to draw in mana) Or is the prana from a Master as important as food for us?
  18. How's that different from any other day of the year though? Though it's amusing you chose "dreadful" considering that's my continuation of an abysmal Christmas :/ *Doesn't appreciate her mind being read*

  19. @Roymbrog So am I, but I get called a male all the time. If I have to deal with it on the internet, means you have to too :P I'll keep it in mind for future reference @Azusa (Snowy's a servant too). But I haven't decided on which side I'm going to be on, so I don't see how that rules out anything. I did mention NP's, but my question was also geared at Magi limitation (before they become magicians) And I'm glad you haven't forgotten how I work ;)
  20. Hmm, well that example did clear up a few things for me, thanks. As I said in my earlier post though, I'm not too fond of anyone XD *picky* So being paired with Snowy, Azusa, roym or even you is not to my liking XD But if there's no alternative options, anyone's fine. It's really just a personal issue, and not something I'm actually expecting you to solve for me :P
  21. Abysmal Christmas!

  22. Christmas is for the weak!.... Or something like that, I'm one of the grouchy people that don't celebrate it because I don't like the Christ-roots of the holiday, I'll take the day off work, but nothing more xD Happy 25th of December to you too :/

  23. @Pairings I thought you might have, but I read the post (properly) several days ago, and couldn't find the quote when I skimmed the post yesterday. (Ah well, there goes any right for me to tell people to read posts properly XD) I agree completely that an individual doesn't have to like another to interact. Being the horrible, destructive hostile RP'er I am. I usually spend more time picking fights with others, opposed to sticking to my "friends" group. It's just that being a M/S with someone gives the impression that they'll be your main source of interactions. Since it'd be awkward to have a Servant who goes "Screw my Master, I'm going to go and spend every day of the week on the other side of town with a decent Magus" XD Furthermore, people I don't like, I usually don't like (in RP's) because our RP styles aren't compatible. I really don't want to log on each day dreading the boring generic crap, my next conversation will most likely be. That's not to say I'm a good Rp'er. But Snowy for example, Esphyr was an annoying emo, Mana was a constant headache, and Helenos was plain dumb. I assume to Snowy they were decent characters. But to me.... well you now know how I feel. (Don't worry Snowy already knows my hostile attitude towards him XD). Either way, I prefer to be able to somewhat get along with my partner, opposed to wanting to stab them in their sleep :P Hmm, whether to join now and wait for someone interesting, or to hold off and join once I see someone interesting.... that is the stupid question. @Free-Time Hmmm, the concept of free-time inbetween events worries me a bit, mainly because it's "do whatever you want, be creative" time. And if people decide to spread out, some end up having nothing to do due to their own uncreativeness. And those without a proper grasp on the world, probably will just scratch their head at eating Taiyakifor 80yen. And then hobble home and sleep XD @Keeping things open I suppose, seems a bit off, but it also makes things seem more open and friendly. (As does the detachment from the Nasu-verse, really don't want to see another "Village A doesn't exist" scenario XD (CoH). Interesting how you've decided to make the setting pre-summoning though. I thought it'd be left open like everything else, so that some characters could have developed bonds, but I'm happy with a "Meet your damn partner, he/she's this scrawny/brawny kid here" type thing XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another question because I'm bored. With NP(hantasms)'s, I'm not sure what constitutes as magic (magician) and what's thaumaturgy, but I guess I'll ask directly when I have a character mapped out better in my head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Always have no idea how to respond when people comment on my avatar :/ Errr... thanks I guess?XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go die in a hole Snowy, otherwise "Cuddles" would like to give you a tight hug around the neck..... but first I need to go buy some disinfectant. :P
  24. I think the thing here is that people (most Rp'ers here) are skeptical about joining RP's, the only one that's actively still going is LoAF and Shu's Quest, of which the later plods along at a slow pace. (the former.... well I'll just say I have issues with the people there, as they most likely do with me). Anyway, thanks for the response, even if the answer was a bit vague (a bit of both XD) Though it is relieving to know that there is a general plotline in your head. (Most Rp's die due to the creator expecting the players to provide plot, which doesn't work *speaks from first-hand experience*) XD I'm contemplating joining, but can't say for sure until I do a bit more research on the FSN universe, the information you've provided is nice and all, but I'd like a fuller picture. (And I'll do the looking up myself). Though to be completelyt honest, I don't really have a high opinion of either Snowy or Ether (Flame targets XD) and roym..... nyeh, don't know him. So to come clean, I'm not exactly jumping up and down in excitement about joining either. EDIT Also have a question, with Master/Servants how is allocation going to work? I mean, from the looks of things you're starting the RP with servants already existing (post-contract), and the last thing I want is to be stuck as Ethers Master, or someone elses servant. I suppose that'd promote teamwork(?) in the sense that we're all a "group" but it certainly won't make the RP pleasant for some. Looking at the RP's so far, I'm not too sure the "2 servants per class" idea is a good one. I mean that's 7 (not including the Lancer position Azusa wants) and 6 more masters (including yourself). That's 13 more people, and I'm not sure if even the long running LoAF RP can boast that many RP'ers. And even if you think about it optimistically, you're not going to get 13 more Rp'ers. Not ones which will stick around and contribute to the RP at least anyway. Anyway, going back to my actual question, are you planning to assign, or ask people to choose?
  25. Quick generic question: With the plot, how much have you planned? I'm looking at the OP and thinking it's nicely planned out initially, but are you going to be guiding the players down a certain plotline, or is this another "I had an idea, now you people do whatever you want with it" type of thing? I also don't see your (Pewter) character, is that because you'll be taking and administrative role, or simply because you haven't put up your own character? (or are you the avenger?)
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