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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Nyeh, I suppose it can't hurt... well can't guarantee your eyes won't bleed, but it doesn't hurt me either way. Was for a different set, so obviously different body... speaking of which, where was the Ephidel in that splice? :/ (No I don't need help or critique, I've stopped spriting for awhile now and have gotten (slightly) better then the crap above. Actually I'm surprised that thing's still on my computer XD considering I've deleted nearly everything else)
  2. Nyeh, if that's your "bad" part, I'm expecting some decent leveled RP'ing from you mister XD Though the fact that you mentioned your "interactions" being your strong point is already a plus in my books. Seen way~ too many people who focus on subplots for their character at the expense of interacting with others. Characterization through background vs current emotional-social actions I guess :/ Negative interaction has me really interested though, and I look forward to seeing it. And hope desperately negative interaction isn't "Leave me alone, I don't like talking to anyone, I'm going to go mope around etc (Since it's not really "interaction) XD @Phoenix What was Shadraks reasoning? You're all stupid so I'll organize your silly group and implement strategy? Or was it Woo~ FE fragment-like thingie! I want to research it despite not having the right equipment or chances to study it. Okay it's not that bad a joining, but it's not the only alternative, there's plenty more and the "others" were sort of what I was referring to. But yeah, considering the mercenary bit, and wanting cash I think it'll be another typical "hire me!" too :/ Also, what's the time there? O_o
  3. Nyaww self pity doesn't get you anywhere, don't criticize yourself :/ Let me do it for you! Honestly though? Introduction post isn't bad, it's not medal worthy but still a 6 or 7 out of 10 :/ I'm more interested in seeing how you make contact and then integrate with the group since that's were everyone does abysmally. We all end up going "Hey, Employ me!" :/ And Raquel or Veronika or some other guy ends up saying "Sigh, I suppose I have to" and then... shit happens and gets ignored so that people can stay with the group. Not saying you all suck, I lack the solution myself, but if you're able to think of something other then "Employ me!" It'd be great :P
  4. iavasechui since his splice is the spitting image of one of my early splices XD (Just recolored) And also cause I don't like that ugly Ephidel hair XD
  5. A few have left RPG, EchoingPewter, NTNP. But there's still 10 people around for this. (Some are just not as active as others, but that said, you're not on the more active side yourself XD) As for me, Seina got scrapped (or NPC'ified) and separated off from the group in Sergio(?) Port town. Eriya, will probably join later in Chapter 2, or sometime in chapter 3.
  6. I demand gratitude, expressed in monetary or at least material goods! Stop pretending like you actually listen to things I say Phoenix
  7. Name: Eriya Haneyama Age: 19 (Female) Class: Knight (Wind) Weapon proficiency: Sword Inventory: Iron Sword Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 2 LCK: 1 DEF: 7 RES: 1 Simplified Stats: HP:18 Atk:4 Hit:5 AS:2 Avo:3 Def:7 Res:1 Points: 92-60-70=3 (For Level UP *3*) Occupation: 7th Year Warrior Hometown: Haon Village (NorthEast of Kayoyama) Backstory: Son of Muraji Haneyama, and primary guardian for the Hiryuumaden Shrine located in Haon Village. Despite being female, her mother had insisted on raising Eriya as a warrior when she was born and as a result is one of the few women in Kigen who have the right to bear arms. Though she if officially considered part of the Kigen military. Many in the military refuse to acknowledge her as their equal, and a unsubservient woman is considered not only undesirable, but a disgrace. Her role is that of Shrine guard/maiden. A position which can actually be filled by a woman as they are considered property/servants of the dragons that are worshipped at the shrine. Unfortunately this position is only open to families with a high status. And since it makes the girl undesirable, is avoided by nearly all families. On Eriya's 18th birthday however she witnessed her mothers death by the hands of her father, an event that resulted in her father taking one of Kigens national treasure (The Kushinada Comb) which had been housed in the Hiryuumaden shrine for several generations. Not only did this event cause outrage amongst the Kigenese noble (warrior) houses, but was later used to fuel the Gaishoukinjihou (Foreign merchants forbidden policy). Her mother dead, and her family name in tatters, Eriya was given the choice of locating her father and retrieving the Kushinada or bestowing an honorable death upon herself. Making the obvious decision, she headed to Ursium to find the whereabouts of her father.
  8. The OP is the "Opening Post" of the RP and refers to the first post in the signup thread. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=24217&st=0
  9. Nyargh >_< Damn you :/ I've been without residential internet for the last 5 weeks and was betting I wouldn't have any messages >_< If only I'd logged on 1 hour early >_<

  10. Ah, After 10000 years (5 long weeks) I'm finally free! It's time to conquer Earth! ... I mean, my internet's finally back, too bad my classes start next Monday (28th) >_< Anyway, just wondering if someone could give me a quick run through of what happened, highlighting anything which should be given attention. As rude as it is to skim, really not willing to read everything in the last 16 pages to catch up. (I've been internetless for 5 weeks, so many things I need to catch up on XD) *Doesn't even know where Seina went*
  11. Landslide anyone? 4th you say? Hmmm, looks like the SF spriting comp is in a recession :/
  12. >_< So much to damn read, and my connection won't be back for another 10~20 days. (Stupid country and it's slow service) At a students house at the moment XD I seriously wonder though, how does the internet company expect me to finalize my application through email verification when I don't have a bloody connection :/ Not very smart these people :/ Reminds me of you LoAFers, only I suppose LoAFers weren't Indians with a poor grasp on basic english Ah well, I guess I just pester Phoenix or something to give me a quick summary once I get back :/
  13. Seina looked curiously at the pink haired woman who'd spoken to her. Recognizing the woman from the day before she gasped, wondering if the woman had more bad luck with her this time. She wasn't quite sure what it was, but she didn't like the woman, she emitted some sort of funny aura that made Seina uneasy. "Treasure hunting" Seina said quietly, tossing the expensive looking item she'd found carelessly back into the crate she'd just pulled it out of. "But it's all junk and stuff, nothing fun or good in any of these boxes" she said indicating several objects lying around. Jumping off the wagon swiftly, she scampered away from Raquel and tried to hide herself behind Gytha.
  14. Going to be away for about a week due to my household internet being terminated :/ Might be able to log on a few times within that period while I'm at college, but can't guarantee anything, would be appreciated if people ignored Seina and just assumed she followed the group around.
  15. She shook her head as she watched Gytha wolf down her meal, a woman who completely lacked elegance of manners it seemed. Ah well, she at least she wouldn't get in trouble for eating with her hands around Gytha. Though personally Seina was hoping she wouldn't have to stick around for long enough to find out. Either way Gytha had finished her meal and they were off to meet this merchants daughter that had been mentioned She couldn't help but frown as she was hauled up onto the womans back. She wasn't some little kid that needed to be carried around everywhere.... though having moved around more then she was used to the day before, followed by her wooden bed she honestly didn't feel like walking. She cast the ocean one look, somewhere over that way was her comfy home. But going home would have to wait for now, Seina noticed Gytha looking over as well but decided not to inquire for the moment. As they arrived, the first thing that caught her attention was the wagon, and after being set down, she couldn't help but groan. These people again she thought to herself, she hadn't seen Gytha yesterday, but she should have been able to figure it out when Gytha had mentioned the man being abducted. The second thing she noticed was a large black lizard, she thought she'd seen yesterday, but maybe it was her imagination, some parts of yesterday were awfully blurry. She entertained the thought of Gytha wrestling with it for a few seconds but stopped when her imagination started getting bloody. Intimidated by the scaly beast Seina wandered around to the back of the wagon, she hadn't gotten a chance to see what was inside yesterday and she was curious as to why so many people had been so desperate to protect it. Making sure that Gytha was focused on her sword, she started her investigation.
  16. Seina frowned as the woman got up, she didn't think she'd spoken out about how she truly felt, but Gytha was apparently more perceptive then she looked... or maybe it was animal instinct? Like a bears instinct maybe? Shaking her head, she had to mentally tell herself to be more careful. If Gytha had some sort of animal instinct which could read her mind, she'd have to be careful. Having been told to drop the *lady* Seina figured it would be safe to drop the formalities, judging from Gytha's attitude and appearance it seemed like formalities and the like weren't going to ever cross-paths with Gytha again. Seina stared blankly at the sack of gold she offered as it lay on the floor infront of her. Was she finally free? the thought had only crossed her mind when Gytha spoke up from behind her, now standing at the door she started talking, her hopes of escape quickly died. Seina figured the woman wasn't taking her money because it wasn't enough, and her invitation was another way of her telling her to pay her off her debt by working for Gytha. Closing her eyes in thought, she contemplated her options, if she handed over her bracelet it'd probably be enough, but then she'd have no way of getting home. If she ignored Gytha and tried to go home, her father would probably banish her for being so rude and dishonorable, and there was a chance the ship she boarded wouldn't take her to the right destination. She really didn't look forward to being kidnapped again anytime soon. There was also the footsteps she'd heard yesterday, and waiting around for an invisible enemy didn't sound too appealing either. Deciding she really didn't have much of a choice, she nodded her head and scampered over to Gytha, "I'll come" she said without joy or resentment. She thought she saw the kitty, Maw? snicker at her out of the corner of her eye. She glared at the cat as it turned away and after it's owner. That kitty was really getting on her nerves.
  17. The way Gytha pronounced her last name was slightly off, probably her accent, but nothing worth complaining about. She wasn't in any position to be correcting people she owed anyway. "I come south, from Kigen" she said quietly wary of how Gytha would react. She'd been told that people from the outer-lands didn't always take kindly to people from Kigen, probably just jealous of Kigens elegance and power. After all, there was no elegance in savage brutes who fought against eachother for a petty coin or mere entertainment. She felt like interjecting when Gytha refered to her as a kid as well, Seina wasn't a fully grown woman yet, but she considered herself morelady-like then this.... no, she shouldn't be thinking like that. She tried to put on a smile to hide her thoughts but failed miserably, and just waited. Expecting the woman to start talking business... or rather, start demanding some coin. Apparently that wasn't to happen though, not yet at least anyway, as Gytha edged the tray of food closer to her and started explaining. Seina could only stare blankly at each vegetable as Gytha pointed them out. She knew what most of the stuff was, but wasn't impressed by how it was just a cluster of raw vegetables though, a few of them looked boiled, but it was far from anything she'd accept as a proper dish. Though she did understand that the commonfolk lacked the knowledge, time and money to make anything edible. Feeling obliged to eat, she reached out hesitantly and ripped a bit of the bread and pushed it into her mouth. Yrgh stale she thought, if she were back home in Kigen, this meal would be going straight to the horses. Trying to smile again, as she took a few more bites and then washed it down with water. Not even finishing half the food before she bowed her head "Thank you for you hospitality lad...-lady Gytha" she said awkwardly, not used to speaking formal common, or maybe she it felt wrong calling such a brute-ish woman a lady? Either way she was getting tired of talking in formal, and felt like stopping, but she'd been brought up to respect those she was indebted to. Her foster father wouldn't be happy at all if he found out. She reached into her sleeve and produced the small sack of gold she'd been carrying since leaving for the capitol. "I don't have very much to offer" she said modestly placing the sack on the flooring between them. "But I would be grateful if you could accept this as a token of my appreciation." In all honesty, she needed that money to get home, but she didn't really have anything else to offer, she still had her jewel encrusted bracelet, but she'd just have to sell that somewhere along the line.
  18. Seina just stared blankly at the cheerful woman, was this some sort of trick to make her put her guard down? She glared ferociously at the woman but she either didn't notice or brushed it off and started introducing herself. "Gytha...." she repeated suspiciously, not even sure if she'd pronounced it the same way she'd just heard, but her attention was quickly pulled over by the kitty. Was it her imagination or did that kitty just smirk at her? She wasn't sure but she remembered the cat from the night before, and now that the sun was up and she wasn't in immediate danger(?) her mind finally registered that the eye in the darkness had most likely belonged to the cat named Maw. She was wondering how she'd managed to see the cats eyes in such a dark room, but that would be something she'd work out later, when she was nice and safe, away from this dangerous port. Her train of thought was interrupted by the woman giving out a hearty laugh, which surprisingly put Seina more at ease, at least it was a laugh, not a cackle. And she couldn't sense any hostility from the woman at the moment. There was still the chance of the woman trying to trick her, but as far as she knew the monster-women of the mountains weren't very smart, and the way Gytha spoke enforced the idea inside Seina head. As the woman explained to her about how they'd met, she sort of recalled the event, though she'd been positive the figure she'd latched onto was a male.... though looking Gytha over now, she couldn't outright say it wasn't Gytha either. While she wasn't convinced she rearranged her sprawled legs into the formal sitting position of Kigen and bowed her head, if the woman had saved her from the invisible footsteps, she owed the woman for saving her. She didn't think Gytha was bright enough to lie, and the had Gytha been the one running after her, the earth around her probably would have trembled too. "Hoshino Seina, pleased to make your acquaintance" she said, her tone switching to that of a much more formal occasion. She'd only ever introduced herself when visitors arrived at the Nanjo estate but she knew she was doing it right, her foster father wouldn't have permitted her to make mistakes in something as important as introductions. Though she frowned, not certain how to continue as the woman most likely didn't understand Kigenese, and Seina didn't know how to speak formally in common. "Umm, this occasion, err thank you... saving me, grateful...something...." she trailed off, not sure if her message would get through.
  19. "Nyrgh, still sleepy" Seina mumbled as she waved her hand pointlessly in the air. She was still sleepy and her body hurt all over, it was probably just her imagination but her bed seemed a lot harder then it usually was as well. She could smell food nearby, but it didn't smell very nice, had the chef screwed up again? She thought opening her eyes slowly, trying to supress her irritation. "Seina said she's still sleepy~" she whined picking herself off the ground and looking around the room slowly. Had the waitress gotten fatter? She rubbed her eyes with again, hoping that it was her imagination kicking in, and that the room around her wasn't completely foreign to her. She waited a few seconds as she stared at Gytha's eyes with her own. Unable to register what was going on immediately, but the events of the former day slowly returning to her.... "The bashy monster woman!" she said rudely pointing a finger at Gytha as her memory returned. Immediately regretting opening her mouth, "I mean, please don't eat me, Seina doesn't taste very nice, she taste like... umm chicken!" she blurted out hoping that the giant monster woman wouldn't be interested in her if she tasted like poultry. She'd hoped the woman would lose interest and wander off but to her dismay she remained where she was, her eyes thinking something over, or was that confusion. Maybe she had a chance at escaping. "If you eat Seina your stomach go growl~" she said mimicking a tiger... or rather what she thought was a tiger. "-and it's gonna hurt really really bad"
  20. Seina stirred at the sound of something exploding..... or was it just something smashing against the wall? She couldn't really tell yet, her senses not adjusting to her surroundings. Though she immediately wishes her senses hadn't when the stench of beer and brandy filled her nose. If that didn't make things bad enough, the smell reeked of hairy old men who she assumed hadn't bathed in awhile. Combined with the salty smell of the sea which was no doubt nearby it was an effort in itself not to throw up. The sound of something hitting the ground caught her attention and she risked a peek only to find a burly man standing over her, judging from the hollering that filled the room, she'd been abducted by evil sea people! She could hear their odd rambles of excitement as gold switched hands and mugs and flasks fell to the ground forgotten over the bigger source of entertainment. Argh, I feel sorry for whoever has to clean this mess she thought trying to block out reality for as long as possible, eventually failing, when a large cheer echoed throughout the room and her curiosity got the better of her. And couldn't help but let out a short gasp of horror as three battered men caught her eye. One of them seemed to be smiling at her, though maybe it was just the loosened expression and lack of teeth.... Trying her best to ignore the shiver that went up her spine, she looked up at the man standing over her relieved when she confirmed her gasp had gone unnoticed. Though considering the racket that people were making it really didn't surprise her that she'd gone unnoticed. Deciding she could risk another peek she looked over at the direction the cheers were coming from, careful to avoid the battered beaten men laying on the ground. Her eyes fell on a small burly man with a big chest who was apparently responsible for the knocked out men..... or was that a woman? A careful glance told her the latter and she couldn't help but wonder what a girl would have gone through to become that..... manly? Either way the woman was a disgrace to all girls in the world. She half expected guards to come bustling in, but figured the guards of this nation weren't really that attentive or devoted to their work anyway if what she saw this afternoon was anything to go by. Either way it didn't matter, it wasn't like any guards would be saving her in this barbaric country. And it wasn't like she was going to hang out with any of these sea people. She'd just pick herself up and... "Eeep" she whispered in a hushed tone as a blue eye stared back at hers. She panicked for a second nearly letting out a surprised shout but calming herself down when she realized it was only a kitty. A rather feral looking kitty at that. Making sure that the innkeeper hadn't noticed her awake she smiled at the cat hoping it'd get the hint and go away, but the cat simply resumed staring at her with a bored expression.... or was it? She couldn't really tell what the cat was thinking. Figuring the cat wouldn't move she glared at him, hoping it'd do something, and to her surprise the cat hoped off down onto floor. Haha take that kitty she thought projecting her words towards the cat with a sense of accomplishment when an overly loud woman's voice called out to the innkeeper, which just happened to be the man standing over her. Deciding it would be best to play dead she closed her eyes focusing her mind so that her body would go limp. Why'd the stupid man-woman have to come over here? she thought, mentally scowling at the woman who'd stolen her chance of escaping. Ah well, Seina's a smart girl, she'll just wait until the big man-woman goes away and then she'll be fr- Her self assurance was brought to a swift end as she was rudely and roughly hefted onto the woman's shoulder. How big is this woman? she thought to herself as she peeked open her eyes again only to find herself being taken down a corridor. The woman was so big she could be a..... her train of thought flickered as an unpleasant story revived itself in her mind. She'd heard about people like this woman before! It was when she was five or six, that was it. Big burly women who couldn't find a husbands had been chased out of town and into the mountains, where they.... She tensed for a moment horrified at what followed but managed to keep still so that the events which had just occurred in her mind wouldn't become a reality. Several more steps and they'd reached their destination, a room.... not a nice pretty one like she was used to, but she assumed this was the common lodgings of a commoner. Having being set down on something hard a table most likely, since it was way too hard and uncomfortable to be a bed or sofa. She knew it, the stories were true! She'd need to get out of here as soon as possible. But possibility wouldn't arrive until that monster woman fell asleep. Fortunately for her, it didn't take very long for the woman's snores to fill the room, they weren't unbearable, but they certainly weren't lady-like. After waiting a few moments to make sure that this wasn't some trap to see if she was awake, Seina lay still for a few more moments, her body slowly raising itself to an upright position as she took a look around the darkened room. There wasn't much light but there was enough moonlight and starlight pouring in from the window for her to make out a few objects. There was the monster-woman sleeping, there was the door, and right beside her was.... *gasp.* "Food!" she backed herself away from the tray of food in horror, she wouldn't eat it, she wouldn't! >_< She wasn't going to fall for the monster woman's trick, she'd wouldn't eat the woman's evil food, and she wouldn't be here in the morning either. She'd be far away, hopefully back in Kigen in her comfy bed. Calming herself down, she decided enough time had elapsed for her to be certain that the woman was out cold, and she risked lowering her foot onto the wooden flooring, releasing a sigh of relief when it didn't creak under her weight. Carefully making her way to the door she reached out and turned the knob. Only to find that it refused to budge. Locked? She cursed as she glanced over at the sleeping woman, who no doubt held they key. It was hopeless, she wasn't going to be able to pull the key out of the woman's pockets, she didn't even know if they were in the woman's pockets, and she wasn't going to jump into the lions mouth. It was bad enough that she'd been trapped in it's den. but it was either that or she stayed here until tomorrow morning, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to escape after the woman was awake. Shaking her head furiously, she took one brave step over to the woman's bed, it was do or die! "You can do it!" she whispered to herself as she took another bold step, afraid that the woman would jump up and grab her at any moment she chanced another step when azure eye opened up in the darkness staring observantly at her. Letting out a silent scream she collapsed onto the floor unconscious. Her mind shutting down immediately, unable to handle anymore horror for one day.
  21. Hello, not sure who you are, but I'm assuming the same Damon from FEEF, if so, I doubt we'll be seeing much of eachother, I only lurk about in Creative and serious Business anyway.

  22. Seina had fled the street of bloody mercenaries and stupid guards in a panic. It wasn't that the blood had scared her, but her senses picked up that sticking around with the group would be dangerous. The barbaric slaughter the mercenaries had committed in the middle of the street wasn't helping her opinion of them either. She didn't know how long she'd been running, but she'd finally started calming down, glancing at the empty alleyway behind her she sighed with relief before ducking behind a few flimsy boxes full of rubbish. No wonder her people decided to stay away from these people. She'd heard of humans fighting humans, with the most common cases being bandits and such back in Kigen, but it never happened in broad daylight in the middle of a street. Not that she knew of anyway. "Crazy people" she muttered at the world around her as she felt fatigue kicking in. She hadn't rested too well on her way here, and things hadn't exactly been fun and rainbows since then. Yawning loudly, she leaned her head on one of the boxes and closed her eyes. It wasn't exactly what she was used to, but at this point, she really couldn't care where she was sleeping as long as she could get a few hours of sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seina woke up to the sound of a door slamming shut nearby, she wasn't sure how long she'd slept but she was feeling slightly better. Or at she didn't feel like continuing her nap. Standing up and dusting herself off, she looked around noticing that it was starting to get dark. It took her awhile to register her surroundings before she cursed softly and started walking in no particular direction. She'd completely forgotten that she'd been looking for a place to stay before that bloody scene, and sleeping in an alley had cut down her search time significantly. It didn't take long for her to arrive be the seaside again, or was this a river? She wasn't entirely sure. She'd gone into a few inns but had been told that she was too late by a long shot. After all, convenient places like this would likely have been filled up by sea people a long time ago. Those funny sea people and their funny way of speaking. She looked out at the large body of water infront of her and took a few steps back, the sea was so pretty and blue when the sun was up, but it looked so dark and brooding at night time. Almost as if it'd jump out and swallow her up. Shaking her head to clear her mind, she started walking down the street again in hopes of finding somewhere to stay at her next stop. One step after another, she tried to to ignore the waves that harmlessly smacked into the port around her. The world around her had gone quiet, and the occasional passer-by was becoming more and more infrequent. Feeling uneasy she was about to open her mouth in an attempt to calm herself when she heard footsteps from behind her. Relieved she turned around to greet the person, the silence was killing her after all. But to her dismay found that the street behind her was empty. Sighing loudly she turned back and took a few more steps when she noticed that the footsteps had once again resumed behind her. But once again there was no sign of any anyone behind her when she swiftly spun around and glared at her invisible stalker. Deciding she'd just ignore the footsteps, it was probably just the wind moving rubbish around. Focusing her attention behind her, she resumed walking slowly, relieved that the footsteps had ceased. A few seconds of silence passed before the footsteps resumed, only this time it was more like 'runsteps" then the sound of someone following her. Too afraid to turn around, she let out a soft shriek before running away as fast as she could. Cursing the country she'd wandered into briefly before focusing her entire being into escape. She'd only run for a few minutes when a dark figure up ahead caught her eye. She tried to call out for help but found she didn't have enough breathe left in her to attempt a shout. She waved her hand to try and get the figures attention but apparently he or she was too busy staring out at the dark sea to notice. Finally within reaching distance, Seina, grabbed onto the man's (or was it a woman? She didn't have time to check) clothes and swung herself behind the figure, using the startled figure as a meatshield between her and her stalker. Gasping for air, she mananged to gasp out the words "help" before losing collapsing onto the ground, Unconscious.
  23. Seina turned her head just in time to see the man getting up, in her surprise took a few steps back, afraid that the man would kill her without any hesitation, but was surprised as the man started hollering his final messages, all she knew was that she didn't want to be anywhere near the man. Turning around she ran as far away from the man as she could, She couldn't hear the man anymore if he was still preaching, any gurgling noises the man might of made were blocked out by her thumping heart. Have to get away, have to get away She didn't know where she was going but she wasn't going to stick around to think about, the sooner she was away from these dead bodies and guards the better, and some shiny armored man wasn't going to stop her.
  24. As the shady figure she'd healed opened his eyes, Seina let out a sigh of relief. She'd done more healing today then any other day of her life, and frankly was starting to get tired of it all. Standing up and turning her back to the man, she waved at the solider and others and shouted as cheerfully as she could "Mr cloak guy's awake and healthy now!" trying to grab the man's attention. "You can ask him questions, and questions and more questions!" she said proudly hoping it would be enough to convince them that she wasn't a bad girl and she wouldn't get in trouble.
  25. Seina stared at the shiny armor men with caution as they started incompetently shouting orders. Judging from the language they were using they really didn't seem to care too much about what they were doing. Sounding more mechanical then investigative. As she was told to drop her weapon she stared blankly at one of the guards as he approached her not really knowing what to do before letting out a small "oh" and figuring her staff constittuted as a weapon. Unlike the others she wasn't blood soaked or even injured so she probably could have ran into a nearby alley and gotten away. But she supposed her attire would make her stand out. As she was about to let go of her staff, a grounded man nearby let out a bearly audible groan. A man who looked as if he'd been through a blizzard or something. Realising that the man still had a chance of surviving, she hastily pushed past the guard who seemed surprised at her change in behavior and rushed over to the grounded man, focusing all her powers into healing the shady man. She as the healing started to work it's magic she grabbed the shard of ice which was lodged into the man, slowly pulling it out as she applied healing magic to the wound. She didn't know who the man was, or what he would do after he recovered, but if those bossy shiny men were guards, she figured that the man wouldn't do anything stupid, he was surrounded by hostile people after all.
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