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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. It's my only mode on the main switchboard. There's a few different version of it on the sub switchboard, for example, yesterday I was in "sadistic glee" mode :P
  2. XD It got editted again? Snowy make up your mind XD And rn7 we do. His Spanish teacher knows him IRL, if he's this hard to work with online, imagine how much of an impact it'd have on people around him IRL? :P *Flaming troll mode today*
  3. Michalis - 40 Lang - 25 Andorey - 15 Trabant - 34 Kempf - 25 Narshen - 20 Glass - 18 Darin - 25 Petrine - 18 Clarine - 25 Lute - 37 L'Arachel - 64 Dozla - 25 Vaida - 20 Wallace - 25 Kieran - 73 Shinon - 23 Calill - 50 Largo - 15 Oliver - 15
  4. Well, I don't really expect anything to happen in Serious Discussion other then people throwing around their opinions, and since I did pinpoint you specifically, I'm happy with "your opinion" XD Well I'm somewhat relieved that I don't have to query why life is sacred (concept) since that really would make you and idealistic fool. The part where we disagree though is the ability of the fetus, I doubt the fetus has the ability to consider it's own life valuable. It probably will at a later stage, but at fetus level it remains merely a "potential" and considering how potentials come at the expense of some other potential, don't think one prioritizes over the other due to the ordering. (Older brother more important then younger brother)Solely being a living organism apparently doesn't constitute as the human version of "living" (brain dead) And I really question whether a fetus can think for itself. Defect is any issue really, from a birthmark (harmless) to missing a few limbs. As we've generally agreed it's up to the parents. If the parents can love their kid regardless of their child not having any legs then the kid should be allowed to live. (Wow aren't I arrogant XD) But if the parents are frowning and scowling just cause their kid has ADHD..... well I believe that the first 10,20 years are more important then the remaining 60~80. So I'd probably let the child die. I've seen cases where the parents don't care for their kid, and they don't turn out pretty :/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The overall question here really remains pro/anti-abortion. Otherwise I think we've generally agreed so far that disabilities/defects/ailments aren't all that important. (Unless it results in a short-painful-lifespan)
  5. *wonders why the hair remark was left alone* ...Nyeh I assume whatever I want, and if I'm wrong, in most cases it's a good thing since I've most likely assumed something negative. (Eg Assumed too many NPC's, assumed LoAF will live a long time). so being proven wrong isn't a complete loss. I'm not saying "don't sprite." It's just that looking at past examples/ideas, your "ready to start at virtually anytime" RP is probably flawed in the mechanics department XD Though you don't intend to change that so I suppose it's meaningless to argue otherwise. I suppose you'll be spriting all the PC's gradually as the RP progresses (like you did for LoAF) But that aside, how many "planned stable NPC's do you have at the moment?" And will you be splicing all the Legends? (Cosmos and ... Island Legend(forgot name) might be a wee bit hard with FE character halfbodies XD)
  6. Eh, I agree with "GTFO Government" but I'm going to have to disagree with Iksel regarding disabled children and life being sacred. Life is.... life. But when does a "thing" become a person? This is going into the abortion argument, but is a fetus a "person?" I'm pro-death (abortion/euthenasia/death penalty) so I'm probably being biased here. But I don't think it's neccessary to look at a fetus and think of it to be anymore living then a pot plant. It's alive, but it's value is.... well, not sacred. I mean the female body develops how many potential eggs in their life? Should we grieve over them not turning into human beings? Do you worship your own semen as sacred? XD I don't support killing off disabled people, but if the "fetus" is a "defect" then I don't see a problem with destroying it and starting anew. Unless you're some horny rabbit, keeping the disabled child, decreases the chances of the next egg being fertilised, which "could" of been the next Einstein. It's really pointless talking about "what if's" because they work both ways(negatively too), and apply to everything.
  7. Just wondering what the status of this is? I did ask before, but are we waiting for Snowy's partner to show up, some other condition, or are you simply being lazy? :P
  8. Hmm, probably one of your better works in the last few pages, the only thing that seems off to me is the bottom right hair. (OPV) It's probably from another characters (hair) but it seems to bright in comparison to the other hairs. Possible to dim it down a bit? Not sure how much progress you've made with your "Upcoming" Rp. Or if you've fixed your overcrowding issue, but I assume it'll be "upcoming" until LoAF finishes. You've most likely got an arsenal of NPC's planned, but can't spriting them wait until you've actually got an RP? XD I don't know about Raquel, but you surely don't intend to start the RP with NPC's being so frequent, to the point people can't work out which characters an NPC, and which one's a PC.
  9. Kanami


    What Astra said really. They're nice splices, but sprites(mugs) are more interesting when you mix and match more parts. One day, you might be able to do a Vamp and go flip/rotate/resize crazy, but for now changing eyes, nose and pieces of armor would be nice. I personally prefer to really mess around with the hair.
  10. Okay, since it's unlikely this'll get started immediately, I'd like to raise a few points of concern: -Obsolete places I'm aware that a lot of the information on the signup page is copied from another site. And that you've deleted a few parts like Rider(not Snowy's character) working at the Antique Store. Whoops, spoiler? nyeh but many places seem obsolete or poorly explained. (Obsolete: Antique Store, Poor Explanation: Two parks) These players were of some importance in the original Fate, but don't really hold value anymore. Whereas non-existent places like Scripts Clocktower being defined and placed somewhere (most likely near the train station in Shinto, or a more deserted area perhaps near the church or something). Would fit better? Places like Homuraba Academy, played a role in Fate, but unless two of the unknown Masters decide to be students, the school becomes a place where roym spends a good portion of her day with nothing to do, or rather no one to interact with other then RPG (her servant) I know you've provided them as a guideline of places where people can go, but the number of places listed just seems excessive for no apparent reason. And actually thinking about places people "might" go, would be better then copy/pasting from typemoon wikia and settling at that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, when you copy and pasted it turned out funny, below I've rearranged it to not have those ridiculously huge gaps. Not sure why you tried to make it seem bigger then it really is, condensed it's not that large a text wall at all. I'd also like to know what happened to Sakazuki Cave, and Ryudou Temple? (If there was more information on Ryudou I'd recycle it as the place Kaguya frequents, but since there's little useful information I've decided not to anyway.
  11. Yeah! We'll hurt you if you play with that kid! Have to listen to the big kids on this playground!
  12. By making Santa bring the presents, the child doesn't get angry when mommy and daddy can't afford to buy them a football stadium Christmas is a tainted religious practice! (Completely contradicting what I said earlier, but not really) The Santa myth is pretty much a tradition that most people follow, simply because others follow it. Taking the Oath vs Affirmation example I provided earlier, it's ingrained into our (western) society to the point where it's normal to buy presents and give the credit to some fat man in red clothes. Having never believed in Santa (I was 12 when I first found out what/who Santa was, parents never celebrated Christmas, and I thought the shopping Santa was the shops mascot character XD) I really can't say that not having a Santa/magic creature in ones childhood is negative. I mean there's realistic hope as well, "I want to be a fireman" is still better then, "Be good or the boogey man will eat you." I'm going to make the blatantly rude remark; Religion screws society up. Not sure how that's relevant, but it came to my mind while writing this. Religion is another good example of lying. Now before people start jumping at that comment, face it. Not all religions in the world can be true, If you're a Christian, think of the lying as Muslims, Buddhists etc, and vice versa. While children/teens/adults convert to a religion, it's predominantly the family structure that passes down religion. (With converting it's usually an attack on a moment of weakness, or nagging friends) Ones environment (nurture) strongly influences what one believes in, but what if Christians are right? Does that mean muslims and Jews will all burn in hell? The non-Christians might not be telling their children lies intentionally, but they're passing on false information. It's all up to the parent really, if you have on child who wasn't lied to as a child, and one which was. Raised exactly the same, I don't think I'd be able to label which child is better or more mentally advanced. While I don't agree believing Santa makes children happier, I've found people who strongly believed in Santa usually tend to be (from my experience) more friendly and outgoing, whereas, someone who was told the truth that the world was a shitty place, are more investigative, (often more intelligent) but also dark gloomy emo's wandering interenet forums.. oh wait XD jk
  13. Well, it doesn't look like we'll get three more people any time soon, so with 4 Masters and 6 Servants, we've got the 4pair condition met, does that mean we'll be starting new years? If we do try and commence with Servants>Masters, are you going to double pair them, or just leave them as free roaming spirits? XD
  14. Not necessarily, you could be paired with one of the two other master slots and Snowy remains unmentioned as well :/
  15. XD Sounds like Psych alright, stealing the daggers was probably his attempt at humor, though it also looks like Sage baited him into doing it :/ @Sage As Reika's your character I'm not complaining, but how sis Reika get a hold of "family heirlooms" anyway? Or is this Psych being Psych and conjuring up valuables? @Purg Trolls are usually intentional, Psych's actions..... seem to be results of his genuine beliefs.
  16. What was "Major" about Reika's gold? The post's been editted so I don't know if it was something else before but it just seems like Psych being his usual idiot self to me :/ Also, I laughed at the latest page of the RP. People are falling all over the place and Pary decides to start looting mid battle XD The manner in which they killed Pary of was a bit... silly, but you really can't complain about getting killed there XD
  17. Kiryn's biased like that, she's got an obvious agenda with you (not that I can blame her in your case). Two proverbs Fighting fire with fire: If they're disregarding the rule, should have brought it up opposed to countering with similar actions. They're in a higher position then you, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who wins. Chicken or egg?: Which came first, you going crazy and doing what you wanted, or them being mean and evil to poor little Psychie? Kiryn insulting aside, it's obvious Kiryn has more friends here then you do, or should I say less enemies here then you do? Either way, people are more likely to go with their friends here then listen to logic, and even if you do argue your way out of this one, it won't be long before they try to get rid of you again.
  18. LoAF lacks any logical flow anyway, it apparently got better with good Rp'ers like Script, but people complain about your action nearly everyday you make a post XD LoAF'ers are therefore actually pretty lax with idiocy, unreasonableness and illogical actions. SO for them to have constant issues with you indicate you do in fact have a problem. Done "nothing wrong" is humorous, even to someone like me who left a good while ago XD Edit You(LoAFers) can argue that it's logical and your actions are reasonable, but I've got more then once person I talk to via PM's that have indicated their in this to see how bad it gets/screw people over/only staying with it because they want to finish it/think it's degraded into a shitpile, etcetc Though most of those comments come from around the time period Snowy passed on power, so things might have changed a fair bit now, unlikely, but nyeh
  19. I don't belong here, but as Whistler said, there's a difference between A priest tying up a thief. And a thief tying up a priest. Pretty much, what you're doing is doing a pre-Damian, (Ether seems good now) where you overload your character with skills and abilities to get out of every situation. Considering what Pary's like, and the attitude of the other Rp'ers in this RP. It's a miracle you haven't been modkilled earlier. Just move on Psych, you're not wanted here, and I don't see how being in an Rp full of hostile people is fun. Unless you're trying to screw it up. In which case, it's fun, but not arguing to remain a part of.
  20. There's the opposite side to that as well; There was a period of time when I got really tired of seeing the brave(stupid), caring, heroic good Samaritan character. Okay you have high morals, okay you care about every speck of dust on the planet. But do you make any sense? Helping someone else is one thing, but going too far destroys any sense of "self" the character has. I eventually got over it when I discovered that the characters predictability could be used against them, to trap them. Hopefully teaching them to be more selfish next time XD
  21. Christmas isn't a religious event, it's a commercial one :/ That aside, Christianity is ingrained into most social structures of western countries. A very obvious example is the lack of affirmations in court until relatively recently. Honestly I don't have any problem lying to a room full of people.... But I never lie! I swear to the imaginary bearded guy in the clouds that I have never lied, and never will. (Oaths vs Affirmations) There's nothing wrong with lying, what you lie about is up to you, but as said above it's a core action of human socialization. There's been plenty of examples but a 4 year old girl doesn't need to be told that her mothers dead, buried underground and that she'll never see her mommy again :/ It's really a matter of protecting the child from the truth for a period of time, Santa's the same concept. There's a difference between holding off the truth, and try to destroy it completely. @Phoenix Personally reading that makes me think you're the one with the problems, not your cousin/family :/
  22. In other words, you're being all protective of your gender? :P If it really irks you that much, I can PM you so with character details so that it makes more sense. But as I said before, the hatred isn't completely random :/ And I suppose it doesn't take a genius to work out the meaning of the motive XD
  23. Nyeh, I was getting sick of checking how many people we had, and we've achieved the first objective of 4 master/servants. With the Caster (and Avenger?) are you planning to make them NPC's. Or legitimate characters (aka No different from Makoto) Since if they're NPC's being paired up with one would be.... well sort of boring XD And if they're real, it's a concern whether you'll be able to handle 3 characters+Npc's+plot. If they're NPC's we're just waiting on 1 more servant and 2 more Masters :) Guess this actually starting is a possibility now XD @rn7 ....No, and yes :/ Either way her male hatred doesn't come from being thrown out of the temple. Though I admit I haven't fully reveled her character, one I can't be bothered, two I probably would follow the original concept, three revealing everything is boring, I's rather flesh out my character with interaction and posts, opposed to an initial post which explains all.
  24. Contrary to what is said later (EchoingPewter) I too assumed this was set in the modern era, but being "sexist" isn't exactly that big a deal. The scenario of Kaguya being sent to a temple as a "janitor" is more far fetched then anything really. Being "conservative" and all, monks aren't expected to live a lavish lifestyle where a "woman" does all the house work. (In a good portion of cases the monks live on the temple grounds) And abstain from pleasures like alcohol and women. (End of the world for most guys, I know) I was trying to pull a "She's a kid" =fine. But as she matured into a more womanly figure, was sent away. Not because they hate women, but firstly for Kaguya's safety, religious people are freaks, jk... sort of and secondly to not tempt, divert the efforts of the monks. Either way, it's not a major plot point, it's just something to add color and background to the character. Thanks, and yes I'd prefer being paired with a male servant, though roym's idea of an anti-male duo is tempting XD I don't really mind what year it's set in, but I'd prefer a more modern/twisted modern feel. Since I doubt any of us knew what life was like 50 years ago. Not first hand anyway. And I'd really rather not be like "Omg! Color tv!" and it'd be easier using modern tools like mobile phones. I'm not sure how the nasuverse handled WWII, but if it's set in the early 1950's, the country wouldn't have fully healed yet, and I'm not sure how well foreigners would be thought of by the majority. (Mainly servants) Though that said, it does explain the women-men ratio XD Obviously, this world will be different to our 1950's, but by technological standards I'd rather avoid seeing "Hey! you can't do that, that's not invented/available to the public yet" happening. Masters Kimiko Junabara (roymbrog) Makoto Von Einzbern (EchoingPewter) David "Tab" Spencer (Script) Kaguya Homurabi (Kanami) - - -NPC Caster Master (EchoingPewter) -NPC Avenger Master (EchoingPewter) Servants Lancer: Unknown(Azusa Nakano) Rider: Joan of Arc(Snowy One) Berserker: Atlanta(RPG) Saber: Ragnar(rn7) Archer: Izanagi(seph1212) Assassin: Caster: NPC Unknown(EchoingPewter) Avenger: NPC Unknown(EchoingPewter)
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