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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Seina looked at the man skeptically, not sure what he meant. She raised her staff again but quickly lowered it again figuring whatever this injury was it wasn't something she'd be able to heal. And the man looked fine besides the funny looking skin, his breath had evened out and wasn't slouching anymore. "Funny skin doesn't hurt?" she asked slowly just to make sure before nodding her head and hurrying off to see if she'd have to heal anyone else. Taking a few steps, she turned back and eyed the man suspiciously one last time finally accepting that the man wasn't injured. It was probably an old injury, like a curse or something. And the reason he didn't remember was because the curse had done something to his memory. The tanned skin was.... fire! She rememered years ago when she'd watched one of her maids burning rubbish, and how the paper had turned brown before being melted away by the flames. The man had cursed to stand still for a long time while someone lit a fire near him. Impressed with her own intelligence she gave herself a nod of approval before looking for her next victim patient.
  2. MarioKirby because I feel like voting for something that looks good, and still looks like a splice. :P
  3. Seina sighed with relief as the one last man fell and the fighting came to an abrupt halt. She saw a few of the fighters casting eachother curious or suspicious glances but for now the fighting had ended. Slumping down on the ground careful to avoid any of the blood stained patches. After taking a few deep breaths she looked around at her surrounding in awe, the street no longer resembling the peaceful one she remembered from earlier that day. A quick glance over at the man who she'd sort of saved and been saved by was breathing roughly nearby but it was clear he'd live. Deciding that her surrounding would be easier to accept if she thought of the dead as sleeping she walked over and poked one of the dead bodies with her staff. "Haha Sleeping in the middle of the road~" she sang melodically trying to convince herself that the man wasn't dead and would wake up in a few seconds..... wait scratch that, that wouldn't be good either. Panicking as if her wish might come true, she thumped the man on the back of the head hoping it would destroy and chance of the dead man coming back to life. Deciding that she'd had enough of pretending she trotted over to the tanned man again raising the staff above her head and muttering the words of healing before lowering her staff and looking the man over again. Glaring at his arms and face before raising her staff again repeating her actions before glaring angrily at the man. "Why is the ugly color not healing?" she asked curiously with a hint of frustration.
  4. Seina watched from the shadows as a group of shady figures and mercenaries clashed across the street. She recognized some of them from her stroll early, but she didn't see any reason to help them. She wasn't suited to battle, and she wasn't some stupid girl looking to get herself killed. She wanted to run, perhaps she should get the shiny men? They had weapons and stuff, probably could handle this situation better then her. Seeing her chance when all eyes had turned away from her, she darted out of her hiding spot, nearly running into a tanned man as he lept into her path. "Go Away!" she shouted angrily at the man skillfully running around the man..... only to trip over a fallen assailant nearby. "Owww" she groaned, not at all pleased with her grazed hands. Couldn't these people kill their enemies a bit more tactfully? Like putting them in a neat pile on the side of the road or something. Picking herself up, she lightly dusted herself off and looked around only to find herself standing in the middle of the battle. And if that wasn't bad enough, one of the men seemed to have noticed her standing around and was heading her way. "I'm weak! And I haven't done anything yet, why can't you leave me for later?" she whined at the man, readying her staff infront of her. It probably couldn't do any damage but she felt safer with it between herself and her enemy. Just as the man was about to lunge at her, she noticed the tanned man from earlier nearby and figured she'd rather he get hurt then herself. Brandishing her staff and chanting a quick incantation she felt the tingle of light magic course through her body, and outwards. Healing the man injured man a bit before she ran past the man again, putting the man between her opponent and herself. Better he get hurt then her Amon 8/9 Seina (40)+3Pt (Edit+15 for victory = 58PT)
  5. Seina pushed passed the crowd of spectators barely sustaining her balance, narrowly avoiding falling into the water. Apparently there wasn't any fireworks going off, but some sort of accident had befallen one of the ships. She cause the words "explosion" from the crowd around her. She could also hear people saying something about gunpowder, but the uncertain expressions on the peoples faces indicated it was mere speculation. Another man had gathered around a small audience and was preaching something about the Kigenese and Neviskotians secretly being allies and that the explosion was an attempted act of terrorism. But Seina couldn't really care less. She'd never heard of any plans for Kigen to ally themselves with the outer nations, and trusted her own ears more then the rantings of some tongue waggler.The old man she'd come here with was listening fervently listening murming occassionaly in agreement. And it didn't look like she'd get much out of him now. "Stupid people and stupid explosion" she muttered sourly before turning around and pushing her way back through the crowd. They might be happy to stare at floating bits of wood all day but she had more important things to do. Though if this countries ships blew up like that frequently, she was rather wary of asking for a ride back to Kigen now. Either way a place to rest was what she needed first. Tugging at a friendly looking womans clothes she inquired where she'd be able to get a decent room, and was pointed towards the way she had just come down minutes before. It really didn't help that she couldn't read all the signs. Why couldn't these people just learn to write in Kigenese? Mumbling about the stupidity of the people around her she slowly plodded back down the street towards what she hoped would be a good nights sleep.
  6. Nyeh that's sort of the reason I prefer a chat thread over an IRC, but it gets pretty dull in here when people are over there all time. Meaning I end up over in IRC one way or another. As for important things though..... nyeh, I doubt it. Announcements might be made now and then, but people tend to want to discuss important issues in real-time. Meaning it'll probably be done over there, and we'll only here the verdict over here. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though :/ (Not argued and corrected as wrong, but actually proved wrong via actions) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit: @Cynthia/Phoenix/Mercakete Yes Cuddles would have been fuming if you'd been stupid enough to create a stupid witness guard to testify. Since while it's possible, it was never mentioned and it's really no different from god-moding your way out of a situation.
  7. Seina looked around crossly as the cloaked man she'd ask for directions brushed her off and hurried along on his way. Damn brutes in this country didn't even have the most basic of manners. Pouting she was about to ask a plump looking merchant, figuring the only way she'd get any information was by buying it she heard a lound explosion. "What? Fireworks? This early?" she spoke out aloud not believing the stupidity of these people, fireworks were so much prettier at night, why were they wasting them by letting them off now? A stern looking red haired woman walked past her followed by a few others, some armored and most likely mercenaries, others wearing plain clothes drawn to the noise via curiosity. She started trailling behind an enemy man when two shinymen came clanking up behind her. Panicking she braced herself for some rough handling, but the men didn't even bat an eyelash her way, pushing their way past the old man and towards the docks. "Must be a really big event huh" she muttered out aloud ignoring the strange look the now knocked over man was giving her. Quickly bowing her head, she reached out nervously to help the old man up. She didn't know how these people worked but the elderly were to be respected.... or something like that, she didn't know but it wasn't like helping the man up would cost her anything. As the man regained his composure he smiled a toothless grin at Seina "Mighty big explosion that was ey lass?" he said a bit too friendly for Seinas liking. "Uh yeah, I mean yes!" she corrected herself trying to sound polite but failing miserably. "Shouldn't be anything too bad though, the soldiers will protect us" the man continued not really concerned at all about the explosion, if anything he looked excited. Which only endorsed Seina's belief that the explosion had only been fireworks, she couldn't see any yet, but the sun was still up, it didn't surprise her that she hadn't spotted any yet. Without her consent the elderly man grabbed her hand and started walking off towards the docks again, blabbering about how great the soldiers were in this country and how "those cursed lizard breeders" should learn their place. She struggled at first hoping to get her hands away from the wrinkly man but gave up rolling her eyes. At least she'd be able to ask for directions after all this was over. But for now, she looked forward to what sort of fireworks this strange nation had to offer.
  8. Most people seen to use it, but it's mainly just a place to spam and waste time anyway. Posting that here Just for the sake of it, for those of you that skip quotes IRC is #returnoftheemblem I personally prefer a Chat thread to an IRC room, but since most people seem to want to go to IRC instead I decided to comply and stick around there instead of making a chat thread. Though now that you've made one I suppose I can use both worlds XD
  9. Nyeh, was wondering when someone would make it :/ Though personally I didn't think we needed it. Ah well, another thread for me to spam, I'm not going to complain I suppose.
  10. Seina wandered down the streets surprised and astounded by all the strange people, she'd seen a strange small hairy tuft of fur sitting on a cart, a woman talking to her cat, people chatting idly by a foul smelling building even two men who were doing "naughty" things to eachother. She'd only ever heard rumors about such acts, and had been skeptical whether they true or mere tattle tales..... Though she did wish they'd do their business somewhere more private, or perhaps it was normal for these people to be making out in the middle of the road while the sun was still high up in the sky? She hadn't strayed too far from the strange street of people when she saw a man leading a large lizard with wings. Fascinated and intimidated by the creature she stared for a few moments, barely supressing her gasp of fear when it turned it's eye on her and let out a low growl. It's owner though seemed oblivious to the incident and continued on his way, disappearing with the beast around the corner to Seina's relief. As she started to slowly calm down she looked around at her surrounding once more before letting out a sigh. She didn't know where she was, but her original assumption was correct, this sure wasn't Kigen. And the people certainly weren't what she was accustomed to. She didn't know what would await her outside the small port town either. She'd already seen too many strange creatures, and she sure didn't fancy being left alone with a big menacing lizard. Reaching into her sleeves she pulled out a small pouch of gold, nothing much, she didn't how much the coins were worth in this strange land but it could probably net her a few meals and a place to stay for the night. She dug through her pockets and sleeves finding nothing of worth besides her treasured Temari ball, her engagement ring and a jewel incrested bracelet she'd been given by her fiance before she'd departed Shin. Perhaps she could sell them off for a few spare coins? She contemplated going back to the docks, but decided against it when she remembered the strange shiny men stationed there. She'd seen a few walking around town as well, but they seemed more numerous near the docks, almost as if they were looking for something, or expecting someone unwelcome to arrive. (Neviskotians). Ah well, she could head back there any time, for now she needed to find somewhere where she could rest for the night. The sun was still up, but she didn't want to risk sleeping on the streets tonight. She looked around and decided to ask for directions to somewhere where she could spend the night, scampering over and pulling on the clothes of the first person she saw.
  11. Seina peeked at the band of soldiers from her hiding place as they dragged the corpses of her captors away. The group in Kigen had in been at least two dozen in numbers, but apparently only half a dozen had been aboard the boat and they were captured of killed pretty quickly with little resistance. A few of the girls that had fled with her had also been captured and were likewise being hauled away with or without their consent. Deciding it would be better not to reveal herself she sighed with relief as the shiny clad men disappeared around the corner and out of her sight. She didn't know where she was, the boats, the buildings, even the people she saw looked oddly clad. Was this the outside world? She'd heard a few rumors about the foreign nations, savage idiotic barbarians that quarreled amongst themselves when the threat of the black birds were looming right over their heads. Deciding that she needed to figure out where she was first, she started to wander around, maybe she'd find someone of noble standing to escort her back to her Lord? She saw a man clad in what appeared to be a expensive garment and was about to speak out when the man spoke some unintelligible noises to another man near by. She frowned, and moved on. Did these people even know how to speak? Her mind went back to the cries of the soldiers, and was assured somewhat when she recognized their speech as common. Thinking her goal could take longer then anticipated she considered to stroll in no particular direction. Taking in the scenery of Sergio.
  12. NTNP, Snike did clearly state that Zombitron isn't in this RP. *Down point* @Brogster, if you're open to it, would be great if you could adopt it into your characters plot. I won't be around much on day one of this RP since I'll be at a "friends" house during the day, and I was up until 4:30AM debating religion (Muslim) with a housemate >_< Fucks sake, it's like arguing with Phoenix and Slaveblade at once Anyway, I unless NTNP's willing to wait for an undefined amount of time (until I have time+once Seina successfully escapes and calms down) I really don't have enough time to be saving dying nomads, so I'll have to pass. Now to get some bloody sleep >_< *Isn't in the best of moods* Yes I'm struggling to keep evil troll bitchface mode from over loading <_<
  13. Name: Seina Hoshino Gender: Female 9 Class: Cleric Affinity: Fire! Occupation: Lost Kid Weapon proficiency: Staff Inventory: (40P) Healing Staff, [spoiler=Raw Stats]Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LCK: 3 DEF: 0 RES: 4 Simplified Stats: HP:9 MT:4 Hit:3 Evade:6 AS:3 Defense:0 Resistance:4 Nature/Disposition: Curious, childlike and bratty. Seina takes an interest in nearly anything, and ends up causing a tidal wave worth of trouble while she's at it. Very few of the problems she causes are done out of spite, but she does tend to have a shallow knowledge of what she can and can't say. Just like how she can't tell in many cases what's right, and what's wrong. Hometown: Tsukino Connections: Mujikaru Nanjo: Head of Nanjo Clan Backstory: Having lost her parents at a young age, she was taken in by a close friend of her fathers. Who was fortunately wealthy enough to give her a lavish childhood. Allowing her get a semi-decent education, where she showed a talent in the art of healing, an art which could only be taught to women if they were betrothed to a man of high social standing. And sure enough, on her 9th birthday she was informed that she'd be wed to Mujikaru's eldest and only son the following year. A man nearly three times her age. It wasn't long after that her fiance offered to take her along on a short and harmless mission from Shin to the Capitol, but the mission turned out to not be as harmless as they though and the troupe were ambushed and defeated on their journey, resulting in Seina being captured and whisked away with her captors. She doesn't remember much after that besides being tossed into a small wagon with several other girls, and later a boat. Eventually her chance for escape would come when the boat had docked and men in strange shiny armor attacked the crew of the boat they had arrived in. Seina, along with the other confused girls tried to escape, running as far away as they could from their captors and the strange shiny men. (Special item) Temari: An object that belonged to her late mother. While it resembles a normal Temari ball, it inflates by channeling magical energy into it. Additional mana causes it to light up. Whereas overloading it with mana can cause it to cause a flash of light bright enough to surprise/stun her enemies for a few seconds.
  14. @Roymbrog We could, but who'd still be here? rn7 left. You, RPG, Snowy One, Echo have signed up for another RP. And seph and myself are willing to throw in the towel too. I suppose that still leaves Script and Azusa, but even then, the numbers aren't impressive. Okay, the people that have signed up for two Phoenix's RP could probably do both. But any will to try and keep going died for me when Echo indicated he was willing to give up. rn7's quote made sense to me, and while I think it's too soon for "entertainment" to kick in. I just don't see this RP going anywhere. @CATS Who knows, considering how persistent the guys running it are though, I wouldn't be surprised if it lasted a fair while though.
  15. XD Well that was a quick decision by the creator of this Rp XD Guess Phoenix's RP pulled you away, ah well just means Phoenix's RP better to be good, or heads are going to roll.
  16. XD Well there goes half the members of this RP then. Pity, since I'm finally starting to understand the Nasuverse a bit better :/
  17. *Apologizes for pulling Seph into dead RP* But doesn't really mean it Unless people start showing unfathomable interest in this in the next day or two, I might jump shit to Phoenix's RP :/
  18. Can we? I wouldn't consider Snowy a stable addition, and I have no idea where RPG went XD roym/Echo have signed up for another RP.... and.... well I can see this going down the sink pretty quickly XD
  19. Well that solves the Snowy problem :/ But I presume more will follow :/
  20. First Crush: 6 First Love: 8 (give or take a year) First Kiss 9 There's a term for what Eclipse is telling you to avoid, it's called "Desperate" XD Honestly though, there's no need to rush things, if you're just looking for a quick experience I suppose you could just throw yourself at whatever comes up to offer. It's not like most of those early teen relationships turn out serious.
  21. Kaguya yawned loudly as she arrived home, in one hand she held a plastic bag which seemed as if it would burst at any moment. As she finished climbing the stone steps she reached into the bag, but hesitated before withdrawing her hand and heading for her room. "I'm home" she called out as she opened the front door, and turned on the light. She waited a few seconds, but decided no one was home, it didn't surprise her, after all it was nearing midnight. Dropping the plastic bag on the kitchen counter, she reached in and started putting the groceries away. She wasn't in any hurry to summon her servant afterall. It was unlikely anything would happen anyway. She really didn't have any wishes to be a participant either, which was one of the reasons the invitation by Kotomine had annoyed her. .... Though it would be amusing to see that poker face of his crumble when she succeeded. She played with the idea before glancing up at the clock. "Ah forget it" she muttered to herself as she headed towards her bedroom. It'd been a long unproductive day, and she wasn't going to waste time daydreaming when she could be normal-dreaming. By tomorrow all the servants would be gone, and she wouldn't have to worry about this stupid game... surely.
  22. @Script, That's what I thought, wasn't sure how people who technically don't exist yet were supposed to post XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go figure, first post and I'm already playing the annoying whiny bitch XD
  23. Kaguya frowned as the stupid man finished his ranting, and wasn't at all impressed. Men.... she thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. As the man asked for questions she couldn't help herself and raised her hand, not waiting long before she was picked. After all, there wasn't exactly much information in the priests ramblings anyway. "So essentially, you called all of us out here, just to tell us that the war is starting and that you don't know much?" she asked sarcastically as people around her looked at her with disdain. Three things about Kirei had annoyed her; His gender, his occupation, and the fact that she'd been called out this late at night. It was bad enough that she had to travel across Fuyuki to get here, and for what? This shabby speech? Before the man could respond she decided to persue her complaint, "Would it have killed you to just have mentioned everything in the letter? I mean most of us probably knew what this was about the moment we got the letter. Know our enemies? Right, lets memories a room full of people when less then a dozen of these people will actually be involved." She could sense people glaring all around her, but was pleased to hear an occasional murmur of consent. Kotomine Church wasn't exactly the most accessible place in Fuyuki, and the meaningless 10 minutes speech hadn't soothed her temper at all.
  24. *Sign* Roym posted, so I suppose I can't delay for much longer :/ I'm curious as to how "everyone" is supposed to post though, or did everyone=all Masters? Ah well, might as well go make a post.
  25. Uh Sage.... Snowy's Predicament is that he doesn't have a partner (Master). And unless you're suggesting people should only sign up for this in pairs, whether he be big, little or puny it's not something he should have to handle himself. After all the layout was bound to do something like this. Any I doubt none of us saw this comming. If there isn't another candidate, what's the chances of Makoto having two servants? Since I'd really rather not see a Master made solely because one guy was being left out. (Creating a dead character) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The D&D character? I thought the concept was hilarious.
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