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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. @Rothene As you'd notice if you were reading the RP, the RP at present isn't progressing very fast. So "waiting" for an appropriate moment might take awhile. (Several weeks). So as GoD says, I'd recommend just spawning him in Europa (The giant city they're in now). I suppose you could sense/believe the emblem thingy Raquel has is ancient magic, though I prefer you don't see Shadrak (Zword's) already done that. I suppose you could have Ranyin be short on funds, and needing a mercenary job else he goes foodless/inn-less. It'd be great if people would cooperate with new recruitment, but they're not really helpful. My suggestion here would probably be to have Ranyin, working short-term in Europa, and either get fired (for being a Kigen that the boss didn't like) or completion (Preparing for Rodrigo's concert, and the job gets done and you need some other job quick). If someone were to see him, and offer to introduce him to Raquel, it'd work out more smoothly then an army going up to Raquel shouting "recruit me!" Reason could be the last battle, where allied magic users, people knowledgeable on magic are required to counter the enemies number of mages/shamans.
  2. @roy/Seph I apologize if I cut your little chat short, but I'm not really willing to dawdle on things if they start getting too slow. I do promote interaction, but I don't really want to let the plot die into nothing either. You can continue that discussion at our first break point (later). Or you can continue your discussion as you walk through the woods. That stated, it's not compulsory to follow Carrion/Greg's lead. If you think staying with the wagon is a smarter idea, you're welcome to hop back in and hope for the best. :P If you have any questions or concerns PM me, or post them here. (Probably ask staffies to move the signup thread to chat as I don't really see a need for a separate thread). As for me, I've just finished an assignment and am about to die XD Past 3AM. So don't expect me to be around for at least the next 6+ hours XD *Dies*
  3. Seeing pretty much everyone leave the wagon, Greg puffed up his chest with pride, it was good to see that the group were willing to follow his awesome leadership, though now wasn't the time for them to hear about his greatness, but to see it directly. Carrion on the other hand seemed distracted, or rather, she was chanting or whispering something to herself. Obviously not wanting to be interrupted, but Greg wouldn't have it. "Hey Little Red" he muttered a bit nervously as he still wasn't sure about how skilled the woman was. "You were the first one to notice, which way?" he demanded a bit more confident near the end as it was an important question that concerned them all. Even if she was some mythical monster used to scare children surely she wouldn't try and take on the Great Greg, not with witnesses standing around to spread word of her undoubted defeat. Carrion just stared blankly at the sky for a few seconds before muttering something and then turning towards a cluster of tree's that formed a small forest on their left. "It's probably coming from the nearby village of Alifer, shortcut through there" she stated pointing over at the cluster of tree's. Greg looked nervously at the tree's, which seemed to be inviting him into the darkness they created with their branches. It was well past midday, and he didn't want to be spending the night in the cold dark woods. But tracing over the map of the area in his own head, the woman wasn't lying about it being a shortcut. Grumbling something along the lines of "bratty kids weighing him down" he signaled to the Wagon driver to meet them in Alifer, before leading the way into the snowy tree's.
  4. Carrion shoot Susan a dirty look, a look which clearly indicated that they wouldn't be getting along any time soon. But before Carrion could open her mouth a strong gust of wind carried over the smell of burnt wood from up ahead. Not an unusual smell at this time of the year, as many Saph residents would settle for logs and planks of wood if they weren't able to get their hands on heating crystals. Greg looked over at Carrion and then as Susan, sighing to himself before grabbing his flask and taking a swig of whatever was inside. "Just stay alert" he grunted to no one in particular. A few more minutes passed before Greg got restless and let out a shout "Grah, screw this, I ain't gonna sit in here and wait" and with that he opened the back hatch of the wagon and jumped out. Carrion looked outside and then at the rest of the group. "Probably best if we walk from here" she stated simply before following Greg out. She had a pretty good idea of what could be burning in such cold temperatures, and if she was right, she didn't want to be sitting in a wooden cart to see if her suspicions were correct.
  5. "Fire..." a monotonous voice stated, getting the attention of some of the people in the wagon, Carrion had just awoken from her nap, or perhaps she'd been awake the whole time as any signs of disorientation failed to show on her face. Greg sensed something to, he couldn't understand what the red haired woman was talking about when she stated fire, but there was definitely something nearby which wasn't quite right. "It's like the silence before a battle" he stated gruffly, his arrogance and good mood vanishing in a second to be replaced by a mask of alertness. Drawing his weapon as he was closest to the back of the wagon. Carrion however kept her tome on her lap, emotion failing to show on her face.
  6. "You're a crack shot with jokes too lad" he laughed as Greg had grown accustomed to young mercs shooting their mouth off to take the boys words seriously. The boy obviously knew he'd made a joke as well as he was grinning at his own joke. "Should focus on what you can do, which'd be staying alive in the upcomin' battle." Greg stated, looking around at the others who seemed to have either lost interest, or simply given up on Gregs ramblings, but Greg didn't care, he was used to it. Instead he decided that he'd catch the interest of the others by telling the others about his great accomplishments. Nothing better then listening to the feats of a great hero to pass the time, right?
  7. "The Great Greg needs no petty mages healin', as proud of these scars as I am of my skills" he boasted not noticing the icy glare the girl was giving him. "Healin' and defendin' be the weak ones job anyway, true men fight on the front lines." He stated proudly as her showed off his scars again. Seeing as how everyone was introducing themselves, Greg decided to do the same, "I doubt any of you need tellin' but I'm the Great Greg, strongest and bestest mercenary in all of Sapphire, do you good to be on my good side" he stated as if this was the first time he'd introduced himself. "Doubt you're worth rememberin lad, but I'd like to remember the name of brash kids like yourself, just in case you actually prove yourself to be somethin' useful oneday" Greg stated directing his question at Ormis.
  8. You'd think Greg would have been enraged at some kid trying to point his sword at him, but Greg had either grown used to it, or maybe he was still under the influence of alcohol and lacked the ability to care. He did take not of the shattered sword though. He stared at the sword, at Ormis, back at the sword, and then scoffed. The kid had probably gone against someone at least twice his skill to have that done to his sword. Either that or the kid really was stupid and had snapped it himself in some silly exercise. Camtech: "Hmph" Greg: "Heh" The silence that had befallen the wagon slowly started to show signs of leaving as the tension in the air was weakened. Though hostile glances continued to be directed at Greg from several occupants.
  9. (OoC: Not a problem roy, if anyone else want to do something like that, just leave an OoC note, however don't contradict or significantly effect what the older post your skipping says.) Greg eyed the girl up and down, short temper, but she did have a nice backside. He didn't really care for the girls insult, "Don't worry lass, no need to be shy, Great Greg understands" he said giving the girl a sly smile before he was rudely interrupted by the little boy. Greg had reached for his sword as the young brat started getting a bit too active, he didn't mind others trying to prove their worth, but this kid clearly needed to be knocked into place. Whether it be a stroke of fortune or misfortune, a bump in the road took care of the brat as he slammed face first into the wall. "Your young and reckless lad, wont last long if you don't keep your temper in check, seen many lads like you die cause they pointed their swords in the wrong direction, and it ain't by my hand either" Adrians mediation made Greg smirk, "Yeah boys like that last longer, know what they're doin', now when to back off and them types"
  10. I was referring to your comment about being from Sapphire, but okay XD
  11. Okay, I honestly didn't expect anymore signups at this stage, definitely not from you at least anyway Slave XD The application looks fine, so it's accepted... but the current problem is that I've already set the scene for the 4 current players. (Would be strange to have someone pop up out of nowhere, and I'm not retconning this early XD) So Grant is sort of "not accepted" until the first battle, at which you're welcome to join as a mercenary hired by a different employer. If you can think of an alternative way to join let me know on IRC or PM. Battle won't take too long, since it's something I want to test and get set, (expect one in the first 5 pages XD) So either wait or come up with something~ :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Seph, so much for being original huh? XD
  12. Hello, a few things to point out. -First of all your stats are right, (But you've forgotten to put 5 for you MT in simplified stats) -Secondly, for the sake of looking neater, you could probably just delete the parts you've left blank. (Occupation/Hometown/Connections/Nickname). -Kigen Everything regarding it looks fine, but dragons aren't rare in this RP. Dragons can be found scattered across Neviskotia. Ursium actually loathes Dragons, so you'll probably find nothing there. Either way finding the dragons isn't really that hard. (Kigen only worships 4 dragons which are considered divine, all other dragons are just lizards with wings to them) -Dynamic tome Tier2 in the Note/Items list simply means it's a higher ranked weapon then the others. And there's no requisite for purchase and use. (If you go to Phoenix's profile, under "About Me" there's a level requirement for some items, but dynamic tome isn't listed so you're fine there) You start with anima proficiency (but not staff)so you don't need to purchase that. 133 + 20(Wind Tome) - 50(dynamic tome) = 103 Points left You can either keep your points, buy another item, or level up (Level up costs 60 Points) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't actually hold any authority here, so if you don't want to listen to me, or simply don't trust me to provide accurate information, you can wait for Cynthia or Phoenix to respond. ~~~~~EDIT~~~~~ @Roth From what I'm aware, upgrading of weapons aren't allowed yet. Though considering how the dumb GM doesn't seem to have mentioned it in the OP like I told him to, perhaps they decided to allow it.
  13. "They're special alright, they get to die by awesome hands!" Greg bellowed, glad to have another chance to boast his greatness. "Nothing else special 'bout them, hear they've been pillagin' a few villages here and there, but that about it" he stated simply. Clearly having been used to this type of work, and the only one who seemed capable his ego was inflating itself. He noticed a change in the air when he mentioned that he'd be taking care of things, and decided he didn't want the others stabbing him in the back when he was occupied. "Don't worry lads, Ima family man, be more then happy to share the prize even if you can't do shit, some of you look like you could use a extra layer of clothing anyway" he stated glancing at Carrion. "All you need to do is buy me a drink when it's all over, though you cute lassie can pay me in a different way if you want" he said giving Susan a wink.
  14. Greg's beauty sleep was brought to an abrupt end due to someones unnecessarily loud voice asking where they were heading. Years of being a mercenary had helped his mind awaken faster then that of an average man. "Haha, took the job without knowing what you were gonna be doin' huh" he laughed at the boy who seemed more then slightly agitated. "Huntin' bandits lad, what else there to do this time of the year? Clearin' roads?" he barked following it up with a hearty laugh. A laugh that reeked of booze, a laugh which was situated right above Susans head. "Don't you all worry though, The great Greg's here to take care of things, you just sit back and not get in my way, right?" he boasted arrogantly, clearly thinking that the other occupants weren't suitable for the job. The red head in the corner seemed capable, but she'd fallen asleep much to Gregs relief. He didn't know for sure yet, but he'd heard the rumors of the Crimson Witch, and he wasn't ready to be eaten by any wench any time soon.
  15. Snow flakes falling from the heavens indicated that it once again that time of the year in Sapphire. A time which many found irritating, a season when there was little profit to be made as roads became treacherous, and plantlike shriveled away or hid itself underneath a blanket of snow. A lone wagon made its way from Alifer to Estarna, an uncommon sight this time of the year as lack of business forced most families in Sapphire to hole up in their houses and spend time with their loved ones. Or that's what Carrion had been told earlier, it might be a season for families to get together for some, but for others it was just another day, only colder. her mind wandered back to the image of a young boy she'd seen in Alifer. For some, it was also their last day as the cold didn't take kindly to those who couldn't afford to hide away in their comfy warm homes. She'd contemplated burying the boy, but she'd decided against it, knowing her luck someone would probably have seen her and she'd be behind bars, accused of murder if she had stuck around any longer. Instead she'd opted to wrap the boy in her own coat and left him there for someone else to find. A decisions she'd started regretting as the cold started getting to her soon after. Plus, that confident smug look on Lady Marriane's face was enough to get her blood boiling. She'd come to Sapphire in hopes that the vast network of the Rozenford family would have the information she seeked, but being the merchant Marriane was, she'd put a price on whatever it was that she knew. A price Carrion wasn't able to pay. Her funds had dwindled over the past week since she'd left her home. Her hidden estate near Melorem trashed and pillaged by common bandits. She'd be lying if she said she didn't resent the bandits, but she hadn't really tried to stop them, instead she'd remained hidden in the corner of her own room, wondering if her life had come to an end. If the bandits had found her then she'd probably have let them do whatever with her body, she'd pretty much been an empty shell anyway. Fortunately the bandits had left without touching her room. Probably fearing the presence of the Crimson witch. She'd probably have remained in that corner for the rest of her life if she hadn't been given certain information she now thrived on from her small companion. "Faye" she whispered, stroking her tome fondly, getting a weird look from one of the occupants of the wagon, but not really caring. She'd sooner die then admit it, but she was really grateful towards her small friend. Silence indicated that the spirit of the tome was either sleeping or refused to come out. Most likely the former considering the spirits nature. Figuring that her companion wouldn't be coming out anytime soon, her eyes wandered to the other occupants of the wagon. In the far corner sat a tall handsome man, though some would debate her tastes as the man jade hair was accompanied by several protrusion, and the cramped wings growing out of the mans back clearly indicated that the man was an Anri. Carrion wasn't sure whether it was the cold or if it was the way the man had been forced to bend his wings, but he seemed rather uncomfortable, shuffling about as if doing so would have some sort of effect. Whatever he tried, it wouldn't fix the low ceiling on this damned wagon. Beside him sat a girl who'd caught Carrions interest initially, or rather, the girl who possessed the tome that had caught her interest. It was clear that tome wasn't one of those mass produced pieces of junk they sold for ridiculous prices. And Carrion had hoped that it was something akin to her own tome, but after trying to sense out the magical structure of the tome earlier, it was clear that the tome wasn't anything like her own. Either way, the girl too seemed like something was bothering her. She'd occasionally pick up her tome, flip through a few pages, before mumbling something and snapping it shut again. Originally Carrion had assumed the girl was trying to keep herself busy to ignore the cold, but maybe she her eyes reflected an active mind which seemed to be working out some complex problem. On the opposite side sat a kid who seemed to young to be in the business, though Carrion had been renowned across the land at the boys age, she found it hard to believe that the boy Ormis? was as powerful as she'd been. She overheard the boys name earlier from their employer who seemed to know the boy from a previous job. Apparently this wasn't the boys first job, though that wasn't much of a surprise, considering the look in his eyes. Youth his age often reflected a burning desire to prove themselves, or excitement over the adventure that lay ahead. But this kid, his eyes seemed dead, as if something had snuffed his enthusiasm somewhere along the line. Though that wasn't an uncommon trait in kids his age. Killing another for gold wasn't unbearable, but most would probably not consider it to be fun. In between the kid and herself was another boy, though this one was obviously a few years older then the other. Carrion could have sworn she'd smelled cooking spices coming from the mans clothes earlier, but she doubted that a mercenary would be using spices. Most didn't even know how to cook beyond making a fire and throwing whatever they'd found over the fire. The man had tried to strike up a conversation several times in the last hour, conversations that Carrion had no intentions of responding too, she had no intentions of getting to know these civilians who'd most likely be dead in a few hours. She couldn't judge the Anri, but the girl looked like she belonged in Pravna's library studying, the boy didn't seemed too young, and if the guy beside her didn't seem too skilled at all. Sapphire was clearly short on competent mercenaries this time of the year. A slight problem for Carrion as she wasn't exactly the exactly a fighter herself once battle started. Her only hope was for that huge brute of a man sitting on the opposite side of the wagon to herself. The man had announced himself as "Greg" earlier, claiming to be the strongest man alive in Sapphire, a claim which had resulted in someone scoffing, but she wasn't sure who was responsible for that response. Either way the self appointed leader of the group had been snoring his face off for the last hour, preventing anyone else from getting any sleep. Even if she blocked her ears, the stench of alcohol would sneak into her nose making her feel sick. She'd contemplated killing Greg in his sleep several time over the past hour, she hadn't slept in several days now and what sleep she'd managed this past week hadn't been very relaxing. The dark circles under her eyes probably could be seen a mile away, and she noticed more then one of the members looking at her with concern. Though that concern might be because they were drawing connections between her crimson red hair, and the rumors of the crimson witch coming back from the dead. She smirked at the idea, before glancing over the group, and then letting her eyes glance outside towards the flakes of snow which fell from the dark clouds above. She'd been staring at snow for several years now, five years ago she'd been childish enough to enjoy playing in the snow. A soft fluffy white flakes had always made her comfortable, intrigued by the beauty she'd sit by her window back at her estate just watching it fall, but this year the snow seemed harder, uncaring and ice cold. Something which she'd never really minded. Closing her eyes, she tried to imagine the smiling face of her brother, and after succeeding she felt her body relax slightly, she could feel sleep coming on now, and any sleep, even if it was for a few second was welcome at this stage. As her body became less tense, she slumped against the wall, her breathing becoming soft as she dreamed of better times.
  16. All applications thus far have been accepted, just waiting on Seph now to get this thing started. Though I might have to actually prepare for my in-class essay tomorrow, so no promises there~ In regards to images of character, I just need the image as a location marker on a grid. and it'll be resized and cropped to a 32x32 image anyway. ~Still waiting on your appearance Cam~
  17. Well I think the winner is clear enough (Amelia by 5 votes) Going to start the next set anytime soon?~ :P
  18. It's time for The blue mouse rat rabbit ugly alien thing has 52 fleas. A Psych comes along, and adds a further 24 fleas. Lets do the one's first! 2+4 = 6 And now the tens~ 5+2 = 7 That makes? Grandma Bluehead: 76 Kanami: Good, now get back on the bus and piss off. So there's 76 fleas on the blue rat. But the evil Phoenix has come around to kill those fleas! He kills 60 fleas, making you stronger! Now how many fleas do you still have?
  19. Oh God :/ I sense my first job as probation officer crawling up. @Snike Missed that cause I was looking for Psych posts. @Psych Since Niles has actually made a stat action in the battle. He will get the total amount of points his battle post warrants him. Meaning you do not get the 41 average, instead you get 3 points for healing, and 21 points for the bonus objectives. Resulting in Niles receiving 24 points.
  20. As far as I can tell, you didn't make any attacks/Defends or heals? Therefore you are considered to not have participated in stat combat. People who were unable or those who chose not to participate are given the average amount of exp gained. In the case of this specific battle, Niles received 41 exp. This information can be found at the end of Phoenix's post after the words "Victory" at the end of each battle. If for whatever reason it's not there, wait an hour as he may be calculating what the average is, if it still doesn't turn up, ask him I suppose. 24 Points Psych
  21. Ah, those are wall tiles XD *Shows how much I know about tilesets* The outer brick (limestone-like) walls confused me XD I still think it looks strange though, in the other maps the tile (I mistook for a floor tile) makes contact with the ground. Whereas the that one has another exterior wall. Seems rather unnecessary :/ *shrugs*
  22. In all honesty I'm not really hoping for a lot of signups to get this started. My initial intentions (and beliefs) were to get three people, and slowly allow others in as the plot progressed (if people wanted to join). I still have a similar stance, though the number may be increased from 3 to 4 (or 5). So if you're uncertain about joining sitting out is a viable option. In terms of stats, people who join later won't really be penalized anymore then someone who joins at the beginning (I think). Frankly, it didn't really matter whether a parent could give to both or just one. But I don't want to seem like I have no idea what I'm doing, and that people can push me around :P As for the setting, there's no way to reverse an Anri back to his intended (human) appearance. But there could be magic/medication which would null the effects of the magic from the explosion if intervention comes before conception ;) In general Anri's have multiplied enough to the point of being their own little sub-culture now. Anri's also have the dominant gene, so a child between a Krian and an Anri will always result in an Anri :P
  23. If you've got several questions Ether, it might be a good idea for you to ask them via PM, instead of asking such short questions one at a time ;) Being an Anri isn't really a curse, (I mean over half the people "considering" joining are looking at being an Anri, though I really hope I get more "normal humans" XD My intentions were that all those infected could only give birth to Anri. So that's going to be my answer. However if you wanted a Krian older brother, the the brother could have been born before the infection, while the younger sibling could have been born after. On a semi-related note, I honestly didn't expect to see you in this thread. You didn't join RotE, so I figured you were either too busy for RP's or were planning to quit RP'ing after LoAF finished. I'll also use this to outline that
  24. @13th I'm not a mapper, and I haven't played FE in years~ And I hope the other mappers here correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the stairs supposed used like this? At the moment, your stairs just look strange to me. Maybe your way is also a legitimate way to use it, but I personally think it looks silly :P
  25. If there is, I have to explain... if there isn't I don't have to do anything :/ Tough choice XD To be honest though, I was going to split the students into 4 based on the four primary elements. And then have three ranks, with 1 being the newbies learning to cast fire balls. And the 3's being able to go out an do their own study. But TISME crossed my mind when I was considering that, and I'm leaning towards the simple system of student-professor-headmaster. Since it really didn't have any use in LoAF besides people waving around that they were powerful mages who couldn't do much more then self taught mages. I'm open to suggestions, and I'll implement the TISME system, or an alternative (most likely the latter) if someone is interested enough to delving into that, but unlike most GM's that focus on plot. I'm not more concerned with interaction and relations within the group. So while I will be trying to add preplan some color for the nations/system people. I'm more a spur of the moment person, as you well know :P
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