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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. 1: I saw that, wasn't sure what you meant, though you probably need lessons in maths too if once =many in your mind. You've constantly pushed for people to see your perspective without reading their posts clearly yourself, often ignoring valid points in favor of presenting new points of your own. If you want me to analyse your posts under a magnifying glass, then I have a paypal account, send something over. Otherwise I do enough analysing outside my leisure time. 2: My apologies, ignore Snowy, he's an incompetent ass XD Why you illicted such responses is simple. You've proposed a fix that people don't agree with, and then proceeded to push your case despite others disagreeing, eventually this leads to the current argument. So when you say something negative, be prepared for negative retaliations. By not naming examples you're kind of hurting yourself more then if you had. Since you're not directing your comments at a specific example it's a bit hard to distinguish which part you're complaining about. By being unclear who you find the offenders to be, you're essentially commenting on everyone. And if you tell me Balcerzak's posts are one-liners, I'll have to kick you XD Overall it's just negative reaction to an opinion you were entitled to. I personally enjoy reading your opinion. But others may find it a... hmmm challenge to their manliness XD Or a challenge to what they're doing. 3: Hmmm, that helps alot actually, and it illustrates your point fine, I'm not sure I agree. If that's the one liner "'Hi, how are you?' said the sleepy man" Then yes, I agree completely, it's rather stupid. However I don't really see the difference between that and "'Hi, how are you?' he said in a rather dull tone. If one looked, they'd notice that the man had bags under his eyes. Clearly he hadn't gotten much sleep last night." Overall, the objective of both posts is to get across to the receiver of the comment that the man is sleepy and that he greeted them. I'm not really sure where such short posts have been made. But assuming that they have, I'm not sure I'd want to read an entire paragraph about how a man is sleepy when overall there's only two points to the post. Lack of description in a big post however, I disagree. The more information there is, the longer it seems. However it doesn't equate to better. I don't really like detailed posts since they're long and boring. And the truth is, we're not here to show off our writing skills, I know mine suck XD what you're explaining sounds like a collaborated fanfic. Which isn't what I look for in an RP. Writing skills is nice and all. But my belief is interaction is what makes an RP interesting. 4: That's why I requested you clarify :/ And.... you've failed to do that. Instead you've decided to argue your point across. Is it my turn to sigh yet? What is your problem with people playing post Blitzkrieg then? Short posts? I think a paragraph in a post is ample. Again we're not painting a picture, and we honestly don't care about the outside reader. Or at least I don't anyway. If I'm participating in an RP it's for my own entertainment, if people enjoy reading, fine. But I'm not going to waste time catering for an outsider I haven't ever interacted with. Overall I don't mind criticism, I enjoy it, and will most likely hurl some around (with insults) if I get bored. I don't mind your comments, on the contrary they're rather fun to read. But I don't understand where you're getting the impression that this RP was intended for external viewers.
  2. I support screw overs :/ Why would I complain? Seems fine so far, I'd be fine with it even if the things blew up the moment Cess handed them over to other characters. Though if there's say, a hidden goddess spirit thing in the box which will give whoever opens it three wishes. Then I suppose I'll have issues with it :/
  3. Nyeh, you never said it "directly" but comments such as quantity>quality & More description & One liners=bad. Kind of lead to the belief that you're asking for longer more detailed, solid posts. If this wasn't the case you probably should have rectified everyones comments a bit sooner. And while I acknowledge that you've hinted at it not being your case, this is the first time you've stated outright that it isn't. Hmm, well now that I'm arguing, you can't these people to accept your "healthy criticism" when you're hurling insults like: I personally think these aren't very insulting at all, but it's clear that they're not exactly friendly comments, and I know from experience that alot of people on the internet don't want to hear anything negative about their work. I've been spriting FE mugs for over a year now and been flamed about my "crappy mugs" a few times, and flamed others more then they should have to put up with. As for your argument, how exactly do you propose that more description be added? I doubt you mean description to the extent Cynthia's post mentioned. "More description" is fine and all, but in what areas? Character responses? Scenery? Time? We could actually use some of that XD? Saying it could use more description is akin to saying a character needs more "character" to actually make your point valid or worth listening too, you'll need to explain how. Message board Hmm, so you're saying just because it's a message board, there's no need for people to interact over the course of a day? Honestly? Are you saying that you'd rather wait 7 days of 7 spaced out posts, over 7 posts which were made consecutively in one day? We're here to RP, and I don't see an issue with people trying to get as many RP posts in as possible. I don't really see what your argument is here, so I'm going to request you clarify you're criticism before going off on an "unrelated (misguided) tangent."
  4. I was under the impression it was dark, hence the reason for things getting screwy, I'll amend my post when I figure out what time it is XD
  5. @Alch Well, like Isotov and Panamon, Reika can run pretty fast, she's been on the run for years just like Isotov, mind you not by the same people, but still. Looking at things from Reika's perspective, I figured her number one problem with the group was keeping up with them. If you all hurried off like you did earlier, then to keep up, Reika essentially needs to run as fast as Amari/other horses. So by killing them off, it becomes easier to tail them. She might contemplate attacking Kiev or Ulfhrahn later, but horses seem.... easier to kill XD As for picking on Amari, not only is it a long-standing tradition goal.... err joke? In the RP, but I figured having a weapon in Amari's direction would result in some sort of cry from the creature. (Surprise, fright, etcetc) bringing the event to at least someones attention. But no one really cares what Reika does XD Could have been Trevor, Francis, or any of the others, (How many horses does the group have?) But a reaction from them was unlikely. And I don't really know where they are. @Retcon. I don't get it, I was under the impression you timeskipped to the next morning? (Broad-daylight) :/ Reika's arrival would be much later then the rest of the group which charged there :/
  6. @Alch There really wasn't any point behind it, but it's kind of boring having a spy in the group that doesn't really do anything and big sabotage plans get me in trouble, and while I'd usually welcome such angry people, I'm a bit busy lately with other "stuff" so I can't exactly scheme something big without risking doing a Lightning. Reika doesn't really have a strong attachment to animals, a person who liked animals wouldn't fry wyvern eggs XD. She has a hatred for wyverns as she associates them with Bern Halton. And while she slightly prefers horses>humans. (Mainly cause she can't understand the former) But she isn't exactly a Kelas (Horse <3'er). Motive is simply to upset the group, nothing more, nothing less, Reika isn't a schemer Even though I'll make her actions result in some schemes, they're as unknown to Reika as they are to the rest of the group. Another reason I suppose would be her dislike of authority, and Susann in the current situation resembles a prisoner being held against it's will. My motive however is to see how Phoenix will deal with it :/ Wyvern article update gives me some ideas.
  7. Reika yawned as they arrive at the new village, town, settlement, whatever. After she'd confirmed the groups destination, she'd parted ways with the group, and decided to walk the distance, coincidentally coming across a traveling merchant on the way, who she paid to help her get to a Alburny. Giving her more then enough time for a quick nap. It was getting pretty dark by the time she arrived, and as she gave the merchant her thanks, and stolen back all the gold she'd paid him and more. She noticed Kelas walking into an inn by herself. Figuring the groups resting spot she yawned loudly, and headed over to the stables only to find the Pegasi stuggling against it's bonds. "Stupid creature" she muttered as she watched with a bored expression, making sure that no one was looking she raised her hand and summoned a single dagger, "As tempting as it is" she said looking at Amari, "I suppose I should find another weapon before killing off the mounts." Shrugging she turned around to leave when the Pegasus began struggling again. "Argh, fine, she said tossing the dagger and slicing through the halter that was binding the Pegasus. Figuring the Pegasi would make a move soon, she quickly exited the stables and headed for nearby tree's. Sensing that she didn't want to be around to listen to the whiny group members when they figured out what she'd done.
  8. Suppose I'll make a post now :/
  9. @Psychout, not what I meant, once you've established yourself into the community, we all talk like idiots, but when someone new joins, it's mainly. "You can't do that" or "You should do this" and as I've said before recruitment scenes are always awkward due to the "new" not knowing anything about the plot (Cause honestly you can't blame them for not wanting to read 200ish pages of RP) and not knowing how to integrate themselves. Bigbangmeteor was a great example of this XD Though I admit, I'm on the hatred side of the scale for most of you incompetent people XD Haha you either hate me or are incompetent Nah-nah :P Who's in charge of the plot now anyway? Is this Allbunnies a Snike scenario or another one fantastically boring GM scene?
  10. Skimmed through most of the posts here, and the only thing I have to say is that I'm going to disagree with longer=better. Description is nice and all, but I don't think that an RP's main objective is to write long posts, I'll admit, one liners are annoying, but say I write a 3 paragraph post, it'd be fine and all if this was a fanfic. But most characters are controlled by different people. So focusing too long on the perspective of one character seems a bit silly IMO. In an RP, what I find most irritating is when someone writes long boring posts about how great or important their character is, and then the same character does his own thing without interacting with others. That character becomes an idiot character no one really cares about, Kai/Helios is a clear example in chapter 1. He found a cave filled with important inscriptions, but no one really cared, I'd even guess that some people just skipped his posts earlier on. As for racing, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought so too at times. But Phoenix's post explains my thoughts on the matter, it's a race, but a race against time, to see how much interaction the RP'ers can draw out of eachother. Finally extremes, Please ignore Lightning and Kai, they're essentially the idiots of the group, and seldom actually make any sense. mr_e_s you're completely right about using extremes, and it's not the first time some of these idiots have used it.
  11. @CS, and I'm assuming no one's being very helpful XD Everyone in this RP are heartless beings, So it's either work it out yourself, not care, or simply leave XD As for how fast it moves :/ You can usually blame Phoenix for that, stupid Donald never sleeps. Overall the story so far is Group of Crimson weapons wielders "coincidentally" meet up in a small town (Darien). A few of the group are tasked with gathering the remaining crimson weapons (Damian: Halton soldier, Morgan: Random Shamaness Irina: Stupid Mercenary) And the group decide to band together for gold, glory yadda yadda. Bandits attack Darien, group gets blamed and kicked out of Darien. Group set up camp outside Darien, Darien is set on fire by more bandits. (Darien Destroyed) Group decide to travel to Elysimma. Meet random tentacle monster on the way. (Mesh) Group get into border town, stuff happens, Isotov sets the Inn on fire, group flee's and are now wanted criminals. Group makes contact with Percy, One of the heroes who defeated the demon king 25 years ago. Group Defeats Percy Group rest at village (Istample) A small army is spotted group flee's from Istample. Uses a underground tunnel network (Cobalt caves) Group splits into two since some don't want to use the caves. Group rejoin at abandoned fort (Selizara) soon surrounded by enemy. Mysterious group who were inside the fort, attacks army, group gets caught in crossfire. Eventually end up captured and escorted to the capitol by Viveka (Phoenix's character) Army escorting the group get attacked, group escape. Run to mage academy (TISME) Stuff happens, bandits appear around TISME's surrounding. Group repels them Group then hears of another tentacle monster in the swamp, decide to investigate. Woman called Helen with a wagon decides to take them there. Group arrive at swamp, attacked by flying leeches, Helen reveals herself as Helenos, who's some undead dragon thingie. Group defeat Helenos, and retreat to town (Hamburg). Recognized and forced to flee away from Hamburg Finally the group gets the sense that being wanted criminals in a country is a bad thing and head towards mountain pass that leads to neighbouring nation (Halton) Attacked by wyverns in the mountain pass. Survive and make it to next village Meli-something. (VillageM) Group arrive, buy food, food turns out to be drugged, the group decide to camp out. Overnight they're attacked by the villagers who turned out to be succubi and inccubi. (Demons). Isotov gets angry kills the demons sets the area on fire, group runs away from their campsite. The rest, well I'm not entirely sure, someone else will have to follow up or you'll have to read 21 pages of the current chapter. I don't know what's happening either. Don't get used to people telling you though, as I said, these people aren't very friendly to newcomers, they're all a bunch of douche's and an incompetent GM doesn't help the case much either, he's usually less informed them everyone else.
  12. Contemplating whether I should just start off confused, or bother reading 38 pages of Chat, and 17 pages of RP :/
  13. Ah well, bye bye all. Nady has other things to do.
  14. Snowy's group see this RP as hostile competition, so I wouldn't expect them to:/ It's amusing how you've started this RP, mainly defining each starting character restricting creativity for others, though I suppose a new character could walk through the door at any time. I'm generally not seeing this RP in a very favorable light yet though, probably because I don't like the concept of multiple races, Elves and such. It'd probably help if you could use the signup page for extra information, I'm not aware of how in-depth you plan to make this, it's most likely another RP slapped together with very little planning, and therefore if I asked you about world lore, nations, reasons for the quest, I'd probably just get a dumb look, or receive an angry response telling me that you'll "work things out as they go." My personal belief is that despite the above comments this RP will crash before ever taking off. Just like the others which have tried to start up here. But that's just my opinion, though I'll keep an eye on this for progress, as I'm not very impressed with the way Snowy manages his RP, and am currently looking for a new one.
  15. Reika really had no idea what was going on, first a wyvern, then a group of Pegasi and now these clowns. It was just one after another with this group. She could hear a voice in her head telling her to make a run for it while she still could. Shaking her head she looked around attacking the closest person, who just happened to be an enemy. Reika attacks4+3-2=5 Hits for 12+2-4= 10 Merc attacks5+3-8=0 Miss Reika attacks4+2-5=1 Hits for 2+3-4=1 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2576668/ Reika 9/9 Merc 1/12
  16. Hmm, was there an exp tally post (for the last battle) or did we have to calculate that ourselves?
  17. Yeah, I received a PM requesting me to burn it down, only read a bit of it so far (got bored and stopped) but I don't think I need to, it'll kill itself within a week :/ Joy, a few hundred post of Chat and RP'ing to read >_<
  18. I don't log in for one whole day, and stuff happens :/ And I'm assuming it was alot of stuff :/
  19. *Shrugs* Don't know, don't think it matters, the group of "heroes" can't die anyway, so we'll make it out of the fire unscathed and head straight for Halton.
  20. Even if it was the goddess, I doubt that's what she meant by "stop healing" XD I'm also not sure if we should interpret her as "THE Goddess" or just another goddess :/ Since I really don't want to see Helios talking to some divinity.
  21. "Right, east, back through the town of crazies or around?" she said with an amused smile on her face "It'd probably be faster to run through it then around it, but there might be a few crazies around." Reika said calmly, not minding the smoke and flames around her, she wasn't immune to burns but that didn't stop her from admiring the red flames as they scorched and destroyed everything in it's path. Highly amused at the antic of the group she decided to tag along after them, perhaps this'll be more fun then she thought.
  22. I'm more curious as to why all the incubus's were after Isotov and not any of the girls, if the incubi were spread out, someone on the groups side Note how I don't say "our side" would most likely have been grilled to death too. As for the fire, Nady never complains about fire, In Katie case I was complaining about her ability not the actual explosion, in this case, the source of the fire is acceptable, hence I have no complaints.
  23. Reika laughed as the entire incubus group disappeared in a wave of fire, "Should have done that at the beginning" she stated watching as the tree's and flora around her caught fire, "Sweet smell of destruction" she said looking around to make sure the other enemies were properly killed. She noticed a good majority of the group, panicking and running around, apparently someone had been hurt in the blaze, but that wasn't really important, she'd prefer it if the person, whoever it was died anyway. "Serves them right for playing stupid games and getting drunk" she said to herself, wandering how long the group would stand in the flames before retreating.
  24. I would like to nominate Kelas into the mixture! XD (Exclude nobility, though we'll have to wait for that Kelas/Helios friendship to bloom)
  25. Spear through the stomach probably needs more then a vuln :/ Charlotte's busy with zombie Eric, and Reika will now commence intercepting Tessa XD Kill the Iso!
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