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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. No, he's dead, unless Ashera's clone wants to give him a bit of blessing too, he's dead XD
  2. And by the time you get back, we'll probably have sent this thread another half a dozen pages forward. As for 35 retcon exp, I'm assuming he can, don't really know. I was assuming 35 if you joined in chapter 7 40 if you joined in chapter 8 Or that's what I did for Reika, but was just following Snike's example I think, clarification by the almighty ones? (preferably the non-stupid one) :P
  3. No, everyone who's freed their mind can see it :/ Honestly though, I'm not really sure what that was supposed to do other then send up to Kaileen, and surely there was a better way to do that, instead of temp killing Eric off. Aaaah Zombie, the dead have revived! Miranda's coming! XD
  4. *Swipes Bals staff and gives it to Kamilla so she can trade it in for a plate of bacon* :/ I don't see why we'd need a goddess intervening, Ether's guys are still around, and I'd guess we could still manage to wipe out the remaining inccubi without help :/
  5. Some progress that battle posts, even an enemy turn would be nice. I can't stand boring character development posts that take over plot XD
  6. Damage calc isn't that hard is it? Just need the base numbers, (Pain to find sometimes) and then a mathematics equation a 5 year old could solve. (Name Base Skill)+(Skill roll)-(Enemy Evd)= 0 < Hit (Name Base Str/Mag)+(Str roll)-(Enemy Def)= 0 < Damage (Enemy Base Skill)+(Skill roll)-(Name Evd)= 0 < Hit (Enemy Base Str/Mag)+(Str roll)-(Name Def)= 0 < Damage :/ I don't see why people would have trouble with it. :/
  7. *Wonders how Irina can miss an enemy with 3Evd* :/ Is dumb a-..... nevermind XD Phoenix flames go weak, time to die? :P
  8. Yes Ma'am :P *Edits* *Think Phoenix can afford an attack, but that's just her*
  9. No seriously though, RNG must really hate us this time around. *Just got a 6crit on enemy turn*
  10. This was getting old very quickly, looking around for an enemy, Reika jumped over a fallen succubus to get to another succubi which was still up and attacking. Looking at her surrounding, it seemed everyone had a grudge aganinst the female drug addicts. Succubus 0/21 Reika 8/9 Enemies Remaining
  11. Hmmm, don't really think decreasing HP here was that great an idea, mainly since I'm not sure what to do now. When you decrease HP, is that -9 HP from all succubi/Inccubi, or just the ones on full HP? Don't really know enemy numbers at the moment either.
  12. God damn it >_< No consensus, consensus bad <_< *Resorts to cheap, yet brutal insult hurling Phoenix fantasizes about Kai's short stubby hairy legs! @Stat stuff We're pretty much saying the same thing, so I don't see the point of continuing this Consensus bad!, I want my dumb stupid scratching post back @Spoiler Nyeh, I owe you one for activating the bull and giving me some entertainment earlier, I call this even then :P I'm assuming then Snowy is God? In that case I request the position of Satan, Lucifer or whatever else name it goes by. And if not, at least one of the ones that fell with the big bad. Anyway, what Snowy needs is a kick inbetween the legs and sadly the powers of the internet still don't allow me to do that.
  13. Morgan had shown up just as she had finished her threat and told her about her priorities, "Heh, you're all as much my enemy as the rest of these drug addicts" she said to Morgan, before dodging a cracking whip. Apparently Morgan hadn't been so lucky and looked done for, before getting up again. "Damn mages" she told the shamaness "Don't even know when to die." Wary of her surroundings, she resumed looking around for an opening she could infiltrate, hoping that the others would be fighting, out of the corner of her eye though, she saw a few figures sleeping. "Damn you all" she muttered narrowly avoiding another attack.
  14. Postponed? I not important no more? :( Eh I can agree on more enemies, personally I feel we should reach player phase 3 (Player, enemy, player, enemy, player) (5 phases) before a battle can be concluded, but that's just me. Though increasing their numbers and stats simultaneously doesn't really make much sense. Hurray, *doesn't shut up, but suppose it can't hurt to listen* I think I've said this before, but if not I agree with what you're saying. It's just the definition of "plot" that makes me wonder, since technically everything is plot. And having non-plot battles, is like randomly conjuring up bandits out of nowhere, killing them, and then pretending they never were part of the plot. In regards to fleeing, I don't mind some cases, especially in transition, (Eg Battle objective, defeat Celeste: Complete----> More soliders in the vicinity = flee) In other words switching from what you call stat to plot and then fleeing. Likewise in the current case, I would have preferred current numbers, and then when we defeat them, having more demons appear, and retreating if that's what plot demands. Again, with the wyverns, if they were statted I would accepted the first lot of wyverns (increasing in number) and being statted, and then have the bull+extra be plot enemies. I just don't agree that battles we can win should always=stat battles (I know that's not what you meant), consecutive battles also don't work too well with me :/ At least not in the way it was used at the swamp. *Is contemplating whether she should open the spoiler.....* Nah :P Ouch, Phoenix losing interest? XD @Alch There's no backstory provided on it, I just thought it'd be interesting to have someone who didn't like heals, I've actually been waiting to see who I should declare my first "kill" since obviously I can't fight the entire group at once, and I can't really officially kill anyone anyway. I was originally thinking someone else, and was going to have Reika not interact with Tessa at all, since Tessa doesn't like Chase based on his criminal background, Reika undoubtedly has one as well. But nyeh Bal initiated, I responded.
  15. Reika dully noted someone saying "I'm here to help." and while hesitant she figured she could use a bit of help with the woman, what were these things anyway? She recalled some bandits talking about a drug that increased physical prowess at the expense of mental stability, was that what these people were affected by? Twisted magic and drugs? She suddenly felt her vision clear, where was this supposed "help?" the succubi had turned it's attention on another attacker for now, but, she turned around and noticed Tessa's staff raised infront of her. It took a few seconds before she realized what was happening. "Get away from me!" she said rudely pushing the staff and Tessa away. Hugging herself protectively, her senses catching up she felt the vile tingling sensation that healing usually gave her. Frowning and spitting on the ground, she raised her dagger, "I've decided I'm going to kill you first" she told the healer, pointing her dagger menacingly at the healer. "Watch you back sister" she said before focusing her attention on the enemies around her. (OoC: Yes I refuse to admit demons exist XD)
  16. Apparently Phoenix did first :/ I don't want to know Films the encounter and sells it on ebay
  17. What exactly did we attack now then? Morgan defeated succubus 6 but there's only 5 now XD *Confused status* ^That's because you've been kind enough not to have an enemy phase XD
  18. @Phoenix You're annoyed at being ignored :/ Huh, wonder why I'm feeling a slight sense of deja vu here? :/ I actually Pm'ed you to introduce Celeste's army, and the bandits were mine as well :/ But Cynthia was the only one who could actually stat them. :/ As for Selizara they were your troops, and everything else has been, quick encounters not even worth stating. Though, at least you're willing to accept their were you own mistakes used against you :/ Legion... never heard, never wanna hear it :P *Refuses to wiki*
  19. I nominate a random generic soldier who'll be killed sooner or later. I'm against the idea of a stat maker, or rather a stat maker who isn't excessively active, only people I can think that fit the bill are Cynthia, Phoenix, Alch, and myself. And you all know what'll happen if I do it XD The rest of you :/ No :P @Alch, must have missed that, I'll switch to another one XD
  20. Woods? Did someone say woods? Iso-*shot* *Stole Alch's identity* I sorry XD ^ And an official decision making person? And an official plot director? And an offical lore maker? And an...... XD
  21. It's impossible please you isn't it? Nady runs the plot and you complain about the constant enemies, (or did you? I can't remember, I just remember everyone throwing a hissy). And then Snowy runs his plot and you have new problems. Conclusion: Your pessimism is warranted? XD What happened to the Snowy loyalist in you? XD @Kai Yeah, die sounds good to me. XD
  22. Thanks XD I was thinking Heinz and Reika, (thieves), but everyone running like a flock of sheep that had a wolf parachuted in on them works too :/
  23. I didn't see the problem in Elysimma as much Percy and co ran off Celeste's encounter was handled correctly, (battles finish, reinforcements on there way, run) Bandit raid in the capitol was cleared normally. Snowy runs things and enemies get god modded XD (Helenos/SucIncbi) ^^ So we do or don't have enough mounts?
  24. This I'm certain if that had been a 6,6,6 roll you would have rolled with it whether it be single integer or double. And it's not exactly hard to link twice. (Accidentally only made 1 roll herself, and then followed it up with the rest in a second link). The reason you provided is the same one I thought you'd provide but Snike is right :/ @Alch To the hills! Back to the mouthes of the smelly flying lizards we go!
  25. A shock followed her attack, and the succubi's attention was turned away from her and at a young boy holding up a tome. Who was felled right after his attack. "Mages...." Reika muttered to herself, just as another tried to launched an attack on her "Argh" Succubi Z 15/21 Reika 2/9 Having received a pretty brutal hit, she winced, probably wouldn't last much longer at this rate. She looked around at the others, noticing most were in a similar condition, "time to run soon I suppose" she said getting ready to leave the battlefield.
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