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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Nyahaha, *Dances around the protective barrier of that rule* I'd cut it shorter but seeing as how there's probably nothing else to do at this point in time, I guess I'll continue my ranting through Kamilla XD And this case I'm trying to stay more in character then just cause trouble. She didn't exactly join the group willingly, and now has a chance at getting away. If she just complied and went along with Morgan and her demands it wouldn't make sense at all. But more importantly I don't wanna! I want to cause trouble
  2. "Come along to where?" she said in hysterics now "If you'd headed for Halton, Septimus, or even some other destroyed nation I had other choices I could have made but instead you decide to head for the enemy's main base?" "Greater good my foot, you all think you're doing some sort of good deed, but you're just overestimating your own importance, there's no sign of any demon revivals, and your blasphemy about the Demon Lord returning doesn't make sense at all" she said loud enough to turn some heads.
  3. I doubt anyone can complain about that rule really, and it's not one you can overturn unless you want to screw the RP over more then I have already. Nevermind that most of us have used it at least once by now. As for my characters, both Kamilla and Reika are up for plot deaths if certain conditions are met. Mainly since most of you RP your characters based on your disapproval of me, and the others genuinely don't get along with Kamilla (and Reika) If you want to try an attempt at her life, let me know via PM. And you might actually get your wish and kill my annoying critters XD
  4. "I agreed to no such agreement" she said trying to shake Morgans hand off, wincing as Morgan tightened her grip. Looking at Morgan disgusted "You'd honestly kill innocent people, just because they saw something you didn't want them to see?" "Plus, by following you and your friends around, I'm either going to end up being thrown behind bars, or executed anyway, what's the difference" she asked defiantly, she tried to sound strong but her voice was more then enough indication that she was far from it.
  5. Of course I do, it's like attacking you all from behind a safety net. For plots sake though I don't mind you knocking her out or doing whatever though. (The permission to fiddle with another character thing). Since it's sort of necessary here.
  6. I'm assuming those two characters are going to be you characters :/ Since I doubt everyone wants to be in a position where they have to worship some old guy. If you do come up with a solution, let me know and we'll test Nady proof, if it isn't you can make adjustments. Otherwise you can just try to roll it along and test if it's Nady proof on the spot XD We'll see how fast we can get there (Stephanie might not even be there XD) Since I need to wait and see if Morgans going to knock Kamilla out and throw her in an alleyway :P Edit: Kanami has idea!!! We can get Conrad to give us a pardon by handing over everyone with a Crimson weapon, and make them his "bitches." That's got to be adequate payment XD
  7. OoC: Damn it, Cynthia remembered XD Kamilla glared at Morgan, "I don't see what you can do" she said indicating the people that were coming out their homes and heading to work, shop or whatever people in the capitol did. What do you mean 'rat you out' anyway. I don't ever recall agreeing to side with you, and I've been more a hostage then anything." "Furthermore, it's my duty to report my findings to the church and the goddess compels me to." she said a bit arrogantly turning on her heel and heading down the street towards the direction she thought the church was.
  8. Nyahaha first one back :/ Phoenix :/ There is no solution to the pardoning stuff :/ Admit it, and move on :P Well, the Kelas front along with Cynthia and Snike could do with some activity? Most likely join up with Isotov at the church :/ Thought that puts us through another rollercoaster from hell. Sponsored by me! .... though I admit Phoenix is the cause of this scenario this time round
  9. So many grumpies and grouchies everywhere today, must be that time of the year :/
  10. XD You didn't actually think that was a serious post did you? XD
  11. Kamilla shook her head don't worry about the note, she whispered to Eric. She honestly hadn't expected to be allowed to ever go near a church again but now that she had the opportunity to she was willing to argue her case directly, and receive the payment she was due. Plus, the information was now old, better to give them fresh new information, she didn't know who held a weapon, but the fact that a few of them were here indicated that the group was now generally all setting themselves up in Ilyphina, Turning to Eric, she smiled, "You go ahead and find your friend and TISME, I'll head to the church myself"
  12. Be back in half an hour, have to go maul children. Back, and not very impressed, with either the children that I killed or the RP'ers who haven't RP'ed XD Ah well, guess we made some sort of progress today... sort of
  13. Fine, Chew toy then :/ Pretty sure Kai took care of Arrin/Tessa's guards :/
  14. Haha he apologized! What a funny person. Ah well, Kai and Lightning will be off soon I suppose :/ Phoenix, Ether's left, will you be my scratching post until something interesting happens?
  15. Not when the other party is getting too emotional, what would the point of being fazed by that be? I knew I was going to clash with Ether sooner or later since chapter1 of this RP, so I've actually long been expecting this. Would even go as far as saying it's a bit late. Tell you what, I'll give you the same deal I gave theonefate. If you can get 50% of the Rp'ers to tell me to get lost, then I'll withdraw myself from this RP, and never bother all of you here again. I tried this with theonefate, and he gave me a list of names. But whether everyone wanted me gone at the time was questionable since I didn't confirm everyone's opinions. @Snike, How does Jerdon's crest resolve anything? I mean, Snike isn't listed or even described as someone on the wanted list is he?
  16. 1st:Ah Selizara guards, forgot about them, But I still wouldn't attribute 3 guards(?) as enough to label the whole nation horny soldier land :/ And the horny Selizara guys were with Esphyr only from what I can remember, likewise Aiya wouldn't know about them. 2nd: So you're saying, if a woman calls "rape" she can get away with whatever she wants? Mind you, the group is under extreme suspicion as it is already, bribes, timing, appearance, numbers, being armed. None of this works in their favor, the only reason they'd have to trust Eric at this point would be.... well just his words, and they don't count for much. 3rd:Okay, so the point of me being here is to "seemingly fuck up everyone at every goddamn turn" But that doesn't answer my question of what the point of you being here is?
  17. Soldier = Horny? I'm knew to this idea :/ I recall the border guards being like that, but can't say the same for any other guards we've come across :/ Eric and Kamilla weren't around at the time of the border incident, so "whole group" is a bit of an overstatement. I don't see how that scenario "word against word" would result in guards letting the group in without being searched :/ I'm not trying to shift the blame, but I feel like I was essentially challenged to see if I could counter Snike bribe/attempt, But I'd have intervened and done the same even without the challenge so it's no big deal. Hmm? You want a reason for keeping me around? Can I question what the point of keeping you around then is?
  18. Kamilla frowned at Erics action, for once she agreed with the Wind mage, if the guards were missing when someone at the end of the shift, wouldn't that raise an alarm anyway? But not being in a position to correct the man, nor having the time, she quickly followed Eric as he led the way into the city.
  19. @Ether, one thing I keep forgetting is Celeste She recognized Aiya as a Halton soldier on sight, kind of lucky of her to have noticed a small crest while fighting eachother in mid-air eh? And you didn't complain back then. Which gives me a precedent. If you're going to argue that Celeste knew via description of Aiya, then I'm more then overjoyed to comply with your wishes and retcon this incident :D
  20. *Shrugs* Eric? Ether's probably too pissed off at me to lead, and Lacuna isn't really a 'Lead the group' type character.
  21. Seemed like he didn't care to me :/ Curious as to what that edit is for as well :P Addy, there was a battle right at infront of the main(?) city gates less then a few hours ago. Under normal circumstances, they guards wouldn't be so edgy and suspicious, of everything but having a military convoy attacked one sidedly infront of the capitol isn't a normal circumstance in my opinion. Again, Bribe = More suspicious. Finally, I'm not going to argue my case with Eric v Guards, since the guards let them through initially. If there's a problem it's with Kelas's attire (which was apparently my mistake) and Aiya's crest.
  22. If you want me to retcon'ing it, I wouldn't mind. Will still lead to the same result considering there's other stuff me to pick out on. Regardless of anything I put forward, with the stuff Snike came up with, they'd need to see a higher official, with more guards around to deliver the message (Since the guards need to leave their posts to do otherwise) The argument would be that they send them off and trust them to deliver the message. :/ But considering how criminals are running loose I'd have thought all guards would be on edge. (Nevermind that they're armed travelers XD) As I said above though (in an edit) would you have rather had the soldiers search Aiya? PS: Phoenix, I thought it was a typo, but you're doing it way too often, isn't it a "hole in the roof" and a "hole in your scheme"? Extra: I've also foreshadowed the gate might have someone who recognizes them positioned there. (Border town is now occupied by bandits, so the guards there are dead or at the capitol) Phoenix has established this possibility at Selizara with a guard recognizing Irina as the wyvern-flagpole girl.
  23. Hmmm, could have sworn I read somewhere in Lacuna's post that it was more a "frilly" type thing, but then again, it might of been something else in the past 4 hours :/ Ah, well, as Lacuna said, Nomad lineage written on face, looks like a man-woman and wearing non-nomad clothes, Changed "frilly dress" into "decent clothes." As for officers crest, wasn't mentioned, and when not mentioned I connect it to the RP'er forgetting. Obvious or not, people are prone to mistakes, and getting in was a stretch without a proper check anyway (Security is tight, criminals escaped less then a few hours ago). Getting past should be easy, no? ( ̄ー ̄) @Ether, It was the fastest way, or would you prefer I have the soldiers search Aiya and have them discover her crest? Also, offering a bribe, is more then enough reason for suspicion :P
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