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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Do whatever you want, as far as I understand this is a stat battle, so not quite yet. They won't be going anywhere near TISME, (They'll most likely be wiped out before they get that far) so if you'd rather stay in TISME and sleep, there's nothing stopping you either :P
  2. As the hour passed away a loud roar could be heard from outside the main gate as bandits swarmed in. The guards who had been positioned to watch the gate, carefully slaughtered by those who had already broken in earlier that day. Their leader, a former knight in the service of some lost kingdom. They're objective, to destroy the Elysimmian military and claim ownership of the nation. Reika smirked joyously, "There's the signal, get going boys" she said loud enough for the bandits around her to have heard. "If they cooperate or start fleeing spare their lives, if they draw their weapon crack their skulls" she announced drawing out a pair of steel daggers. "If you meet any patrol soldiers kill them regardless of their actions." The group cheered quietly before they went about pillaging. They couldn't carry women, and their objective this time round was valuables. Reika looked around, she had no interest in pillaging or getting rich, not when there were soldiers strutting around the place. Seeing a patrol guard and his torch up ahead she grinned deciding that the pair would be her first victims tonight
  3. :/ Whatever, fine, I'll go destroy stuff :/ It's all I'm good for anyway :/ @Cynthia: Answer to PM?
  4. Yes, Nady is causing more trouble trying to "fuck up everyone at every goddamn turn" again. Unlike my usual chaotic streak, there are several benefits for the group in this attack. Which I've discussed with Cynthia. So I sort of have permission :/ It was planned for the next day but I figured I'd launch it during the night, to make visibility poor and disadvantage Elysimmia. (Bandits kill anything, soldiers need to make sure it's bandits) And since Reika's objective is to pillage it works better if I execute it at night. The bandits are split up into the -Main group: Around the main gate, consisting of bandits that have no real relevance, their objective is to keep the military occupied while the Crimson Brigade (Kai's Naming sense, not mine)can take out the pillaging groups. -Sub group Jones/Reika -A group of bandits who are inside pillaging the place. Consists of (X) amount of bandits, Dalton, Jones and Reika. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Complaints I've come across several issues when putting this into effect. -The timing of the bandit attack is not random, but due to the loss of the general(Upson) and casulaties at Selizara. -The soldier sent to Conrad was a fake :P And Conrad kindly dispatched soldiers to the now unoccupied Vaorin front XD -Reika doesn't like bandits: She didn't, but has decided to ally herself with them to cause the "If I suffered they should too" mentality and is attacking Elysimmia (not Halton) because she wants Elysimma to suffer the same way her home city did. -Bandits can't get in that easily: Right, there was a point to arguing with Ether and the CBrigade can. Eric/Helios forced their way in easily. -Bandits would get noticed once they were inside: Perhaps, but I counter this with the fact that the military is on the lookout for bigger fish at the moment (Chase and his friends) and bandits look no different from a few ruffians if they're not being bandits I can already sense complaints heading my way, but I have been hinting at this for awhile now :/ If you have any complaints (with points against) I'll happily answer them :) @Cynthia: You're already with Chase, so you might end up actually being his defense attorney and convincing Conrad. @Lacuna "Fffffffffffffffffffffff" back at you :P @All, Sadly no fire this time :( And before you yell at me for causing shit again, you've all been sleeping/resting since the afternoon (Or it wasn't night before Cynthia's imp post) and we were deprived of an actual Exp battle in the last chapter. (Despite being up against the Bolivian army)
  5. Reika smirked knowing full well that tonight was going to be a fun one. "Dalton! Where's Jones's group?" she asked the balding man who had been inspecting an abandoned horse cart, Dalton had been running around taking an interest in everything he came across all day and Reika had only bared with it knowing that fun was awaiting her when the sun went down. Dalton: "Errr dunno Boss, Jonesy said he'd be here on time this morning" the man replied stupidly. Reika: "Bloody fool", she said vaguely not making it clear if she was referring to Jones or Dalton, she sighed and looked up at the sky. "A waning crescent huh" she said staring blankly up at the moon "Not a bad night to spill some soldier blood eh Dalton?". Dalton: "Why are we attacking here again Boss?" Reika: "None of your business you stupid gorilla, as far as I know some rich guy offered to pay us if we successfully pillaged the capitol" Dalton: "Rich guy, does that mean he has gold?" Reika: "Yes, it means he has gold, lots of gold, and for us you idiot, wasn't exactly clear on the details but apparently he paid a good sum up front." Dalton: "Can I buy a white fluffy bunny if he gives us gold?" Reika: "...... I have no idea how Jones manages to put up with you" Looking around she noticed the cloaked man that had followed them since they'd left the border town standing quietly nearby. Reika: "You there, any idea how the others are doing?" she asked not really expecting a response. The man had been silent ever since he'd offered his assistance back at the border town. Cloakie: "..... main army... ready... attack main gate.... soon" Reika: "You mean the group led by that idiot knight who insisted on fighting Elysimma's military head on?" she asked referring to the main body of their army which consisted of various bandits clans that had gathered together in Vaorin. "If he somehow makes it back alive remind me to knife the guy, bloody knights and their honor code." Cloakie: "......." Reika: "Right, and the other pillaging groups? They're all in the capitol by now right?" Cloakie: "......." Reika: "You're not going to say anything else, are you?" Cloakie: "......." Reika: "Argggh >_< Why the hell did I have to be in charge of the stupid group?" Cloakie: "......." Reika: "Arggh, just, get out of my sight before I decide to kill you or something" Cloakie: "......." Reika: "............." *Sigh*
  6. Hmm well it's an issue that's not upon us yet, but in the case that we do end up being evicted from feedback. I'd suggest just moving the entire thing to somewhere else instead of trying to separate the two (feedback/socializing) I'd actually think some mass PM network for this would be better then trying to keep an eye on two different areas of the forum :/ Ah well, guess I'll wait to see Snowy's response. @Cynthia, guess you went for the transfer method then XD Looking forward to how you solve pt2 of the problem with a transfer :P @All So I'm guessing we all wake up the next morning? (Morgans night). That was an awfully uneventful fast day.
  7. I blame Ether for implying the "dirty" scenes XD It is amusing how admins and mods have taken an interest in this RP lately. :/ Might have something to do with spamming the creative section with chapters every 20 pages. Might be another matter entirely :/ Doubt it could be all the conflict I cause here, but it's a possibility. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narga sheds the light :/ Hmmm, sort of a tough one, feedback would include issues we have with the way the plot is advancing right? So it's not all spam :/ Do we have an official order to make a socializing thread yet? XD
  8. Donald is aspiring to be Damian. Simple as that. I only picked on Amari since it was the alpha horse. I don't even know if Marks horse had a name And Luna got offed anyway. Judging by Bal's story on Trevor, he's an old war horse, and old horse meat doesn't taste as nice, though it may still be juicy. Kiev... doesn't look edible, maybe if we run out of supplies. Irina won't notice he's gone until Kiev's in her stomach. @Killing Kelas Hmmm, possibility, but you handle the two characters pretty well, don't see any need for you to be killing characters off.
  9. Well, I'm sort of wanting a timeskip since everyone was for a timeskip earlier, and I opposed it because I didn't want Kamilla flailing around for X hours. Only to get noticed as everyone's leaving. If at all Getting bored of TISME, going to make Kamilla head out and investigate the town for awhile I suppose. @Phoenix: Shanice being in the actual academy is a bit fishy :/ Headmaster would have noticed an odd presence, and there's got to be some sort of security system right? XD Despite the fact we got in without any hassle *Contemplates making a random Npc mage girl who see's Shanice and chases after him yelling "Kitty! Come back kitty!"* :/
  10. Nighty night Snike. *Is regretting not waking up earlier today* 'Nother boring day then :/ *Makes mental note to stick close to Tessa And screw up the Arrin/Tessa support if she wants a reaction henceforth* *Shakes her fist at the others (except Snike)*
  11. When was that? Cause I think back in Ch1 we opted to spam Sign-up instead of Feedback, and people started joining as soon as I left XD So I'm guessing it's the blank between the time I left, and Kamilla's introduction. Is anyone against a timeskip at this stage? (Arrin and Phoenix seem to be doing something?)
  12. *Wonders if there'll ever be a day when RP posts exceed Feedback posts*
  13. Thank you for the credit I suppose? :/
  14. XD Thanks Bal, not too big an issue, if Kamilla playing 5 year old isn't enough to get attention I know other ways to get it :P Guess I should contact Cynthia, since Kai's most likely already leaking the information I sent him :P
  15. Kamilla suddenly stopped writhing around on the ground, her entire body going limp for a second. Her head had felt like it was splitting apart but the pain had subsided now. She stared blankly at the ceiling for awhile, some man she didn't recognize was offering his hand to her, but she ignored it. She didn't want to get up. If she got up it would start hurting again. She stood up slowly, ignoring the concerned murmurs she was getting from a few mages who had stopped to take a look. She looked at the group with suspicion. She couldn't remember everything but she was certain that these people weren't her friends. "Kamilla go sleep now" she said quietly but audibly as she turned away and headed away from the group.
  16. Hmm, well I suppose the only person who's going to react to Kamilla flailing around is Eric :/ Very well, I can go with that too :/
  17. Helios: "Hi there, how are you today?" Morgan: I haven't wiped your memory yet, stop being OoC. Making Helios likable overall is pretty much impossible at this point. He's in a situation similar to Isotov really :/ Try finding members of the group who haven't shown a strong dislike in Helios, and try to get along with them. Being all friendly would be awkward in an already awkward process. Kamilla would be a safe bet since she doesn't remember Helios's flaws, but she's currently attacking TISME's infrastructure by flailing around on the floor. Viveka&Conrad might be options. Eric or Arrin maybe? Esphyr, Aiya are also options I suppose It'd be interesting to see some friendship develop between Iso/Helios after Ixions mind switch-like thingy. Katie: Fight with Isotov for Katie's attention XD
  18. @Kai So do you plan on having Helios remain hated for the rest of the RP? Since I think you said turning over a new leaf after a near death experience in Selizara. But haven't really seen any evidence of Helios being any different. Everyone seems to be focusing their attention on specific characters EG (Tessa)> Morgan/Arrin occasionally Kamilla If you can't immediately think up two characters in the RP that you're character isn't establishing some sort of relationship with (One where you talk to them) chances are, your character is very shallow and isn't very interesting. @Kai: Lmao XD
  19. Irina in a nutshell "chick on flying lizard" :/ Sumarizes her character up perfectly. Viveka "Chick on a flying horse" :/ Most likely the reason she'll be just as stupid. Right, talking to everyone that's available is stupid, and saying "I'm only talking to people who feed me" I'm only going to interact with a set group of people and pretend the rest don't exist isn't. Group is too big, I'd personally prefer Snowy to cut down max characters back down to 2 (Characters that constantly travel with the group) So if for nothing else, for the sake of saving space. The issues is, you made Irina a very crappy character, there's nothing stopping you from changing those crappy settings at present, (And don't give me your "in character" rubbish, we just established she didn't have any). The fact that you refer to character controls limiting you is just a poorly presented excuse, and I wasn't aware that character controls were implemented to make characters more boring :/ @Kai, If you're going to have them killed off, I've got bandits around which could finish the job (Should of just had him die back at Istample XD)
  20. Saying Irina "can't develop" character is your own fault. You're 100% responsible for the way she was made and if character controls prevent you from making her as interesting as Ian. Then you have no one but yourself to blame for that. In turn, she lacks character due to your inability. NPC God? :/ Having lots of something doesn't make you a god :/ Anything that's smexy? Well there goes everything in existence then :/ @Kai :/ XD :/
  21. @Kai, why not? Everyone else decided they'd pop out, out of nowhere XD @Birdbrain, "In character" is your excuse for everything, ironically "character" is exactly what Irina doesn't have XD And I believe the title support whorer fits you better then anyone else :/ And Nady's scratch, bite, maul and anything else that's dangerous.
  22. @Ether, If Esphyr or Aiya get pregnant and have a kid, Can I nanny one of them? I promise to turn him/her into one of the best pyromancer in the RP XD Read the whole thing, not just what you want to see. I'm not a dog or a cat :/ I'm a Nady, and they use human scratching posts all the time :/ You're just fortunate they're an endangered species. Interesting for you? You'd say that after whining to Snowy and ruining my fun? :/ No one cares about what interests you. If you didn't make long boring monologues between your own characters and actually interacted like you said we were supposed to earlier, you might have be able to enjoy something :/ @All No one wants to deal with the ticking time bomb Kamilla?
  23. @Kai, Ian vanishing for good might not be too big an issue, but if you have on Helios left, you might want to start making friends with someone or you'll just be dealing with everyone hating on you XD If you're thinking, "I'll scrap Mark/Ian and make new characters" don't bother, they'll most likely be no different from the existing two. And I don't read your fanfic, I read Ethers comment earlier in Feedback today, and just assumed :/
  24. No biggie there, since I side with myself, Ether just happened to be on the same side. *Is wondering why she's a fire cat but guesses she won't complain* Inconsistency is not something you should be mentioning Birdhead, it'll do you no favors. Furthermore I thought you were the one who brought up the issue of "interesting" being different for everyone? @Kai, You just want to see DamianXEsphyr XD @Snowy, What Bal said :/
  25. That's only outlining reasons on why an Iso/Katie shouldn't exist :/ ... which side are you on? And I demand that the EsphyrxDamian thing be dropped, Ether and I are still on hostile terms, and siding with him is ruining my appearance and reputation.
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