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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. *Sigh* I'll play along then. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2550380/ http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2550379/ Explain?
  2. *Sniggers* XD I love how it's always the same response you people give when discovered. First you'll act like you don't know anything, then you'll get upset, then go "whatever, I don't care anyway" XD Should I bring out my findings that I sent Phoenix? XD
  3. *Jones auto revives due to being immortal* :P
  4. But Lenny :( @Ether: Hmm logically I'm leaning "yes" but personally I want to be spiteful and say "no" :P Choices choices choices :/ Hmmmmm, No! XD 1: I want to be spiteful 2: If they do yield exp then other characters need it more then you do. 3: I'm leaving in x minutes isn't sufficient reason to break the mould. (I woke up 2am today to deal with this stuff) So I'm going to be spiteful and say wait your turn? :P It's what you get for ignoring poor Kamilla earlier
  5. Did you have to include Helios in your protective circle? -_- I wanted to give him a good stab for cheating :/ @Ether, Not sure if they yield exp or not actually, will have to check with Snowy or Cynthia, technically this is no different from me controlling NPC bosses so I don't see any reason why they shouldn't yield exp. Waiting on a response from Snowy before advancing since he seems to want to do something regarding Reika. Hmm Pegasi make things difficult, Reika could get away and hide in Ilyphina if she doesn't get captured immediately. But Dalton might have trouble getting away :/ Worst case scenario I'll just kill him off to :/ Jones I want dead :P
  6. Think it was just one bandit, and my trio. If you people decide to kill someone, please kill off Jones >_< He's supposed to die in this battle, (and put me back down to 5 characters). Dalton may die or wander off, Reika will either join or wander off, depends on what Snowy has planned for the plot after this. And Yay for Kamilla getting 15 exp (all-up) XD (This is going to take forever) High/full Hp Damian Aiya Arrin Tessa Kamilla LowHp Esphyr Eric Isotov Helios Out of order Morgan Kelas Chase Irina
  7. Hmm, well let me know when you catch up? :/
  8. Reika stood up after being blasted by Helios's magic, but apparently the attack has missed completely. Glaring at Helios she lunged not even noticing that most of the others had fallen, and it was pretty much just her, Dalton and Jones. Kamilla smiled as Tessa offered to look after her, the others seemed to be taking care of the remaining bandits, but she figured it couldn't hurt to be safe, raising Sanctuary above her head she pointed at Tessa. "Shield!" A moment passed and nothing happened. "Defend?....Repel... Why isn't it working?" She growled at the book and then shook the book up and down. "Protect?" As the barrier formed itself she smiled content. "Kamilla useful, see?" she said proudly. Jones (9/15) Dalton (12/18) Reika (9/9) Irina Dead Isotov (5) Helios (6)
  9. Speaking of why Reika's attack missing, why double me anyway? :/ Ah well, lost my Reika roll (Pretty sure it was a miss from both Helios and Reika) Then after that I'm going to have to calc battles <_< I hate this part of the battle XD EDIT: Found it
  10. Helios apparently has 6 evade, so Reika's counter would have missed I think. I'll admit that Kai got lucky with his role, but that was after cheating XD Was planning on attacking Iso/Irina, but their stats are vague <_< Iso has no Mag And Irina's application stat sheet is crazy.
  11. Double win since the non-cheaters don't have me pointing the finger at them :P And I get convicting evidence of the naughty naughties :P And I'm assuming Kai fled :/ *sigh* Well I guess there isn't anything he could say in his defense. Hmm, retconning it I guess. :/ @Phoenix, any chance I can get a simplifed stat on Iso and Irina? I can try figuring out Irina, but Iso has 0 Mag according to your stat sheet :/
  12. Hmm, due to this interesting find, I'm going to suggest making it compulsory to have a word in the "name" which identifies that it's you. Cause technically, I could type I win Beast Roll KILLLLLLL Reika Wtf For 5 rolls and while it would be suspicious, there's no way to verify it's all done by the same person, furthermore titles like "I AM A MONSTA" are pretty much unnecessary. I probably will find people out either way, but it makes things easier for your defense if the rule is applied. @Phoenix They're logged, hence the point of a tracker site.
  13. Demanding an explanation from Kai before posting. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2550379/ http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2550380/ @Lacuna: I'm logged into the account Bal made, and won't provide a link unless it's asked for, (those with access to Bal's account can check, if that's a problem, I'll just link to most recent rolls made on the account :/ Unless people have a problem with that, then I'll post each roll.
  14. Damian/Esphyr hitting B is too soon IMO. But I don't exactly recall when they hit C. Seems like not too long ago though. Your interactions are deep and all, but the relationship is advancing way too quickly, In terms of their friendliness they've attained B, possibly even A. But in terms of actual interaction they haven't reached a B yet IMO. It's a bit like how Katie/Iso occured, throwing in a big event constantly isn't going to warrant a support up. It helps progress the support, but it seems the support building is being rushed. I'm going to say "not yet"
  15. Kamilla wandered towards the entrance, weird symbols had appeared on the windows and doors and while they seemed familiar she couldn't figure out what they were, she held her tome closer to her as she wandered down the corridor, most of the mages seemed to have holed up in their dorms while others had left the building earlier leaving Kamilla to wander the halls alone. She'd occasionally pass a stray student, but the view was better from the dorms anyway. She had been wandering around for awhile when she saw Damians group up ahead, she opened her mouth to call out to them when Esphyr shattered the light blocking the entrance. What were they doing? Were they working with the bandits as well? Kamilla smiled mischeviously and had been so busy trying to stay hidden from them that she'd lost them by the time she arrived at the entrance. "Poo" she said loudly looking around for anyone she recognized, a few faces she recognized were fighting bandits. Noticing Tessa and Arrin nearby she waved her hand at the two "Hello Tessa~" she said loudly as she ran up to the Arrin/Tessa pair.
  16. Ah screw it, I was going to make it one attack per enemy phase, but I'll just comply with the 5 post thing instead now that Lacuna's attacked, and I don't want a felled enemy retconned XD (Jk, you can ask for retcon, as far as I'm concerned) *Wonders when enemy turn will commence for the npc bandits* /Extremely late So bows do, or don't get counter? I figured they didn't due to Lacuna's post saying they couldn't reach her. :/ Might be a good idea to estalish what advantages and disadvantages bows have before the next battle (Both bow wielders are felled in this battle already anyway XD) *Has a feeling we did settle it ages ago, but can't recall the result*
  17. Thought I should mention that My post doesn't include as a post in the 5 battle post rule. Due to it being an enemy turn thing. Kamilla's however will count and I'll do that as soon as I establish were Kamilla is, (Tessa and Arrin left me behind XD)
  18. There's a huge army of bandits near the main gate, have them go over there? :/ In regards to Kelas(and Chase) and bow, how did they work again? Did they get a counter?
  19. "Bumbling Ape do something about that archer, wench the mages, I'll deal with the mercenary/ Jones vs Eric: [4,4,5,5,2,5] Jones: HP:15 ATK:3 HIT:4 EVD:5 DEF/RES: 2/2 Eric: HP: 6 MT: 3 Hit: 4 Evade: 6 Def/Res: 3/3 Jones attacks Eric 4+4=Hit Eric receives 4+3-3= 4 damage Eric counters 5+4=9 Hit Jones receives 5-2=3 damage Dalton vs Kelas: [5,6,2,3,4,3] Dalton: HP:18 ATK:4 HIT:3 EVD: 4 DEF/RES: 4/0 Kelas: HP: 12 STR:2 Hit:4 Evade:5 DEF/RES: 2/1 Dalton attacks Kelas 5+3=8 Hit Kelas receives 4+6-2=8 (Kelas gets counter? Verifying) Reika vs Helios: [4,1,3,3,6,5] Reika: HP:9 STR:3 HIT: 3 EVD:9 DEF/RES: 3/0 Helios: HP: 9 MAG: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 6 DEF/RES 1/3 Reika attack Helios 4+4=7 Hit Helios receives 1+3-2=2 Damage Helios attacks Reika 3+3=6 Miss Summary Eric (2/6) Kelas (4/12) Helios (8/9) Jones (12/15) Dalton (18/18?) Reika (9/9)
  20. Tell Lacuna, I haven't touched the soldiers :/ Well, other then the ones Reika plot killed.
  21. When Cynthia feels like it :/ If she doesn't do it soon, I'll stat them and make them Lightning style XD Just to make things clear, the bandits aren't attacking TISME, nor are they standing around infront of the gate (seiging) They've already gotten into the city. So while running to a watchtower is all nice and well, expect a good portion of mages to get slaughtered, since they're going to lose their range factor if they come across a group when heading to the watchtowers. (Which I'm assuming are on the gates and not random towers dotted throughout the capitol.
  22. I'm assuming Lacuna's rampaging NPC, and Kamilla telling Tessa (which will most likely lead to her wanting to go see Morgan due to Kamilla implying injury) should be enough reason for Tessa to go, which in turn should help Arrin and anyone else who cares about Tessa, leading to Kelas, leading to Kelas's acquaintances. etc.
  23. (Earlier) Kamilla had run straight out of TISME and onto the streets, she didn't care where she was as long as she wasn't near that group which made her head hurt. She wandered around the capitol aimlessly, if she wandered around surely someone would recognize her? Or at least that's what she had thought until the sun went down, and the people she had hoped to get a reaction from all went into their homes and went to bed. Kamilla however didn't have a home to go to, not one she was aware of at least anyway. It was getting really late, perhaps around midnight when she saw Morgan hurrying somewhere, not wanting to be seen she hid in an alley and watched as Morgan disappeared from sight. Sighing to herself she headed back to TISME, she was hungry and even if the people there made her head hurt she knew she'd be able to get along with anyone that fed her. As she started heading off, she noticed a woman probably just a bit taller then herself walking up to a guard nearby. She watched curiously as the woman started talking to the guards, and gasped in horror as one had his arm removed from his body. In her hand a weapon with a red glow. Scared for her life, she hurried back to TISME seeing several burly men pillaging and killing people. She approached the entrance of TISME where she encountered a cloaked man waiting for her. Kamilla: "Who are you mister?" Cloakie: "............." Kamilla: "Are you going in too?" Cloakie: "........" A moments silence, then he raised his hand and with a click of his fingers the field protecting the entrance vanished. Kamilla: "I need to go now, bye bye mr cloak person" As Kamilla ran through the entrance she headed straight for the room she'd been in earlier, she didn't know what to do but she figured she'd be safer with the group, something in her mind told her they were violent brutes that would attack anything mercilessly. "Tessa! Tessa! Big men! Kill stuff in city! Lots of dead people! Shamaness also in city, get killed!" she said blurting out the first words that came to her mind.
  24. @ those to whom it may concern, I'll deal with the transfer of the group from TISME to the streets. Just give me some time now to post.
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