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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Not really, I've come across people who are alot friendlier then you, and you just throw a hissy fit when things don't go your way :P I don't mind being excluded, and I can kind of guess your intentions by trying to form some sort of subplot with others. (If you plan in a group, you'll have more allies when arguing with me) I can't speak on their behalf, but in my opinion, Cynthia/Bal seem to have issues with quite alot of stuff that comes before the group. The only difference between me and them is, they try to resolve it, while I opt to destroy it and start new. Again that's just my opinion, and they could be as pissed off at me as you are :/ Depends really, as far as I can recall I haven't plot planned with you at all if we exclude that one PM where you told me the three possibilities of Conrad/Harold/Headmaster. And they were all pretty similar overall (Iso gets smashed) And I can't cooperate with what I don't know. As for forcing things along, I agree that alot of the RP'ers seem to be content with what's happening at the time. Players like Lacuna seem to be happy where-ever (other then inside burning forests XD) and Bal/Snike seem to have something to do whereever they are. If I had to point the finger it'd be at Snowy for not being around to move the plot along alot of the time. (Yes I know he has a life outside this RP, and I'm not saying he's incompetent) You could say this is a group RP, but the essential core plot is determined by Snowy, Subplots are nice and all but in my opinion subplots should be things that are created as branches from the main plot, not some little special story forced in on the side. If people want to develop their characters back stories that's fine, Helios does it all the time and no one cares. Likewise, a good portion of the players don't care about Isotovs past, which in turn makes the RP'ers not care. It might be an interesting quick read, but it's not something people can interact with, and your.... revelations of character tend to be long boring dialogues where you just have two of your own characters interacting. Whereas I personally would have found it more interesting if Katie of Kelas had asked Isotov about his past and the arsonist reluctantly told them. This leads to new character emotions and possibly plot. Not throwing in an all-mighty shaman who seems to be able to bend everything to his will. I don't know what your own opinion of your NPC's are, but they're boring, and Irina and Viveka disagree with you when you say you can manage that many characters. Even Isotov tends to drop out of the main picture sometimes. And surprisingly enough, no one seems to be willing to start up conversations with Ixion or Stephanie, or Ivanko, Lev, Ivan and whoever else exists. Half he group can't even establish decent communication with more then one character without having to worry about all these NPC's. It might be a support thing, but I'm pretty sure most people would agree that you don't need anymore NPC's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know I probably shouldn't do this but I've never been one to care about what I should and shouldn't do. Idea: What does everyone think about making a Merlinus for the group? Someone who can carry the groups stuff around in a caravan like thing? He'd be like Katie, an NPC that follows the group around. @Snowy, no, your MIA :P or RAID (Residing Area In Doubt) @Lacuna, No one loves the Nady! Nady is an emo who'll go slit her wrists cause the world doesn't care about her.... right after she sets off hadron collider.
  2. Hmm, well guess that wraps it up for today, most likely be another dull day tomorrow as people slowly realize they need sleep. *Kamilla/Reika are ready for a timeskip at anytime* I need to go make a few phone calls, so I guess I'm off, nighty night Cynthia + whoever else is around
  3. Fighting demons? That makes me wonder what the groups objective will be after we accumulate all CW's :/ Since I doubt the demon lord comes back in chapter 10~12ish. And so far, the groups pretty much been propelled by Nady fire and gathering the CW's :/ And we haven't even gone to Septimus or Halton yet T_T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm kind of wondering who my "support" targets should be in the case I introduce Reika into the group (Sorry ketchup, I'm keeping my daggers it seems) I'm considerng the following but considering my hostile relation with 90% of the RP'ers here, have to be pretty selective XD Kelas/Arrin: Not sure what my relation with Lacuna is :/ Most likely somewhere between hatred and dislike though XD Chase: Nyeh, unlikely, Lightning's only around when I should be sleeping Irina: Dumb as bricks and has a small friendship possibility range. Viveka: Get the feeling she'll be my cat fight partner, but nothing friendly. Eric: Depends on Kamilla, planning to have Reika hate Eric XD Cess: Crazy, but hard to tell at this point. Ketchup: Possible, but very wary of the RP'er, don't really want to spend too much time on a character who might disappear as soon as school starts up again.
  4. The division can not be fixed until you either learn to plan things out better, or bribe the cuddly Nady with stuff she wants. (Chaos, trouble, flames, dead Helios, Amari Jerky etcetc) Though I pressume when you said "fix divisiveness" you were excluding me from the equation. To be honest though, while I find your plans and attempts highly amusing if I was considering working with the group, you'd be lumped in with Kai under incompetent. As a story writer you seem to know what you're doing, but as an RP group plot planner.... eh, Kai-like. Maybe not quite as bad, but there are horrifying similarities.
  5. Hmm, well I might make Reika meet up with Heinz since she's going to be approaching the group under similar circumstances soon. Or he can turn into a mad shaman who hugs everyone in the group
  6. @Lacuna: That's nice... how? @Donald: You weren't against the idea either, and I'm still baffled at how no one complained about it, since heading to a swarm of enemies to negotiate peace is near impossible. @Whistler, You pass the test, welcome to the RP XD
  7. @Donald Going to the capitol to get a pardon for a crime that you did commit = shi**y odds? @Lacuna: I can agree with that, though what terrible thing, and can I exploit it to get at your duck friend. @Cynthia Hopefully most of the characters never end up not knowing that, well other then Helios.
  8. Kamilla had been running around looking for Tessa but had so far been unsuccessful in locating the Healer. Upon seeing Morgan she headed over planning to ask her if she was the lady Kamilla was supposed to be serving when the man from earlier, Cess was it? Embraced Morgan with mad delight. Deciding now wasn't the best time, she decided that she'd interrupt the two lovers another time, preferably when they weren't together. She contemplated heading off again, but Morgan would probably be out all night with her long lost boyfriend, and Tessa and Aiya didn't give off the evil vibes that made her feel uncomfortable. She headed back towards the TISME building, noting how shattered magical energy remained over the entrance, no doubt the result of Esphyr breaking the seal earlier. Bored and with sleepy she headed back to the room she had been in earlier for a good nights sleep. (Or what's left of it)
  9. @Lacuna, don't worry, Snowy won't let me burn it down and my corrupt TISME teachers are nowhere to be seen yet.... jk, I won't burn TISME down :P *Shrugs* As long as the green imp idea is put away I don't really care, it's funny though how you preach cooperation yet don't do anything to back your words up :/ You posted a list earlier yourself and indicated chances of cooperating with others was unlikely, so I suppose that means no more Pheenix subplots for awhile? Yay :/ Is it just me or did we suddenly get an influx of Kai's? Ah well at least Cess seems friendly, Ketchup is giving me Helios vibes though :/
  10. *Thinks Lacuna is challenging her* @Phoenix, Might be an idea to discuss your Irish friend to see what everyone else thinks, you already know my opinion, and figure if you're going to make a Leprechaun that affects the overall unity of the group, you might want to ask the group of RP'ers here.
  11. I really need to start whoring in some exp, if I got the same amount as the guy who shot himself in the foot due to a crimson weapon high, and the swordswoman that jumped in and then went of to raid orcs. :/ @Cynthia "I really don't care what happens to her and Kamilla isn't Helios's friend either. No one likes Helios" XD Morgan <3 @Psych Shamans.... they be crazy.... every single one of them XD Also RIP Cess
  12. @Cynthia, I was just in a hurry to get Cess into the picture since he was most likely bored to tears watching the group do stuff while his character sat off on the sidelines with no ways to join in. As for Helios I didn't plan on him coming. Either way, if the inn's so close it makes things faster, so I have no objection. (Other then the group not noticing shouting and bandits breaking into an inn not being realized) XD Soap Alliance has a Lightning? Downward Sloap alliance? XD
  13. Cuddles deems nothing you do appropriate! XD Though dealing with Viveka and her goons would be nice, (make them go away?) @Cynthia: I thought most of the group was still near the TISME entrance? Kai/Cess/Kamilla are all at some random inn nearby, but not as close to TISME as the others are :/ @Donald Isn't it great? I share attention :) I'm not trying to say don't RP Isotov to the point where he becomes as obsolete as Irina. Just that with the whole Shanice stuff and him being after the group, coupled with your long NPC dialogues it gets boring. And I'm probably not just referring to myself there.
  14. *Is sort of becoming fond of the title "Cuddles" :/ I'm here to RP, not to write a story, and would prefer to react to what others have planned or are doing, in most of your cases it involves screwing up. I haven't really got anything planned for Kamilla, I'm sort of leaning towards keeping her as a 5 year old for the entire plot, (She's more fun to RP this way, and I get alot more interactions in, even if I do get ignored most of the time). What you're describing sounds like a collaboration fanfic, while I'm guessing people wouldn't mind helping you with your plot occasionally, knowing what's going to happen next constantly makes things boring IMO. And development wouldn't change, not significantly anyway. *Cuddles would also appreciate it if you stopped trying to bring the entire plot to revolve around Isotov and his past* :/
  15. OoC: The goddess is everywhere! She was at TISME entrance before but now she's in the inn. Getting bored of the boring talk she headed towards the exit, "Be careful fat lady, don't let the bandits steal your money!" she said waving before heading back to TISME, leaving the other two to discuss whatever it was they were discussing.
  16. XD Helios has horrible affinity as well as personality? XD @Kai, I was saying you might want to befriend him, not that you are friends with him :/ Rp'ing an idiot could do it, I'm not asking people for experience, but more along the lines of thinking logically. (Eg Fire+Wooden Inn = Flaming inn) I'm not saying Donald's stupid (even if I think he is) but your plans are full of so many holes, I wouldn't be able to resist screwing them up even if I tried.
  17. Kamilla feeling upset due to being left out of the conversation intervened by reciting something she'd heard. "The lady is gathering the crimson weapon to defeat the Lord of Azure Fires" she said proudly. Noticing that Cess seemed to have calmed down, she snatched her wrist away from his grasp and glared at the man "Stop grabbing my hand pedophile" she said frowning and rubbing her wrist. "Ahem, not to sound rude, but would gentlemen and girl like to continue your conversation in a room? I want to get some sleep myself" the innkeeper said as soon as she got the chance.
  18. No I will not help you cheat your dice rolls :/ ~Semi-Serious~ Depends on what you want, as I said in the RP, you might want to befriend Cess, and maybe Heinz Ketchup as well. Since getting along with the rest of the group is going to be difficult. @People Donald's being mean to me >_< He won't let me in the little story-building group :/ @Donald Duck Thing is, I only screw things up because I don't agree with it. Your problem is, you plan too far ahead and have a goal to reach, and you try to get to that goal regardless of how circumstances may have changed. I don't really trust Snowy's approval (Sorry Snowy) but if you ran it past Bal or Cynthia, they seem to have similar thoughts on certain actions you try to execute so if you want me to stop messing with your plot, discussing it with them might help. I've told you before but I'm perfectly willing to shoot down your plot in PM's. It would make your posts more.... consistent? And it would be so annoying when I spring something on you in the RP. Making it cuddleproof I think you want to call it.
  19. OoC; It's going to take you some time to get used to the others I see, Helios is no ones friend XD Kamilla refers to him as the "dumb wind mage" XD Ah well, Nady is flexible when she wants to be :/ After seeing that the shaman had ceased attack, she ran over to Helios and peeked at his expression, clearly he wasn't too happy with being attacked, "Is dumb wind mage person okay?" she asked Helios not really expecting and answer. "Cess uses dark black stuff like the lady Tessa likes" she said proudly as if she knew something Helios didn't already. She paused and cocked her head, Lady? Was the Morgan the Lady Tessa told her she was supposed to serve? She noted the thought and would ask one of them the next time she saw them. She noticed the two had started conversing without her and decided she'd introduce Helios. "This.... dumb wind mage, don't think he has a name, you can call him dumbo if you want" she said. "I lied he's not my friend, but he's not a bad person, just dumb" she repeated emphasizing the "dumb" part. She told herself in her mind it was a good lie, so it'd be okay. (OoC: I know Cess just attacked Helios Kai, but it might be a good idea to forgive him and start making friends in the group)
  20. lol XD Kai is blackmailing Phoenix XD The humor in this thread sometimes is..... hilarious XD
  21. (Girl=the woman bandit right?) (@Bal, Might want to stop referring to Kamilla as a child, she is older then you XD I don't mind, but despite her actions, she wasn't a child before and Tessa technically doesn't understand what Morgan did) Kamilla jumped up and down as the first man slumped to the ground. "Kamilla get qualification for expert vase throwing?" she asked no one in particular. As Cess took out the other two, soldiers ran into the inn bearing their spear menacingly at Cess. "Where's the pedophile?" One of the men asked, apparently they'd been patrolling the area and looking for any bandits they'd missed. But a quick explanation from the matron resolved the issue. Kamilla, looked at the shattered porcelain on the wooden floor and she tried to put the thing back together but was told she didn't have to by the innkeeper. She turned on Cess and pointed an accusing finger at Cess as the soldiers left "You don't know how to treat a lady" she said unhappily. She quietly told herself not to trust dark broody types that radiated funny dark magic henceforth.
  22. He wasn't caught off guard when the group first encountered him and magi students were after him :/ Other then saying Proxima is a godly weapon which can suck in fire, care to explain how that's possible taking into consideration Snowy's mana network theory. Fire from Proxima is still essentially just flame, Using a tome to cause fire magic is one thing, but sucking fire into a book is another. Proxima caught-a-flame! You can ask whoever you want really, if a fire didn't start from Isotov's actions I'm not sure what can cause a fire :/
  23. Nady was being logical, Phoenix was being illogical with sucking in fire and what not. If you cancelled out the fire that easily I'd be surprised and whining XD Isotov doesn't even have full control of Proxima so I seriously doubt such a move, nevermind Proxima was established as unstable even before Kamilla was introduced. @Kai, Indeed there wasn't, it probably didn't make sense anyway, but you can thank me for screwing that up unless someone else wants to take the credit.
  24. OoC: Kamilla can't fight XD She has the mentality of a 5 year old XD *Can't stop laughing* XD Reika has the daggers, not Kamilla XD "I'm Kamilla, I serve a lady... I think" she stated as she recalled Tessa telling her something about a lady and how Kamilla was supposed to serve her. As Kamilla started thinking Cess suddenly grabbed her by the wrist and started dragging her into the inn. "Aaaah! Pedophile, help! Pedophile!" she shouted loudly before being dragged in and seeing 3 bandits standing over a pair of figures. "Stealing bad! Leave fat old lady alone!" she said grabbing a vase and throwing it at the trio.
  25. Hmm, don't know if you had this ordeal Snowy approved, but it's got so many holes in it, I'm not sure where to start. Shanice behind Chases crimes: You were going to try to prove in court that there was someone who looked just like Chase commiting the crimes? "It's a demon, he shapeshifts!"........And then escape jail and get to go to the insane peoples home. And even if they did convince them it was Shanice, I doubt the government wants to reveal demons are running rampant across the land anyway. Thermite factory..... Again you'll probably be spared jailed, but place in an unstable persons home, if it goes off once then it'll go off again. "I can't control my weapon" doesn't exactly stand up in court, and saying Proxima has a mind/will of it's own is going to land you in the looney bin. As Cynthia said, we wouldn't let Viveka take them in the first place, but Viveka really is an Irina if she actually expects us to still be here waiting for her to come collect us once she's dealth with Chase/Iso.
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