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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. @Group, How about leaving Tessa alone and resting/sleeping instead? You could even make a random NPC healer that's running around healing people XD Since there's about 500 injured people all wanting attention and Bal's trying to work out who Tessa should save first XD This is where Stephanie could actually be useful, but her location and what she's doing is..... unknown XD
  2. I resent that :/ I jump out and grab every opportunity I get to screw things up so "a little" I feel is an understatement which is challenging me to cause more trouble XD Nady wouldn't have to start so much trouble if people actually RP'ed (Like now,Are you people waiting for me to teleport Reika and a whole group of shady figures to attack you or something?) I can accept people being busy with life, but when you're all standing around (logged on) browsing the topics, and not posting anything for an hour, you're either not really online, or are as bored as I am. When Nady gets bored she starts trouble When Phoenix gets bored he starts long boring conversations with himself When the rest of you get bored.... well I don't know what you're doing, but it's not Rp'ing XD
  3. It's not like you've got anything better to do so how about checking the RP thread and figuring out yourself? Alternatively you could look six posts up and read Phoenix's post :/ *Seven, now that Cynthia's ninja'd me XD
  4. If we're not going to have a timeskip that's fine, but would someone mind actually RP'ing? A good chunk (over 50%) of the Rp'ers are here and yet no one's posting in the RP thread :/
  5. Because it's still the middle of the night (Early morning) and Lacuna wants to rest? I dunno, I just figured that everyone would head back to sleep soon, and if no one's doing anything figured it was because they didn't have anything to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intentionally made hard to read, just for Phoenix The people you came across were bullsh*ting you: They weren't neccessarily being nice to me :/ Actually I bring it up in chat/feedback to discuss it: And whine that "Cuddles" is screwing you over :/ If I plan in a group, I could put arguments to rest altogether: Ha, A group without me will get no rest, and a group with me in it will also get no rest XD I don't recall them trying to resolve very much: When they're providing their input that's usually when they're trying to resolve the issue, by supporting one side. You haven't pissed me off yet, Cuddles: I get it from posts like his which consist of "Cause Cuddles this, cause Cuddles that" XD That's because you're useless: I'm sorry, for someone that's useless I sure am giving you a run for your money :/ Nice of you to label me useless without even trying though. Then ask next time: It's not my duty to ask and check that everyone's happy, I'm not the one whining about someone screwing up my subplots, and have no issues with continuing to "screw things over" He could make someone who actually cares about moving things along "third": Unneccessary, and if we do appoint someone I'm only willing to follow their instructions if they make sense, and in your plots that doesn't happen very often. If that's the case I'm quitting right now: Bye bye XD Cause that's what it feels like to me atm. What main plot?: The one you just agreed that Snowy determines <_< Iso has enough support options already: Get out of here, or retract your comment two points up. Liar: They're unneccessary characters, as proof, no ones really taken an interest in interacting with them Sh*t happens. If no one else is going to do something, then I may as well: Good for you, now how about you "cooperate" and make things interesting for the group by interacting with someone? Nope. It leads to you flapping about something else. You're ... that ... f*cking ... pro, Cuddles: Thank you, I got my license 20 years ago. Interesting how you complain about my actions when you can only predict them though, I didn't know you knew me that well. Irina keeps Iso anchored to the group ... npcs keep me anchored to the rp: And screwing you over keeps me anchored to the RP, any other crappy excuses you want to make? You guys determine managing skill soely based on how often their included in a post and what they're doing: Sort of, having their location kept secret doesn't make any sense and if you can't disclose their location they either just vanished from the face of the earth, and if you can't do that then you have too many characters. Remind me to include their heartbeat rate, when posting so you know they're still alive from now on: If you're serious, I'm willing to do that. I think you're the one that's worried. No one else cares: I'm fine with that, though change worried to interested. I don't need even one npc. I do it for many reasons. Do most people agree with you trying to destroy us at every turn? No, but you do it for many reasons: Do you complain about me trying to destroy the group? That's why I complain about your many NPC's I said that was already canceled: Just wanted an opinion of what others had thought. I'll leave the rest to Cynthia, but this one Cuddles DOES NOT CONCEDE: Cuddles will concede when you start making sense with your plots and procedures
  6. @Snowy/Cynthia Any chanes of a timeskip soon? Doesn't seem like anyone's doing anything in the RP :/ And I'd rather not sit here for another few hours watching Rein/Kai arguing over tiers. Or I'll be bored to tears
  7. I'd agree that they're the first pair to reach a "B" but I don't think that "before anyone else reaches a C" is an appropriate time for that. Also, I have a suggestion regarding supports (Though it'll most likely be unpopular) -Support Pyramid I really don't want to see the current "support" driven plot interaction continue the way it's going, most characters (including Kamilla) pretty much refuse to spend time with characters they're not supporting with. And in many cases are just interacting with one character I'd like to see a rule be made so that before you can increase a support level, you need another support below the other one. Using Ether as an example For Damian/Aiya to progress to B Damian/Esphyr needs to be a C Aiya/Someone needs to be a C Since Aiya is feeling like an Irina to me. Perhaps even having less character (though not as stupid) This would result in a character support max of 8 S(1) A(1) B(2) C(3~4) (In the case of Damian/Aiya being lowered to a B, I guess that'll have to be made a special exception, which shouldn't happen to anyone else)
  8. And I was certain we also established that Supports should be based on relationships within the RP, not stuff hinted in their past. (Pre-RP) I'm not really sure what the issue is if both Cynthia and Snowy agree that it needs to be lowered. Though if Aiya/Damian is a B, I'm sure most characters have reached well and truly past a C, and might even go as far as saying Eric/Kamilla have established a C <_<
  9. Edit: Nvm Already had a Magic thingie, *Curses at herself for taking bait laid out by Kai* Since it's really not that important, and instead of having Atk increased by 1, I'd rather weaker attacks (Anima on Shaman) subtract -1Dmg due to the nature of mana networks and resistance to an affinity. Opposed to magic somehow doing more damage. But that's more complicated stuff, and I don't want to overcomplicate the battle system. @Snowy+Cynthia Then it's reduced? To a C *Hopes* Since it'll negate the bonus given in the begining. Since we seem to have everyone in agreement, bar Ether :/
  10. :/ Try Rp'ing that instead of telling us that. From my perspective he's not nosy at all, and seems content in doing his own little thing away from the group. I do recall that conversation, but considering that ended with her being knocked out I doubt she's in a mood to continue talking to you where she left off. In any case, he doesn't seem very nosy if he's just saying "fool" every few lines and then walking off :/
  11. Kai <_< You're not making any sense, Reika and Isotov's letter have no connection whatsoever. Therefore the letter is not an adequate response, and if Helios is curious as to Reika's past, then what's the point in asking me "what the deal is" in OoC, reminding me you know her past, then telling me Helios doesn't? If Helios is curious, might as well just ask her in the RP? Though being on hostile terms with Helios (more so then others) she's unlikely to answer EDIT Dropping Damian/Aiya isn't something I can argue any further, it's clear it unbalancing the characters, and I'd like it reduced to a "C", at the very least a "B" :/ I've pestered you and Snowy enough I think, and if you two (or Snowy) is refusing, there's not much else I can do regarding the matter.
  12. I don't understand why Helios needs to know :/ I'll discuss this here, since I really want to avoid making too many posts in feedback since SFStaff have indicated they want Feedback to be used mainly for *Non-Rp'er Feedback* I think it's the closest thing we've got to a workable system at the moment, a mixture of current suggestions and one that works. I like it, but would like to make an enquiry regarding stacking support stats. And how this would handle that. @Tiers: While I don't mind (due to not seeing a point in the tier list) May I ask why Reika is on bottom tier?
  13. @Kai, I assume that's directed at me, but I'm not sure what you mean. Are you asking why was Reika being so hostile in Darien? If so read profile, or just remember her hatred towards Halton, and Damian leading the group back then. If you're asking something else, please be more clear. @Rein: I'm listening :P *Acting as detterent*
  14. Depends, unlike Helios, Reika's affinity doesn't suck (as bad). But who knows, Helios might be able to find an ally in someone when hating on Reika. I can see hatred levels sky rocketing for some, but I can also imagine her getting on with a few (namely those that weren't around back at Darien). But obviously she's a Nady character and Kamilla hatred is only second to the anti-Helios sentiment so she'll be hated as well I guess XD (Nevermind she attacked the group at TISME, (auto-hatred) but I'm assuming I'll manage to get in somehow, being a CWielder) :/ And the group with Helios, why not Reika XD @Rein: Think he got healed by Tessa, and then just stood there, probably best to start having the characters go back to TISME for another sleep before heading over to deal with the Mesh again)
  15. Nyeh, just to be clear, the woman was unarmed (magic user) and "Figure in the corner" was pretty much forgotten until the very end when I was writing it. Though that's not very important. These aren't just random NPC's used for convenience. (Actually they are) But when I refer to "Cloakie, ??? and Woman" it's usually a safe bet to assume they're the same people unless stated otherwise. As for the absurd gold, I've confirmed my gold source from Snowy, and Reika won't be walking around with that much gold on her. So try not to bite me too much XD It's the best I can do with Reika :/ Only way to maintain her hate/hate relationship without being crazy (forgiving eachother) and still travelling with the group. @Cynthia I'm surprised you didn't put in some joke about Reika being stabbed back (With non-metal things)
  16. Sane? :/ Not sure, if I'm acting out of character let me know, It's been awhile and I haven't exactly remained tuned to Reika's character for months. I was just being loyal to her stab happy nature XD
  17. Very good point, God even made an instruction manual for people called the "Bible" XD Labelling Satan evil is all nice and well, but why didn't God just kill him? Surely doing what Satan did is worthy of execution? And the fact that many angels were also condemned along with him, it makes me think a political issue occurred, opposed to Satan just committing some wrong. Pretty much an "I don't like what you're doing, you're exiled" type of thing
  18. Morgans already done that, but apparently Cess is pretty thick skulled. Like a mad scientist from what I can tell.
  19. *Beware, Long boring conversation up ahead* Turn back now Reika groaned as she woke up tied to a chair, the last thing she remembered was the face of some man she had been wanting to kill. Her vision was still blurry and her body felt like she'd just been thrown down a well. She looked around the dark room, and managed to work out that it was still night time, but this wasn't anywhere near Ilyphina. For one, the air around her didn't smell like booze and urine. As her eyes grew accustomed to the dark she noticed there was someone else in the room, a dark figure standing silently from what was most likely the door. Enraged at the idea of being abducted and tied to a chair she shouted at the figure "You, hiding over there in the dark, untie me right now or I slit your throat in your sleep." The figure jerked into motion as if it had been sleeping then turned towards her, "Reika of Araphane..... awake..... contacting master....." the figure muttered repeatedly in a hushed tone, almost as if he were drilling the words into their minds. Several moments passed and the door opened and a woman carrying a single lit candle entered the room. Woman: "Reika of Araphane I pressume?" she said soothingly. Reika: "No, Reika the captured criminal" she spat at the woman clearly not taking a liking to her attitude. Woman: "Very well Reika, may I call you that? Reika?" Reika: "Call me whatever you want once I cut out your tonuge and feed it to you children" The woman staggered back a bit but regained her composure quickly. Woman: "My apologies, my master has asked me to gain your cooperation in a certain.... activity we're planning" she said choosing her words carefully. Reika: "Right, I don't come cheap lady, 50gold for tying me up, and another 50 if you expect me to listen. The woman reached into her robe and tossed a bag at Reika feet, making the unmistakable sound of clinking gold as it hit the floor. Reika: "Heh, fine, I'll listen, but I'm taking the gold even if I decline the job." Woman: "Our request is simple, the group you were fighting at Ilyphina, we'd like you to monitor them preferably from inside" Reika snarled at the idea Reika: "You want me to babysit a group of fools? Forget it, now if you don't mind I'd like to get going now" she said struggling against her bonds. Woman: "200" she said tossing another bag at Reika's feet. Reika however just laughed, "I'll take the 200, but I'm not joining up with those losers" Woman "300" she said throwing another bag at Reika's feet. Reika hesitated but managed to scoff at the offer, "500, and I'll consider it" she said expecting the woman to give up. The woman also hesitated but produced another two bags and threw them over. Reika just glared at the woman "Fine, what exactly do you want me to do? I can't guarantee I won't kill any of them" The woman smiled and shook her head "If you can kill any of them without being noticed go ahead, your job is to just wear this jewel and follow them around, we'll deal with them if you can't." Reika eyed the woman suspiciously, "So I just need to follow them around and I get to keep the gold?"she asked not believing her ears, Woman: This is just your employment fee, we're willing to provide you with an additional sum which will be delivered to you at each successive new moon" Reika frowned "So I can kill all of them if I get the chance" Woman: "If that is what you wish, and you're capable, but we would prefer it if you could infiltrate their little group opposed to just stalking them." Reika: "And what if your men turn up to finish them off? Can I knife them too?" Woman: "We recommend you do, to avoid attracting suspicion" Reika: "........." Woman: "Is there anything else you'd like to ask?" Reika: "Yeah, when are you undoing these ropes?" Woman: "I believe we have a deal then" she said clicking her fingers as the ropes fell effortlessly to the ground. As soon as the ropes fell, Reika summoned Calamity and rushed the woman, but to her dismay the cloaked figure at the entrance jumped infront of her and effortlessly disarmed her. Reika: "What the-" And then she blacked out.
  20. Knew I was posting in the wrong thread XD Had to go attend to something else :P Nady is busy
  21. Weapons/Sealed There's a few problems with that theory, all of them can be pretty easily resolved via misinformation, You seem to have a similar opinion to mine regarding the weapons, Due to their demonic origins I don't think making them the "Excalibur" (sword) of the RP's is really a good idea. And I don't understand why the demons just didn't destroy them in the first place (opposed to binding them to children and coming back later) Wouldn't it be much more plausible to assume the demons for some reason wanted to keep the weapons, (just under their control) then to say the weapons could only be sealed to children, then destroyed? It'd also be easier to just kidnap X amount of children, gather them in one location and then bind a CW to each one. Then kill them off immediately. Conflicting with such a theory is -Shanice wanting to kill Isotov and destroy Proxima: Misinformed Shanice -Morgan/Damian's father not knowing: Lack of human knowledge @Psych specifically, Even if the idea gets rejected you can still have Cess believe that. I've got a group of characters that are going to hound the group later due to their "deviating theory" on the Crimson weapons, and it would make more sense to have different groups having varying opinions of the weapons. Not just some universal truth (The existence of the CW's itself is fishy to commoners so everyone believing one thing doesn't make sense to me)
  22. I'm going to disagree with the Cynthia! XD Damians dad might have made the weapons but I refuse to believe he knew everything about them, for one I doubt hellfire is a material he's familiar with and even if it was, there's a chance that having it mixed with light magic and what not have changed it's effects. From what I figure, Morgan/Damian's Dad have established that they are required to resealing the demon king. That doesn't cancel out anything other them being unimportant in the sealing. They could still be used to hasten the Demon kings return, and they could even react with eachother and make a mock Ganondorg Demon Lord for all we know. I don't agree with the idea of the weapons having an affinity (good/evil) and think it's up to the wielders /cheesy moment. So personally I'd prefer if bringing them together had negative and positive effects. @Psych Ouch, I sense trouble XD
  23. @Kai What plot does Tora have anyway? Other then Helios being a noble from Tora? (Or prince or whatever) Because judging from Helios's relationship I don't see any reason to go to Tora, and adding in plot for a country we'll never see seems pretty pointless, though you could throw in a few unhappy Torans once we get to Septimus. I don't understand the importance of Tora either, at present it's as important as any other destroyed nation (not important at all) and if the group is supposed to do something extreme like restore Tora or put Helios on the throne If the latter we must really hate Tora XD there needs to be a really good reason for such a deviation. We don't really know anything about Tora other then Helios being from there and them being destroyed by Septimus x years ago, so asking for help seems a bit..... meh. I'd much rather see something like Halton vs Elysimma/Septimus or something XD
  24. I think Luke's being a bit too harsh, alot of the others work too, but agree that some look.... wrong? Being an anime fan I can deal with characters having bizarre hair styles but some of those characters just look stupid. "Nickt(?)" specifically looks like a comedic relief character (his hair) then anything else, and while Nickt would be the leader, I can't help but wonder if you have some sort of pointy hair fetish. Cause alot of those characters don't need swords, just need to headbut the enemy and they'll be able to pierce through the hardest armors. Speaking of armor, your armors could use a significant amount of work, namely your custom ones, but even your spliced armors look funny at times.
  25. I won't refer to the old testament, I've read extracts and even a few chapters, but I'm not stupid enough to take the argument to a field I'm not confident in. And as an atheist, the bible (old and new) is nothing but another fictitious book to me. I'll be honest though, you're comment It's comments like these that made me dislike Christianity as a whole, just to be clear, I probably lean closer to those who bash religion, then those who are atheist and don't care about it. I went to a Christian Highschool, Junior and Senior, and alot of the kids I went to school with converted during the 5 years. I was even given detention once for telling a teacher to keep his own "hopeless religion" to himself. What provoked that comment was something similar to what you've just said."Hey you should worship God, cause if you don't you're destined to go to hell and suffer eternally, if God doesn't exist, that's that. But do you really want to risk eternal suffering? Better to worship now, then be sorry later right?" Was pretty much the flow of the conversation. In such a case it's not truely worshipping a god you care for, but a tyrannical campaign waged on the fear of others. On the flip-side If were religious this would annoy me equally due to devaluing my beliefs to "You might as well worship God, just to be safe." I admit this isn't a view promoted by all christians, and it's probably something many would condemn, and I don't mean to pick on a few rotten apples but saying "The bible doesn't teach that" doesn't really mean anything, hell Karl Marx's ideas were pretty good, just not practical. I can agree with religions that judge you on your actions, but honestly? "Worship me?" "Give my followers money(church)?" "My son died for you" "If you don't believe I exist then you deserve to suffer?" What is this? I admit the money thing is voluntary and not essential, but I strongly believe that people should be judged (supposedly by God) on their actions, not on whether they are willing to believe something they can't see. Faith and good-will are different, I see absolutely no reason why someone who did just as much good as a Christian should be condemned to anymore suffering then the Christian. Christian doesn't necessary equal crazy fanatic But it doesn't automatically equate to, or even indicate a "good person" either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In certain cases I may be considered agnostic since I don't mind believing in the existence of gods. I don't deny Jesus may have existed (excluding any scientific stuff) or that some divine being created the world. However I do find other theories more believable. But at the very least I do not believe the reasoning of "Where did God come from" "He just was, has always existed" As reasonable, infact I find it ridiculous, It's like saying "God said let there be light, and there was light" and saying screw the sun, light exists because God said so. If God does exist, I agree with "Dark Elves Suck" and I'd like to give him a few good kicks or blows to the head for being incompetent, and making himself out to be bigger then he really is. And while it'll mostly sound like me just trying to sound tough, I'd personally take eternal suffering over worshipping such a figure.
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