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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. No one calculates gold though, not that I'm aware of, I decided to impose upon the group scrapping gold until a better system was established, and now that it has, well I guess it's not a bad idea to re-introduce it. Though people will most likely need to keep track of their own gold. I suggested making an item shop earlier but no one would contribute :/ (ages ago)
  2. Kamilla smiled handing Stephanie her staff which she seem reluctant to take, but accepted after confirming it was indeed her staff. Kamilla realising that her hand was messy for no reason now looked around. And looked at Stephanie, she didn't have any intentions of just giving in to the woman without a fight. As Stephanie was inspecting her wand and most likely trying to get the slime off, Kamilla grabbed Stephanie's clothes wiping her hand clean in one swift wipe before jumping back and running off down the hallway. Only to stop halfway down to call back at Isotov "You promised Isotov-Irina's brother, and the lady doesn't like liars!" and with that she scampered off now ready for Lacuna's timeskip
  3. Phoenix is trying to get all his characters in bed, Iso/Katie, Ixion/Headmaster, Lev/Steph, Ivan/Women, Ivanko/Irina Shanice/anyone Viveka/.....I'm sure there'll be someone @Headmasters gender: It's not really a surprise considering how Snowy interjects and tries to go "Orly?" whenever we call the headmaster male, despite the fact he's been referring to the headmaster as a "he" :/ So I have to admit I was leaning towards a female too, but wouldn't have been surprised if it was Snowy just trying to draw attention to the headmaster.
  4. "Hmmmm" Kamilla responded, not exactly assured by the pauses. She glanced over at the tome the man was holding, another magic wielding crazy person? she asked herself. But shook her head, "It's important to trust people, but don't be stupid and not doubt everything they say" she recited to herself, not really noticing she had said it out aloud. Isotov seem surprised by the sudden outburst, but Stephanie was up ahead. "Incompetent priestess, I'll give you your useless stick back~" she called out ignoring the students around her.
  5. @Kai, Helios was all, "How to make friends" earlier, and now he's acting like his usually snobby self, might not be a bad idea to have him interact and screw up apologizing/making friends or something if you have nothing to do.
  6. It's apparently like early morning, (was 6~8 ish when Kamilla was shouting Bacon) according to Snowy. @Lacuna: Heading back to Stephanie to resolve the issue now. Don't worry, I'm slowly making my way around the group and annoying everyone, Arrin and Kelas aren't too far down the line. (Arrin might have already been done, due to the Tessa hogging earlier XD) @Phoenix, As I said in an OoC green stuff is nothing, magical residue with stupid kids sweeping rubbish under their beds and making the room look clean. Not poisonous or anything, just wanted to see Steph's reaction :P
  7. OoC: Just didn't want to give it back without damaging it somehow (And didn't want to break it, alternative was, I throw the staff out the window) Kamilla frowned at Isotov, but shrugged, she didn't mind getting her hands dirty and the green slime sort of had a squishy texture to it that she enjoyed playing with as they headed outside and backtowards Stephanie. "Isotov-Irina's brother is not liar? Is going to give Kamilla Cakie, Bacon and be nice?" she asked suspiciously, despite the fact that the man could grab her at any time if she tried to flee, she was starting to have doubts now, What if it was a trick offer? What if there was no such person called Cakie, and she didn't get bacon, and it turned out this Morgan was a really nasty person, and being nicer than they were didn't count for anything?
  8. (Sorry, but I pulled an all-nighter last night (for various reasons) and I wasn't getting up before 6 (is 5:52am)) Kamilla looked uncertainly as Isotov entered the room, it'd taken her awhile to relent but now that the man was in the room, she didn't have anywhere to run to. Isotov immediately noticed Kamilla no longer had the staff in hand and inquired to it's where-abouts. Kamilla smiled a big grin, "Under the bed!" she said proudly as if it was the best place to hide something, "There's alot of green slimy stuff under there that wobbles when you touch it though" she said peeking down at the gap. Running over to the bed, she stuck her hand under and procured Stephanie's mending staff, now covered in green slime.
  9. Kamilla thought about the idea, she tried to imagine tons and tons of bacon a big plate infront of her, all for her. Just her and no one else, that stupid boy wouldn't take her bacon this time...... she frowned, what boy? Someone's face flashed through her mind but she couldn't tell who it was, he was definetely someone she knew and hated, but someone she felt as if she'd never met at all. "Kamilla not get in trouble?" she asked Isotov outside, and having received confirmation, she slowly reached out and undid the lock.
  10. Kamilla frowned, she didn't know a Katie, but her name sounded tasty. Throwing the staff in a place she doubted anyone would ever look, she slowly approached the door. "Who's cakie, and what's waffles?" she asked curious, unlike the Cakie, waffles didn't sound too nice, she could picture an old man with a great long white beard in her mind that would waffle on for hours and hours. And she didn't want that. "No waffles, Kamilla not do anything wrong, all greedy pig Isotov-Irina's brother's fault" she said yelling at the man on the other side of the door. After having Isotov retract the waffles, she eyed the door suspiciously "how big is the plate?" She waited for Isotov's response, but shook her head, "Kamilla wants a plate that's bigger then Septimus!" she demanded as Isotov continued to try and think of a way to get her to come out.
  11. @Long chase scene Nady not stupid, random wandering waitress girl, and fire mage who's been on the run from assassins for the past decade, I'm not gonna outrun the mad arsonist, Kamilla prepares anti-siege defenses :P
  12. I don't know, I think Arrin might defect to Isotov's side just because Damian stole Tessa, and even if that wasn't the case, we still have ketchup who needs to be thrown in somewhere eventually. @Lacuna: Most likely candidate at the moment is Cess :/
  13. At the sound of Stephanie exploding Kamilla turned back and noticed the red haired man trying to follow her. As she approached the stair well she looked back with an expression of concern, she wouldn't be able to outrun the mage, he was just too fast, but she was going to give up on her bacon, it wasn't fair, and she had just as much right to their stash of bacon as they did, after all she'd cast Protect on Tessa in the last battle, and Tessa was important since she healed people. Deciding against going down the stairs she tried a few door knobs nearby and finally found one that clicked open as she turned the handle. Quickly locking herself in, she looked around the room, another dorm room which was fortunately unoccupied, it's inhabitants most likely outside in the crowd somewhere. She couldn't get out, but she'd just wait inside and come out later when no one would notice. Reaching for her tome, she hugged the tome close, "Protect!" she said as she directed her protection spell at the door. Now she was safe, she went over to the bed and sat down, finding an old rolled up pair of socks she wrinkled her nose and went over to the window and opened it "Smelly mages" she muttered to herself as she plopped herself, her tome and the staff on the far bed. Staring at the door carefully.
  14. *Gets her mauling utensils ready against Lacuna just in case* @Phoenix: I forgot to mention in the RP post, but the plate Kamilla stole from you most likely got knocked out of her hand and smashed on the floor when she tackled Steph. @Lacuna: Well apparently, it's early morning at the moment (It's been morning since.... Tessa went to sleep?) or something like that. So waking up might not be so easy. Iso/Katie are insomniacs ..... And they were most likely standing embracing eachother in the hallway for a good few hours @Kelas reaction I thought it was going to be a love triangle as well, and figured it was a plan hatched by Phoenix, (with your cooperation) to challenging Damian for the position of Alpha male in the group
  15. Kamilla had closed her eyes as she made impact with the priestess, and was extremely disappointed when she opened her eyes to the sound of laughing, as she slowly came to terms with the fact that the warp to her Castle of Bacon had been unsuccessful. She looked down at the priestess who seemed a bit dazed before confiscating the womans staff and jumping off, scampering towards a few students who giggled and made for her as she dashed a few feet away from the group. "Bacon bacon good for me, grant my wish and hear my plea" she said waving the staff madly in the air as if it was some magic scepter, "Take me to castle of baconry!" she said raising the staff at a 90 degree angle and closing her eyes as she reached up on her tippy toes. A few moment of silence passed before a few burst out laughing, Kamilla distinctively heard the word "idiot" and "insane" from someone in the crowd and she opened her eyes, to find she was still standing in the hallway. She pouted, "Fine, I go to market and trade crappy broken staff for some bacon" she declared proudly before making her way through a group of students and heading for a stairwell which wasn't in the same direction as Stephanie and the rest.
  16. Kamilla to the rescue! After pulling Irina's shirt to the extent it was baggy on one side she poked Irina's stomach and gave up. The woman was a stingy as her brother, and she wasn't going to give her any bacon. Chances were, the sibling had a whole castle full of bacon somewhere and were hiding it from her. She saw Stephanie raising her staff and somehow created the equation. Letting go of Irina suddenly who stumbled away due to suddenly having the pressure of Kamilla tugging her shirt released, Kamilla ran up behind Stephanie who was too focused on Isotov to notice that Kamilla had changed targets. "Take Kamilla with youuuuu~!" She said tackling the woman from behind. ......... XD
  17. If we don't wrap this up before everyone heads off tonight, I can imagine angry people coming out of the dorms telling Kamilla+group with her to shut up/shut the girl up, and causing more trouble. I'll leave that role to someone else if they decide to take it though. I'm surprised Cynthia's remained pretty silent so far. PS: Kamilla is Canadian for the next few hours. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/17/bacon-vs-sex-43-of-canadi_n_466513.html
  18. OoC: Yup, it's official, Irina is as dumb as bricks if she hasn't yet noticed the dramatic change in Kamilla's character. Irina didn't seem to pay her any heed and Stephanie likewise seem to have her mind set on Isotov. "Eeewwweeeeennnaaa!" Kamilla whined tugging on Irina's shirt harder "Baaakkkkonnnn for Kammmilllllaaaa~!" she repeated, tugging at her shirt to the point where the shirt would undoubtedly be stretched more then it had been 5 seconds ago, and yet Kamilla continued pulling trying to get the womans attention.
  19. I honestly doubt anyone's going to oppose Kamilla having one less skill Snowy :/ Doubly so since while possible she's unlikely to cast protect on a Crimson weapon holder due to their "evil energy" she senses from them (The energy might not be evil, Kamilla just thinks it is) :/ But yeah, if you want me to keep the skill, I suppose I won't argue it's removal too strongly :/
  20. OoC: Heh, you can't beat me that easily. :P Kamilla yelled at the pair angrily, she was hungry and these two had been eating without her "Kamiiiilllllaaaa's Beeeeeaaaaaaakkkkkkooooonnnnn!" she yelled loudly. Isotov tried to quieten her, but she took no notice. Figuring that the pair wouldn't give her anything she ran off in search of her own food, running straight for the stairs where she caught sight of the woman Tessa had called Irina. "EEEEEEWWWWWEEEEENNNNAAAAAAA!" she said running over to the pair, "Isotov-Irina's brother was eating bacon! And didn't give Kamilla any! He ate it all him self and didn't give Kamilla any!" She said emphasizing the part where she hadn't received any twice as she felt it was the most important part. "He fat pig! Kamilla wants bacon too!" she whined tugging at Irina's shirt. "EEEWWWWEEENNNAAAAA Kamilla wants Baaakkkoooonnn!"
  21. Before I get any complaints on selective memory, I'm going to argue Kamilla has selective memory, Morgans mind-wipe wasn't as successful as it should have been due to Kamilla's status, and while she doesn't remember somethings (church affinity/CW) she does remember some stuff in bits and pieces. (Eg She recalls stealing and bandits = bad, but not who taught her that) Morgans spell was tampered with, and that's my reasoning behind her 5 year old mentality. \ Think I might explain Kamilla's shields a bit here, Kamilla can't really cast protect, she can just transfer it, Protect is a passively active spell cast on Sanctuary (Hence it's name) which Kamilla can manipulate in battle to go protect someone else. (Hence the reason casting protect decreases her DEF/RES) So Morgan's spell wasn't 100% successful, and had.... side effects. @Snowy: I've used "Empower" once on Aiya, but am wondering if I can destroy the spell from my skills list? It doesn't really fit with "Sanctuary" and I'm reluctant to use it. (Plus it was sort of a cheap add-on as I didn't pay any stat points for it. (Make it a permanent side-effect of Morgan's Mind-swiping if you will)
  22. OoC: I'm guessing that's my cue to stop Stephanie and Irina from leaving.:P Kamilla watched as the two embraced eachother, slightly annoyed that they'd be all lovey dovey and not pay her any attention. "Blue-heaaaaaaad!" she whined, trying to get Katie's attention. "Grandmaaaaaaa" she suddenly paused and looked at the plate that was dangerously wobbling in Isotov's hand as he embraced Katie, thinking this was her chance, she snatched the plate away "Bacoooooooon~!" she said in a loud whiny tone, there wasn't any of the stuff left, but a few small pieces which were hardly recognizable. "Where's Kamilla's bacon!" she demanded angrily she started licking the plate infront of the two trying to at least get a taste of what had been on the plate. (Tofu equivalent of Bacon = Kamilla bacon, she was raised in a strict church and was taught that the stuff Katie had was bacon...... yes I just made that up now, bite me:P)
  23. So.... the bandit attack episode lasted about 6~8 hours :/ Guess everyone will be up and ready in the afternoon then :/ Also means Kamilla got a good few hours of sleep in so I'm not complaining :P
  24. Sensing that Katie was getting upset Kamilla stepped away from the two mages so she could make a run for it should the mage try to yell at her. "Why's grandma blue-head all angry?" she asked Isotov. But not being able to get an immediate response eyed Katie suspiciously. "Why you angry grandma bluehead?"
  25. I haven't even started yet Snowy :P Also, it's noon? O_o Time... an RP's worst enemy.
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