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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. I'm sort of sensing a bit of awkwardness now, I know the group's not fond of Morgans attitude at times, but Isotov the one who doesn't want to trust anyone is willing to take Helen's offer? She could be an assassin! And the fact that a shapeshifter is on the lose seems to have completely been forgotten. Esphyr's seemed to want to have nothing to do with TISME, yet she's willing to take the offer? Two days ago (RP) I could have labeled it the group being tired, but after sleeping through a whole day, it seems unlikely. I also expected a bit more resistance from Chase and Eric then they've done :/
  2. Actually contemplating having her leave the group for awhile :/ And I'd kill her off if she hadn't established some sort of communication with Eric and Tessa. Either way, I doubt she'll make it back to the group traveling towards the Mesh. Hoping that I can find a way to have Reika talk to ShinyCharmander since Reika getting along with Morgan is impossible:P @Phoenix's interaction comment. I disagree, it's your own fault for making Isotov so unsocial (the same way it's my fault for not coming up with a decent reason for Kamilla to join) Irina's supposed to be the nice girl everyone likes/doesn't mind apparently but that role got taken by Tessa. So having her initiate discussion with others might be an option?
  3. I don't see much change in Helios, Other then his attempt to bed/impress Ixion He's still the snobby, everyone around me are "children" type character he was a few chapters ago.:/
  4. Content is fine, but it does sometime get hard communicating with people that suddenly vanish. And waiting for a response to each question varies as well. Kamilla tried to talk to people but only Snike and Bal respond <_< I can already see the massive Reika hate coming XD
  5. "That's My role" should most likely be considered to be Helenos's thoughts, or Helenos saying it out aloud somwhere else in the world, if she's mind controlling some woman from a distance. I'd think the former considering it's in italics @Kai/Phoenix Where's this "long monologue" you two are talking about? I can only find Iri/Iso not wanting Katie to leave, and since Katie isn't a Phoenix NPC, it's not a monologue and it's not really long. So Nady is confused.
  6. Woo open hostility, I like :/ You don't need my permission? I never said you did :/ I agree that I don't ask for permission ad that I screw ideas over because "their ideas suck" And since when have you asked me for permission to do anything? I don't recall telling you you could have my character at knife point, slash her arm, or steal from her but you still did it anyway? Your argument is weak and based on the fact that you're annoyed. Come back later or never when you've calmed down and decide to make some sense.
  7. Wil: Was looking for a group of mercenaries to work with(?) and delivering Lyn would net him gold, think he was short on change as well. Serra/Erk: Serra wanted to do a favor for... Lyn's family so she could draw on it in future Matthew: Was a spy for Hector's brother? And a new heir to one of the Lycian houses is pretty important IMO Dorcas: Again looking for gold, and considering Kent/Sain are actually doing their job, might get paid. Wallace: He's the bald guy right? Think he wanted to see Lyn on the throne or something, wasn't happy with the brother-guys rulers legitimacy 1: Demons actually appearing would be nice. "We're fighting demons" "What demons?" "A tentacle monster that will steal Helios's virginity!" Isn't exactly convincing as proof of anything IMO. Support evidence, possibly, Main case worthy evidence? hardly. 2: Think that's the road Eric's going down. But the group isn't exactly friendly to new commers, unless of course they act out of character. 3:Half the group are loners, and I think we have enough sex, incest in the group, Only example of this I like is Kelas/Arrin. 4: Money? Who's paying? MIA Damian? Loves to kill = Plenty of bandit groups to join. Adventure, possibly, but finding that a bit too vague.
  8. @Snike: Leave me alone XD I meant " I refuse to believe the possibility of other magical weapons NOT existing XD @Phoenix, If they weren't hostile enemies trying to randomly befriend a group of people they're supposed to capture, then Maybe? You and Rein keep citing "Deals" as a way to recruit Conrad/Viveka, but what would the former do? Take long-service leave? Screw the army, CW's are more interesting, we'll join the random no payment group of mercenaries who killed our soldiers. (You killed soldiers before Nady intervention, though I guess the soldiers were after you for setting fire to an inn) I don't see Harold, or Elysimma saying "Oh you have the legendary Crimson weapons? Okay be on your way" As far as Snowy's revealed CW's are to be gathered. And there's really no other objective for the group until the enemy (Demon Lord?) shows up. And while they might send the group out to investigate, we might as well join Elysimma's military. And use Ilyphina as our home base. Though I can imagine Conrad would have been able to usurp Damians power, and had Conrad not belonged to Rein I might have thought that to be a good idea.
  9. Which unsurprisingly conflicts with your "free will" ideology. As I said Mesh could be a magical accident. And demon sightings can't be anything new if they weren't all exterminated 25 years ago. But of course, they're most likely acting on orders from the Demon Lord who is conveniently still sealed. Helenos's intentions are unclear but I've only seen Shanice being directed at the CW's.
  10. They usually have a common enemy, usually in the form of some evil empire trying to take over the world, they also tend to have an arsenal of flying lizards. Which explains 6/8, 7 Has an existing enemy (BF) and some other goals I forget. 9 I haven't played but I assume it fits the evil empire part. And 10 is about some evil state or corruption or something. Again all of these have a clear cut enemy. Our clear cut enemy is a god which has already been defeated, and there's no signs of him returning. FE also tends to be an army, aka payment, wages, salary whatever. And Damian's constant ability to charge everything towards Halton as "expenses" seems ridiculous. Nevermind Damian being MIA, his squad was decimated, and he hasn't contacted Halton since, I doubt they're still paying a dead soldier his salary. Nevermind failing his mission to escort some noble and going off on some random quest.
  11. The group aren't going to rule the world, and while fame is a possible reason, I have yet to see 'demons appearing.' And before people start going "Mesh" "Shanice" etc. The mesh could be considered a magical accident, and Shanice has most likely been around doing stuff for the last 25 years. His appearance now doesn't really indicate demons reappearing. Don't need righteous, "I am JUSTICE" type characters IMO, though a character that plays on that idea to the extreme might be an amusing addition. Make friends? Well, I suppose that's Chase/Tessa's reasons for joining, but I'm not going to get along with the group considering my personality, and the fact that half the RP'ers have their own personal agenda's against me. That and they ignore Kamilla (and most likely Reika) unless I do something extreme which they have to react to. I have no clue either :P I'm not a idea creator, I'm a destroyer XD
  12. -What's Elysimma being threatened by? Other then me-I request citations of such events occuring -Right, go out, all by yourself and tail this group of wanted criminals. Elysimma has shitloads of generals anyway, we can do without you. @Kai's idea Surprisingly, I can agree with this, I refuse to believe the possibility of other magical weapons existing, and can easily see people mistaking Earthshaker as a CW. Furthermore, Rein already has a CW :/
  13. @Hauling Kamilla around The thing is, she's not the only one with crappy reasons for staying with the group. As Morgan says, most of the group that don't have crimson weapons are just excess baggage. I don't want to see a unified hero wannabe troupe running around preaching "We'll all work to defeat the Demon Lord" when there's really no evidence of the demon lord returning. You'd think the Headmaster or other groups (Sages or whatever) would be working to counter such an event and that there'd be alot of movement on the issue. The fact that you can silence Kamilla with "Oh she just had too much to drink." So other then Damian wanting the weapons for some unknown reason. (Greedy Halton) and Morgan insisting that 2012 is coming there's really no reason to believe that there's a demon lord out there at all. Damian/Esphyr/Arrin/Helios/Isotov/Morgan/Chase: CW holders Aiya/Kelas/Irina: Anchored due to family. Are fine. But, Conrad/Viveka: Aren't going to get recruited Katie: Wants to bed Isotov, and be a chef. Tessa: Has nowhere else to go. Kamilla: Is forced/tricked into following the group Eric: Is randomly following the group Cess/Reika/Heinz: All following the group for their own objectives, and the latter two might drop out at any stage. So overall, what's the point/objective of the group? There's no clear path, other then "fighting the demon lord" and "collecting the CW"
  14. Hmm? If I remember correctly, the group was supposed to be dangerous enough to send a whole cavalry against :/ And half the cavalry didn't come back, they escaped right outside Ilyphina, and guards are dead all over the place (easy to sneak in). I'd say such a report on a group wanted at the top of their wanted list would warrant some attention. And I can conveniently discard the bacon detail, since Kamilla's more interested in getting revenge on Morgan at the moment. You might be out of the city, but hiding outside Ilyphina isn't exactly hard :/ And all I need to add is that they're "trying to leave now" and that should speed up the process (though most likely less units) @Rein, You're an idiot. There's hardly any way I'm going to believe Conrad joining the group unless one of the following things happen. -He resigns from the military -Elysimma gets destroyed (in effect removed from military) -We have a few platoons of soliders travelling with the group.
  15. @Bal Nothing much, social banter, Isotov's letter stuff, Kamilla going off to send more soldiers after the group. And me hurling insults in Feedback :/
  16. @Cynthia, how about this, I know where you are? And due to several conversation, know that you're heading out of Ilyphina. Should make it easier to find the group. Also, it might be a bit hard to discern she's acting like a 5 year old in the span of one quick report. And even if they could. If a kid reported seeing men that looked like bandits on the outskirts of town, they'd most likely at least check it out. @Rein: Right, I'll leave it to you and make this end the same way the Cobalt caves, and Kamilla's vial did. At present I'm more willing to trust Kai with the job then you. And either way, you and Phoenix would most likely turn it into a friendly chat attempted recruitment thing.
  17. @Phoenix Perhaps, but that's just Viveka (plus 2). I find Viveka's report dodgy anyway. Viveka: "We defeated the ones responsible, a good chunk of my memory is gone, but I did my job" Conrad: "Yep, not going to ask for proof, not going to ask anything about procedure, I'll take you and your (just as confused) 2 friends word on it. Screw Chase, I was obsessed with him only a few hours ago, but I don't care about him anymore." And if someone handed in a report about the group still being alive, I doubt he'd send Viveka to lead the troupe in her current stage. Unless of course, Conrad's an idiot (which he most likely is). Hence the reason I might need to go create another random generic enemy guard.
  18. Fault? You mean credit? And you seem to constantly forget that, you've been killing Elysimman soldiers a long time before I bothered to make an explosion (Explosion idea was also Snowy's not mine) They're still guilty for every charge laid against them, though Viveka not remembering Selizara might incriminate them for that as well. Furthermore you have no one but yourself for making a character that's sworn allegiance to a hostile force. Hmmm, Rein's incompetent, so I guess I should either discuss Kamilla's next action with either Phoenix or Cynthia :/ Though Viveka's been rendered to be a dumb blonde now, so I guess I'll do my own little thing and then launch an attack later. Plus, why should I work together with Phoenix on my plots, when he labels me useless and refuses to reveal his own XD Nyahaha
  19. @Rein/Phoenix So what's the plan on Viveka/Conrad? Are we going to leave them behind for now and come back later (to Elysimma) for them? Or can we drop them off as random NPC's? XD Since if we set out of Ilyphina, I doubt we'll have much, if any interaction with them unless we re-enter Elysimma. :/ Fixed.
  20. After hearing Morgan admit her actions, Kamilla decided she no longer had any reason to stay with the group, Judging by everyone's reaction they all knew about it and had kept quiet, or mind wiping was the new black and everyone was doing it these days. While the group headed towards Damian, Kamilla headed out of TISME, not really caring where she went as long as it was away from the group. She sat down on a street corner trying to recall her memory but wasn't getting very far. She decided to organize what she knew. Morgan had said something about being incarcerated, and the lady with the winged horses seemed to have been after them, was she supposed to go tell the military? On the other hand Tessa had explained something about a 'religion' earlier that she worked for, and this business with demons and crimson weapons seemed to be hinting towards something spiritual, but she didn't exactly understand the concept of Lunaism and Septimian reform, and she didn't know which side she was on. Deciding that it would be better to find someone, opposed to moping by herself, she decided to ask around and head for the local military base.
  21. I wanted to finish Kamilla's Character thingie before logging off today T_T Ah well, need to go now, so I guess it's a bye bye from me. @Morgans reaction: *Grins* All I needed. Though I was hoping it'd take longer then this for her to start remembering things :/ @Black lady Kamilla is racist?Morgan seems like one of those dark angsty girls who'll only wear black :/ And if she's wearing different colors, I'm pretty sure she had black hair. Updated Reika's personality to actually be like Reika, *Notes to self, when starting an RP screw the personality part since you never stay loyal to it* Anyway off I go then. EDIT: Would also appreciate a definitive response on "Support Pyramid" "Max Stats" "SPD Nerfing" and what's happening to that.
  22. Hehe, ignore me will you? Kamilla in a fit of rage, pointed her finger at the Shamaness, "What did evil black lady do to Kamilla!?" she demanded, keeping her distance from the woman but being assertive nonetheless. "Eric said you did bad stuff to Kamilla's parents, and Kamilla thinks you did something to Kamilla too, cause head hurts when you around" "You lied to Kamilla, you said you Kamilla's friend, but you not Kamilla's friend, you hurt Kamilla's daddy, and made Kamilla forget mommy" she was in tears now and the entire world seemed to have gone quiet as she continued ranting. "You're an evil black lady, evil, evil evil!" she repeated pointing an accusing finger at the shamaness.
  23. Kamilla who'd been watching from behind noticed Morgan looking at Tessa, and was expecting Tessa to prove her innocence, but when she seem to give up Kamilla got angry. "No, Tessa not demon, bad lady, bad! Not accusing Tessa" she demanded forgetting that she was actually supposed to be avoiding the shaman. "Tessa heal stuff and is nice, not like bad evil lady who do bad stuff to Kamilla!" she shouted throwing a hissy fit. Kamilla didn't care if the others got accused but she wasn't going to let anyone insult Tessa, Tessa was her friend, and she wasn't going to let people say bad stuff about her. "If you do bad stuff to Tessa, Kamilla going to bite evil black lady's arm off" she said coining a new name for Morgan henceforth.
  24. Hmmm? You changed the invading nation to Septimus? :/ Hmm well I guess we'll need to find another nation for Halton to invade, since I'm pretty sure it said somewhere that they were invading others, and if not at I think that their military focus should be directed at something :/
  25. Kamilla opened her mouth to say (Okay) but was quickly cut off by Kelas who deemed it inappropriate. She quickly tried to hide herself behind Tessa from the now 'scary horse woman' who not only sounded, but looked ready to maul anything which didn't agree with her. "Tessa, Kamilla thinks we should listen to the angry horse lady" she said cowering behind the girl.
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