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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. I'm willing to make them leech/dragon/demon snacks as long as no one is stupid enough to turn back, otherwise they're running right along with the rest of you. @Phoenix Again OoC knowledge, if we can do that, then we should have been able to point out that Helen was Helenos back at TISME
  2. I'd suggest not fighting, there's no proof that those demons won't attack us after Helenos is defeated, and going back seems foolish at best. We could beat her, but that's OoC knowledge, we don't actually know Helenos's stats (Characters don't) and taking advantage of that is akin to me noticing that Helenos was an undead fungi rotting dragon thing back at TISME.
  3. Not really, we stopped doing that as well, main person arguing was Ether, and he left awhile ago. Kai's babbling about something, but I doubt it's important, honestly, I'd think he was a troll or something if I saw him under normal circumstances. *Sigh* the magic of RP's, it proves to me that there is such thing a infinite possibilities, now only if it didn't prove it to me in negative integers and through the medium of intelligence.
  4. You've read it, since you've quoted it above, but I'll post it again for your little head. First Tier Level 1: Total 20/30~32 Level 2: Total 23/30~32 Second Tier Level 3: Total 28/40~42 (Max increased by 2 around the board, additional 10 points spendable (Max is 40~42) Level 4: total 32/40~42 Now with that mind, can you re-address the issue? Clearly?
  5. Not entirely sure why you get 2 extra points out of nowhere for Mag/Str, but still irrelevant, due to max being higher for second tiers.
  6. @Cynthia, If it's going to be implemented, it should be retroactive, Characters like Viveka and Conrad should be considered unintroduced at this point as well. Reika... Well I'd like to say she gets the 5 exp as well but she did fight in CH1 and net 5 exp. So I'll leave that up to someone else. (It's pretty much the exp you get for existing really.) @Kai Yes, you do that, nevermind the fact that no alterations were made for the Windmage between the signup and the list being discussed here. But you obviously knew that. @Phoenix, deal with it, since my hatred is not unlimited and there's a lot of people right now that need hating. I'll pay you by boatpeople the boatload later on any attention I forgot to give you when things have died down. EDIT @Phoenix2: It's really for those who are going to join up late, like Heinz, and Cess. As well as any future applications this RP may get. But as stated above, I don't see why existing characters shouldn't benefit. @EXP General If you think it's too much, then chapter 1~3 could be nulled, due to exp being very crappy back then. Though I'm sure everyone is above 40 exp at this point in time :/
  7. Despite demons attacking Helenos, I'd still say logic (And even without logic) that taking advantage of the situation and retreating is how things should play out here. GTFO should be in everyones minds. The leeches for one, are most likely still around sucking blood :/
  8. @Kai I concluding illiterate & Stupid. Though if someone else is understanding what Kai wants to say, then please feel free to tell me in a language I understand, preferably English. @Ether It's died down now... sort of due to Ulfhrahn doing half your work for you. I didn't mind him having authority back in Vaorin, it made sense then, perhaps even at the border town. But Percy: I am son of hero! Soldier: I am Halton soldier respect me! Pegasus: I am giant flying lizard Selizara: I am great general, negotiate with me! Screw protocol. Cavalry: Big lizard gonna scare you! Individually they're fine, but what the hell is Damian doing? With all the authority he commands he should be leading a army of soldiers across the land and telling the other nations they can go fuck themselves because you're the son of a hero. As I said, individually they're fine, but combined, it's just getting ridiculous. Should have sent out troops to hunt Ulfrhran down during the TISME period, damn.
  9. No, you're just being stupid or illiterate, one of the two, possibly both. -I say stat cap is 32, you say it's 30. (It's actually 32) -I specifically state that maxes vary from 30~32, you argue that they need to be dropped to 30 to fit the cap, which has established as 30~32. -You state mages have 30 stat points, I say good for you, read above. None of that addresses your new point of "How many stat points do we get after a level up" The answer to that is 3 Level 1: Total 20/30~32 Level 2: Total 23/30~32 Level 3: Total 28/40~42 (Max increased by 2 around the board, additional 10 points spendable (Max is 40~42) Level 4: total 32/40~42 (I think it was 4 for a promotion, might of been 5 but it doesn't make a difference to the list regardless
  10. The stat nerf is something you'll need to address with Snowy and Cynthia, I haven't said much considering dropping the value of Def/Spd. And while personally see the argument on both sides there, and still remain undecided. If that's what you're complaining about, I'm not the right person to talk to, Phoenix had a little spasm about it before it's implementation as well.
  11. @Bal Well, I personally didn't mind the 4cap for all fields rule in terms of character creation. To be honest, that was my original issue, it might defy FE logic, but I was under the impression that 4max was a signup rule and not one which would apply to the RP level ups. Assuming you couldn't spend 2 points on the same stat, that would mean the highest stat attainable (excluding HP) would be 4initial+4levels= 8. And I wouldn't mind switching to that system really, Ether's being all sad and whiny because his characters are no longer invincible. And there seems to be a few niche's I missed like the light magic stuff. Which I didn't read since it didn't concern me. While we're hurling complaints, it'd be nice if being a Halton soldier and owning a Bull wyvern didn't scare the crap out of every enemy we come across. You have a God-mod complex Ether, whether you admit it or not. And I'm not the only one who thinks this, and apologize for not stating this earlier.
  12. All characters caps were 4 before new stats <_< I don't see how going back to 4 Max in everything is going to help. Before new caps (Soldier DEF=4 Now, Soldier DEF=4. That hasn't been altered, only thing that's been nerfed is HP. (And Mag, but I doubt that matters) Either way, taking another look at the list, I'd recommend boosting stats caps all round by 2+ HP, and 1+ In all other fields.
  13. @Ether, I'm not talking to you until you learn how to refresh your page. @Bal Hmm, My proposal fix would be increasing all caps by 4 upon promotion, (opposed to 2) and that should fix it, we only get 7 stat point after promotion, and how they're passed around shouldn't matter much. And clerics won't be using Light tomes until promotion right? Either way, I'm fine with increase cleric mag by 1.
  14. Kamilla didn't like the evil energy she felt radiating from Arrin, but took his hand regardless, leeches, panic and the driver lady sprouting wings was definetely not a good sign. And by the looks of the others, they were not fit enough to repel a small group of bandits, nevermind a legion of leeches, and some winged lady that reeked of evil. She considered saying her thanks, but didn't really have time to chat at the moment, so she just accepted the offer, and got on.
  15. Okay, Ether now, he's crying over nothing, and to compensate for any nerfs, there's equal benefits. (You can only use 23 of those 30~32 fields anyway) @Phoenix What do you mean by new arrivals? I'm guessing you mean in terms of exp/levels. Which is a different issue to stats and caps being discussed at the moment. I don't know, I'm personally leaning to bonus exp. (5Exp per chapters missed) But that's just my idea. (Would be on 40 EXP level 1 at the moment. (Semi compensates?) @Bal 1Spd= 1Evade now? Not sure what you mean by point 1.
  16. Refresh your page :/ Or close down your window and try again. If that doesn't work, clear File history or something. It's updated on my screen, and judging from how Cynthia suggested more skill negative HP. It's updated on hers as well Give me a second and I'll post then in text if it's still an issue. Soldier HP 4 Str 4 Mag 3 Skl 4 Spd 4 Def 4 Res 3 Wyvern HP 5 Str 5 Mag 3 Skl 3 Spd 4 Def 5 Res 2
  17. I'll let Ether (Since he seems to be the main Wyvern ranter choose on skill SKL or HP? If cavalier get 1+SKL I'm dropping Arm Knights by 1 SKL Nyeh, figured bandit would be less proficient at magic, it doesn't really make much of a different, I can up them if they bother you :/ EDIT @Ether Have you actually seen the new list? I upgraded Soldier and Wyvern HP by 1 :/ No idea why you're having a hissy.
  18. Hmm, funny :/ Can't find anything against leeches and salt (repellant) though I remember being sprayed with salt before as leach repellant :/ And didn't get bitten once :/ Ah well, I'll just have them in the background whacking Plot leeches then :/
  19. 31 Bandit 31 Fighter 30 Soldier 32 ArmKnight 31 Cavalier 31 Wyvern 32 Pegasi 32 Mercenary 31 Myrmidon 30 Thief 31 Archer 31 Nomad 30 WMage 30 FMage 30 TMage 30 Shaman 31 Cleric 31 Troubadour Taken everything into consideration, and revised, issues?
  20. Up to Cynthia, Wyvern was originally 3 HP, I pointed out it only had 29, and it was boosted to 30. (1HP) (As far as I remember) Pegasi stats will remain until someone provides a suggestion as to what should be lowered in the place of HP. Wyvern (waiting for confirmation from higher up. For the sake of balance, I might drop 1SKL from a soldier, since it's really a low tier, class and should be on 30 IMO. EDIT WTF? O_O How did I miss Archers having 6 SPD? (Dropped to 4) (31)
  21. Kai, just shut up, you're not helping and your point is invalid @Ether, see last post, Editted for clarity, I meant (31) for Fighters.
  22. That's why Fighter was reduced to 31 <_< Do you idiots know how to read or are you just pretending you can't? *Editted to add "Fighter" Idiots include Kai, I just said 32 <_<
  23. Cynthia Double post? :/ Interesting Fine, Wyvern/Soldier on 4 HP Can't add anymore to Pegasi without first subtracting (Has hit max (32) @Ether Please Read full post Obviously they're different.
  24. The one HP add for the wyvern on was already added as far as I can remember and I want to avoid making character stats Identical to another class. And if it get's extra HP it's DEF needs to be decreased to prevent replicating an armor Knight As for the SKL, it's 3 :/ As for Soldiers, I suppose HP is a bit low, but if we increase HP, RES needs to come down.
  25. More Specifically this post: Fiddled around with stats again, this should be the final version unless someone can find an issue, all stat total range from 30~32. The main reason for the change is some classes being rendered obsolete eg bandit/Fighter,where in the last one bandits just had less Def/Res then a fighter. Old one
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