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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. @Kai, You can't exactly expect attitudes towards Helios to change drastically, as far as the group knows you're just a confused Helios, and them suddenly treating you normally would be both out-of-character and make no sense. Even if Helios is literally dead, and "new Helios" is someone completely different, nothing would change for a good while IMO
  2. @Phoenix They can have as many bulls as they want can't they? You just need some (even Iso) to mention getting away from the bulls, and then Irina laughing at them(?) and telling them those weren't bulls. I'm not sure about how strong these wyverns are if they're only getting a meal a week :/ @Kai/Snike/Lightning One of you die already.
  3. Reika shrugged "I don't really care, it's probably the group I'm after, unless people passing through here is common." "Though I suppose I'd prefer at least one of them to survive, my contract'll probably be voided otherwise." After traveling a bit further away, she sighed, wondering if this trip would ever end. Though on the bright side, they hadn't faced off with any wyverns yet. She looked around, but figuring it was safe, decided to keep herself entertained with a bit of chit-chat. "So.... err haven't even asked you your name yet" she stated realizing that Alf hadn't even named himself, satisfied with his response, she nodded her head, "You're a former pickpocket, rebel member and here you are guiding strangers through mountain passes in Elysimma, any reason why you suddenly decided to change jobs?" she asked curiously. "And I suppose people sneaking through this pass is common if you've managed to set up a business doing this"
  4. @Rein, as I keep saying I don't have a problem with that one case :/ Or more cases as long as you're not taking wyverns out at Damian/Ulf speed. @Phoenix's "My bulls" That's what you think XD I'll remedy that soon enough. @Kai XD It's like watching myself trying to RP a quiet obedient character XD He's already all snobby and Helios-like XD Also, I'd assume everyone know Helios on sight, a green haired man, using wind magic, disappears from group, a green haired man using magic returns to group. Logic dictates it's the same person. He might look cleaner, but he can't change his height, facial features, or his snobbiness XD
  5. Reika smirked "Heartless then" she said clearly pleased with choice. She'd prefer a heartless man who could make sensible decisions over a guy who'd get emotionally tangled up and jump into trouble and have a hero complex. "Well, it's probably only a matter of time before those flying lizards notice us, best to hurry away from here I'd say" she didn't know how much time those travelers would buy them, but as long as the wyverns focused on the group, there should be a lot less trouble for them. "How much longer until we make it out of here anyway?" she asked curiously. She'd been rather surprised they'd had no trouble until now, but if this was just the beginning, they'd most likely not reach the other side.
  6. Good eyesight, and nocturnal vision are different, and I doubt unless Chase is a superhuman, he can pick out vital points even with semi-nocturnal vision. (Thing your aiming for is a moving target). Again, willing to pass shot of as lucky shots, and killing wyverns is fine, just don't expect to be picking them off like flies due to lack of light source. And no I don't care if Chase is a nocturnal knife wielding ninja super hero, he's still human.
  7. If someone dispatches the bull, I'm setting fire to the forest XD (Of course you people will still be in it) Waiting to see how Sage handles this, I really don't mind being away from the group for a bit longer, but if he wants to join up, I suppose I don't mind either. Though once daylight comes along we're screwed XD @Rein, It's still dark, picking out crucial points is sketchy, not going to complain about the one you dispatched, just don't do it to the bull.
  8. *Isn't sure if Irina, aka "Dumb as rocks" should be taking command* XD Helios suddenly got pushy again XD And of course Ether wipes out nearly half their numbers in a matter of second effortlessly.
  9. The path has gotten alot easier after their small break, she yawned as Alferis started looking around, as if he were looking for something, probably wyverns. She smiled at the thought, if he'd been enlisted as a soldier he probably would have been trampled all over by those aiming for promotions, yet still have been a nasty one to shake off had they ever faced off in town, loyalty and persistence were the two problematic traits when she dealt with soldiers. She yawned getting bored of the darkness around her, when Alferis suddenly spoke pointing out a few figures down below surrounded by wyverns. "Soldiers?" she asked not really caring, she couldn't exactly figure out the shapes in the dark. Travelers were one thing, but whether they should get involved in the scuffles of some stupid travelers was something Reika wanted to avoid, afterall it wasn't her business, even with the off chance that it was the group she was looking for, she didn't see any reason to help them, the more dead the better. "I see them" she said with an amused look "And what do you propose we do? I've already told you that I'm next to useless against wyverns" she said smiling at the man testing him to see if he was a heartless man, or a stupid hero wannabe.
  10. @Phoenix While I don't have a problem with what you're doing, wyverns aren't exactly nocturnal, sure they can see better in the dark then humans, but I really wouldn't expect half the mountain to be awake and looking for prey. (Reika's fire cooking though is another matter). At this point in time I'm willing to pass it off as just territorial animals being... well territorial XD As for Reika's idea, fire would probably lure them, and I was hoping to leave the carcass on the fire (smell) to cover the scent for another few minutes. and hopefully have the wyverns devour what they can of the animal for another minute. I'm assuming this wyvern encounter is unstatted? Or are you going to wait until Cynthia/Snowy gets on? Since if that's your plan, might want to prevent everyone from starting their attack XD
  11. ”Pretty useless" she said pulling out a single dagger, "I'm more suited to killing people, then animals, more experience in the former too" she said carelessly. "If I can get a clear head shot off, then I might be able to handle one, but that's assuming I get lucky, though Lady luck's tab has been getting larger this week" she was willing to hand over one dagger, but kept the other one just in case, and in the worst case scenario she could always just summon Calamity, though her guide didn't need to know that. She'd already experienced hassles with people being interested in the supposed Crimson weapon before. She frowned as Alferis put out the flames, she had been hoping to use it as a decoy, but figured he knew better then she did about these wyverns and let it go. Instead, she kicked the carcass off watching it roll down the side of the mountain and watched for as far as she could before turning to leave.
  12. Reika laughed "As I said, I'm not sleeping here, I've rested enough, and I'd rather risk the cliffs then wait here for a wyvern to turn up if we're done here best to leave right now" she said quickly digging into her pouch, and using some flint to get a fire going, quickly tossing the remains on the fire, she turned to man "Off we go then, definitely not safe to stay here any longer"
  13. Reika frowned as the man returned with a mountain goat, not because the man left her sight, but because the sight of a man with a goat on his back was a peculiar one at the least. The man had probably gone for 30 minutes all up, and she hadn't expected him to return with anything. Infact she was rather impressed at how easily the man seemed to have found the goat, he most likely knew where they grazed, and the goat meat alone would have cost a fair price. "Guess the wyverns aren't as hungry around here as I thought" she said as Alf dropped the goat infront of her, she reached for her dagger. "Think you're the best investment I've made in years" she stated before lopping the head off, she'd heard of some nomad tribes treating the brains and eyeballs as delicacy's but she couldn't work up the stomach to try. "She grabbed the skin and started separating the skin from the meat, she hadn't done this for with anything this big before, but apparently it wasn't much different from skinning any other animal. Not really caring about the blood she crudely cut out the areas of meat she thought was edible. She stared at the remains and frowned, "How close are we to the closest wyvern nesting grounds? She asked uncertain, a wind had picked up and she was reluctant to cook meat to draw the wyverns out, they'd most likely be sleeping but she didn't want to risk it if they were too close. "If we can afford to cook it, best we make it quick, I'm not willing to camp anywhere near here tonight now" Reika said wiping her hands on the animals fur. "Probably wake up in a wyverns stomach" she joked as she contemplated bagging the meat or cooking it.
  14. Reika managed a smile, "Relax, I've paid you already, it's not like I'll bite your head off or send you off to prison" she didn't mind the man being willingness to work, but his attitude of accepting everything she said was making her feel like one of those upstart soldiers. "If you think you can find something, then go ahead, as I said I'd prefer you stay within sight, but I'd also prefer something other then these bland rations, honestly, why can't they make tasty rations? Then it'd actually be worth stealing them. She sighed, I'd offer to go with you, but I'll probably be more of a hindrance then help, and possibly risk both our lives, and I suppose I can trust you enough to actually come back" she said not entirely sure if there was even a grain of truth in her words.
  15. :/ So Phoenix likes it rough, candles, whips and all huh? :/ While I'd never thought about it, wind/wind doesn't stack? Ah poo XD Jack Katie? Boost?..... *Injecting Mind stabilizer* Alot of people I was nice to them, unfortunately, none of them have actually gotten that wish XD
  16. Reika sighed with relief as they reached the next clearing, she was sure that if she'd continued she'd probably have died today. Or tomorrow, she couldn't really tell, but the sun wasn't up yet so it must be today. "I thought free meals came with the fee?" she joked, pulling out a few small packets, "I've got a few rations that I swiped from a few soldiers earlier, but I'd prefer meat if you think you can find any, otherwise, you're welcome to share the rations, I'd really prefer to know where you are at all times while I'm in this pass" She watched the man carefully, she wasn't a lie detector, but she'd learned trusting people was a bad idea, and if this man was planning to ditch her in the mountains maybe she'd be able to notice in his tone of voice, eyes, anything.
  17. ^Yeah, well Katie doesn't speak XD But I agree with your point, though there was that one time in Istample's inn, something about Isotov becoming Katie's student. But that didn't last very long anyway. I've liked Tessa/Arrin, for the same reasons, but as for the other romances... eh. Esphyrs slutty, and Aiya's a loyal housewife from the middle east. Katie's a dumb mute who suddenly learned the art of prostitution after being with Harold for an undisclosed period. And..... who else is there? I agree on the neccessary evils, and don't mind it, as long as people are willing to acknowledge their travelling with people they don't like, instead of just making it obvious by ignoring them. Anyway off in a few minutes, need to go to the city for my appointment with the bald guy. Err I mean my boss XD
  18. Reika glared at the hand but managed to restrain herself from slapping it away, for one she wasn't sure if she could slap the hand away and still remain on the ledge. She just had to keep telling herself this was just a really big house, and instead of breaking bones when falling off, it was just certain death. "I'll trust you to catch me if I fall, otherwise I'd prefer you kept a lookout for wyverns" she stated a rudely, the nerve of this man, thinking she needed a hand. They'd traveled for a good few hours, and had been significantly slowed down by Reika who'd stop occasionally to check her footing. How he's so surefooted and fast at moving forward when it's so dark is beyond me Reika thought trying to take her mind of the abyss below, she had thought her nightvision was unparalleled, but this guy was moving forward as if he were just walking down a main road in the middle of the day. She'd only taken her mind off the ledge for a second when she'd stepped on air and nearly fell of the ledge, fortunately though the man had somehow managed to prevent her from falling, and quickly pulled her up. "I'm glad I paid you that extra gold now" she said gasping for air. "I did say quickly, but any chances of taking a break somewhere? I'd rather travel when I can see where I'm stepping"
  19. I'd sooner die then be apart of your Cynthia fantasy's and crusty undergarments. As for supports, I build anti-supports XD Fortunately they don't lower my stats, and while I wouldn't mind having the entire group hostile against me, it wouldn't hurt to have a few that don't want to kill me in my sleep. That's my job If the plot is getting in the way, that is good, if Snowy's inactivity is the problem..... nyeh it's nothing new.
  20. Reika raised an eyebrow, not really sure if she could trust this man, Septimian troops in the mountains? Surely he meant Elysimmians, Ah well, soldiers were soldiers to her, and she didn't really like any of them. "4 gold? It's not like I need this much gold, here's 10, just make sure I come out of those mountains alive with or without you." she said laughing as she handed the man a few gold pieces. She didn't really understand how these gold circles were worth so much anyway. Her family had killed eachother for the stuff, yet here she was throwing it away. Since there was always a good supply of the stuff wherever humans lived "Shortcuts, well I'll leave that to you, just need to get through the mountains as quickly as possible, preferably without wyverns noticing me."
  21. I was more referring to the RP characters, but the same applies for the Rp'ers. "Let's be friends" mentality, really doesn't work for me. Since random soul-mate encounters like Iso/Katie are laughable, while reactions like Chase/Cess make alot more sense. Speaking of which, Damian better be paying you all a hell of a lot to go through what the groups going through XD *Is glad her employer isn't random hero boy* I don't mind friendly interactions, but they're seldom directed at my characters, and I prefer bickering, more chances to let something slip. And usually, it makes much more sense. EG "Oh you have a CW? I join you! You too? Come along, let's be friends" was horrible to deal with at the begining, it was fine from Morgan/Damian, but every other occassion has just been a
  22. Right, I should just hand in blank bits of paper and hope no one realizes. XD My comment about Helios wasn't necessarily exclusive to friends, it's just that having you character ignored doesn't really help character development. The problem with this group is whenever they don't like someone, they decide to not interact with them. Only exception to this would probably be Morgan and Chase. Everyone else just snorts, scoffs or "thinks" something and never really allows it to develop. Reika's case, I don't have to deal with the same problems Kamilla did, if you ignore her, she'll just revert to stab happy bitch form XD As for trust issues, I'll solve those once we catch up to the group. @Phoenix, It's not really poor Cuddles, I could just keep quiet since they're planning to just employ someone else, I'm just volunteering to take up both jobs since I clearly have too much time on my hands. Not really interested in the pay, just need something to keep my occupied, though having more money in the bank is never a bad thing. Unless the bank bankrupts, then I'm screwed XD
  23. "Not a very bright one" she said with a smirk, "I just said I was a bounty hunter, I'm sure if I cashed you in, I get a few coins, but they'd also probably recognize me too" looking around to make sure this wasn't some sort of trap, "Reika, still in the pickpocketing business and as I said earlier, I'm looking for a group of people that came around here most likely earlier today, you wouldn't happen to have seen them? A wyvern and about a dozen off them, most likely smelled like they hadn't bathed in years?" After receiving a response she frowned, "You said you were a guide? How familiar would you be with the mountain pass? And is there any safe paths or shortcuts?"
  24. Since when has a Nady character been looking for friendship? Ewww the mere mention of it makes my skin crawl. As for ignoring, I'm not sure, I'm considering signing up for more works (OMG Paperwork!!!) One of the guys quit yesterday apparently and their looking for someone to fill his quota. So my activity my take a sudden blow soon.
  25. Reika turned, she wasn't in the mood for soldiers, and she had done anything worth the attention of authorities in Hamburg as far as she knew. "Rack off, I purchased this legitimately, and I'm just a traveler...." she squinted in the dark and noticed the man wasn't wearing the armor of the town guard, "Oh, not a soldier, I'm going nowhere" she said dumbly, not managing to think of a destination that would be convincing enough. Not really caring she shrugged, "I'm a mercenary who wants to grab a few quick coins but killing a few wanted criminals, nothing suspicious" she said trying to force a smile.
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