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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. A schedule where you're getting all emo and angry isn't a very good schedule and revise it. As for you hearing that right, yes, you did hear right, or rather read :/ I don't take my anger out on people, I genuinely enjoy making people miserable, there's a difference between lashing out because you're upset, and lashing out with a sadistic smile on your face :P
  2. How about getting off the internet and doing whatever you're supposed to be doing then? Taking your anger and stress out on others makes no sense, and I'm sure it's a bridge most of us have already crossed, or will be crossing in the near future, stop being Esphyr and admit that your life isn't all doom and gloom and threesome sex. And get over it :/
  3. @Kai, in all fairness, I started the "whore" comments, so you should be telling me that, not Phoenix. As for implying something romantic/sexual by stating Since, you really wouldn't say that unless you either planned A ) Something sexual B ) Wanted to show us how ripped Helios was C ) Have something planned then just a simple clothes change.
  4. *Has everything since SRWF* :P Should probably get the old ones out sometime and play them, though not having the battle scene skip is a pain :/ @Snowy Right, I'm sorry for asking you to do something everyone else is doing, and by asking someone else aren't you expecting others to read and comprehend it?..... Lazy :/
  5. Nyeh, haven't actually played the game, just have read a few articles concerning it, and a few fan-published works (the non-erotic kind), so I don't know how good it actually is XD Also, is Tania a cheap whore? Cause we don't need her in the party if she is, we already have Aiya, Esphyr and Katie, and most likely the girl Argon's bringing along, don't need another one.
  6. *SRW fan* :P *Muvluv fan* XD One of the few bands of the sort that I listen to... sometimes.
  7. Ah, Tobira no Mukou he I'm guessing, best to translate that as door, not really going to be reading much of the OoC anymore so best to ask questions via PM, though if you google the title+ english, anime music sites should have the english lyrics and english title.
  8. *Is confused by what that has to do with herself* ~Nothing to do~
  9. You're thinking logically, bad stuff happens when you do that! Helios running deeper into the swamp actually wouldn't surprise me though XD I don't think there's much of a point in a timeskip though, mainly since you won't get much done before you all decided to head out.
  10. No, Lacuna's trying to sell off my horses, so that's unlikely. We should change from mercenaries to bandits XD We certainly have the qualifications
  11. That's a rather poor excuse, no one's asking for perfection. :/ Consistency and plausibility and perfection are different. Plausibility is 51% Perfection is 100% for one. I'd point out how you claimed to be an expert at separating OoC from RP earlier, something about making a character you love and then killing them. But I suppose you already know that. Improving also only happens when someone picks up on an error and tries to rectify it, this goes against your claims above and therefore doesn't make much sense
  12. @Phoenix Don't feel sad, I actually have a smile on my face at the moment, which is a good thing right? Despite the sadistic glee I'm feeling right now? I need to do some digging around to semi-validate my next few moves to screw the group over. This event has really opened my eyes, I apologize for being so bitchy and difficult to work with, I should have noticed before that it's impossible to make you all think logically, if that's the case I should follow the saying, "If you can't beat them, join them." :) @Cynthia Katie has a never ending supply of explosive runes, it's that simple. As for the group acting logically.... well it's not going to happen, and there's not much point arguing your case against them. Or at least that's the conclusion I've come to
  13. Hmmm, so new rule When your plot doesn't seem to go the way you want it, screw logic or plausibility, just DO IT! XD Guess I won't be screwing up Phoenix's subplots anymore, is cause for celebration, yes? Let's not fight, lets celebrate! We defeated some big rotting lizard for christs sake. What's there to be fighting about?
  14. @Phoenix, I can confirm Cynthia's claims, I was discussing that this would happen with her via PM's when we first started smelling the marsh. XD So many plot devices to play with XD What to start with first. Also is there anyone still left in the clearing, cause soldiers be waking up now, and you probably don't want to be around when they wake up XD
  15. And fighting her is a good idea how? Assuming we can defeat Helenos, we still need to deal with leeches, and most likely the rot demons. And even if the rot demons for some weird reason retreat leeches will have sucked you dry by then. Plot has way to many holes and it's following down a completely illogical nature. And no, "In character" is not an excuse this time. The group came to investigate a Mesh, not to defeat Helenos, and if she was going to fly away, I don't see why we had to fight her.
  16. Eh, screw if it makes sense or not, Snowy said it and you don't question him remember? @Cynthia No point arguing, it's not going to change anything, and with the progress now it's too late for that. Just going to have to accept NPC's have incredible power.
  17. Nady is fine, will not argue with events because everything worked out, mind you, not the way I anticipated but my plans are still very manageable. And seeing as how logic is something that is lacking in this RP, I assume restricting myself any further is unnecessary XD Depending on how things go, consider Kamilla an enemy character henceforth XD @Lacuna: As I said, barring that one soldier, the others are currently immobile, so no, I won't hurt you :) Nyahahhaha Though I can make them grow a third arm and secretly be demons if you want me to?
  18. The captain had made it back to the horses, his plans ruined, but he still had one shot, seeing Kamilla squatting down nearby, he ran over and scooped her up "You'll be coming with me missy." "Kamilla have to wait here" she screeched out loud, trying to get away from the man, but a quick whack over the head and Kamilla was knocked unconscious. "You'll be my helping me with my ambitions now lass" he said as he dragged Kamilla over to his own horse, Isotov was nearby, but he'd either not noticed them or knew full well that this was a hostage situation, Propping himself and Kamilla on his own horse, he cut the ropes, and dashed off with his horse back towards Ilyphina, Making sure to use Kamilla to protect himself. It wasn't long until he was a speck on the horizon.
  19. Nady wants a character that can do explosive hexes! XD
  20. @My post You defy logic, I defy logic -_- :/ *Is amused*
  21. As the cart exploded, two soldiers who had valiantly been trying to ward off the demons got mixed up in the blast and perished, A third was decapitated when a bit of steel from the cart flew over and pierced him through the neck. It was a miracle that the Katie herself seem unharmed by the explosion, but that would soon change. Seeing the tentacles get destroyed, and Helenos in no shape to move, one of the soldiers who'd been near the explosion limped over to Katie, blood coursing down the side of his head, one ear missing and his hair singed to the point where he looked bald. They'd seemingly been winning the battle against the Dragoness due to the help of the demons until Katie had decided to blow everyone up with her magic. And several other soldiers laid strewn about unconscious or injured. The man approached Katie in a fit or rage, "You stupid wench! You killed Dones and Jalton!" he raised his sword, his eyes, that of a madman bloodshot and blood thirsty.
  22. Kamilla jumped off the horse and crumpled to the ground, "Kamilla's legs hurt" she complained as she picked herself up wiping her hands on her clothes and then making wrinkling her face up. "Kamilla wait Tessa's friend come back safely too~" she said waving her hand as Arrin headed back. She looked around and noticed Kelas and Isotov nearby, as well as half-a-dozen horses. She frowned, she wanted to go over but Arrin had told wait, did that mean she wasn't allowed to move her legs? They hurt so badly >_< She looked over, and since Arrin was out of sight, decided she was at least allowed to squat down.
  23. Morgan was right, we should have left her behind :/ Katie secretly serves Helenos, and is trying to hand over Esphyr, someone kill her! XD Alternatively Tessa can grab her I suppose.
  24. It's fine, we seem to be getting alot of applications lately.
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