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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Katie's starting to annoy me now :/ -I'm getting on the wagon regardless of what Morgan says -I don't like Morgan -I'm gonna curse Morgan -I'm sorry, I'm sorry, forgive me? She's either got a twisted personality that matches my own, or is currently experiencing mood swings :/ Ah well, Nady has post to make.
  2. You're telling me Morgan just got whipped on the back of her neck (whips hurt!) and she didn't notice it? :/ Wouldn't it hurt?
  3. So she's willing to ignore Helen and her dominatrix issues? XD
  4. And here I was thinking that the group split had been aborted, considering how you got intercepted by Heinz, and then had to stop for the short battle skit, you're probably not too far from Ilyphina, and if Morgan decides to stay on the cart now I'm lumping in Cynthia with the other non-sense'ers
  5. *High fives Cynthia* Katie's spell aborted! XD Mission accomplished :P Snowy wasn't going to let her get killed off, and Phoenix's timing was good, since Katie would release the spell and somehow counter if Iso hadn't intervened. :P Why am I never around when the drama happens? :/ Ah well maybe next time, since Reika won't leave the group at any stage I hope. ~The cart is on fire? XD~
  6. I know, :P Clearly you don't understand the comment, so I'll put it another way Damian's Spear Viveka's bucket Helios's Virginity
  7. I'm much more interested in Elysimma's military hierarchy and how Viveka's bucket was good enough to get her to the position she's in now.
  8. Normally I wouldn't say anything further, but this is an exception. How is that any different from it's actual wielder using it?.... Ah well a cart on fire makes me happy XD
  9. ~Yesterday~ Reika arrived in a small rural town. She hadn't been walking for very long when she happened upon the small settlement that had lured her by the sound of voices. A loud boisterous man was directing armored soldiers as they ran around killing everyone, man, woman or child it didn't seem to matter. She frowned, she'd been hoping to ask for directions, but this was clearly not the right place to ask. She sighed and turned to leave, but felt a twinge of irritation at the pilferers. She frowned, it wasn't like her to care about others, not random villagers for sure. She turned back and took another good hard look, she'd done her fair bit of pillaging lately, but she had her own code of honor to uphold, and one of those codes involved not killing unarmed civilians..... though, that was restricted to those she liked and didn't care for. If an unarmed civilian annoyed her, she wouldn't have any qualms with slitting their throats. She watched from her position overlooking the village when she noticed something which should have been painfully obvious the first time around. The armor, she knew it all too well, the uniform of a common Halton grunt. Without even considering her options she leaped out of hiding and was about to jump off the cliff, a clear shortcut to her enemies, but managed to calm herself down enough to turn around and start sprinting down the roughly built road down towards the village. She arrived perhaps half an hour too late, the path here hadn't been used very often, and not being able to just run straight forward, she'd gotten lost and had to check her position before resuming traveling north more then once. She looked around and found men lying dead all over the place. Probably three or four dozen men all up. By the looks of things they'd all been gathered in the village center and then slain. While a few tried vainly to escape. She looked around and found footprints leaving the village, a few horses and a cart, most likely used to transport those who weren't on horseback. She contemplated chasing after the soldiers but reconsidered, she hadn't exactly been having too much luck fighting lately and she didn't want to risk being swamped with soldiers.
  10. Not sure how Isotov left Proxima back at the inn. I've got no issue with others being able to hold it, it's been done plenty of times before. But actually drawing on Proxima's power or the ludicrous possibility of her actually using it seems just ridiculous, she was a circle four mage? :/
  11. @Snowy: :/ There is no way... you honestly aren't <_< If Katie uses Proxima, I'm going to start lending people my Crimson weapon at basic rent price. Reika: Heinz, I'll let you borrow the Crimson Dagger for a chapter if you pay me 5 gold. I'd have less issues if it was say.... the headmaster, or maybe Ixion, but Katie? :/
  12. @Long posts Yeah, but Bals post are interesting, cover the events so far. And perhaps most importantly is likeable XD Says me @Shanice Quick! Someone kill that bird! There's a cockroach on the van! It's Shanice! The cart itself is Shanice? Clover..... I'm watching you. XD Amari Jerky complimented with Clover Jerky?
  13. If I kill of Kamilla I'll make another (god knows how many) second character, and you can't beat the Nady, the level of hatred directed at her is far superior to anything you'll ever manage :P Not sure what I'll do with Kamilla, for now, she'll just tail the group with the guards. But I'm sort of hoping that I can throw in a character (either one) soon since tailing the slow arse cart is getting boring. I'd have Reika turn up and be "Omg! I just happened to meet you on the road! The same way Heinz, and in a few minutes the way Argon will turn up" @Phoenix Where the hell's Shanice? I thought he'd be after us after his failed attempt........ or maybe ..... XD @Cynthia It's somehow satisfying to find Morgan ignoring characters that don't belong to me XD
  14. ..... I'm kind of feeling sympathetic to your girlfriend then. Though as I said before, why you two are together defies any logic I have :/ What, with you two fighting every few seconds It's like you're already married XD Don't worry 'Morgan' you'll be deprived of your bronze medal after Reika joins XD And as Cynthia said, if half the characters weren't stupid I doubt I would have had to break character with Kamilla (though I would have optionally later on) while we were heading to Istample.
  15. @Snike Eric makes fun of himself with his misfortune for anyone to bother making fun of him :P Helios makes fun of himself too, but I'm not sure it's intentional.
  16. Am I to interpret this as a continuation of the Damian jokes or is Esphyr getting really.... improper and slutty?
  17. @Phoenix, We did, Kai/Ether's unlimited cash stash however we didn't. @Stat caps :/ Hmmm, fine. I suppose I'll go use the stat caps and you can all do whatever you want. They're on the sign up page, so I'm just going to say their official :/
  18. Speaking of money, I'd like to address the question of Helios and Damian along with everyone elses money stash (Except Eric and those that appeared after Selizara). Since I'm pretty sure the soldiers would have taken your gold, and whether you were greedy enough to grab it back when the 3mages (The Emtrio) attacked the convoy.
  19. I've noticed some discussion on Big Bangs character and would really appreciate a definitive conclusion on stat caps, since I really see no point in prolonging the decision. And by prolonging, it's most likely going to end up like alot of other things "We never really came to a conclusion" type thing :/ As well as the speed edits, which I think should be left alone until we get solve the cap issue first.
  20. @Kai, I specifically told you to write your own character killing scene, it's a bit awkward writing Mark and Ians death from the bandits perspective, and I was assuming you didn't want me to write something up like "Bandit hit Mark with axe, Mark died" :/ Since you were attached to Mark at one stage or another. I'm really hoping that Snowy has the sense to decrease character count from 3 to 2. (Exception for existing characters) since we have enough characters already, hell a dozen is enough. If the newies join we'll have near 20 characters <_< (And no one reference FE, they're usually an army, not a random group of mercenaries)
  21. Hmmm, I'd assume that's what Cynthia's intention were, I brought it up with Cynthia a few days ago and forgot about it until yesterday) when I was watching Rein/Kai's ranking list and was musing over how pointless and stupid it was. Somewhere along the line it changed from "Nady wanna flame people" to other random stuff I'm not sure about. Perhaps the sort of stuff you're thinking of. I apologize if such an action has made you seen me in a brighter light as it was not my attention, and I assure you I am as bad as I seem.
  22. Wow, didn't think it'd be this dead today XD Only thing I can post was a flame rant at Snowy in character rankings :/ And everyone seems to be off working:/ Ah well might as well get some work out of the way, I'll be on and off until things pick up. (If they ever do)
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