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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. The soldiers immediately reach into their packs, covering their nose and mouths with scraps of cloth, it didn't help much, but it was better then nothing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kamilla not sure what to say to Morgan said a quick "thank you" before plopping herself beside the shaman, and it wasn't long until the stench of the swamp filled her nose. "Ewwww, Smelly!" she whined trying cover her nose, her sentiments seemed to be shared by most of those around her. And most of them were holding their noses and tried to block the smell out. She looked over at the soldiers and seeing them with cloth over their faces, mused that they looked like bandits before getting an idea. Looking around she found a knife lying on the ground. Perhaps it was Helios's or maybe Chase's, and if not it most likely just came with the cart. She reached out and held it proudly in her hand. Looking around to see if anyone had noticed her actions.
  2. Responsible XD I swear, you only said that to make me laugh XD Since when did I say they were responsible soldiers? Reports on the Mesh most likely would have been recent, and with a bandit attack on their city, they're not exactly in the best shape. Certainly not to deal with some unknown monster (Military as a whole). That's why it's been left alone. As for soldiers, they want to see you get eaten by a monstah! They're motives and all will be made clear in due time. If Cynthia or Bal want me to run it by them I don't mind doing so since they apparently don't want to be told. And I don't trust any of you to not use the information to your own benefit and worm your way out with stupid excuses. If you can't figure it out, then your character can't either.
  3. They're aware of monsters, and have a perfectly valid reason. If it's not a valid reason, then neither is the groups reason for going there. (Mesh) I'd think if a random civilian lady knows about it, someone would have reported it to the military? :/ Though by not surprised if you mean (Monster appears and starts attacking the group) Captain: Cup of tea old chap? Soldier: Yes please sir Kamilla: Hahahaha Lacuna being raped by tentacle monster! They'll be surprised :/ @Phoenix: The old Kamilla which was constantly referring to how Iso torched her inn? (not her but whatever)
  4. The captain shrugged, and led his horse over to the cart, where Aiya helped transfer Kamilla over to the cart since Helen seemed to have no intentions of stopping to permit such a transfer. Kamilla looked around, most of them weren't bad people, they didn't look like bad people, well, most of them didn't at least anyway. She contemplated going over and apologizing to the shamaness, but was reluctant, if they were telling the truth then she'd been hurting the evi-Morgan's feeling all this time, and her daddy had always told her to apologize when she was wrong. Though, she wasn't sure a simple apology would do any good. She sighed and walked over and poked Morgan in the shoulder to get her attention. "Kamilla sorry?" she said uncertainly, her doubt showing in her voice. "Kamilla really, really sorry, and she lots of good stuff to show she sorry so not be mad at Kamilla? Please?" she said pleadingly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The captain scoffed, he hadn't come along just to watch some 3rd rate melodrama family reunion. "Just a bit longer" he said under his breath, waiting for the group to arrive at the swamp.
  5. Crap, predicted by a Kai >_< JK: Everyone seems to want me to continue playing Kiddie Kamilla, or at least not her want to be the whiny bitch she was before (A pity) :/ Was going to see if Bal or Snike would say anything, but they seem to want to stay quiet, so I guess I'll go with Helios's assurance then XD
  6. Oh, you people will be content XD If Cynthia/Morgan has the sense to use Kamilla correctly her arguments could hold a lot more weight XD Eg: Katie jumps up on cart. Argument follows, Kamilla default siding with "family" and trying to pull Tessa and Eric over to her side. Irina's bound by contract apparently, and even Esphyr's "I don't trust her either" could be revealed to Helenos if the group split chaos was averted. "Hello ugly horselady-with-cart, we don't trust, you have liar written all~ over your face!" XD At first, I was reluctant to have a memory wipe, and only agreed out of necessity (Keeping Kamilla in the group). But this turned out a whole lot more fun then I thought it would. :P Oh, and you're all a bunch'a'heartless sods, lying to poor Kamilla like that XD
  7. (OoC: This is like non-magical brainwash XD) "No, Kamilla, not... stupid" she muttered trying to make sense of it all, she did recall flying on the giant lizard, but for some reason, she'd also sworn to herself that she was never flying on that thing again. Though why she didn't know, probably because they looked so scary. As Aiya embraced her doubt gave way Bad people didn't cry, bad people laughed and petted their evil looking kitty and made other people cry she tried to look around and sighed with relief as their was no kitties around. "So.... evil- Morgan is Kamilla's family?" she asked uncertainly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The captain shot a glare at Morgan as she admitted brainwashing the girl, he didn't care for Kamilla, and would be more then willing to toss her over to the group at any moment, but he didn't want his own mind to be tampered with, and he had plans to put into motion. The law could wait, his plans however couldn't.
  8. @Kai, if you're not going to respond to Morgan bursting out in (fake) tears, you're not going to respond to anything :/ I'm finding it ironic, that the people who are posting that they have nothing to do and are bored, are usually the ones who refuse to react with anyone but their limited group of friends. And the monologue/flash back threats aren't going to keep you entertained forever you know.... well maybe the monologues will. And no, it's not restricted to just Phoenix and Kai. @Cynthia's reaction I'm going to leave Kamilla's reaction to this to the other Rp'ers, Tell her it's false: On her way to regaining her memories, and acting like she was before (a complete bitch) Keep silent/support Morgans lie: Prevent possible memory revivals by implanting the lie, and have kiddie Kamilla until the next chance. (Probably only have another two chances after this, unless someone sits down with her and walk her through her past and identity.)
  9. Kamilla looked at Morgan and then at the group, frowning, she didn't buy that story at all.... or maybe she did, she wasn't sure. She remembered an inn, a kind old man and his wife looking after her while she worked, were they her father? She knew something bad had happened to her father, perhaps he had died in the fire Morgan had mentioned? But where was her mother then? she didn't remember her dying, though maybe it was just a part of her memory she hadn't recovered yet. She frowned and thought about it a bit harder, she also recalled being led away by the shaman, she remembered being startled and her hand hurting as the woman forcefully pulled her along. She rubbed her wrists and stared at it for a few moments. "Cousin Morgan?....." she repeated, the words not really having much of an impact in her mind.... No, this was another evil lie by the evil black lady. She wouldn't be fooled, she couldn't be... she glanced over at the woman again, growing uncertain. She didn't want to say she was lying and disown family, there was something about the idea that made her refuse to take that action. What if she was actually a cousin? She filed through her mind and recalled Eric mentioning that they'd have to talk to Morgan about her family. Perhaps this is what he meant? She glanced over at Tessa, finding it hard to believe that the woman had lied to her. "No, no no, is all an evil plan to trick Kamilla, Kamilla not fall for it, Kamilla..... not sure... :( "
  10. Affinity is a small factor Dear Psych, there are things which are much more important that stats, and Helios fails in all categories XD @Cynthia XD Okay, now that was hilarious XD Now to think of a response, PS: The rest of you are boring dull anti-dramatist and you'll get divine/Nady wrath called upon you soon enough :P
  11. @Kai, Well as long as you're having fun posting random stuff no one cares about :/ I personally figured, that he'd be willing to try out his newly found "How to make friends" knowledge on someone. And while it was funny, was kind of hoping you didn't have Helios do that just to get a few quick laughs in. Kanami: Who would he be? I don't know, but who is he now? Kamilla: "Kamilla knows, Kamilla knows! A nobody!" @Phoenix If you're not doing anything, I suppose you could interact with Katie, anything to keep the dumb mute quiet at this stage You shouldn't hesitate to communicate with Katie, but you shouldn't exactly be obsessed over Katie and refusing to acknowledge she's the only other being in the world besides Isotov. Otherwise I'll have Reika kill Katie, Ixion can revive her and we can play out the Orson+Zombie scene, though it'd have to be a three way with Zombie Miranda
  12. *Sigh* Must direct you all like sheep? Kamilla pointed her finger at Morgan and shouted loudly enough for the Captain to want to block his ears. "See! Evil black Lady admits it! She did bad stuff to Kamilla!" not moving her accusing finger from Morgans position. "Kamilla not remember important stuff because she evil, and you're all her friends so that makes you all evil too!" she was getting upset again. She didn't know what she was missing from her memory, but there was something important that had been concealed and she couldn't remember what that something was, irritating her further.
  13. He could shed more insight onto his thoughts on the issue? No one cares about Helios enough to care about his past. You'd do a lot better if you actually interacted with others instead of have Helios moping in the corner reading a book. Hoping someone will notice him minding his own business. Since Helios's value is his Crimson weapon, everything else about him is dislikable. And you're not doing anything to rectify that. If you want to keep Helios as "the kid no one likes" that's fine, your choice. But looking at past posts, It's clear that that's not your intentions. Even Isotov has friends (or things that resemble friends). And Morgan (even Kamilla ) Have a group of people they interact with.
  14. Nyeh, I've been doing that since Ch1 Kai :P This is the first time there's been open hostility that's so obvious, I personally don't mind since I find Katie and Esphyr as dull as rocks (not dumb, dull, though the former is also dumb). And I doubt Esphyr or Katie's opinion will influence me much anyway. @Kai: I'm wondering what counts as "interesting" for you :/ I mean Katie tried to hex Morgan, (You were accused of hexing the group earlier) and got off a lot easier then Helios did, followed by Morgan pointing the demon finger at everyone, and then the possibility that Morgan might be mind tampering some of you. (It's a possibility, not one the stupid group could think of on their own, but a possibility nonetheless) @Phoenix And Esphyr and Heinz fighting didn't slow the group down? I could understand the hatred towards Morgan earlier in the Iso/Morgan fight due to Morgan initially putting Helenos's plans in danger. But I seem to be sensing a uniform emotion wave from all characters at the same time. Not too much of an issue, you people seldom have your own PC's disagreeing with eachother. (With the exception of Phoenix lately) And Snowy and Kai are apparently annoyed by Kamilla's new attitude, while I personally am loving it XD
  15. @All I am assuming "this time" at least someone heard about the memory wipe, and Kamilla trying to kill them part. as Morgan had to have been speaking to someone there. And think that instead of Kamilla explaining things, it'd be better to shift the conversation towards Morgan. Then you can all be "Kamilla was trying to kill us OMG! Let's stop talking to her and refuse to acknowledge her existence again" @Snowy: Katie and Esphyr are understandable, but I don't see how she's slowing the group down. Everyone's in a cart, and Kamilla's riding along beside the cart on a warhorse which most likely travels faster then your cart pulling pony. So I am forced to address the question, is this Snowy animosity being directed my way? Since Esphyr doesn't have a reason to hate Kamilla as far as I recall. And Helen's complaint makes no sense
  16. "Kamilla not worried, Kamilla angry Kamilla going to send you all to mmprh" her last words being muffled by the captains hand. Shooting Kamilla a very serious look he returned to focusing on the road infront of him. Kamilla getting the message nodded her head quickly "Kamilla going to send you all to a place that's very very bad!" she said pointing her finger at Isotov, and then pointing at the rest of the group. She hesitated when pointing at Tessa, but she'd deceived her too, and she'd even tried to trick her into thinking she was supposed to serve the Evil black lady. "And stuck is lie, Kamilla not fall for your evil lies no more, if want to leave, can leave it's not like plot is preventing you, look at me, I leave all the time." She frowned and then pointed her finger at Isotov again. "You love evil black lady, and Grandma bluehead, horselady and even Tessa and want their babies!" Aiya then walked over and started expressing her concerns about Kamilla not being around. And she eyed the woman suspiciously. "Not fall for lies, you want Kamilla and make her dumb and stupid by eating her memory"
  17. Proxima is kind when it's being used to protect the one Isotov loves? And his magical hero powers was able to make Proxima be a good controllable tome. I would have set the cart on fire, but I have bigger plans in motion to fall for a cheap fire at the moment. :P Usually I'd complain that Isotov would have been surprised at the sudden 'attack' from Morgan, and burned the entire group into oblivion. But I'm willing to let it slide as coincidence this time.
  18. Kamilla's face lit up for a second, but she quickly shook her head, glaring at the man. It was probably another attempt to drag her wipe her memories. They were all friends of the evil black lady and they were trying to trick poor Kamilla once again. Glaring at Isotov she stuck her tongue out at him "Kamilla not stupid, not trust stupid man who friends with evil black lady!" The captain raised an eyebrow, smirked but didn't comment, unless the group did something outrageous, he had no intentions of socializing or interrupting their conversations.
  19. The captain trotted along beside the cart. He'd tried to get Kamilla on to the cart earlier, but had been met with furious protest, something about the group being evil and that they'd eat her, afraid that the girl would give away his plans he decided to let the girl stay on his horse, though he stayed close enough to the cart if anyone had something to say to him. The rest of the men trotted along behind the cart, as they were ordered, they'd considered circling the cart in a defensive position, but the suspicious glances had told the captain that it wasn't a good choice. And circling around the cart was ineffective anyway. Kamilla on the other hand continued to glare at the group, most seemed to ignore her completely, while a few would glance at her and then look away. She wasn't going to let these bad people out of her sight, not until they were safely behind bars at least anyway.
  20. @Esphyr ignoring you Snowy's problem @Damian You'll find that about 90% of the cast are blind and don't even know what or who Kamilla is. Either that or they all treat her like she doesn't exist. @Kamilla. If you complaining at Kamilla not making some sort of drastic response, you're not going to get one by whispering in Damians ear. :/ I'm not even sure Damian knows Kamilla's name. @Cavalry I laughed at how everyone was suspicious over the cavalry, but not at Helenos XD EDIT @Snike: He's used to men whispering in his ear, it's not his fault. And I'm going to assume that was a Irina response from Damian. Aka "Huh?" XD
  21. @Interactions I know this is just going to get a "I'm being in character" but, just because you don't like a character, I find the notion of saying "I don't like him, I refuse to interact" stupid and if not immature and childish. If that's what your character is, then fine. In Isotov's case, I don't see why every woman needs to be a potential romance partner. @Snike, other then Damian ignoring you, what's the problem?
  22. OoC: Nyahaha, screw your decision, Ulfhrahn has returned! XD As Ulfhrahn roared, the captain fell off his horse, that's how sudden and loud the roar was, and he wasn't the only one who heard. In the distance at the gates of Ilpyphina guards were pointing the wyvern out and another troupe of soldiers were already making their way towards the group. The group, seemed to be too busy whispering amongst themselves to notice the approaching soldiers and the man rolled his eyes. The common criminal, he thought, these types were never that smart. He looked over at Damian and shrugged his shoulders. "You can determine the worth of my words perhaps later, when you haven't got a overgrown fat lizard attracting the attention of the city guard?"
  23. The captain directed his blue eyes* towards the woman who had spoken, nodding his head slightly, "I am Sir Savar Hindsworth, a lowly captain in the Elysimmian army, and I serve the Elysimmian nation of course, I was told to make sure no harm comes to lady Katie as she... travels with her friends" he repeated patiently. OoC *Sorry I couldn't resist :P
  24. *OoC The others were supposed to remain out of sight, and just the Captain and Kamilla were supposed to turn up, but whatever. The Captains horse took a few steps back as Kiev roared, raising both his hands in a peace gesture, he smiled at the group, "I don't mean any harm, I was coming here to meet up with Mistress Katie and her merry friends, and I was concerned when I saw flames. Is everyone alright?" he asked seeming trying to seem friendly. "We've been ordered to escort your group to whatever destination you're heading to on the orders of the higher ups." he said bowing at Katie.
  25. As fire errupted from the cart, the captain hesitated, it was an ideal chance to get close, and it was only a matter of time before the wyvern would spot them sooner or later. He looked at his men and then nodded, "I'm going to make first contact, I want you all to keep close, and don't do anything rash. Just keep your distance, but make sure you can charge in at my signal." With that the Captain rode off, not taking very long to arrive at his destination. "What's going on her kids?" he said looking around at group, noting all of their faces. Kamilla hid behind the man, not wanting to be seen. But the man had insisted she come along. And his mentioning of "bad stuff" happening to her if she didn't had made her comply, but being near the Shaman who seemed to be in a foul mood didn't exactly mean "bad stuff" wasn't going to happen anyway./
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