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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Arrin was the first to reply, and he didn't provide the answer she was looking for. "Kamilla's old enough, don't treat Kamilla like kid, you shorter then Kamilla so you even more kid then Kamilla" she looked around for someone to answer her and Eric was the unlucky one who Kamilla decided to ask directly. "Eric, Eric, what's rape? Is it like cake?" she listened to Eric's explanation and her expression darkened a bit. "Bad thing?" She paused thinking it over before suddenly shouting out as if she'd come up with a great idea "Did the lady rape Kamilla? Like the way the soldier tried to rape the horse lady?" she asked relating 'bad stuff' to Morgan. She didn't understand what seduce meant but it probably was something that hurt. "Killing is bad!" Kamilla continued declared, "If horse lady hasn't done anything wrong, soldier boy shouldn't hurt horse lady." She looked around not noticing anyone that looked like a soldier. "Eric, where's the soldier boy? Kamilla go teach him to be nice to the horse lady."
  2. Fiddled around with stats again, this should be the final version unless someone can find an issue, all stat total range from 30~32. The main reason for the change is some classes being rendered obsolete eg bandit/Fighter,where in the last one bandits just had less Def/Res then a fighter. Old one
  3. As Kelas finished her explanation Eric arrived with Cess right behind him. Making sure that the shamaness wasn't around she relaxed. Tessa had apparently arrived on the scene too. Finding two people who actually answered her question she piped up "Who's Damian? And why does he scare the horse lady?" she asked the group, "And what's rape? It sounds like cake, is it like cake? Cause I wouldn't want some caking me, Kamilla not taste very nice" she said not making sense of the situation at all.
  4. Kamilla finally caught up to Kelas, Arrin had run past her making it easier to track the horse lady. "Calm down horse lady, Kamilla find you a carrot if you be good horsie" she said ruffling through her pockets as if she were looking for something to give to the woman. "Kamilla's on Tessa's side" Kamilla announced proudly, not really sure what the question meant, but she was sure if she'd side with anyone else in the group, well maybe Eric.
  5. @psychout: Who said anything about gay? And honestly, can you imagine Ixion dealing with customers? Chances are, he'd set his own store on fire. Nevermind trusting him with a pair of scissors anywhere near your head. @Eric: Two? :/ Well as long as he crumbled afterwards and covered downtown in ash I suppose we can arrange that. On a serious note though, I request that Wyvern riders and Thieves get an extra stat somewhere. :P Latest Stat caps(LINK) 17+14=31 Bandit 17+16=33 Fighter 14+17=31 Soldier 17+15=32 ArmKnight 16+16=32 Mercenary 16+16=32 Myrmidon 17+16=33 Archer 15+16=31 Nomad 14+15=29 Wyvern 15+18=33 Pegasus 16+17=33 Cavalier 14+15=29 Thief 14+16=30 Wind Mage 14+16=30 Fire Mage 14+16=30 Thunder Mage 14+16=30 Shaman 15+16=31 Cleric 15+17=32 Troubador
  6. And what happened after Tessa let him in and borrow the shower will forever remain hidden from the internet. Meanwhile Damian continued making the beds squeak on the second floor. Making the newly wed couple Isotov and Katie anxious that they were growing and unattractive. Speaking of unattractive Kelas still visits the farm occassionally to play with horses, though why she can't walk afterwards is unknown. Not that I mention the unknown, no one could ever quite figure out how the vocal group "Dumb as rocks" Irina, Viveka and Esphyr became so popular but rumor has it that they had a grouchy unfriendly manager called Morgan. Aiya is still single to this day, but is hoping to join Irina and her friends in their band as she certainly qualifies. Speaking of unemployed Chase has found a new home in the sewers, he calls them the Cobalt caves. Chase's friend Conrad died due to old age and lack of attention, a bit like a bunny does I suppose. As did Eric, who mysteriously died when an unmanned boeing 747 hit him on his way to get his hair cut at Cess's store. Yes Cess started a hair salon, and is also helping youth though he wishes that retarded girl would stop drawing phallus's on his window. He launched a complaint, but his store was burned down by a wanted arsonist.
  7. Comrade Iosef Stalin would like to invite you to dinner today. Main course is roast phoenix duck.
  8. Communist caps blow :P Cynthia caps! :D Or you could support Lightning and his "No caps" campaign I suppose, but since caps are most likely to stay, would be nice if people indicated which they prefer. Ether(communist) caps: All classes have max stats of 4 (and 6 in HP).* Cynthia caps: All classes have varying caps. *Nady has a Armor Knight that runs faster then j00!*
  9. *Throws a rock, some bait, and then more rocks, followed by a boulder* Hmm so if we ignore Ether, no one has issues with new stat caps? (They've already been added to signup) :/
  10. Kamilla had been wandering around looking for a person that had 5 layers, white cream all over them and litte red nubs of strawberry poking out of their skin, but even as mage academy it didn't seem people that fit that description existed. She looked around and found Morgan approaching her and Eric and she'd already stopped listening before Morgan even opened her mouth "Bad Lady! Bad lady to bad stuff to Kamilla! Kamilla go get her friends and smite you one day!" she said pointing her finger at Morgan and yelling as loud as she could, both in fear and anger. As she was running away from the woman she thought she ran past someone she recognized a man with a blue cloak but this was TISME and mages wore funny colors everywhere anyway. As she arrived at the entrance she noticed Kelas looking over at the crowd, perhaps looking for someone. But she seemed to have changed her mind and turned to leave. "HORSE LAAAADDDDY!" she yelled out frantically not wanting to lose sight of her now that she couldn't go back to Eric. "WAAAIIIT FOR KAMMIILLLLAAA" she yelled not too far away from Kelas. Whether she'd be heard or not though,she wasn't sure, so she tried to hurry over to the woman that seemed to be running away from her own shadow.
  11. "On her way to the dining hall, Morgan ran into Cess!" @Morgan: Is that "!" a)Yay! Cessy poo! b)Crap! Not him again! c)OMG wtf it's Cess! d)Cess is now a pokemon. @Phoenix Masochrist! © But regarding the stat nerfing, perhaps settling on the 1 point every 3 points spent isn't that bad a resolution? Perhaps 1 every 4 stats if it's still a stretch?
  12. <_< I swear I clicked edit, and didn't write a new post <_< I sense conspiracy!...Either that or I'm not as awake as I thought I was
  13. Bit late for that now, now that the caves have pretty much been sealed or rendered useless on two ends, (And I'll guarantee that there's going to be more then one blocked off path once we get in And then Nady causes a cavein and kills you all Either way I'm against ever returning to those caves unless it's 120% necessary. b)Technically you don't know that. Cause if you say you saw Morgan wipe Kamilla's memory from your jail cell. I'm going to make a reservation there, and oversee the rest of the world from there as well. A) Well maybe being a bit more clear next time would help, if you had to choose between variable caps and uniform caps. Which would you choose? Since I'm pretty sure it's unlikely that Snowy will remove caps. And I'm for caps simply to prevent cases of 10str Thieves XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I suppose the next issue to address is SPD (DEF/RES) Nerfing. Despite the fact I like Cynthia more then Phoenix, I'm sort of neutral on this. Speed is a great stat. It not only increases faster then HIT, but also gets boosted by Luck. And therefore I'm agreeing with the idea that 1Spd=1Evade. Since any bonus provided by rolls can be minimised with Lck. (12 Luck to make it impossible to hit?) IMPORTANT: 5hit-5evade= Miss or Hit? Bal brought the issue up but I'm not sure what the result of this argument was. But I also see the point about having Speed nerfed so suddenly being a cruel minus to those who focus on their evade :/
  14. So the games make everyone's max's equal all round throughout all classes? And it's perfectly normal for a shaman to be as fast as a myrmidon? This would explain why I wouldn't consider FE that great a series, but I doubt the above statement is true. I'd agree with you that we should start it from tier 2 if we had 20 levels, or even 10. But when we only get L1:20 L2:3 L3:4 L4:3 That's only 10 stats after character creation. Of which 3 are scrapped because of the 4max stat cap. Leaving only 7 points to be distributed according to a proper cap. 7 stats isn't much across 7 (or) 8 sections. I also see any logical reasoning on your behalf other then "just seems weird" which is unclear opinion at best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also I keep forgetting to credit Bal for this post <3
  15. Kamilla grabbed Eric's hand and started dragging/pulling him down the hallway towards the dining hall "Kamilla knows where dinining hall is" she declared proudly, acting like someone who had found a lost child. "Kamilla saw it yesterday" she said proudly, despite the fact that the dining hall was rather hard to miss. As they arrived she pointed at the hall which was getting rather full with students "Dining hall!" she said point her finger at a student who seemed stunned at first but shook his head and walked off. Looking around she realized one big problem that needed to be addressed "Mis- Eric? What does Cakie look like?" she asked looking around the dining hall for someone who looked like a wedding cake.
  16. :/ So who was the half-wit against new stat caps? Oh right Ether <_< Rein from what I can tell is under the impression I was yesterday and most likely thinks the 4max stats in any category is a Signup Max, and not a class max. Since the new stat caps don't affect his characters SPD at all :/
  17. If I ever make a third character I'm gonna have a Armored Knight with 2Spd who'll up to 4 spd at level up! :D Now you all run as slow as armored knights XD Oh god it'd be fun to watch the reaction to that.
  18. You're stuck with default caps now which won't allow you to have anymore speed then 4 :/
  19. Kai has mentioned he'll change Helios to a wind mage, and Mark no longer exists so it shouldn't be an issue. @IdiotsLighting/Ether/Phoenix I don't even see why you were complaining about stat caps for Speed. Chase Archer: 4 Viveka Pegasi: 5 Damian Soldier: 4 Aiya: 4 So technically, your speed wouldn't even be affected by a new speed caps. @Rein: I might be misunderstanding your posts, but from what I see you seem to be under the false impression I am. You do know that Chase can't have 5spd until he reaches level 3 right? He's stuck on 4 (Max speed) even if he does reach level 2.
  20. Hmm so the caps got abolished? Very well, I don't want to hear complaints when no one can land a hit on Reika later on in PvP. Since you people had your chance. If people are going to argue "I don't see why we should follow varying caps an archer should be as fast as a myrm" then I don't see the need for secondary weapons and will re-establish their demolition. They're not necessary, the weapon triangle seldom comes into effect. (And when it does it 1extra dmg boohoo). I've noticed pretty much everyone complaining the issue in regards to Evade <_< And Nady is demanding enemies henceforth have at least 5 HIT, to compensate for characters who have ridiculously high Evade when their class really shouldn't have.
  21. Actually I agree with Bal there, you're not going to have a bow wielder, who's proficient with knives who also can cast magic. If you're telling me it's not supposed to develop into anything then it doesn't need to be there. If it's a plot device, make a new character who can cast magic, (Hopefully not) If it's for a support..... well I'm sure there are better way to build supports, and being able to cast magic won't aid you in your quest to bed Morgan. @Conrad: It might even be an idea to scrap Conrad and have his CW be fake if you're not too attached to him. (You don't need to CW's do you?) XD @Lacuna/Phoenix Duo You two botched the job <_< This is why Nady needs to control the chaos, what's the fun in it now, now that Kelas actually knows that it's a shapeshifter we're on to Shanice and there's no "DAMIAN!" scene with Kelas and Damian <_< You two blow. *Goes to plan some trouble* @Kelas being Shanice's choice. Shanice must be stupid like the rest of Phoenix's characters or as said, really have lacked any research. Aiya: Easy lay Esphyr: Bit of persuading, but easy lay. Katie: Dumb mute Kelas: Your choice. Irina: See Kamilla, either that or she'd just lay there not really knowing what was going on *Shanice finishes* "Huh, oh hi Damian, whatcha doin?" Viveka: If she respects Ivanko, maybe persuasion wouldn't be too hard. Tessa: Respects Damian according to what I've read. Morgan: Acknowledges as equal and discusses stuff with? (But has value due to having a CW) Kamilla: XD She'd notice something was wrong when her candy pole didn't taste very nice. Helios: Easiest lay of the list.
  22. Ah poo >_< Time for Nady to maul some poor kid, bye bye all :( (Back in 2 hours when no one else is around) The rest of you who reside in the US, go to sleep!
  23. Salts are used on yourself (auto) While the nectar can only be used on other characters. So two reasons -Salts are auto use, Nectar is not -Salts benefit the user, Nectar benefits a friend. @Snike, Lol XD @Phoenix: Like gold, you can plot steal from others, but you can't steal items. (They magically get a new one, and you can't use the one you stole in battle) XD I think Reika's the only one likely to kill someone for their stuff anyway. Chase/Ketchup might but solution above.
  24. @Phoenix we get the point XD Kamilla stared at it, not really understanding what Eric meant by "don't think that's what she meant". Kamilla frowned, "Kamilla say sorry if it hurts then" she said not very apologetically at all. She leaned in and gave Eric a quick kiss on the cheek before glaring at him "Pain gone, See?" she said childishly. Eric seemed to be lossed for words so she continued "Are you Kamilla's friend?" she asked quickly adding on her reasoning "Someone told me I can only call people by their name if they're younger, or friends of Kamilla's" she said able to establish the answer by herself. After nodding contently at Erics reply she shook her head "Cakie's making Kamilla bacon so Kamilla go see Cakie and Isotov-Irina's brother" she said looking around as if doing so would reveal a concealed Isotov. The truth was, she didn't want the answer right now, it scared her just as much as the shamaness did. Suddenly realizing she didn't know who Cakie was she looked at Eric "Where's Cakie's room?" she asked curiously. OoC: No I'm not turning this into a Kamilla/Eric romance, Romance just isn't Nady's style
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