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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. You can not annoy the Kanami unless.... I don't know, when do I get annoyed, sadistic glee usually kicks in before I get to that stage :/ I don't really care much for getting along with the group, hostilities are fun to play with, and if people ignore her... well we'll see XD *Abuse no kill rule time?* But that'll be something to discuss once I actually meet up with the group, and their reaction.
  2. *Shrugs* Have to take initiative in these matters, you could still catch up and offer to guide Reika through the mountains I suppose if that's what your guy does for a living XD. I've got a pretty solid reason for joining the group, so it should't be as big a deal as the other recruitment, unless I decide otherwise XD Also for future reference to everyone, if I'm ever doing anything, feel free to butt in and mess the situation up, I prefer it that way, planned plot is as boring as Phoenix's monologues, and I'd rather change my plans every 5 seconds then stick to one crappy idea. Plans I don't want screwed up.... probably don't exist, but they'll happen far far away from the group anyway.
  3. *Thanks Cynthia <3* "Opposite direction?" she frowned, "Was there anything else you noticed about them?" she asked, and rolled her eyes when the barkeep indicated the counter with his eyes. "Nyeh, here's 20 gold, now asking me for money and spill." Reika listened to whatever else the man had to say before concluding that the group had already gone to the swamp. Thanking the barkeep she decided she'd head for the mountain pass, the group had most likely tried to pass through the swamp to escape Elysimma, but had most likely come across some sort of obstacle, she'd also heard rumors of people seeing a huge wyvern, bigger then any bull wyvern flying away from the swamp, perhaps that was related to the groups failure. The other directions would be across the border, or the port up north, she'd already confirmed this with a different man earlier. "So the border or port" she said amused. If the group really were wanted criminals they probably wouldn't risk crossing the border gate, if they attacked the gate, they'd have to fight of Halton soldiers, and when the going got rough, the best course of action was to always lay low, and then flee at the first chance she got. She looked over at the foreboding mountains, and sighed, "Guess I better go find myself something to keep me warm for the trip, she looked around, and noticed a man wearing a rather padded cloak. She reached for her dagger but decided she had more important things to prioritize, after purchasing the cloak from the man for a ridiculous sum, she headed over towards the mountain pass. Hopefully, the group would have stopped to rest for the night and she could make up for lost ground before too long. (Reika plot gold, just over a hundred now XD)
  4. Wouldn't count on that, not unless the "trouble" directly affected the group, they'd pretty much ignore you. I speak from experience XD Ah well, I gave you a lifeline, you decided not to take it, :/ *Goes off to edit post accordingly*
  5. That's good, I just wanted to avoid a scenario where I'd mention a moon, or how dark it was and then be told it's still 5~6PM. Cause I can never really tell with Rp's. Also you people are mean! Absolutely no consideration for the new people, Heinz had to pretty much force his way in. Cess would have had a staring contest with bandits in an inn. Argon is still somewhere unknown, and you're trying to ditch Alferis. XD *I'm fine with Alf overhearing, or making the barkeep know the direction the group headed. I really don't think walking up to some random stranger and asking them is appropriate though.
  6. @Phoenix And I'm kicking yours ;) Anyway, provided a fix for Alf, whether he takes it or not is up to him. Him going his way, just to chase after the group doesn't make sense to me, unless he had some evil ploy behind approaching the group. If he meets them in the mountain and they say "Go away, we don't need you" which is likely from his perspective (and mine) he'll have wasted his time. Just realised I still had a dark evil group of shaddies at my disposal, might as well focus on using them for awhile, and hope you people manage to do something interesting without me wrenching you every 5 seconds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm assuming it's night time though?
  7. Reika quietly opened the door to the bar and slipped in, not wanting to make a scene in a room filled with drunk men she quietly moved over to the barkeep, "Anything non-alocoholic that doesn't take like piss thanks" she said putting a few gold peices on the table, she had money at the moment, and saving up just wasn't her thing. It was either spending it now, or having someone else take it from her later. As the barkeep returned with water, she raised an eyebrow, but didn't complain. It was better then any non-alcoholic beer she guessed. She sighed, she headed to Ilyphina but had heard rumors of a a group traveling towards the swamps earlier, and decided she'd check Hamburg first, unfortunately she'd just missed them, or what she assumed was them, she didn't quite understand why they were wanted criminals, but the scratch marks on the side of the inn, and an odd group traveling around with a wyvern didn't exactly happen every day. For one, wyverns weren't cheap, and most were sold exclusive to military powers. She looked over at the barkeep and indicated for him to come over. The man seemed irritated at being ordered around by a girl but complied with a scowl. Reika: "I'm looking for a group of... mercenaries? apparently they raided the town not too long ago, and was wondering if anyone had seen which way they went?" Placing a few more coins on the table hoping the man would know something.
  8. Apparently they don't need your help XD And they'd rather kill stuff then bribe their way through XD Ah, the wonderful intelligence of this group, and they'll be complaining when they have soldiers after them, just watch XD I can't imagine Alferis getting too annoyed though, it's not like he wanted to infiltrate the group :/ I'm contemplating whether I should save him, or let him hang, cause honestly, you have to admit the situation is rather funny XD
  9. If someone other then Char had said it, there would have been. :/ Ah well, waiting to see how things progress.
  10. Morgans being phased out >_< Nyooooo <_< Morgan > Char Ah well, whatever happened to meeting up with Dark Sage's character? XD
  11. I vote we get out of Elysimma, if a boat ride is what you want, I can live with that, just going to speed up Reika's appearance a bit so that she's with the group before the moutain pass. Instead of after clearing the mountain pass. As for why I don't want Reika being a stow-away. Reika doesn't like water (Go figure XD Nady is fire) and yes, it is a bit of self insertion. That and she'll have her head over the side of the ship for the whole length of the boat trip. I can accept some mounted people being a bit resistant to boats, but I wouldn't think Reika'd be the only one to get sea sick :/ And if we get a super expensive big boat that doesn't rock much, there better be a damn good reason. *Returns to kids* XD
  12. Reika has plot problems (not yet revealed with that happening, and Viveka would be fine, but Conrad arriving would be a bit hard. Either way, on a boat, there's nowhere to run to, the crewmen might stop and comply with army demands(or risk being sunk) and if they force you to turn the boat around and head for a more accessible Elysimman port.... well we're back at square one. So I'd rather not see a air raid while the group are on boats :/ *Activity drop on my side from here, have kids to maul*
  13. And it also screws up recruitment for a few a few characters XD The big bad is the LoAF, so a evil nation doesn't make sense to me. And Septimus's actions don't differ from Haltons, so unless Septimus have done something specifically atrocious, making them the antagonist nation doesn't ring well for me. Though it'd be interesting to have you and a few others trying to portray them as "evils" with me trying to validate their actions as appropriate XD Turn of events is fun fun fun. @Cynthia, I'm not against the idea, but why are we going to Halton? @Timeskips I'm demanding bigger timeskips. Eg, Getting on a boat and timeskipping to a week later. *Stuff happening inbetween like talking socializing implied* during this period. Because the support building into 2~3 days is getting ridiculous. And Elysimma is puny. One day from Vaorin border to Ilyphina, and another day from Ilyphina to swamp. Supports would be done prior to the time skip, or a segment in between the timeskip. Eg Timeskip 3 days, Support build time, Timeskip remaining days. Just using the boat as an example, not sure if it's the path we'll take.
  14. I was thinking Halton too :/ I don't agree with a douchebag nation. Elysimma has already been portrayed as one, and Halton's conquer happy can't be too popular either. As for Septimus, I can understand Char/Eric hostility towards them but that's not really any different from Reika's attitude to Halton. And don't actually see the entire world seeing Septimus as the douchebag nation because of it. I don't know what stupid "friends" ideology Snowy has planned for Elysimma, but Halton and Septimus have both invaded other nations. And if there's a douchebag nation, I'm going to cut a large chunk of it out for myself.
  15. @Snike I'm not putting down anything until we leave this bloody nation :/ I've doubted you people to do things you'd said you'll do, and have yet to be proven wrong. And for all I know, Snowy could still play his random soldier idea. Wrench chaingun is still pointed squarely at the group, I'm just waiting for movement before I start wrenching you again. @Phoenix Ahhh crap >_< As if we needed anymore beastiality in this RP, wasn't Kiev enough?
  16. Allying with the conqueror nation actually poses many interesting devices to play with really (Though you and Cynthia kind of made Septimus the conqueror nation for some weird reason). And depending on what people have planned, I wouldn't mind allying with Halton, just don't expect Reika to be reacting too nicely to 20% or the residents, while the other 80% she'll be trying to constantly kill XD I think it's common consensus that there's no way of getting our names cleared, not until much later in the RP, so getting out makes me happy, and happy Naddy equals less wrenches thrown your way. Either way it seems Halton/Jerdon. It's a possible method to clear our names, but an impossible method if we consider the ingredients we need to make it happen. Speaking of happy Naddy, Wyverns in mountains and a soldier outpost makes for a happy Naddy, as long as you do something with it. Unlike Rein.
  17. Only problem with that is, we're not exactly friends with Harold or the king, which means they completely lack motive to do so. Furthermore, Percy's probably already conveyed to Harold about Esphyr holding Katie hostage, and while Harold is the most inconsistent character so far, if he's going to shrug that off and pretend it's nothing and still help the group...... well Reika just learned fire magic. Ninja'd XD
  18. Unsent letter is fine, and that's what I thought it was, I thought you'd done it intentionally to have Tania mistake his name, but the latest post said And hence the reason I said it was minor. :/ You people don't read do you? :/ @Snike: Depends on how our wonderful GM plans to play things out, if he tries to play the name clearing crap he has planned, then I'm playing my Kamilla/Cav card. And the Cav's a Phoenix Nady Npc:P It has a name, close enough. And before people start complaining, this name clearing crap doesn't make much sense to even Phoenix and Cynthia. (though they might be willing to go through with it, don't know). So for the moment, they're in limbo. @Viveka kicking Damian in the nads I wouldn't mind, infact I'd fully support the idea, someone has to teach that monster to be calm sooner or later, and it's either Viveka's foot or Reika's dagger
  19. Thing is, I'd need to introduce her pretty quickly, introducing her in Halton, is going to most likely make the group have a "wanted" status there as well XD And her randomly popping up in a mountain seems weird. Port's a possibility, but there's no chance of her tracking the group down once you're on boat. @Kai, minor thing but it actually said Helios to Near, not Near to Helios.
  20. *Grabs a random medal, and tosses it in the bin* I have enough achievements in this RP, and this one isn't significant enough :P Anyway, have we decided on where we're to go next? Since moutain->Halton seems to be the direction we're headed. And if Eric doesn't respond soon, I'm having Reika attack them XD
  21. You're joking right Snike? Or am I reading too deeply into things? I presumed engaged, since they didn't seem married, and they didn't sound like a simple Gf/Bf couple. I would have accepted Tania being a princess and Sen being a loyal knight or something, but that's been used too often lately. Either way, it's clear they share some sort of close bond. As for Jeremy, I thought it might have been their son (dismissed idea due to above) or Tania's brother. As for helping Helios, I'd have thought their intentions were obvious the moment Kai introduced them, despite what Kai says, he's trying to make Helios, not Helios XD Or at least somehow manage Helios to fit better in the group, opposed to just being labeled the group idiot. Amnesia is a clear sign of this, and when random strangers pick up a lost boy with amnesia, a rollercoaster of adventure is sure to follow XD
  22. If you weren't so slow, then you'd have known I already know that :/
  23. He won't be a virgin forever, he's introduced a new character so that Helios can finally lose his virginity officially (Since we all know Damian's turned him into a real woman unofficial). So our Helios and his Virginity jokes are coming to an end :( ........ .......... ??? Tania?!? What has she got to do with anything? I was talking about Jeremy :/ And yes, site semi-crashed.
  24. Clearly he's referring to Helios Empire <_< What are you? Blind? Tora has risen up destroying both Halton and Septimus and is no known as the Helios Empire after their late prince, king, random emo kid. Otherwise I just assume "Empire refers to Elysimma
  25. 1: Indicate to me where you people actually tried to solve anything? To make this personal, I don't have any problem with you as an RP'er but you're not exactly taking any initiatives to solve any of them. An example being Kamilla's character, everytime I pointed out a flaw in the plan, Kelas (Not sure about Arrin) would just scoff at the idea or get on their horse and get ready to gallop off. Instead of complaining that I throw too much crap at you, how about actually reading the warning signs, posted both in here and in the RP? When I make an issue obviously clear beforehand, and everyone decides, "Hey screw probability, we'll head to Ilyphina, just cause Snowy's plot wants us to" then you're bringing it upon yourself. As stated initially, the group has done crap all to clear their names, despite the fact that they originally headed for Ilyphina for that sole purpose (with the exception of Morgan? and maybe Damian) 2: I have stated multiple times that GTFO is a good solution, whether you read these comments or not is not really something I can say, but tell me, if you were being chased by the police, would you go to the police station and say "I'm not guilty" and then brutally attack anyone that tried to restrain you? If your only chance at not going to prison was to fly abroad would you take it, or go investigate some random unrelated homicide (Mesh) nearby? You seem to be under the impression that I am screwing you up at every possible opportunity I get, and I assume others share this sentiment. The thing, I've used only utilized 2/3 of what I could of made go wrong so far. There was never a lack of things to make go wrong, due to the stupid decision to head to Ilyphina. So, every possible thing, is essentially false. Hell, if I was doing that, you wouldn't have gotten out of Ilyphina alive. And before you say you pretty much didn't, it wasn't my choice to go there. There is no good reason, but a reason would be, you're not standing in a mine field anymore meaning less mines to make explode? Second reason would be the group actually making sense and leaving the mine field through the way you came. Opposed to moving further into the mine field. I've stated more then once that I only throw crap at the group when you do something ridiculous. And I intend to continue doing so.
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