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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. I think you're mistaking stupid and cold there :/ @Bal+Anyone really I never got a chance to comment on the point brought up about everyone being literate, Kamilla's semi-literate since she was raised in a church (as a priestess not an orphan) but didn't take too much interest/get a chance to develop her writing/reading. I illustrated this way back, with Katie when I butchered her message about... I can't remember, something about blasting guards, and not very smart. (Back when we left the border town) Recently brought it up again with her message to the church (handed to Snike) and again by not being able to read the words; Village "razed". Some of the other characters haven't displayed literacy I think, don't think Kelas has :/ Don't remember, too many Katie messages.
  2. Pity = Helios acting wa~y out of character? XD
  3. Reika's not dead though? :/ And you were stupid enough to leave an elixir :/ You've been robbed and don't have anything. Not even clothes So circumstances are a bit different. :P
  4. Hmmm, the quick tutorial I sent you not working? Haven't used Usenti before, but the concept shouldn't be too different, worst case scenario, I'd suggest opening up MSPaint on your computer just to check if it works. (It's alot easier then manually recoloring every cluster of colors with the bucket) ~Gonna kill some hero/protagonist/player/characters, if people don't start doing stuff~ lalala~ ;)
  5. LMAO Why yes, yes he is. @Snike: Pretty much the entire border XD Not sure if Kai's told you but it'd be better if you used existing palletes until you get a grasp of what you're doing, default colors = fail
  6. Doubt it, guess it'll be another one of those days where the RP didn't progress at all. See what happens when I don't stick with the party and stir crap every 5 seconds? Same as Snike, I can't do anything until Eric reaches the Capitol, Group Time: Dawn Eric Arrival: Midday/Late Morning
  7. .... *Is scared* http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2542707/ Works fine, guess I'll use the actual account from now on now that I have access :)
  8. Beaten by a Snike >_< The shame, the pain and the sense of not really caring :/ @Snike: Thanks for the compliment XD @Ether, Halton better invade something sooner or later. I don't like boring nations @Kai, can't even work something that simple out? You have two options Name: (Whatever you choose) No. of Rolls: 3 Dice: 1d6 Or Name: (Whatever you choose) No. of Rolls: 1 Dice: 3d6
  9. ^You mean the one Kiev just crashed? XD I also need to question Cynthia over something important now XD And yes, I laugh at you all :P
  10. As the ball of light conjured by the priest dulled a bit, another light appeared on the horizon, dawn. The capitol of Ilyphina had deviated from it's usual routine, people were usually asleep at this time of the day, and a few would start stirring and getting ready for another hard day at work but today was different, the metalic thud of boots had kept much of the populace awake, and those who had managed to get some shut eye were rudely awakened by a clap of thunder, shouting, and then an unnatural orb of light that was seemingly substituting the sun. An old man looked out his window and sighed, it was going to be another one of "those days" he just knew it.
  11. Since we all know my response to Kai's statement I won't even bother. So where's everyone going now? I figure we need to get Chase, Katie back and collect Irina/Isotov on the way, So Ilyphina is a must now. But as stated earlier you don't exactly have anywhere to regroup, and getting into Ilyphina is unlikely. Also I'm going to force a time skip... sort of :/
  12. <_< Cynthia, Snowy? Can I kill Mark? This guy is too stupid to own another character <_<
  13. Think Snike suggested it(?) and it generally went untouched as we we're mainly busy contesting the Iso/Katie at the time. And going back a Kamilla/Eric would have been established right after Selizara if we were still using that system of supports. (Before they got back to Istample) Depends, really. I mean I know a few of us can be reasonable with it, but I also know a few of us that can't. And I'm sort of inclined to cut off any chances of complications before they occur considering the frequency of arguments in here (mainly started by me). I'm happy with the current system of discussing possible support options, and then getting a general opinion before proceeding, so if you people want to allow it, I'm not entirely against multi-supports either. Whatever the result I just want it to be paced. Don't want Tessa walking up to Morgan, gaining a C. Going back to her inn room right after and getting a C with Arrin, immediately. etc. Edit: They could try to regroup at Istample I guess XD No idea, make another town or something? I doubt sleeping out in the open is a good option, and considering you were just arrested, you're probably not loaded with rations and stuff :/
  14. Thought so, -Time Spent afterwards: No need to put off the imprisonment *See last point* -Large Fines: I assume some wealthy wealthy was going to pay our way out, or one of us would have an unimaginable amount of cash that came out of nowhere. (Either that or Damian pays us out) -LoAF: Can I remind everyone that the world is not panicking at the demon lord returning? I know our objective is to kill/seal/eat/whatever the thing but if you went around preaching "The demon lord's returning" then you'd just be acknowledged as some lunatic. Only sign of demons are Mesh and Ivanko fighting some mystery demons that can't even be verified, further details from Snowy after this post have sort of hinted that Ivanko might not have been fighting demons at all. Demons are a thing of the past in the current world, proof of this can be seen by the former heroes living laid back lives, and the population being more focused on maintaining their nation and repelling bandits (as well as my fire attacks) To sum up all the above:
  15. Kamilla shook her head, pulling out her a small container, "I cater for myself" she said as she put away her lunchbox. OoC: Guess that ends our conversation unless you had something else planned XD *Wishes she was part of the chaos* It's so hard sitting here waiting for you guys to catch up in time XD
  16. Your original plot, I have no idea how you planned to get Conrad and Viveka recruited (Wouldn't mind finding out now, since it's probably scrapped plot now) originally. Can I query if anyone was thinking straight when they decided heading to the capitol was a good idea? I know Phoenix and Rein weren't, they just wanted their characters to join up (Prove me wrong by giving me details of what you had planned) I know Lacuna just goes with whatever. But I did expect most of you to have thought that far ahead. :/ Capitol = more soldiers = Capture = Pardon impossible due to dead soldiers @Snike regarding, Eric, I was going to comment, but my internet went funny, and frankly I doubt it's a good idea to have me be the first to critique your work, Unless you're a masochist @Ether .... :/ You didn't honestly plan on having Damian and Aiya go into Ilyphina on Ulfhrahn did you? Cause if you did, there's no way people wouldn't notice a bull wyvern being led around :/
  17. @Phoenix: And your plot did? make sense I'm going to go reward myself for foreseeing this. And I'm not just trying to sound cool. Sooner or later, if we head to the capitol we were bound to have to fight Elsyimmia's military, and unless we completely disregard plausibility there was no way of us winning. Hence the reason I wanted to surrender when Percy demanded us to. Since you all refused to acknowledge that going to the capitol was a bad idea. As behold! We get stuck in a fort and captured. Before anyone says anything about me screwing the plot up, you were screwed even before my random arrow storm. I refuse to believe that Conrad has more authority then Harold, and Percy's word most likely still counts for more then some lowly general. (Nevermind Esphyr threatening to lop off Katie's head infront of Percy would have guaranteed Harold's hostility) @Chase's comment, That means absolutely nothig. If a bad of dangerous criminal escaped near the capitol then the guards would act accordingly and go into lockdown, unless Conrad orders 'his men' to ignore the possibility of dangerous criminals in the capitol. Conrad might not come out of his hole personally, but Ilyphina will still be crawling with guards.
  18. ( ̄ー ̄) I sense an opportunity. @Bal, no I'm not。 (Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing) I just figure that Kanami+Scalpel=Will be attending funeral or prison soon. Speaking of prisons, it feels like it's these past few days have been really slow (RP wise)
  19. Because she didnt't want to have some crappy trial which would be executed very poorly? And to get rid of Katie. Either way, after this attack, I doubt Damian can convince anyone to trust them (In Elysimma's military). So they'll most likely just get thrown behind bars, and have to await trial (then you can execute your prison break?) Assuming that everyone doesn't escape here. Under the cover of night, it's not impossible though to escape, as long as you take some route which isn't by foot. Either way, judging from Chase's response I assume this'll lead to a further group split.
  20. @Kill Snowy, Well if that's what it takes, :/ We still got Cynthia XD And I never said anything about killing them, well I'm not qualified so they might end up dead, but castration isn't the same as murder. I'm just preventing the existence of their offspring, and hence doing mankind a favor. @Under the surgeon get up: Black funeral clothes, and underneath that casual party clothes. @Demolition Snike destroy the caves not me :/ He was also the initiator of Istample's destruction. So I can't take credit for all of it. @You'd be the girl... I'd be the girl flaming everyone from a safe distance, most likely through a medium known as the internet. @Wife Eh, you'd have tried if the long legged one was interested in you. Is foul is, sex before marriage is wrong :P I actually don't believe that, but nyeh @Fail: Hair angles are funny (1st one is complete, 3rd->2nd progress) on the 1st one. I don't like his eyes, the ear looks funny. The collar stick out thing looks misplaced, the lightblue doesn't work. His inner neck is pillowed. He looks boring, his cloak/wrap stuff, looks like it was just thrown on and doesn't blend. @KaiFail Nothing new here. @Snike, no idea what program you're using but there's a much faster more effective way to color. (MSPaint has the option) so whatever program you're using, If you want tips on recoloring, I don't mind sharing them. Eyedrop is your friend :) Furthermore you haven't been spriting for as long as I have, if I was still doing work like that, I'd be as fail as Kai is :P
  21. My ninja monkey's they fail me again? *Lops the leaders head off* Now go kill that damn bird or you'll all be in my sisters belly by lunch <_< There is no third time! *Watches monkey's drive off in the car that Phoenix mentioned* @Activity What did you expect, the time period you were away is pretty much the dead period, where we seldom get any posts at all. @OTP Only idiot I've heard saying that is Kai, and he'll pay dearly for trying to degrade me in such a manner. If there's anyone else you know of, let me know and I'll castrate them too :/ Plus, no one takes Kai seriously anyway, he's just doesn't know there's better things out there then his right hand. PS: I actually didn't know the meaning of OTP until today XD I'm wearing a surgeons garment with rubber gloves and a scalpel in one hand, do you want to know more? @Demolish I do NOT demolish things <_< I flame stuff, the stuff being demolished is just a extra benefit added on the end. @Life story Sad sad sad, And the girls tell me I'm missing out by not going out clubbing with them. $40? For crappy music I could find on the internet illegally for free, and a room crowded with people who don't have enough space to do anything then swing their hips side to side? Please <_< I'm bored, not stupid. I honestly doubt you'll find anyone that is right for you in a club, well maybe someone who's right for a night. Important people you can actually love tend to be closer then one thinks, and if not in the most unexpected places. Not some shoddy venue organized to hook people up. But I guess you weren't thinking with your head.... not the head in your skull at least anyway. Though I disagree with the quirks part, each of those girls probably have their unique quirks, it's just not possible to pick them out in a room which is crowded with people, and within 5 seconds of making eye contact. As for the long-legged girl, better luck next time. Though I was told birds have small.... nevermind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Snike, I hate your characters, they lack any useful description. I read somewhere that someone still didn't have an image for their character, (And Cynthia saying something about recolors) but can't find the post anymore, and can't remember if it was you or someone else. Either way I tried to splice Eric and failed epicly XD I haven't done anything this bad in months XD
  22. Hmm well, it might be an idea to start on one of the two supports then (Morgan or Arrin) since I'm generally supporting the idea of only one support per chapter. (Cause I honestly don't want people establishing 4 different supports in one chapter) Though the one support per chapter is just an idea someone came up with and I support, not one that's enforced. I suppose if Lacuna wants to prioritize the Arrin/Kelas, it could happen, doesn't really take much for a C. But I'd think a Tessa/Arrin she come before anything right now XD LOAF's most adorable couple XD
  23. @Kai: If you wake up and discover what happens to cheaters, thank Snowy for forbidding me to kill Mark off I probably won't be around when you do log back on, so I'll explain his status here. -Istample destroyed in a fire (TISME not be very happy about this) (& I destroyed something else without Snowy's permission with fire XD) -No survivors or dead bodies (I devoured them) (Though the ones killed in the last bandit raid might still be around) -Pillaged and nothing valuable left. -Footprints indicate some army passed through (Large group of bandits) -Should take awhile for Mark to regain consciousness, (Since it's a miracle you're still alive) -Dead Horse, (Jk ;) If you can think of some way for your horse to have survived go ahead, otherwise bandits would have stolen it) -Should assume you were stripped of any valuables, (Vulnerary's etc) Weapon remains though. Your choice how much you want to keep but make it realistic, they did steal from you XD (Same way Cynthia stole from Reika in Ch1)
  24. Kamilla looked down at the satchel and frowned, as if regretting not getting rid of it earlier. 'It's nothing" She foolishly trying to hide it from Eric's sight. The swordman seemed to have shrugged it off as nothing but she could still sense curiosity emanating from him. Sighing reluctantly she opened the satchel and handed him a small wooden box, "Some woman and her daughter were wandering around the inn's entrance this morning before you came down, said something about you saving their lives" She paused seeing Eric's reaction she quickly added "The girl said they were moving back to their grandparents house" biting her lips she turned away, recalling the smiling girl and the determined look on the womans face. "Though don't worry, they departed right after handing me the box so they couldn't possibly have been caught up in the fire" she lied. As Eric received the box he could smell something coming from the box, the unmistakable smell of homemade food.
  25. It's not too ridiculous, I'm as proficient at using staves some uneducated bandit, and I can't understand how to channel the energies of a magical tome at all." she said a bit crestfallen. "Sanctuary is the only tome that has ever reacted to my touch, and even then I can't smite my enemies like the other girls could." The change of subject back to Erics friend was more then welcome, Kamilla had a bad habit of going down the spiral of depression when she started talking about her incompetence as a priestess. "Thunder magic huh, just like the little kid that was always running around the horses and the healer." Linking Tessa with staves and staves to her incompetence she shook her head as if to clear it. "Hmm enroll in TISME? Must have cost her a fortune if she didn't have talent for it, I've heard travelers say it costs a fortune to study there."
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