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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. *Counters samurai rabbits, spartan bears and sith fish all at once with her flames.* If you want to contest that, I challenge you to a flame war! XD *We're all bored and insane, otherwise we wouldn't be on the internet so much*
  2. OoC: Sorry Snike XD Didn't see your post :P Kamilla took the object reluctantly, at first she was suspicious, immediately suspecting poison, but it didn't take long for her to acknowledge the herbal smell of a vulnerary. Furthermore, Eric had no reason to kill her, not after dragging her out of the forest and saving her life. She stared at the bottle(?) hesitantly, uncertain whether she should drink it, deciding she didn't have much of a choice, she took a mouthful of the vulnerary before redoing the lid and handing it roughly back to Eric. The man was about to say something but Kamilla cut him off "I'm not taking the rest, and I'm not accepting gifts, if I ever survive this nightmare I'll find a way to repay you" she glared at Eric as if daring him to voice his protest. "Kamilla closed her eyes, and forced herself off the ground, her body hadn't fully healed yet, but she was feeling slightly better, well enough to walk at least. "And.... thank you" she whispered inaudibly, a slight blush on her face which she quickly hid by turning away. And staring at the still smoking fort.
  3. XD That was an example, not fact XD Esphyr needs to send money to her family, and I doubt that "family" is Harold,XD He most likely doesn't need money. Ah Snike, how you pick up on the most awkward of things... Unless of course that wasn't a joke? (Which it sounded like to me) I have diverted Snowy's attention elsewhere, where he will be killed by my ninja-monkeys. Expect no response from him for a while :P JK, the PM wasn't that long.
  4. Nyargh, over already? And here I was having fun :/ Lies! This is not possible, no one can understand Nady's perspective, not even Nady herself. I give fair warning in the feedback, it get's ignored, so I bring it up in Kamilla's post, and then I Iso scoffing at me and everyone else just ignoring (At least I get a reaction, though not the one I'm trying to bring to light. XD) I don't mind people skimming, using Ether as an example, I really don't need to know what they're doing in their spare time (bath time episode) and don't plan on paying close attention during events like that in future, sure, I might miss somehthing crucial, but my definition of fun doesn't include reading every post as if my life counts on it. Sick twisted Nady? Define "certain conditions?" The only division I see are Phoenix/Rein having getting upset over not getting their plot carried out, Snowy jumping in occasionally trying to sort things out, and me being the "sick twisted" Nady I am. Everyone else is pretty much just adding their two cents from the sidelines (Even Bal, who I wish I could claim as an ally). Personally I don't have problems with you people, to be honest I don't even see you as people, but more as extensions of the RP characters, so if you expect Kamilla to get along peacefully with... say Chase, I'm not posting my posts based on my dislike of Rein, I'm basing off Kamilla's dislike for criminals. You seem to be getting one core component of my motives mixed up with something else. I did not "screw up" the Viveka-Chase peacetalks because I dislike someone, but I did it because I didn't like the idea of going to the capitol. Regardless of what you claim to have planned, I've asked several times for information on what you're planning at the capitol in regards to the groups criminal status, and each time, the only response I've gotten in "General Conrad Jackson will pardon us." And I have repeatedly said this is not plausible. You spoke of assaulting the soldiers who captured members of the group, but we've assaulted soldiers over and over again with the border-town, Percy, and Istample. If "assault" makes the chances of Conrad/Viveka joining slim, it got extinguished a long time ago. The fact that no one seems to be available to come up with reasons for Viveka/Elysimma to forgive the group in my chaotic attack proves you, nor Rein had much planned other then reaching the capitol and being forgiven. If I am wrong in this regard, I request once again the reason behind any "pardons" and if not the reason for wanted criminals being left unharmed while they walk around the capitol. Surprise? You're probably not the only one. I am against control guidelines and controls as a whole. In cases like Rayton (theonefate) I have no objections, but there is absolutely no need for another player to take control of another players PC's. Generic NPC's are another matter, but there's no reason people can't wait for the other Rp'er. I myself have stolen Ulfhrahn for some god-moding earlier, but Ulfhrahn generally doesn't talk, and Aiya being unconscious is in no state to command Ulfhrahn. I found it inevitable that Kamilla would have to take action then, since there's really no viable way to allow Kamilla/Aiya to survive such a fall otherwise. In such extreme cases I don't mind. If people want to share characters, (Example Phoenix/Snowy sharing Katie) then I have no issues as you may want to make Katie do something specific to your actions. But receiving permission each time is a hassle. And most likely the reason for your guidelines. If this is so, just make an agreement with the other player (In this case Snowy) organizing restricted power over the other character, otherwise, just don't touch :/ Subplots aren't something that are manageable, if I borrow your words, this is "our story" and hence shouldn't constitute of a set group of people who want to further their own agenda's. Most people seem to be willing to go along with whatever comes along (I think) Tessa & Morgan for example don't really seem to be revealing much about themselves in terms of events, but slowly reveal themselves through long boring jk internal monologues. But are able to stay as interesting as any of the other character. On the other hand we have Helios, who is constantly bringing up facts about his past, and other events which everyone just seems to ignore. (And he writes it up, so that we can't interact). That's his choice, but is by far not a very effective means if he's planning to get the whole group involved in Tora's issues. What I'm trying to say though, is that there's no need to reveal everything to everyone and remove the surprise factor from the story. Personally I'm not interested in Isotov's past, since Kamilla isn't. Even if I did know everything, it'd be useless information. However when someone requests the information from you on what you have planned, they clearly don't mind having their surprise factor taken away. If Katie and Esphyr are secretly sisters, I don't want to know that until it happens. But when I ask specifically what you have planned for a certain event, I expect some sort of response, not just "Everything'll work out" cause I gave you the benefit of the doubt with the Cobalt caves, and nothing happened. I am still strongly against the existence of these caves and will fight tooth and nail against them in future unless given a more detailed reason around their existence, not just some rubbish about 2 people knowing about these mysterious network of tunnels. Plot has editted this so that Elysimma's is aware of these tunnels. (maps) However I am well aware that this was not the original intention or plan behind these caves, and would like a detailed response on how such a useful network of caves has remained unnoticed by commoners, travellers and most of the military. I am a hypocrite, and while I'll continue demanding information on certain upcoming events, refuse to give out details of my own plans to certain individuals, mainly because I am certain many of you can't handle it. If for some reason I plan to poison everyone with real poison this time. I discuss this with everyone and miraculously get an okay. Some characters will act... inaccurately. Most of you already know that Kamilla's poisoning at Istample was actually only salt. A small number of you also know that it was done by me to lure Phoenix into shouting poison and causing a ruckus. But it did have another effect, and that was weeding out characters I could trust with plot, and those who I couldn't. Rein and Kai in particular would have found a way around it (had it been real poison) and we go back to the argument between splitting OoC from RP. I'll admit willingly, that I don't separate the two, but will also accuse other (not just those two) of not being able to separate the two either. I refuse to accept any apologies as I do not believe they are due, likewise I offer no apology, and maintain that I have done no wrong, regardless of what everyone else thinks. Since I have yet to receive a valid argument against my actions. And while I may slightly modify my actions, they will essentially remain the same. Nady will continue to be the "sick twisted crazy bitch" she is and "screw the group over and over again" until she grows bored of the repetition, or you stop giving her so much crap to stir. Nady is the shit stirrer, but you're the ones giving me the ingredients to stir. I may warn you not to add that shitty plot to the mixture, and if you decide to write my warning as the ranting of a madwoman then don't complain to me when the mixture blows up in your face. Actually complain to me, I find it highly amusing Overall, nothing new, nothing changed.
  5. What am I planning? Nothing :/ Even if there was a Church 5 feet away from where we are, it'd take time for them to gather an actual force to come church force looking for them. I've pretty much been stuck with the group, and haven't had a chance to contact the church yet, Eric isn't attached to the group and if she gets recaptured next time she'll be able to write such a message is god knows when. Therefore if Churchie guys attack you, it'll be a fair while away, (As much as I'd like to teleport them in abduct the group and disappear I doubt that'll get approved, nor would I do something like that at this point Lacks sense) Snike's choice what to do, he could hand the message on, he could lose the paper, someone else could grab it (don't ask how) and yell at Kamilla, possibilities of where this'll go are infinite at the moment. Either way, we won't be here by the time they arrive (I hope <_<) so they'll need to follow some sort of trail fire! Just leaving possibilities open :P
  6. Bye bye Ether? Hmmm, wonder where Kai was today :/ And I suppose Snowy will miss my last post so I need to send some spam over to get the discussion going :/
  7. "Depends on your definition of okay" she said still lying on the floor, Taking the paper making sure not to let the rain drench it, she quickly scribbled a message on it "Selizara, Crimson, found, promise, payment, send" (Signature) Having written her message she passed the page back to Eric, "Well if you manage to get away, would you mind handing this in at any church?" If things go right, they might even reward you for it" she paused "If it's a friend there might be something in the churches records under Orphans, though they seldom update that anymore I think." Slowly pulling herself up into a sitting position she groaned, she was finding it hard to breathe, she reached up to her neck and found it bandaged...... "Thanks... I guess" she whispered quietly.
  8. So what's the status of the group at the moment? Or rather, where is everyone? @Ether A pardon for the crimes seems... err unlikely, still going down that route I see. While it seems better then what was previously planned, as long as we're heading away from the big bad capitol I'm not too fussed. Inn cost is perfectly acceptable. Whether negotiating with a military officer will get us out of going through the judicial system though.... Just going to have to hope Viveka's willing to turn a blind eye. (I doubt Viveka would be in the mood to listen to reason at the moment though, though Phoenix's "I don't care anymore" attitude might help. Ah well, I'll let you know if I have any major issues with the way things are going. @Snowy If you want to talk to me over PM's, nothing stopping you from sending a PM? Hmmm, well I can get on AIM if that'd be better? Don't really have anything planned at the moment, "My plans" are usually made on the spot in anticipation of what'll happen next, and I can't imagine where things'll go from here, so I'm just looking at the moment.
  9. Kamilla tried to manage a shrug but found it too hard, "Forest? Oh right, right, forest" she mumbled to herself trying to get her memory sorted. "No idea where everyone went, I only just woke up remember?" she said coughing out a sound that sort of resembled a laugh. "Last I checked they were standing around dumbly hoping everything would work out, might of been captured, might of died, no idea" She looked at Eric again, "You wouldn't happen to have anything I could write on?" She doubted it, but it didn't hurt to ask. After Eric response, "So what are you plans now? You could probably make an escape if you act now?"
  10. "Hmm?" she murmured trying to focus her vision, several moments of silence passed as Kamilla could see clearly again. "Oh, you're... the guy with the sword, haven't been told your name yet, I'm Kamilla" she said, trying to sound as casual as she could while ignoring the throbbing pain coursing through her body. "What happened? Where am I? Why am I still alive?..... Who am I?" she added staring at Eric and managing a small smile at the mans reaction. "Don't worry I know who I am, but really, what happened? Last thing I remember is arrows flying around." *OoC^lolxD
  11. Why can't we work together? Cause you're acting like an immature little brat? So much for Why can't we work together?: Cause now you're not making any sense. XD @Lightning, thank god that got cleared up then.
  12. Todays lesson kids is idiots who only see what they want to see! I admit the writing may not be as clear as it could but one would think but after reading And you still don't get it, then you're an idiot. Now that I've said that, ??? isn't Conrad.
  13. Kamilla groaned as she felt herself being moved, most likely some soldier had captured her. She was about to complain about how roughly she was being handled, but she simply lacked the energy. She could smell the smoke still but it was getting weaker and weaker, perhaps someone had put out the flames? As the figure carrying her reached his destination she was placed on the ground, just as she was about to relax and pass away, I mean out XD she felt someone strangling her. She groaned in protest and the man stepped away having done what he intended. She was about to drift off when she felt something hit her face, a small droplet of water. Groaning in protest she tried to ignore it, but another drop hit her face. "I hate this world" she mumbled to herself as she came around. She looked over at Eric and sighed heavily, "So when am I getting executed?" she asked sarcastically, not really recognizing Eric as her eyes still hadn't focused. OoC: No, I haven't discussed rain with Snowy, but I have mentioned storm clouds on the horizon around the time when Percy was about. Was going to use it to quell my next fire attack :/ But I guess no one remembers anything I post :/ If I have to, I'll go get a quote. If you have issues with rain, then it can be a bit of spitting only.
  14. That is good, I'm happy to hear it. So they're still enemies, unless Damian pulls out a miracle. Like Bal said, And as I've been saying for ages I'm not very happy with going to the capitol, and therefore see no reason why we need to get along with Viveka/Conrad right this moment. If anything it's your impatience at wanting to hurry up and get them to join. If Damian can come up a realistic deal then I'll comply, but if it's got the same amount of planning as you have put into this at the moment, chances are I need to do something at the capitol to cause more trouble. If you're going to complain that you're having to god-mod your characters, that's not my problem, and I'm not forcing you to do anything.
  15. Okay, fun fun fun, where to start.... hmm well I guess I'll start with your final question since you seem to deem it the most important. Why can't we work together Hmm, explain to me how I'm supposed to work together on a plot I'm not aware of? And then explain why I should accept a plot which seems unlikely? You two can argue and make things up as much as you want, but a pardoning of crimes is in there somewhere, perhaps it's been altered now due to this, in which case that would make for a very happy Naddy, since her objective was reached. Why can't we work together? Hmm probably because when I express concern over an issue the concern I show through Feedback is blatantly ignored, and the concern I express through Kamilla is passed off as "That annoying wench is ranting again." I'm not the one demanding people listen to me though, I'm just saying if you're not going to listen I'm going to go about doing my own little thing, and if that screws up your plans, well that's your problem, not mine, not ours, This Conrad/Viveka thing is essentially you and Lightning, and frankly, the plot doesn't require the group travelling to the capitol, Conrad could come out himself if he's so important (CW). But instead you've decided to hole him up at home, and force the group over. Again, I expressed my concern regarding this issue in a PM with you, your response was... uhh let me get it. @SNOWY!!!: READ THIS, DOES IT COUNT AS PERMISSION? Am I being stupid? yes, but if he misses that, then he has issues I admit I didn't mention shady archers in the PM but Was more then enough indication of what I had planned. Why can't we work together? Because I don't like your plots the same way you don't like mine, If you're going to preach friendship, I have yet to see anyone attempting to work with Kai/Helios to do something. I remind you you're doing something "wrong" and you're response was the above quote, to me, that seems like a go ahead to intervene. I admit I didn't have an okay to set fire to the forest, however I did have an okay to stir sh*t with your soldiers from you directly. I find it impossible to "help" people who aren't willing to listen, I've provided various points throughout feedback, and seldom do I get an answer, how do you expect me to "help" with anything when my comments are ignored? @Irina ... And what divine force is preventing you from giving her more character? Something to keep her occupied until her main story can be unraveled? @Isotov As I keep saying, You brought the inn fire on yourself, any previous explosions were caused intentionally by you and I have no reason to answer for your actions/explosions. @Conrad/Viveka Okay, so the people trying to arrest us, are actually allies? Or are they neutrals wanting to arrest us cause they're bored? I know their role in this RP is not to be enemies, however their current allignment is against the group. @Damian You don't need effect. Clearly, some characters didn't follow Damians order, and if authority is your reason, by using Damian you were essentially trying to power-play the entire group, not just Damian. @Chase calling I don't have too big an issue with this, and it was just used as an example to illustrate. @My entertainment Okay, remind me why I'm participating in this or doing anything at all if it's not for my entertainment, cause I'm pretty sure this isn't paying me, helping me, or feeding me in any way other then in the form of entertainment. Do I care about anything else? Hmmm, well no, not at all. I expect you and everyone else as individuals to find their own entertainment, if someone can work together to create entertainment for eachother, great, that's their business. But I doubt I have an obligation to make this fun for everyone, I satisfy myself thanks, don't have enough skill to help others with their fun. @Party Member .... Are you honestly suggesting I bring back Reika into the picture at this stage? Cause if you're absolutely sure, then she'll rejoin at the capitol. But you'll probably wish you killed off all your characters in the explosion if I bring her back in her current state.
  16. Very well, then I oppose being arrested by Elysimman officals as it is certainly a life altering event which I am not willing to go through with. Firstly, I have no problems with you intervening, considering the identity of the group I used, it's likely to have idiots like... I forget their name, but the idiots who set the tar on fire. And even had my group been highly trained assassins which followed strict training and a code of practice, I wouldn't have minded. I specifically asked where everyone was, Phoenix seem to have forced everyone (with the exception of Lacuna and Kamilla) out the front gates to surrender themselves to Viveka. Another point I'm not willing to go with (why should we surrender now when we've resisted surrendering for so long? You people had a reason right? No? Why am I not surprised?) Esphyr along with anyone else is most likely gathered around Damian, and Katie was pulled away by Isotov Irina who are somehow outside. So who you mean by 'party' is unclear to me. And if Lacuna intended for Kelas/Arrin to get captured, then having a soldier drag them out wasn't hard for her to do. As for Kamilla, I assume you won't mind me throwing her in a burning forest since she's my character? Anyway, going back to the main issue, I tried to set the forest on fire, and you intervened, with that I have no issues (though I had to add a bit to validate the scale of your explosion) and am actually glad you did prevent it. Since it wasn't essential to what I was trying to do anyway. As for firing at Phoenix's soldiers, I cite my bandit example from earlier, and do not believe player controlled NPC's should be immune from attacks, especially if they're one time generics. The only reason I attacked the group was because Lacuna attacked them, and if I'm getting grilled for shooting at the group, Phoenix is just as much to blame due to sending in cavalry to trample over the group.
  17. @Lightning, read my posts again. @Snike: Err both? XD Hadn't thought that far, it's just inhaling smoke coupled with fatigue, I hadn't thought of how serious the wound was, but you can make that up if you want, haven't treated it so infection is possible. (Mind you, this injury was inflicted without my permission) @Snowy, working on a post now, give me a sec, just needed to answer Snike so the RP could move
  18. >_< I read weekdays = weekends XD Happens when you wake up at 3 in the morning to answer flaming birds and thunder. Hmm, essentially this has degraded into Snowy rules against mine Anarchy, so I'm willing to take it to PM's if that's what Snowy wants to do. Alternatively we could continue sitting here and arguing, I'm happy either way. As for the RP, Snike seems to have something planned, so I'm waiting for that.
  19. .... Isn't it a Thursday for you? Or at the latest a Friday morning?
  20. Hmm will this do? If not Phoenix has indicated more then once in this argument that this attack is likely to cause trouble for Viveka/Conrad joining. And unless they're willing to ditch their military positions and joining bandits, then the crimes will need to be wavered before any sort of joining happens. As for Quote, re-read it, I'll let you read over it and think of any other possible interpretations. @Snowy, Hmm go figure, actually ignore that. It may have been a minor dispute, but I've asked you multiple times in this thread regarding issues, and have yet to receive a response for any of them. I tried to give an obvious indicator back at the caves, with the soldiers approaching, I believe I even made an OoC post saying they'd arrive soon, and the result of that was having the soldiers rendered useless. And therefore, despite this being your RP, I refuse to put everything before you before putting it into action. Your rule of thumb mainly is too vague to hold any meaning. For starters, we'll go with Hmm let's see, Kelas telling everyone to get on a mount back at the village. "I oppose that, since I'm being forced to ride with someone" I guess I'll also oppose people holding daggers to my throat since that forces me to react to the dagger, and it's not a reaction I have availabe to Kamilla. Hmm what else, I'll oppose the Cobalt Caves, since umm my character doesn't like dark places and their usage forces me to go through caves. I oppose Isotov walking in on me, in the exact moment I salt the food. And him revealing to everyone what I had planned. I could go on? If you want to enact rules like that, then either make them clearer, or I'm going to abuse the system, of "my rights" to not have my character altered. By setting fire to the forest, I may have endangered Kelas, Arrin and Amari, but if they wished, they could have just as easily pulled back out of the forest and joined the main group, no other characters were in the forest other then soldiers NPC's under Phoenix's control. If your protection covers them as well, then I'm going to go make myself some bandits with awesome stats (they yield no exp, so apparently this is okay) and will complain if anyone attacks them while I pillage a few random villages I make up. @Phoenix/Reinfleche I find it hardly humorous that the two accusing me of God-modding are the ones which too control of Percy (butchered his pompous character) and Damian (Went against his intentions) recently. Furthermore, please define, your definition of "God-Modding" since it seems to differ from my own. @Snike: In that case feel free to take it, if not it could have just been a random soldier. Or Kamilla's imagination.
  21. Fine, I'll call them the ummm, Crimson caves, and since their caves I made I can do whatever with them right? As I said, I'm being antagonistic now due to being ignored by you, Phoenix and Snowy and as I've said, I'm not offended by you wanting to keep everything hush-hush but you're essentially telling me not to mess with things I don't even know I'm messing with. It's not helpful to your plot, and your goals, but I never said I was supporting your goals, furthermore I don't even know what your goals are other then getting Conrad to over-ride Harolds orders and pardoning the group. And in this case, I'm being antagonistic, because I disagree with it's possibility, and am trying to avoid it
  22. You're the one who said they got killed <_< Your crankiness seems to have screwed up you mind, since that post was detailing what Kamilla had been doing while you lot were... surrendering? Time span error on your behalf, stop pulling stuff out that doesn't exist, and focus on how you're going to put this thing back on track? *Sniggers* God modding every other post? You're the one stealing PC's to do what you want XD Sharing a story? And throwing a hissy fit when you don't get what you want is sharing a story? In that case, this attack was part of "my story" as I plan to have these guys appear again in future, they're not a random attack, and will make their intentions clear sometime in the plot. Democratically or not, by trying to silence me, you're only proving your inability and immaturity. But do whatever you want, you're most likely just whining to Snowy to help you. Unlike you, I've been indicating that I've been getting sick through feedback and through Kamilla for awhile now, but seeing as how no one seems to take those comments seriously. I provided more then fair warning, I even asked you personally for permission, which you granted as long as I didn't hurt Viveka. @Snike, It was supposed to be Arrin, since apparently he was in the forest before me, but you can jack the character, as long as your character also ran into the forest (cause it doesn't make sense for him to be where Kamilla if he's outside with the Iso/Katie group
  23. Possibly? Unlike the immortal Isotov and Irina, I'm not forced to god-mod my way out of every situation, I doubt anyone will bother saving her, so I'm most likely going to have to use a third parties help here.
  24. Heh, "not against you" my foot :/ @ Iso, Irina, and Viveka (Character management) "I'm staying in character by not posting" is no different from saying "she has no character and therefore has nothing to post." If all she were to do was bend "down to pick something up off of the ground, and stared at it for a moment before chucking it away." Then frankly she's as detailed as Ian. Saying what you've said reminds me of spriting and shading, just because the original FE mugs lacks it, doesn't mean you can't add shading yourself. "It's in character" is a poor shoddy excuse, as not all actions made by a character need to be "extravagant." Isotov for example seldom does anything "extravagant." Mostly confining himself to mild banter with Katie, or an odd comment here and there, and when you do need something important done, it's through another character.... @ Damian's optional surrender What you expect is what you expected and may not necessary be true, Damian has implied in the past that he didn't want Helios asking his opinion for every action they made. So everyone using him as a leader figure is starting to get annoying, you admit yourself that Isotov could have said it, then why didn't you? Not in character? Then don't say it <_< As Bal said, you only used him to further your own goals, which was to maintain a peacful relation with the Elsyimmian army. That's your agenda and not one I have to follow. It wasn't my choice to make Conrad/Viveka enemies, it was yours, and if you can't handle it, then you might as well kill the character and create a new one. As for survival rate, that's your issue, not mine. If you're worried that things are becoming unrealistic with the survival rate, Maim Iso, behead Irina, it's by no means, my fault you're surviving. And by complaining about being realistic. Border Town: -Using fire magic in a wooden inn, and it catching fire is not realistic? -Guards reacting to a fire is not realistic? -Guards should trust a random mercenary that comes out of nowhere to offer her services? Istample -Not my problem, I just caused suspicion, and most of the chaos there was created by others who I sparked off, or had their own ideas. -You were the initiator of this conflict, so you're hardly in a position to complain. Heading to the caves -Right, cause the group outrunning an entire troop of soldiers sent to capture them is reasonable. -What's wrong with sending Pegasi? It's no different from a police chopper, all the more reason to send one if the enemy (group) can become airborne as well. Selizara -I specifically said, there better be something in the caves, I was assured there was "something" down there, and this "something" was ignored completely. The only thing that happened was a minor scuffle with soldiers. Due to this I'm tempted to not take any of Rein's assurances seriously. -I gave more then fair enough warning about intending to put enemies in the Fort, we even had a discussion over PM, and you gave in. Overall, it sounds to me like you're just chucking a hissy fit because you didn't get what you want, I find it humorous how you bring out realism now, when I've been pointing out factors which seem improbable for awhile now, your responses was what? "We'll handle things as they happen?" well it's happened now, go ahead and solve the problem. I might be coming off as extremely whiny when I complain about events that haven't even occur ed, but that's just to prevent people from going down that path (Hasn't worked) and giving fair warning that I don't approve of where the plot is directed. How do we outrun them.... err I don't know, maybe we can make some random caves appear, and it's connected to the throne room of Ilyphina? That's it! There's caves in the forest connected to the throne room that no one knows about, and we'll call these caves the Cobalt Caves. This mess, is the result of you and Chase trying to pursue a goal which seems improbable, and not explaining yourselves when asked. I admit you don't "have" to answer my queries, and I'm not offended by that in the slightest, however if you want to keep everything hush hush, then expect your plans to be interrupted in some shape of form. It was only a few pages ago, I was being told that Elysimma sending a huge force out was unrealistic, after all they're just hunting a band of bandits, and now they come with a few legions of cavalry? They asked to speak to Chase instead of the groups leader? What would be wrong with asking the whole group to come out and surrender unarmed? Again you two are placing too much focus on Chase's crimes, which may be false <_< Right, he's a wanted criminal Percy would recognize on sight, but the crimes he commited was just Chase making stuff up. @ Phoenix's sinister plot advancement A: This is your problem, and not one caused by deviating from going to the capitol, no one "forced" you to make Irina like that, and this is the first time anyone has commented on Irina's lack of importance, citing this as a reason is ridiculous, and essentially you have no one to blame except for yourself. B: Even they can't survive it, kill Irina, Mark, Kelas, the list goes on, there's nothing preventing you from killing off your own characters or injuring them somehow, if you don't like god-modding, don't do it. No one if "forcing you" to god-mod out of these situations. And the party is big enough now, no reason why a few characters can't be killed off. Nady's attempt to put garbage on your head is legitimate, Nady doesn't want everyone going to the capitol to be pardoned for crimes they did commit. C: That is speculation, and may not necessarily be true, assuming it's information you've managed to extract from Snowy, it doesn't really change anything, if it was so important, there was nothing stopping the plot from starting in Elysimma, ignoring the present just because there's something you want to do in the future is your own agenda, and not one I have to comply with. @ Anarchy (Nady) Again, your own agenda, I have no reason for wanting to go to the capitol, and it'd be just as easy to make Conrad have an interest in the group, and betray Elysimma, not in character? Not my problem. If you want to talk about realism, how about not going to a kingdoms main arm with just over a dozen troops? Heading to the capitol is based on the grounds that Conrad/Harold with pardon the crimes we have commited, you and Chase act as if this is certain to happen, and it most likely will, however that's a plot device, and something the characters aren't completely aware of. You were talking about separating personal ideas and character actions not too long ago, and then this :/ Don't love leggings, you keep your fetishes to yourself thanks. I've screwed what up? Your little plan? Again, that's your problem, I have no obligation to not mess things up. You're the ones? I was under the impression I was making Snowy/Cynthia hold the bag? Or are you also managing this now? Planning is fine, but you don't have to be such a sore loser when they don't turn out the way you want them to, if it helps, you've ruined my plans three times since I created Kamilla. "F*ck demon the King?" Then let's get out of Elysimma, who cares about the demon king, Your point is to do your little Shanice event, not to clear your names, I'm not alone when I say that a pardon seems unlikely. And I've asked for long enough, how about sharing the reasons behind being forgiven for our crimes? Cause at current, it seem impossible. "Making relevant party member?" Explain? @ Bal's specific comments Phoenix: I'm actually quite good at planning, when I'm the only one writing the story, if there's a hiccup in the process then I throw a tantrum and start blaming all my problems on someone else. This is the first Fire attack I've caused since Darien, the inn, was merely a reaction to your action. Tar does not explode :/ Or is this your attempt to throw stuff at me which isn't plausible? @ Conrad Jackson, Viveka, and the Bolivian guys Again this is your problem, it wasn't my choice to hole up in the fort, and it wasn't my choice to send that many troops in. The biggest crime on the list is assault? I'm pretty sure we checked that box when we attacked Percy and his wyverns. If that didn't, killing Celeste is going beyond assault. But of course, Viveka finds it in her heart to disregard we've killed her acquaintances/friends/lesbian lovers, and is calmly sipping tea. So therefore, no, I don't believe we can get cleared of a charge like that, hence the reason I'm against pardoning the groups crimes.
  25. @Bal: Will you marry me? Not literally, not willing to sell my soul away in that evil ritual called marriage. I is not alone... well, one person is neutral, not hostile meaning it shouldn't be too bad, in an RP war my biggest fears would be Bal and Cynthia teaming up to prevent my chaos, (I'd be screwed then) the rest of you... well some of you kind of hurt yourselves more then me so it's about even. As for the Chase business, it's not just one person (Bal) who I've contacted and received such a response from. But I'm glad someone decided to voice their concerns about where the plot is headed to the public as well. Where is everyone though? Phoenix sort of used Damian to make it look like everyone surrendered out the front gate, but from the text so far, at least Kelas and Arrin took the forest route, and wouldn't be surprised if others did the same (Kamilla did). I think Cynthia suggested a slight group split to have one group rescue the other. All I'm going to say in regards to the surrender is if they disarm Kamilla (Take her tome) she will be to Elysimma, just like Reika is to Halton. (And those of you that don't know, that's more hostile then any of us are to Helios/Kamilla). I also don't like the idea of Conrad, I know it's a bit late to say this now, but we essentially have Damian (who might not have rank, but is respected possibly throughout Halton) controlling any Halton soldiers we encounter, and General Conrad, disabling the Elysimmian military from causing the group any trouble. Leaving only bandits and Septimus. (It's partially the reason I decided to create the shady group) Since I'm bored, another concern for me is character attention, as people add their 2nd and third characters they seem to be phasing out their old ones, my main concerns being Helios, who's suddenly fading into the background and Mark comming out of the shadows. Irina, who's really just adding a comment to Isotov every now and then, I know this is Viveka's limelight, but just hoping you can balance all your characters Phoenix, your posting style in particular isn't exactly good for separating them, while Lacuna's style is effective in making the characters do separate things. And damn the number of mounts we're getting XD
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