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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Nyeh, I'm still tired, had a rough day yesterday, followed by an idiotic father, being emotional today is just too much effort but if you insist. "Owww I wish I had been there for the chaos, I hate you all" ...... There, that's all I can do today, leave me alone *Goes off to get some Aspirin*
  2. "Fort Selizara" Kamilla said softly trying to recall something she'd heard. They'd apparently cleared the dense foliage now and were heading towards a fort. "Did you say that Selizara is no longer being used, cause I can't imagine why we'd want to go to an actively running soldier base" Kamilla paused, "And if it's no longer occupied I'm curious as to why it isn't"
  3. Hmm? I'd have flamed a few of you for idiocy, and not making any sense, but I'm not really concerned with the cave group, and Phoenix/Cynthia seem to have enough chaos sorted, Even if some idiots are screwing things up. I'm generally not going to do anything to the main group until Kamilla joins up with them again. That is, assuming you people don't continue to do ridiculous crap :P Honestly, can we "NOT" use this stupid tunnels again? Apart from seeming completely far-fetched, I refuse to believe Chases memory is able to map everything out <_<
  4. Well the drugs have worn off since then as well, but it doesn't show in the "portrait" Portrait is too broad, and it doesn't feel right calling it a portrait for some reason. As Bal said, 立ち Standing, 絵 Picture. And again as Bal said, a term used in visual novels. @Bal: Similarities? They're the same thing, I just doubt anyone would know what I'm talking about if I called them Tachie (People would probably pronounce it so it rhymes with touch(ie) XD) and Standing Picture is.... well not exactly right... well it is but.... it's hard to explain XD
  5. Might be waiting awhile, usually I would have gone to sleep 3 hours ago, but my father's forbidden me from going to sleep <_< I really don't see much we can do in this split now anyway, at least I can't, and most likely neither can Kai, As far as I know Snowy won't be on for about another 9 hours, and Ether isn't really active around this time from what I can remember, I'm going to sleep now, sisters birthday tomorrow and I need to cook crap <_< Only if I could get away with poison and burning the house down IRL
  6. Needs more ash, since I assume it's what she looked like when Iso burned down the inn. XD Seriously though, Esphyr gets as many makeovers as Helios, and that isn't a compliment :P No sentence with the word Helios can be a compliment Okay, actually commenting on the .... what's do you call these things? Sprites feels wrong, It's clearly more then a mug. And... Anyway the image, It feels to me, as if the eyebrows are too high up. I'm assuming that's a crack in the armor.... the amethyst armor, otherwise that is a really amusing way for it to shine. (Looks more like the pattern gems have when you cut then)
  7. @Rein: Surprisingly enough, caves don't change very often, unless you're referring to cave-ins I pressume the tunnels would still be in the same places, unless you're suggesting the "something" in the hole is digging out new routes XD
  8. Yeah, we're aware that you and Kai don't get along XD You two are on at similar times, so you'd be able to do quite a bit if you worked together :/ Ah well,
  9. Not really an issue, I'm pleasantly surprised to find how much more active the land group is in comparison to the caver group. :P (Yay for Ether being around.) Also "lol" at how we keep ignoring Helios's existence XD
  10. OoC: I found the barb bit going too far, and I(Nadesico) am aware of the Gae-Bolg's effect, but saying you defeated that many soldiers so quickly without suffering any physical injuries again seems like you're overpowering your characters, or quite simply treating the enemy as village children and not actual soldiers. Kamilla gasped as she saw the two writhing soldiers, she'd expected them to have died upon contact, but one was still moving despite the barbs digging into his body. "It's no use, please, return to our mothers arms" Kamilla said as softly as she could, and despite the soldier glaring angrily at her, the man seemed to acknowledge it was too late, and he too passed away. She turned to Damian "I wasn't referring to them, but the two archers that were standing over there" she said indicating a fair distance away, where she'd seen two archer drawing their bows at Ulfhrahn. You mentioned that earlier, but heading there without a detour first might be a bit hard, unless there's some sort of place we could seek temporary refuge on the way.
  11. Yeah Rein, you seem confused enough, Damian/Aiya/Esphyr/Helios/Kamilla are no where near the cave entrance anymore XD Probably best to omit the Damian part, and make Chase cover for the rest of the group as they enter the caves.
  12. Kamilla looked at Damian and then at Ulfhrahn, "Maybe attacking the enemy in a full frontal assault wasn't such a bad idea" she said to herself recalling the conversation she'd had back at the inn, quickly shaking her head and looking around to see if anyone had heard, she went over to Damian to see how he was doing. That could have been a little less gory" she said trying to hide her amazement with contempt. "Anyway, two got away, most likely went off to call for reinforcements, if I was a decent healer I might have been of some use" she said reluctantly taking a look at a nasty looking gash Damian had received. "But the only thing I can say is we better keep moving, where are we headed anyway?"
  13. I like XD For once your detail wasn't awkward to read :P Nadesico so impressed, she willing to let you all off from soldier encounter, as long as you keep moving :P (Though I hope you have a destination in mind, cause I sure as hell don't XD )
  14. Hey, blame Helios XD Wasn't my idea to attract attention, I'm just reacting to the groups actions XD They might be the most dangerous, but I doubt one can take out so much, They're trained soldiers, and most likely a lot more effective then some ragtag group of mercenaries (and in fiction they beat the big bad monsters pretty easily) If it'd solve power issue, I'm willing to make stated enemies for the group to fight, (They will not yield exp or any bonuses) Since I figure it'd be easier then contesting each characters ability and their awesomeness in defeating a large number of soldiers single handedly,
  15. I know you love your bull wyvern, but think statistically, Ulf isn't going to take out an army himself regardless of how strong he is, you're either seriously underestimating the soldiers or overpowering Ulf. That said, you could try? XD
  16. Frowning at Damians suggestion she shook her head to clear her mind, "Soldiers" she thought to herself, "If we sacrifice anyone it'll be the madman chopping down tree's behind me, "Even the goddess knows not what Aiya will do if we tell her we left you behind" (OOC Assuming Aiya is unconscious/only semiconscious, if she didn't object to that) A dozen soldiers suddenly appeared a bit ahead of them, apparently the sound of falling tree's had notified and called over the other soldiers who had fanned out in search of them.
  17. Kamilla can't ride a horse anyway :P I was thinking Esphyr would be the one to ride it, but don't know if she's capable of riding a horse. Either way, things work out better for me if we don't have to worry about another horse (As if hiding a bull wyvern wasn't hard enough)
  18. Most likely on his belly wrinkling through. A dying horse is faster then Kamilla XD
  19. "Protection lasts for about a minute, but can be recast continuously, but that's assuming I'm still conscious." She would have turned around, but she could hear things crashing about behind her, and she was slowing the group down enough as it was. "Fighting probably wouldn't be a good idea, judging from how they sent a troop of Pegasi, they're serious and even with extra protection you're not going to be able to handle a whole platoon." She gasped for breath, talking wasn't exactly easy considering how she'd never had to run in her life. She contemplated asking for a ride on the horse for a second but dismissed the idea immediately opting for being captured if it came down to it.
  20. Lacuna stole that XD Packhorse = Lacuna's character (Pretty much) I can hear the packhorse saying the same thing, "If they'd only taken me I wouldn't have to enter this black hole" XD
  21. And doing a Tarzan as they chop the tree's down? Damian and Aiya can easily get away if they abandon the rest of us XD Fly away scaly bird lizard thing! Fly!
  22. Ignore Kai, he seldom makes sense, I think Damian and Aiya are on the wyvern (Snowy placed them on a mount, (originally a horse, but I figure he meant wyvern). Helios has his own horse, and Esphyr/myself are slowing down the group by foot XD
  23. Kamilla didn't have time to listen to Helios as she ran after Damian and Aiya, Esphyr was running a bit ahead of her, and the stupid mage was behind her finally getting on his horse. "There's no way we're getting away" she muttered quietly, but at the moment all she could do was try to keep up and not make Damians efforts go to waste.
  24. We are right outside the caves, that's why Rein, myself and perhaps a few others have tried to get both groups moving, but everyone seems reluctant to part with the wonderful Kamilla XD Depends on what Rein has planned for the cave, from my understanding it's a network of tunnels throughout the nation with various entrances (God this sounds more unlikely everytime I write it, who's idiot who made this idea and then approved it?) So chances are, it's a bit of a (quote) "labyrinth" inside, and you might be able to lose your pursuers when you get in. (Shouldn't be too hard) As for land group.... well we're pretty screwed XD
  25. No, no stats, I just figured we'd stood around talking for long enough, Rein wants to hurry up and get in his hole, and as I keep saying all over the place, 1/4mile isn't exactly a long way away. However unless both groups figure out a way to escape the soldiers I'm capturing both sides :P With the awkward situation we're in at the moment (group split) there's not really much we can do, so don't expect a lot of posts in the next few days (Until we meet up again)
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