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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Kamilla looked at Morgan as if she were crazy, "No offense, but I'd sooner take my chances with surrendering then relying on the arsonist, If I'm going to die, I'd rather it be above ground where I can see the sunlight, not some suspicious caves infested with bandit" she saw Chase was about to repeat what he'd said earlier and quickly added, "I refuse to believe such a network of caves would be able to be hidden from the populace and scum stick together, if he found it, chances are others like him know about it." OoC: Just going to mention here, if we do take the Cobalt caves, there is no way in hell I'm going to let the group come out without incident.
  2. Kamilla shrugged as the group slowly began to move, she had doubt about being able to escape at the pace they were moving at, Tessa's remark though made her frown. "I'm not too fond of the idea, but since we're already supposed to meet, two of your friends there we don't have much choice, I for one refuse to go into any cave without knowing there's an exit, and that it's safe" She looked over at Chase, "And at present I'm not confident in our navigator. If need be, I'll walk to the capitol and take my chances with getting captured.
  3. Kamilla looked at the man skeptically, but now probably wasn't the best time to start pointing out how stupid the archer was, "So are we sending the horse out as a decoy or can we start moving now?" There was something awfully uncomfortable about how the group seemed to fall silent, it would have been fine if they were a unified body but half the group seemed to have their own ideas, and she'd learned from experience already that they weren't very useful as a team
  4. Kamilla looked at Chase with disbelief, "Wait, a map? You didn't know where the cave was off by heart?" she said not believing her ears. "If you didn't know without checking a map, what did you tell the soldier... err Damian was it?"
  5. As Damian rushed off, the entire group (or whoever's still around) had assembled at the front of the inn. "Guess that means we better get going" she said to no one in particular, "Though I guess now that we've given the soldier the information we have no choice but to head for these caves" she turned her head expectantly at Chase, though she was still skeptical about entering a cave with this troublesome group.
  6. This could get awkward XD Bye bye Damian
  7. Snowy's remark Makes me think he wants us to leave her behind, I suppose we could run through the forest and down the hill to escape, probably would be able to cover the most distance if we're running downhill. Running past a naked Esphyr though might be too much for people like Helios to handle though. @Phoenix, and I haven't even set the inn on fire yet
  8. Hmm, probably have to abandon her, I don't find it possible to have someone go fetch her (Since technically we don't know where she is) and if we waited for the fetcher to get back, the enemy would probably have swarmed us.
  9. Kamilla coughed as she tried to prevent herself from laughing at the comment, despite the groups complications they were still able to have a sense of humor, that said there was a higher chance everyone was just crazy and unable to register how much danger they were in. She heard Chase say something nearby and rolled her eyes, Nothing he said could be worth listening to.
  10. *Is hoping Snowy's post is a Bal flashback-like post* Cause if it's not, there goes avoiding a frontal assault XD Or the group could abandon Esphyr XD
  11. Right, fight them, of course, do you want me to tell you who's winning from the sidelines or do you want me to stand on the front lines and flail my arms around. and yell magic missile every now and then?" "Caves....." she said hesitantly, "Probably infested with criminals like him, guess we're in for a fight either way" she sighed, Why did she have to start the day already tired? "I'll follow any plan that doesn't have us commiting more crimes." Morgan had apparently been nearby, Kamilla wasn't even sure if the Shaman had left to collect her things, but if she was here, chances were she was ready to leave. "Kelas? The nomad? Probably has the highest chance of succeeding" she didn't say the rest out loud but was wondering if Kelas would be willing to leave Arrin in the groups care, but then again he'd done it before. I still don't know if Kelas is a man or woman yet do I? XD I'm going to have to walk in on her bathing sooner or later at this rate.
  12. It's International Hate Kai day! Yes I know the name changed Lets see, Uhh you remember where Helios was reading a book on curses right? -Morgan finds curses -Morgan+extra accuse Helios of trying to curse the group -Helios reveals he is a noble, and suffering from something (Reika's Calamity, though that's most likely false) -Helios reveals he let Reika go after being attacked back in Darien -Morgan explodes and rips Helios to shreds (verbally) Meanwhile, -Aiya's wyvern arrives -Aiya/Irina go for a flight -They spot Elysimman soldiers heading their way. Kamilla -For once I've been a good girl, only made breakfast so far, so no yelling at me today XD EDIT: We also time skipped to the following morning, though I thought that was 2 days ago :/ EDIT2: Did I mention we're GTFO of the town? XD
  13. Kamilla was about to snap at Damian but decided she didn't want to both Elysimma and Halton registering her as a criminal. "With all due respect, this group doesn't exactly follow an individuals orders and I wouldn't be surprised if they were heading towards the enemy this very moment." She paused and looked at Damian again, "So where to Mr soldier? If there's not going to be a frontal assault, we'd probably need to run, but I doubt the entire group can outrun a well trained army. And the road to the Capitol isn't a good place to hide, that said I really don't think hurrying to the capitol and getting ourselves stuck in a pincer is a good idea"
  14. Kamilla shook her head in disbelief "That's two days in a row my morning have been ruined" she said as she hurried back into the inn, Damian had seen Aiya and seemed to already be acting, "Soldiers heading this way" she said quickly to Morgan before she hurried into the kitchen and deposited the plates, She could see the others who had been outside running back to their rooms to collect their belongings, She couldn't see Kelas and Tessa anywhere, but the former was most likely heading to the stables first. Not having any personal belongings she headed to the entrance wondering who else was ready to leave. "We better be preparing an escape and not a full frontal assault" she muttered to herself, they'd already killed enough soldiers without adding more casualties to their list of crimes.
  15. XD Cynthia keeps making hilarious comments today. Revenge on the girl that laughed at how big he was? Great reason to be killed IMO. You can have him be an antagonist (root antagonist I doubt) just keep in mind Helios is going down the "kill me" route if he does so, since the groups collective invincibility get priority over Helios's.
  16. Kamilla grabbed the plates that had been sitting where she'd left them and shook her head, was taking the dishes too hard a task for these people? She picked up the dishes and started heading back to the inn, when she saw the two wyverns approaching. Planning to give them a piece of her mind she waited for them to land, planning on giving them a lecture about choirs. The same ones she'd given the orphans back at the church.
  17. Pffft, would make a crappy antagonist :/ I'd say he'd come below Dalton in terms of evilness, and Dalton's just stupid XD Similar to Helios eh? PW= Perfect Weapon (Too much gaming XD) Isotov's always been gross :P Packhorse look like nom? Luna look like nom. Enough for breakfast.
  18. Pffft, I have motive enough, I've explained it to The horse lover Lacuna and she didn't like it but accepted it was plausible (Though I haven't worked out (told her) the details exactly either). It'll happen somewhere along the line, At present Luna serves no purpose, has no character, and is a waste of space (Keeping a horse in the stable isn't free you know!) I miss Phoenix T_T Kai isn't as fun to play with, (haven't got much of a chance yet). Maybe soon though, if things don't work out I'll just start screwing with other peoples plans. Namely those who cheated in my poisoning event. @Ether, Assuming Aiya is class changing to Wyvern Rider, yes, Ulfhrahn is now a PC. (Doesn't count in your 3 character limit though)
  19. *Shrugs* If you want to do it now, I'll leave it to your judgment what to put in them,
  20. If Snowy approves I'm going to go get myself a wyvern, screw training, screw not being able to find one, screw Phoenix's wyvern guide. And you can't kill it since.... uhh it's magical! And protected by an aura of err holiness! Luna is not part of the character (Mark's horse is if he's a cavalier) and therefore character protection should not extend to Helios's horse.
  21. Hasn't been updated in awhile, (no need to) will add all Kamilla's noticeable changes at the end of this chapter.
  22. If I can't kill the Pony, you can't kill Dalton, Jones, or any of my NPC bandit/ruffian/soldiers I make from this point forth :P
  23. Any respect I had for you Kai is gone, you had a perfect opportunity to taunt Morgan with the elixir and you let it slip. I was going to exchange Luna's safety for Morgan's wrath but it's too late now. The pony dies. I need to bring Reika back it seems then, Then I can win hands down, and you all have to suffer at the hands of the "You can't kill player character rule" XD
  24. (Apologies but I don't want to hear about how Mark and Chase have found eachothers G-spot so I'm stealing Damian and Morgan) As Kamilla walked down the stairs she could hear the quiet steps of the shaman, and steady steps of the soldier behind her, these two were probably the leaders of the group, the one which held official rank, and the other, the brains behind the group. She frowned, That wasn't a fair comment, this group clearly have a brain, not one they listened to at least anyway. She asked the pair to wait outside as she walked into the kitchen sighing when she saw the sink still as empty as she'd left it. Ignoring the sink for now, she swiftly filled two plates up and walked outside and placed them on the table, before bowing her head and heading outside to collect the plates she taken outside earlier.
  25. @Kai, And why are you posting an older Helios? I don't recall Snowy or Cynthia mentioning a 3+ year time skip, where everyone'd be older, going by Morgan's remarks the world would have ended by then. If you're just posting art, then maybe you should go make an art gallery? @Ether, He'd still be the unlikeable person he is atm wouldn't he, eyeliner or no eyeliner? Starting to get worried, I think Kai's challenging my position as most disliked character :/
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