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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Kamilla looked at Arrin and raised an eyebrow, "Chances are, we wouldn't be entering in two groups if we meet outside the city. And are you telling me this group isn't easy to distinguish? Wyverns aren't creatures that can be afforded easily and we have two, we've got two soldiers who are recognized easily, a wanted criminal, a nomad, and nearly half a dozen horses." "Merchants have goods, or at least an empty caravan which held goods, and a band of mercenaries this size would likely be thoroughly checked anyway, or have you forgotten that Elyissima is on the lookout for us? Judging by how quickly they found us, they're well aware of our destination, and Percy hasn't cleared anyones name. Meaning we only have the two options of fleeing the country or asking for our names to be cleared directly." As Kamilla finished, the bush nearby started rustling and a metal head popped out, or rather a metal helmed head. The soldier looked at the group for a long silent second before shouting "I've found them! Over here, they're over here!"
  2. "A tool you are indeed" Kamilla snorted, before dismissing Helios's idea of everone getting on the wyvern as idiotic, Ulfhrahn was big, but she didn't think it was ideal for it to be carrying four people, not with the state Aiya was in at least anyway. And frankly, she wanted to avoid falling out of the sky again. Having decided it was best to ignore the mage she turned to Tessa and Katie who were trying to arrange a meeting point. "It really depends on how fast each of us can get there, at this rate, we're going, I suggest prison, since we'll both end up there regardless of our will." she thought the question over for a second, I don't know what the group decided, but whatever we're doing at the capitol, I'd recommend meeting inside the city, since there's no way we can get this many people through the city gate without causing suspicion." "But I've never been to the capitol, and don't really know anything about what it looks like inside."
  3. I can't injure you according to Snowy's permission, but then again I don't follow restrictions anyway <_< This is what happens when I indicate my plans too directly, guess I should be quieter about them from now on, and spring things on the group like the fire attacks. As for group A (Cavers) I was assuming they got away safe and any soldiers that went in got lost and ended up coming back out the same place they went in. I don't know what you have planned for Group A, Reins indicated that there's something in there, meaning there's going to most likely be a battle for them, don't see why Group B should be penalized with one less fight in that case, and there's not much one can do after being defeated and captured, or are we to chat amongst ourselves in a cell for awhile while you're all in the caves? I personally don't mind not controlling the soldiers, but if you're going to allow a group split, then at least come up with something for both sides.
  4. I can't kill (obviously) I can harm -_- (Just not permanently) Anything of the sort involves capturing them? What exactly are these soldiers supposed to do then? Point their finger and gawk at the group? No offense to Cynthia but a quarter mile is nothing in terms of distance, and they'd have a good idea of the groups location considering how Pegasi were in the sky (Direction) and there's a trail of dead things heading for the caves. If you're suggesting the group can run off unharmed, then I must conclude Elysimma's forces are extremely stupid.
  5. Nyii, I was going to post a legitimate answer to that post, but I'll take that remark as a gift of power! XD They're my soldiers now, stop your yapping all of you and get in line. I'm going to kill you all! XD In other news, you could start a new chapter (For the cave goers (Chapter name Cobalt Caves?) And the rest of us continue to use this thread? It seem more organized that way and would prevent confusion IMO. Also, can If we do split the threads, can I stat the soldiers (They yield no exp) since I really doubt some of us willingly be captured. (CoughKaicough) and it's easier to swarm him and shut him up then convince him he can't somehow magically escape the soldiers. Unless of course you plan to take over looking after this group (Esphyr's in it after all)
  6. Kamilla smiled at Tessa's concern "Probably not the best idea to split up but we'll manage somehow, if it comes down to it, we'll use the angry mage (Helios) as bait and make a run for it." Seeing that her response wasn't received well by some she sighed. The other Wyvern might be able to worm it's way in, but there's no way Ulfhrahn is getting in there, and I really don't think anyone can persuade the idiot(Helios) otherwise. I'm more worried about you lot, Don't trust that nutcase criminal, and I'd think Morgan was it? Will have a hard enough time preventing that crazy arsonist from burning you all to a crisp."
  7. Hmmm, no Cynthia huh, guess we'll have a quiet weekend next week. Snowy taking forever to post makes me think he's preparing the next chapter. XD @Bal, damn, and here I was hoping Tessa would later reveal the last part to Kamilla and Reika and they could kill the group in their sleep.
  8. No, I'm pretty the point is for us to just lose XD Hence the reason I suggest killing Helios And great, a crazy mage, a love triangle and now a suicidal swordsman, maybe I should have taken my chances with the tunnel group XD Phoenix lost it, :/ Well lost more then he'd already lost. Laughing, in pain, and now speaking in some weird dialect, @Bal, Don't worry about Tessa seeming Schitzo or bipolar, we have enough crazies in the group to make her look normal
  9. Whatever their numbers I fail to see how we can win this XD Not without Ether being active 24 hours a day anyway XD Maybe Eric is right, and we can get Helios captured and killed XD (Screw the rules? :P )
  10. "Right bait" she laughed at the idea of Esphyr being bait considering how it was impossible to disarm her. "Lead on" she said as the group of land-go'ers started to follow Eric, "Your theory sort of makes sense, and I wouldn't have argued if I hadn't gone skydiving earlier today" "So it'd be best if you, the two soldiers, and us girls stayed alived" she stated intentionally missing Helios.
  11. @Snowy: I thought Ulfhrahn (The big bull wyvern) meant she wasn't a Paladin? -Please don't tell me she has a horse that followed her from the stable without anyone riding it if she does have a horse. @Lacuna: Nothing new there XD Wait, don't steal my job >_< As for the wyverns being horses comment, yay. And Pegasus's will just be flying horses. Might as well turn Helios into a horse while we're at it.
  12. XD Ah kay, just me getting confused over nothing, not sure about the weapon triangle because I opted to ignore it (Daggers, and 'Dancing') I noted Ether called Kamilla a dancer earlier, and just figured now would be as good a time as any to state. She can't dance >_<
  13. "Wouldn't bet on that, actually I don't think I'm allowed to bet at all" Kamilla said cocking her head to one side. "If their objective was to capture us before, it's changed now that we've slain the troop of pegasi. We're not exactly holding anything they want except the dumb mage." Seeing Eric turn towards Helios Kamilla shook her head, "The other type of dumb, anyway they only need one of us to spill the beans to find out her location, no need for them to take us all hostage" (Had Eric look at Helios because he's the only mage in our group)
  14. Well it is your character, so I won't complain as to how you distributed your points, so there's no "weak argument" I understand the logic behind getting Wrath, but not the relation between Crits and having a high Skill stat. Phiinys: We've already established Ulfhrahn can't through the caves. Nesting or not, if horse riders can't ride on their mounts, then there's no way Ulfhrahn is going to fit. (No guarantee's of the path getting smaller/wider in the caves once you're in either. @Snowy: What horse? Packhorse is going in due to Lacuna, and Aiya/Damian/Esphyr don't have a horse do they? Or are you nabbing Helios's horse? XD
  15. Crits?..... ....... ..... ... You mean the things that occurs when your attack dice and Critical dice match?..... *Thinks someone's missing something* As for Spd, Pretty sure, we'll keep getting higher spd characters from here on unless we go back to fighting bandits or something XD
  16. "Stop yapping you stupid noble" Kamilla snapped as Helios began questioning people, "Everyone going through the cave get going now, everyone taking the land route, we better leave now" she didn't like how they'd taken so long to decide on anything and wouldn't be surprised if they were already surrounded. "Questions and logic can wait till later, right now it's run or be killed"
  17. What nutcase gives his character 6 HP? XD Now would be a good time to use a vulnerary (You can use them outside battle too apparently) Eric is such a balanced character in stats he's useless XD Average chance of evade, average str, average Def/Res XD His skill is high, but useless due to his 6 HP XD Wondering how battle will be done for this, since waiting 5 turns for such a small group seems extreme, ah well, hoping Snowy gets back soon.
  18. Would have preferred that post to actually use the names (You don't know them but it'd be easier to figure out who's where. It's not like Helios said the names. Anyway, As far as I know we heal after each battle, but it'd be unrealistic to heal here. And... well I still don't think Aiya's healthy enough to fight soldiers. I have issues with Kiev going in to the cave, but it's essentially Phoenix's decision.
  19. Guess we're back at a standstill until Rein gets on, or possibly Cynthia if she has any strong opinions :/ *Goes off for an hour or so*
  20. Nyeh, might chat with Irina, (Iso's clearly a no) As for Kai, his interactions with Kamilla usually end in two posts, 1: Kai starts a conversation 2: Kamilla tells him to shut up XD Don't know about the others, but as long as you tell Cynthia, that you want it slowed down (assuming she's around) I wouldn't expect much activity anyway. Edit: Any RP activity
  21. >_< Shouldn't have asked, Forgot you had a brain. Any anti-cavers willing to change their perspective because of that? Guess-not.... though keep in mind, they might not launch a rescue depending on who gets captured, @Bal, we'll know when the lady's had enough, since your staff will go snap! XD
  22. I'm going to be here regardless of whatever day it is, (Even when Jesus dies and when it's his birthday) so technically it's a "no" from me, but I don't mind if others take the day off. (Though if there's anyone like me who'll be around, we'll probably post a bit) And it's not a holiday weekend for me anyway XD
  23. I expected resistance from Snowy and Phoenix at least :/ Cynthia will be against anything splitting up the CW wielders I guess Rein will oppose his idea not being used. Lacuna is unclear, probably go with majority decsision. Bal... well not sure where he sits in the group split. Think that's everyone not online atm (Bal's around... sort of) @Kai, No, not yet @Phoenix, what's your opinion as an Rp'er?
  24. "Urgh, the forests would only prolong us getting captured, after all, they're numbers are larger and most of us can't fight" she said indicating Aiya, Kelas and then at the Irina who was trying not to cry. We don't exactly have much time, it's either we run for it now, or we run into the caves now, those soldiers aren't going to take forever to get here you know. *Warning: Soldiers arriving in my next 1~3 posts*
  25. You don't get exp from my soldiers unless Snowy/Cynthia stat'ifies them, and I refuse to believe Kelas/Aiya etc who were felled in the pegasus fight are ready to fight again, so chances are you just get swamped, arrested and dragged to the capitol in chains. (No you can not fight a small army with half the group injured/barely alive) I'm surprised at the lack of opposition to a split up though.
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