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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. The first explosion had forced the earth to rumble in an earthquake like manner, the second however was large engulf the entire fort in flame. As sparks flew out in all directions, the forest nearby caught aflame, sending all those still within in a panicked frenzy as the leaves of the tree's above crackled in to ash. The central building (biggest) in the fort had been unearthed by the first explosion, but the second one was large enough to destroy the already damaged infrastructure. The building, no longer able to support itself leaned dangerously on it's side before finally losing it's battle and falling right ontop of a troop of cavalry. Who were trying to carry out their fellow soldiers who had survived the explosion. Meanwhile Kamilla stared blankly at the chaos that had ensued. She had been looking for somewhere to hide but had so far been unsuccessful, it was a military fort after all and despite it being out of commission for awhile it's core structure and designed still remained intact. She contemplated entering a building again, but like her last few attempts didn't want to make a face to face encounter with the inhabitants of the fort. Deciding that the army outside was too aggravated to risk surrender she turned and headed for the forest, most likely the safest haven in this chaotic fort siege. It wasn't long before the first tremor shook the earth, and she fell ungracefully on her face. She though she saw someone slumped against a tree out of the corner of her eye but wasn't entirely sure and she didn't have time nor skill to tend to the wounded. As the second explosion shook the earth Kamilla once again tripped scrapping her side against a sharp twig, and the wound Chase had inflicted upon her back at Istample had apparently opened up again. "Should have listened" she muttered to herself angrily, the church she had studied at had taught that the Crimson Weapons were the manifestations, or remnants of the Demon Lord in the world, and that they brought nothing but misery upon the world. Dusting herself off, with her good hand she stumbled past the tree's until she finally smelled the smoke coursing through the forest. "Haha, did the arsonist not learn his lesson the last time?" she mumbled to herself as her vision grew dim and she fell to the ground unconscious.
  2. It's close enough, and I already know I won't get along with Conrad, so chalk some hatred up with Viveka up for me XD
  3. I wouldn't have had to start this fire if you people would be more realistic with the Chase crap >_< That's not a bad idea actually :/ On a completely unrelated note (well sort of unrelated, sort of deeply related) How many characters has Kamilla not yet received a "hate" from in the group?
  4. Am I? Darien: Most of you weren't in the town, you decided to be nosy nosy'ies and go in after it was set aflame. Outside Darien: Fire used to activate posion herbs, again, you could all get out, and the flames weren't that big anyway. Inn: You were asking for it <_< Fort: Fire didn't even cross my mind until someone mentioned a forest, before that, I didn't know how to destroy the castle and then Snowy tried to subdue my chaos with an explosion....? Is Snowy secretly on my side?
  5. Helios? Humble? What the fwooo? I'd go with the second older one, based on what Phoenix said, but disagreeing with his points. Unless you've been making Helios unlikeable on purpose from the very beginning, I don't see how you could change him to be more..."humble" Plus, I enjoy Helios's stupidity sometimes XD A bit like the character people use for comic relief. And the second one yells "I noble, respect meeeee~!"
  6. You act against me to prevent my chaos, that is "against" me. And I shall smite you from my pedestal of flames because of it. No one ever helps me when I start causing trouble, you all try to resolve it immediately, hence you're all my enemies! *Goes back to planning how to screw up the events at the Capitol* Need to somehow draw in a fire supply from somewhere
  7. I have no issues with that then..... actually nevermind, I'd rather not say the rest, cause now I need to keep in mind I've got everyone in this RP against me :P @Lacuna: You said you wanted a reason for the shadows attacking you, but there's not going to be one, not for this battle at least anyway. Since their objective was to just get away, only reason they attacked was to stall the enemy outside, and because Arrin attacked them. @Chase:...... *Smirks* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XD Just noticed that all that "crap" that happened didn't even take two whole pages XD It's enough content to last a chapter IMO, we rushed things XD
  8. If you want to go down the "Captured route" that's fine, works better for my plans anyway. Was just saying it might be possible to get away. Personally I prefer you get captured and escorted in chains (though most likely you'll come up with some crap which'll make her(Viveka) trust you enough to not even require supervision) Nadesico learned one important lesson today, and therefore her chaos causing abilities levelled up. :P Will be better prepared for the next round.
  9. I disagree, there many be too many, but most would be on the non-forested side of the Fort. So I don't see why the group can't slip away. But I don't care, reach the capitol, do whatever you want, and I'll throw in more Naddy troops to cause you grief.... Hmmm, flaming capitol doesn't sound too bad :/ Gunpowder or whatever won't be used like my fires, I just needed to find a way to validate Snowy's explosion. Which would have been hardly recognizable considering how it's deep in the bowels of the fort. Either way, all players survived so I don't see any major issues. If you want to argue something though, I'm more then willing to have a flame war Argument here.
  10. As I said fine, highly explosive powder, doesn't need to be gunpowder, and you're not honestly going to tell me that they didn't have anything explosive at the time are you? It's already posted anyway, and if you make me retcon it I'll have to turn it into a god-moded spell. And you're the one who introduced explosions Snowy. :/
  11. We'll see them again, there'd be no point in letting the leave alive otherwise. I would have killed them off myself. Conspiracy group will appear again, I was originally going to take control of some religious fanatic group, but this does just as well, and I don't have to follow Snowy's laws on Septimian reform. It's just easier. So where to now? Considering Viveka ordered the troops to storm the castle, Snowy and me blew the place up, I'm assuming most of them are dead now. Escape, or are you still going to choose to surrender?
  12. I don't really care, really, use of explosives was in my plan to begin with, was going to have soldiers set fire to the box of explosive themselves but your flamming tar pit is better. Either way, I want Selizara destroyed, and take a large chunk of the Elysimman troops with me. As well as kill off any survivors which might be used to extract information I don't want revealed yet :P I wasn't really clear what you meant by "all but the outer shell," is that the outer walls? or the insides of the main structure? Since I imagine the fort to have an external wall (like a city gate) and then another inside. Wasn't clear with that, but either way, my specialist unit should be enough to wipe out Selizara. @Gunpowder Depends on the era I suppose, but if we don't have gunpowder, I'm going to substitute with a magical powder which is just as explosive. :P So no matter
  13. Sorry Snowy, but Tar isn't naturally explosive, the fumes might be, but the tar itself is just highly flammeable. Therefore you'd need more then an average amount of tar to cause an explosion that big. So wiping out the entire fort wouldn't be possible :P
  14. Woman: "Master, It's time to.... leave?" The woman stated as she entered the room. Woman: "Master?" Seeing no traces of the man, the woman turned and headed to the portals, Messenger: "The eastern and southern bloc are aflame" Woman: "Hmm, very good, send the specialist force over with the crates" Messenger: "All 50 of them Ma'am?" Woman: "Yes, send all of them" Messenger: "Yes Ma'am" ~Messenger hurries off~ Woman: "Everyone else through the portals." Messenger2: "Ma'am?" Woman: "Through the gates, no talking back" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Elysimma's Capitol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???: General Upson, good evening. Upson: You! I thought I told you not to come here. ???: I'm terribly sorry sir, but we had an agreement. Upson: What? You supply me with.... the stuff- ???: -And you permit our use of fort Selizara, it's now burning in flames thanks to your soldiers. Upson: What? I haven't, wait, Jackson! That incompetent. ???: I'm terribly sorry but our contract is over goodbye. An aura of darkness eneveloped the man and he was gone, along with Upson's head. The former generals lifeless beheaded body lying before in the center of his office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Woman: "Survivors?" Messenger: "1/2 our troops, no one from the eastern and southern bloc yet." Woman: "No matter" Messenger "Ma'am? What was in those crates?" Woman: ".....Fort Selizara is no more." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selizara ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ George: "What are we supposed to do with this stuff?" Ben: "I don't know, The Maiden just told us to throw it on the fire." George: "How will that get us out of here?" Ben: "I don't know, maybe it's magical or something?" George: "Kay Benny, if you're sure." *Throws* *Boom!* XD
  15. Why didn't anyone consider escaping through the forest earlier then? Why was everyone geared towards surrender? :/ Ah well. Edit So she's outside with Chase, and she can issue orders inside the Fort, and discern that there's three parties involved... how?
  16. Also, in regards to you "tactician" can she move? XD I'm pretty sure I had countered that path somewhere, and now that I think about it, she's outside with Chase, so either she stays outside to keep an eye on Chase, or you have to restrain Chase and leave him in the care of someone else. (Even if she doesn't arrest Chase, someone else would if he's a well-known criminal) XD So you're all in the forest? I'm fine with either way, Phoenix's posts just seem to imply otherwise, and I strongly doubt a captain would go running head first into the flaming forest :P
  17. That depends on everyone's action, Lacuna's already headed out to the forest, and I pressume some of the others *coughKaicough* would be willing to run for the forests instead of surrendering. I'm not going to progress this much further since most of you'll start dropping off to sleep/work/school soon. So I'd rather leave that till later, your call on whether you powerplay everyone though, Lacuna's gone, and Kamilla's hiding somewhere. Edit: And I forgot there was an edit button XD
  18. I'm more of a chaos/anarchy person then a law/order type anyway :P I never knew fire could be used so effectively in battle, no wonder the Chinese used it in battles whenever it was applicable :/ Unfortunately Snowy, I'm an atheist! (Nyahaha, but let's not argue that here) And don't believe in you evil spirits, nor do I have the power to listen to the voices of spirits and ghosts, so if your going to spirit me, then I can't hear you ~lalalala~ (Yes I'm aware you didn't mean that type of spirit)
  19. I'm sort of confused there, Arrin/Kelas ran to the forest, but the rest seem to be still standing where they were with arrows raining down on them, and fire everywhere, with their hands in the air, like they just don't careXD
  20. Lacuna <3 Hypocrisy? No, no, no. They're enemies, enemies don't require logic. Jk They have no intention of attacking group. My target from the very beginning has been the army outside. If a large number of troops were besieging your fort wouldn't you return fire? -If it's abandoned then there's no reason I can't steal it for myself. -Only reason they're attacking the group is thanks to Lacuna. @Phoenix, possibly, but that's assuming your character understand what's happening, from the Elysimman army's perspective, Chase's group, teamed up with another group of bandits and are attacking. At the very least I doubt she'd be suspecting three forces when she enters the fort. Secondly, Fire is still focused on the cavalry, from their perspective it could just be cover fire for them getting away. (I'm also looking forward to what excuse you have for Viveka, one they reclaim the fort and find it empty, Viveka: Who was in the Fort attacking us? Group: Buh? I dunno XD @Snowy: You forbid me from using in chapter 4 :P And killing/maiming the group. In the escape from Istample :P Not my fault someone put a forest right beside the fort <_< It was just too tempting. @Lacuna: Your problem, I can't kill you, but I can try XD
  21. Nice try Lacuna, but you seem to have forgotten my specialty XD *End of the world music plays* ~Inside the Fort~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???: "Master, the bandits that sneaked into the fort have returned fire, as ordered we will begin eliminating them as well." ???: "Fool, let the go, they can do no harm. How much longer until the mages complete the gates?" Woman: "Several more minutes sir, should we send out troops?" ???: "Heh, no. Set the fort on fire, we no longer have a use for this place." Woman: "As you wish great master." Woman:The master has spoken, we are to prioritize the completion of the portal runes, he has also order the destruction of the fort, along with it's evacuation. Cloaked Man: Yes Ma'am. Woman: Have them switch to fire arrows, don't forget to set the nearby tree's on fire as well, there's bound to be a few soldiers in there. Cloaked Man: Yes Ma'am. Woman: Get to it then. OoC: Cease Fire Switch to fire arrows! Resume Fire! XD Nyahahahahahahahaha Also attempt to post like Phoenix -fail
  22. Right, and exactly what I wanted, if the group shows hostility it's all the more reason to attack them, usually I'd have to split my arrows between the group and the army, I even considered focusing on the group giving the army outside a temporary break, but with all of you in the same place, it makes it so much easier XD Phoenix's timing for making the mounts enter was perfect. XD Raise your hands in the air while we shoot at you XD
  23. Several second of silence followed as the archers within the fort stopped shooting, but it wasn't long for them to resume, apparently they were taking turns at sniping at the army outside instead of having one archer constantly in on position. As the cavalary burst into the open court where the group had been, the arrows rained down on both the group and approaching cavalry, causing more chaos within the area then there should have been. Shout of anger echoed as soldiers fell all over the place. OoC: I refuse to accept all the arrows are missing, and would like to see you calm down an troop of cavalry that are having a nice shower of arrows Phoenix :P
  24. Excellent Lacuna! *Is nearly tempted to hug Kelas and Arrin's for their reaction* Ah, they are with their troops, no matter, in that case it's the just promoted "captain's" fault for not being able to control her men when their confused XD lol @ Headmaster, hope we get a name soon. :P @Lacuna, two different arrows, one for Kelas aiming at them, another for shocking the tower :P And don't worry, they'll suffer recoil for that, but thanks to you, group needs to make a decsision now or they'll have arrows stuck in them before the cavalary get in XD
  25. Fine by me birdy :P The longer you take to respond, the more kills I get citing the cause of the mass casualties as the group being confused (That's what you get for taking both Captains inside!) XD How big is the army outside anyway?
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