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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Someone really wanted a battle XD Hmmm, what to do, what to do :/
  2. Someone remembered Helios's sorry little corpse~ XD
  3. I know it's not the end of the chapter, but a slight skip to entering the capitol might be necessary. Unless you plan to fill this entire chapter up with desperate banter. Once everyone's had time to respond, (Another 12 hours from now?) Either way, I think this is done for today :/ *Needs to go in 15 minutes too* Need to tend to my student. *Feels like Katie*
  4. Indeed, I have never cuddled a lizard before. Is that some sort of US craze? Since frankly, I doubt the sanity of that country. (or mankind in general). Not complaining, just trying to understand the logic behind cuddling a big reptile. @Phoenix, I wanted to see an evil Iso, planning to kill off the CW wielders so Irina would give up >_< Only I'd think of that I guess
  5. I always thought of wyverns as scaly :/ Or at least snake skin-like. You people are treating it like fur XD *Is very confused* I was hoping Snowy would phrase the "cold/wet" part differently. "It's cold and I'm wet" could sound seductive in the right tone and circumstances :P ^She couldn't get Damian, so she just mounted whatever other soldier was around? :/ Makes sense to me, crushed hearts do that to a girl sometimes :/
  6. Implausible = Not an option, Unless we want to go through another mini flame war... which wasn't really much of a flame war anyway <_< *Deleted Message* Will refer to what I was going to say there at a latter date (possibly once we get moving and head to the capitol?) I doubt escape is what people intend to do, most people got captured willingly, Half of you want to be caged. And the remaining half are badly injured. (Maybe a few who are being defiant Damian/Esphyr) @Snowy, if you're talking about the RP'ers, I'd say yes, we've spoken to eachother way more then Damian/Aiya ever did XD Mindless bickering, true. But supports don't need to be friendship/love according to this RP so, I'd say a A / B would be appropriate XD As for C, I wasn't being serious, more referring to how she's probably spoken more to those soldiers then anyone else in the group with the exception of Damian.
  7. Yay! I have escaped imprisonment? I'm wondering how Eric plans to blend into the group, it works now, but he can't just keep popping out of nowhere, then joining up again, every time there's a stat battle. (And considering I'll be following him around for awhile, neither can Kamilla. Cause there's no way in hell she's going to trade following some traveler, for traveling with a group of wanted criminals who she doesn't like, that return her feelings). Hmm, guess I better talk to Snike about it. @Group thing. So pretty much, they're just hounding a group without any specific details on appearances or names, (bar Chase). That works for me :/ Well not really, now I don't want to send soldiers into Istample Inn cause that'll put me back to square one. (Wanted criminal) And the biggest crime I'm guilty of is helping criminals, (I can argue unwillingly! XD) *Is looking forward to how you people plan to get out of this one though* (Since escape isn't an option apparently) Edit: Considered PM's but I don't like'em. >_< If it's urgent/important I'll ask via PM, but otherwise I'll ask here first :/ Also, Esphyr/Soldier Support C attained? XD
  8. Moving back to the RP, I think it's safe for you to move the group along towards the capitol after a bit, Damians demands have pretty much been met, (Don't restrain us + Take us to the Capitol). So the only other thing to do is to actually get moving. I have a question. I asked before, got ignored, If I get ignored again, I'm going to spam the question at both Snowy/Phoenix in a PM until I get a response. Question: What are the guards using as a base to "arrest" the group? Does each group member have a separate "wanted" poster type thing, or have they just been chasing "a group?" Overall the only thing I really want to know is, If a guard* saw Kamilla would they try to arrest her? *A extremely informed guard who checked the wanted criminal list daily.
  9. Good, no one can read it, Though I get the feeling Bal will change that.... I also think I'll get ninja'd Edit: Victory!? XD @ Phoenix's soldier army. XD It's like an army of Lev's and Ivan's XD Hmm, fine, I don't hate you, I loathe you :/ To be honest, I can't get myself to hate anyone online XD I'll say it to pretty much everyone, but you don't impact my life greatly enough to make an actual impression. Likewise I could say I like Cynthia, but through an online medium, I can't get interested enough to form any actual friendships. @Cooperate Snike abducted Kamilla, chances of it happening rise significantly. @Innocent Only way to prove innocence is to lie, Fact is, the group is guilty (except my last attack) Iso did set fire to the Inn, Irina did steal from guards, and the group has killed soldiers... multiple times XD @Snowy 100% in basic japanese. 90% in terms of practical usage in Japan, Yours was more Person: "Pass me a beer" You: "Where is the beer?" "Beeru wa doko ni arimasuka?" Would be more correct if you're asking (initiating the conversation). But as I said, it's correct, and it's not something an average Uni/college graduate would pick up on. Personally I agree with your logic there, there's no sense in learning another language if you don't actually have plans to use it in my opinion. One of my cousins speak Spanish, French, English, Japanese and Chinese <_< But the only two he actually uses are the last two, and the first three are getting sketchier with each passing year. There's more important things to learn.... like Bal said though, our time might be better spent studying then foruming if we were serious about learning though.
  10. Nyeh, I've met my fair share of anime-Japanese learners, I remember one guy years ago who thought every Japanese sentence ended with dattebayo <_<. Most decent non-native Japanese speaker I've come across online is Rey, (Shadowofchaos) he's around here somewhere XD. If anyone's serious about trying their Japanese on me, I've got msn and AOL, but I assume you're all just messing with me XD @Snowy, That song's probably the first Japanese song I can say I actually bothered to learn to sing XD @Phoenix, I hate you -_- Why must you keep that infernal quote? Ah well. ケンカ する ほど 仲 が いい とも 言う。 :/ Japanese proverb/saying that came to mind when I read that comment. :/ Anyway, so the route from here, is -Stike deal with Viveka -Escorted to the Capitol -Shanice event(?) -Stuff? Out of curiosity, didn't the people of this time have some sort of judicial system? Wasn't aware the military could just pass off crimes as nothing without consulting other arms of the nation. (Pardon from the King would probably work, but I doubt that's where this is heading) @Snowy: How do you ask where the beer is?.
  11. Silence is up. Not much we can do until Viveka/Chase/Damian finish their three way. @Phoenix I can not teach you Japanese <_< No, cause I don't like you. Honestly though, I've tried online teaching before, and it's a pain for both sides. And seldom results in any decent results. In aural, oral and written. You can forget the aural part since they won't listen to anything other then their favourite Naruto episode. Oral is possible, but there's no way to check their not just reading off their notes. And written.... well I can ask them to send stuff over, but it was nearly always just crap thrown into google translate, or some other program. (And Google translate just butchers things beyond recognition) Tutoring is hell though, when teaching little kids, they don't do their homework. Nady likes old men. (old being 30+) They do their homework, and actually make progress. Old women (30+) are just impossible to work with. (I had one lady about a month ago(?) who started trying to give me fashion tips for the whole lesson, 45minutes) Doubt you were being serious, but only way to learn another language is through direct teaching. (A course) self-study doesn't work, nor do tapes, videos or exercise books. Tutoring should be taken as supplements to the main course of study IMO. /Ranting.
  12. Nady policy is to say what she wants, when she wants. And doesn't see the point of blanketing/sugar coating her opinions on a matter. (As you probably have all painfully noticed by now) So if someone wants to swear, then I don't really see the point of censoring etc. Even Using cr*p doesn't really work since everyone pretty much knows what it supposed to mean. But yeah, if you're going to swear and can be bothered censoring them all the time, I don't think Serenes would have a problem with it. *Needs to checks which one Lev is* .... ....... *Plays Green Sleeves* Ah the one that actually gets women :/ Don't know, but again I doubt you plan to have Ivanko's crew traveling with the group for long periods of time anyway. (Unless you're honestly going to control 7 people at once XD) Nady works >_< Which is partially the reason why she gets angrier as the day goes by. Nady translates documents from Japanese<->English, helps makes worksheets for the Japanese curriculum for schools in her local area, and tutors little kids. Don't ask about the 3 dozen tombstones out the back But obviously I don't tutor between posts XD
  13. Does Serenes even have rules against cussing though? I mean cussing at someone else (Eg Nady->Phoenix) is probably not allowed but I could have sworn I read somewhere that this place didn't have trouble with cussing. Staying in character shouldn't be an issue in that case then. Iso/Iri/Viv don't seem like frequent cussers, and the others are only temporal pop-in characters right? And even then, I doubt you'll be stupid enough to just have them swearing for one sentence straight. Censors and spoilers don't tend to work IMO, because people get curious and highlight/click them anyway :P Though I guess you can say you "tried" if you ever get in trouble for it XD ^Too much time online? I probably haven't even posted a dozen posts outside of the creativity section. And still 7 :/
  14. Sexual jokes are fine, it's not like their being graphical and all (if you get graphical a higher authority then Snowy comes into the picture, XD And Ether'll get banned in S support XD) @Atheist Don't know why :/ Maybe because religious people find it insulting? (I know some do) Especially God damn it. I remember being told back at school not to say the "Lords" name in vain :/ Anyway it's not like I'm really referring to a god, Christian or not. :/ @Snike, Never thought that far XD Promotion.... crap what'll I do then <_< Ah well, worry about it later I suppose. Most likely a staff if I do, but dancers don't promote do they? :/ (Kamilla is custom dancer class)
  15. @Snike, I get 5exp for buffing, so it's not like I miss out on exp altogether XD (They also count as battle posts when counting the 5 posts wait) It's just going to be a really long process, on the plus side though, I get to stand around the back, and seldom get attacked on enemy turns. So overall it's not really too great a disadvantage. I don't really care if she falls behind in levels, mainly cause making her stronger is like trying to make a cleric that does more physical damage then a Berserker (pointless/hopeless). & Omg! Phoenix responded! XD On a different note, Cynthia and Snowy are going to be away for this weekend or something right? Slow weekend?
  16. Pffft sore loser :P @Snike In theory she has 2(?) Mag so she can, but it was part of my agreement with Snowy when making the character that I wouldn't use her to attack. (It's also in her backstory that she lacks the ability to use staffs and tomes) So technically, no. She can't use her tome to attack. (Edit: She can, but her light attack magic is the equivalent of giving someone a nasty pinch) XD
  17. Pessimist was going to be knocked out for the entire ordeal anyway, and even with Kamilla gone, I'm already forming how to ruin your plot again:P Just need to wait a bit longer to get a clear vision of what'll happen in the future before actually coming up with anything solid. (And judging from Eric mentioning Ilyphina, we'll probably be joining up with the main group before long anyway :/ @Snike: Kamilla's bound to fall behind in Exp anyway, since she can never get more then 5 exp. @Bal: Don't worry, I'm sure I'm much more horrid to work with, hence your "horrid'ness" is eclipsed by me :P
  18. @Phoenix 1: It's Mark... not Helios XD @Kai 2:It roughly 10 miles from Selizara to the inn. Well, 10+1/4 miles. So Eric and Kamilla are a few hours ahead of everyone else. (Though counting and rescuing the dead who take a good long time too. @Phoenix, since you all seem to have missed my hint, how is everyone seeing things? The sun went down ages ago, and the moon/stars are blocked by clouds. Torches would get extinguished by the rain. So I assume the army have covered lamps all over the place. (This would make accounting for soldiers and finding them, difficult, so I'm assuming we're only a few hours apart in timespan atm)
  19. Reluctantly taking the cloak, she put it on, noting how it had a faint odor and wrinkling her nose. As she finished the man told her she had a room at the inn, and she opened her mouth in protest, but the man seemed to have anticipated her actions and quickly cut her off. After saying what he wanted he, Eric swiftly turned around and disappeared into the inn. Kamilla hesitated, standing alone in the dark alone, raining pelting down at her. Her clothes underneath the cloak had been drenched on their way here and she knew her skin was as cold as that of a corpse. Sighing, she entered the inn bowing her head slightly as she saw the matron, A greeting, and secretly an apology for the trouble they must have caused her earlier. Before the matron could say anything she swiftly went up the stairs and into the 2nd room, she paused and contemplated going into the third room instead. It had been the one she was supposed to have used earlier, and the idea of sleeping in a bed that had been either used by Isotov or Chase disgusted her. Deciding it couldn't hurt she headed to the third room. She felt her way to the bed Tessa had most likely used (the one that was originally hers) and was about to dive in, but changed her mind. Quickly removing the cloak and throwing it on where she thought the neighbouring bed was, she frowned and then started undressing herself, she wasn't about to go to sleep in drenched clothes. It wasn't exactly a freezing cold night, but she didn't feel like waking up with a cold. Having nothing to change into she slumped down into the bed, and wrapped the sheets around herself. She was tired, and the long trek back had done her body no good. She closed her eyes trying to drift off to sleep when she heard footsteps outside. She swiftly jumped out of bed and tried to hide somewhere, but before she could find anywhere to hide, the footsteps slowly faded into the darkness. Only the sound of pattering rain could be heard, and she shivered. She glanced over to where the window should have been, only to find that it was too dark for her to even make out the difference between outside and inside. Slowly getting back in bed, she curled up in a fetal position, trying to ignore the darkness and emptiness around her. She hated rainy night, there wasn't any light, and it didn't help being in such a large room all by herself. "What if she was the last person alive in the world?" She shivered at the though, constantly telling herself she was being stupid. But the thought kept crawling back into her mind. She thought she could even see inhumane figures reaching out to her in the darkness.
  20. Nighty night Snike, guess that's it for the RP (At least we managed to reach the next page!) Guess I'll be off too then, since there's not much else that can be done today :/ *Is happy with the amount of chaos she caused today, and will go treat herself to something special*
  21. Not really sure where they were heading she followed Eric to the entrance of a cave that looked similar to the one Chase had led them to earlier that day. "Sure, No one knows about them" she said inaudibly, as they headed off towards Istample through the route they'd passed earlier that day. She glanced back, caves didn't look like they were maintained and that explosion had most likely forced several section to cave in. No point using that hole in the ground anymore. Kamilla looked around wearily, this place had most likely been crawling with soldiers several hours ago, but now there wasn't any evidence of the soldiers having ever been there. She let out a sigh of relief but quickly glared at Eric as she noticed him glance at her. Did he just smile at her? Here she was, worried that a soldier would jump out and grab her and the guy was laughing at her. Before she had time to scold the man, he turned and headed for the inn. Kamilla hesitated, if the soldiers had asked about the innkeeper about them then there was a high chance they'd somehow alert the authorities and she'd wake up to a room full of metal clad men and spears pointed at her face. "Uh, you go ahead" she tried to hide her reasons but the man seemed to have caught on to something "They'll recognize me from earlier today, and might report me, I'll sleep outside tonight" she said looking around for a tree or something she could slump herself against.
  22. Hmmm, so Damian/Aiya/Viveka: Negotiating Chase: Nearby, most likely bound by rope. Esphyr/Katie/Kelas/Arrin/Isotov/Irina: Captured and together? Tessa: RIP I mean trench near prisoners, currently going insane Morgan/Helios/Mark: Unaccounted for? Conrad: Capitol Eric/Kamilla: On the road again? Few questions, is Kamilla "wanted" due to her association with the group, or is she not considered part of the group? Curious, I don't mind either way, but I thought I'd just keep that in mind. I doubt Eric is wanted though, Just something I wanted to check for future references. Due to Elysimma being pretty much run by Chase and Phoenix now. I'm happy to leave the choice to either of you (preferably the latter of the two). @Snike, You forget you are cursed with Murphy's law, and if you haven't, You are forgetting you are traveling with a character who is controlled by a player who is the cause of Murphy's law XD I assume quite a bit of time has passed for us then? (Also caves would have been no good anyway. We both took the land route remember, though I applaud you for disabling the caves *
  23. Too much attention to detail, a Titanic that doesn't float? You skipped the iceberg and the sex scene between DiCaprio and Winslut part >_< Nice work though, very impressive.
  24. OoC: Kamilla may disappear off the face of the planet, but don't rest yet, she may and most likely will appear at worst possible time to kill you all! I'll be back! *Meanwhile Nady will continue to oversee you all and throw down her fire sticks down upon you* Kamilla looked at the man again and raised an eyebrow. She didn't trust the man, but there was no sense in staying here and waiting for a soldier to capture her. And she didn't have the confidence to wander through the countryside alone and unarmed even if they were close to the capitol. "I suppose so, but I'm only following you since I have nothing better to do" she said emphasizing certain parts of the sentence, "And I'm not letting you out of my sight until I've repaid any debt I owe you."
  25. You can not implode the Nady, :/ The Nady is constantly exploding, imploding and attacking everything possible, including herself Anyway, Phoenix, would be nice if you could speed up the destroyed reaction of soldiers. Everyone just seems to be sitting around, (Though I suppose you need Damian(Ether) to progress any further anyway.
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