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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Kamilla raised an eyebrow as Irina walked past, not really sure what to say. "Uh, okay" she managed to get out before returning to cooking her eggs. She frowned then shook her head as if to clear her mind. Several moments passed before she let out a sigh and walked across the room and grabbed a few things from the store room. As she dumped the ingredients on the table she looked outside to see Arrin snooping around. "Guess it couldn't hurt" she said to herself before busying herself again.
  2. Because Rein was controlling him (not Snowy) and I think the general consensus of that post was that it was slightly (or completely) out of character
  3. I'm not missing anything, you're just not providing a point other then "Chase is a criminal, and he's done something so bad that anyone in Elyisimma would recognize him" If he hasn't done something horrible, then Conrad is abusing the public system for personal interests and could be called "corrupt" in a sense. Again, I'm willing to leave this argument until you're willing to openly explain why Chase is a criminal. But if you and Kai are going to keep ranting, there's nothing stopping me from jumping in and expressing my concerns.
  4. I'd think he wouldn't be interested in "wanted posters" and dismiss them as the ramblings of commoners :/ And have his eyes glued to the poster next to it promoting a new brand of chocolate. Funny how the RP goes silent when I post, I'm not scheming something with every post you know?
  5. The thing regarding wanted criminals..... you do know Percy isn't in the military anymore right? He wouldn't be aware of every criminal there is. I'd like it if you could PM myself (though if that's a problem Cynthia) about what Chase did that warrants him so much attention. Cause from what I've read of Percy he's more concerned with himself then those around him. And for him to notice something like Chase, Chase would have had to cause a crime on the national scale.
  6. I'm not siding with Kai in regards to Percy remembering Helios. Infact I think it's just Kai providing his argument in a poor format, I think what he wants to say is. "Why would Percy remember Chase? An archer who only shot at him for an instant in the chaotic field of battle?" Then used the poor argument "He's not likely to remember anyone, if anyone left an impression on him, it's probably Helios" Since I doubt Kai's trying to trying to make Jackson take an interest in Helios. It's essentially up to what Chase did to become a criminal. I agree that Damian and Katie would have made more of an impression, considering the reason he retreated I'd say Katie gets higher priority over Chase either way @Kai, I mentioned that when Chase started confessing "I'm a criminal, don't kill me" Didn't have any impact then, doubt it will now
  7. I'm really hoping I can get along with Viveka, though it's unlikely considering how I'm already going down the flame trail with Conrad :/ Yay! More characters for me to hate on Character control guides..... eh, not too sure about making a guide for one off characters like Percy. As the enemy I don't think players should be able to control him at all. I probably would have had Percy just brush past Jackson rudely, and have a soldier fill him in on the details. Again, I'm going to leave your "Look at Chase! He's important!" post alone until I find out what Chase did that warrants him so much attention. (At the moment he better of at least killed a renown general, anything further and I'm going to assume he attempted noble/royalty genocide.
  8. Kamilla sighed as she stirred a small pot, apparently she'd been awake for awhile now, she was even starting to question whether it really was sunlight that had woken her up. But that didn't matter, she poured the contents in the bowl into a cup and then the remainder in a small jar. She could hear people moving around now, and she figured it must be pretty early, she hesitated but figured the matron wouldn't be in any mood to cook breakfast after last night. But then again, she didn't want to waste food on people who'd complain about poison. Shrugging her shoulders she began preparing her own breakfast.
  9. Since I'm probably the only one planning to hurt the poor grounded ponies, I'm going to decide that killing of "character horses" won't happen, that is, horses which were made on signup due to it being a requisite of the class (Eg Amari=Nomad Trevor=Troubadour Kiev-Wyvern) and in that sense I'll leave Mark's horse alone as well. Nothing preventing me from whacking Luna(?) though. As for reasoning "I don't like you" and "I'm bored" are reasons for me to start schemeing something, not for the actual kill. Since it'd just be crazy spam if Kamilla suddenly started poisoning stuff without reason. (Reason has been explained to some, kept quiet to others) @Cynthia I agree that Ian is a waste of space (and apparently not with us, but scouting) Mark seems to be slowly coming out of the darkness and interacting since Iso's flaming inn. Could wait a bit longer to see how that ends up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On a completely undrelated note, I'm going to agree with Kai, that posts seems to put Percy out of character from what I've seen so far, and he treats Jackson with too high regard. All I'm going to say is that Chase better ave commited a major crime against Elysimma to be remembered off the top of a heroes head, and if the reason is something stupid like "he did something bad in the army" I'm going to beat him and Jackson to a pulp for wasting Elysimman funds on something so trivial, and overestimating their importance.
  10. If that's what you want Kai, :D It works well either way for me, though if that's true, then you'll regret bringing that up later. Horses are Npc's which are controlled by the character, I'd probably say in cases like Kiev and Amari such an action may cause complications due to them making regular appearances. However I can't even even remember Helios's horse, and still can't recall Mark even having one (Sure it's somewhere if Lacuna knows about it)
  11. If you're so psycho make your own RP XD Nyeh, considering birdbrain's activity he should be able to handle 3 I think, not too sure about Lacuna, but I wouldn't say she's incapable. We still haven't even integrated Snike into the party yet, and we're getting hit with new characters XD
  12. For the sake of mobility, I really wouldn't increase the party's size much more then what it currently is. It's already pretty decent in size, add two new pegasus's at once and... well, I guess it won't matter after I eliminate Kai's horses. @Snowy, can't you just PM Phoenix what you've got written on Pegasi so far, and have him work off that?
  13. Warning Level 5: Fire danger approaching. Skip immediately or I'll set the inn on fire. And I've even thought of a legitimate reason.
  14. Can we seriously skip to the next day? <_<
  15. Perfect chance for Cynthia to take over and cast you aside then? The timing is right, rebellion! @Phoenix, For some reason I doubt anyone is looking forward to it, I'll read it when you put it up, but it's not like I'm counting down the hours until it's done, I'm sure others are the same. @Cynthia, That was my impression too, but considering the lack of enemy turn up until now I'd pretty much never die (suppose the 5 post thing'll change that though) Anyway, despite supporting it's usage I probably won't use InvCastle then XD My buff rate is a set number, moves on allies don't miss, and no counter XD Yay, (Though I'll use it when Reika gets back)
  16. 1: Nyeh, would prevent me from finger pointing people and saying they have too much exp:P Also can I get 10exp from buffing the enemy leader? XD 2: As I said, the ones that don't use it, are probably the ones I want to point the finger at the most XD But ah well, I'm not really affected by dice rolls anyway unless I can somehow miss buffing an ally, I'm wondering if I need to throw in an enemy attack after a buff though. Unlikely if we're going with FE, but don't know, will have to ask Snowy there. 3: Hmm, 8 players, 5 battle posts, seems fair enough.
  17. 1: Fine, but I'd recommend getting a tally of all exp (count yourself or get players to count themselves) and round it down to the nearest multiple of 5. I'd also recommend starting every chapter with a list at the beginning with player exp (that way it'd just be adding the new exp to the old list) We had a player list before after I demanded it, but it kind of disappeared XD. 2: Shut up Birdie, you've said yourself, you noticed miracle rolls in the last battle. On topic though, What's the point in strongly recommending, cheaters aren't going to use it then, and the ones which do are most likely going to be the ones which were being honest. (aka no one XD jk) 3: Question, is it 5 battle posts, or 5 posts?
  18. OoC: Err Tessa and Kamilla switched rooms (So Tessa and Arrin could make the bed go squeakie squeak all night long, so you're either in the wrong room, or that ain't Tessa, Omg! It's Shanice! XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time-warp to next morning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kamilla opened her eyes as a ray of sunshine hit her face, her neck was killing her and her body felt so tired she might as well have slept on a rock. Rubbing her eyes she looked around and found that she had indeed slept on a rock. XD "Oh, right" she said to herself quietly as she recalled going out to collect herbs and then deciding anywhere was better then a room filled with the knife brandishing madman (not Kelas) and the upstart mage. She looked at the few leaves she'd collected last night, fortunately one would help with muscle cramps if boiled. More importantly though, her hair was a mess, she sighed and headed slowly back to the inn.
  19. He did, just wasn't sure if he meant I could time skip when I felt like it, or if he was going to do it himself. (And not many of the others have asked for a timeskip today, and several characters still seem to be semi-interacting) Snowy should be on soon anyway, if someone else posts though, I'm making my post morning, with or without Snowy. *Tries to summon Snowy*
  20. *Yawns* Stupid Snowy, I did tell you that a timeskip to the next day was required, *Regretting waking up today* Should have slept in :/
  21. Possibly? I'm not giving anything away since it puts my plan at risk :P And now that I have a new external source, it should be easier to make hell for the group XD
  22. Wait, maybe it is midday, or evening, sorry was a remark exclusive to my timezone, though technically it's morning :/ (6:17Am) but it's still dark outside so night XD
  23. We kill enough time in OoC :/ I mean OoC is now longer then the RP chapters combined :/ If you're so bored, do something in the RP. But yeah, looking at the new responders, doesn't seem to be too popular, if you're really that bored and want to fight, as I said before training/sparring, (in PM's atm since it's unlikely people would be sparring this late at night) Alternatively you could write a bit about whatever nation Helios is from (Tora?) in the article thing Lacuna set up. After all, you do keep referencing it.
  24. I don't see any reason for it either though, since everyone I've seen commenting on it so far has not expressed any interest in it. Furthermore, why can't you just do PvP battles in the RP thread like we did way back when Reika was attacking everyone? You don't exactly need "permission" to make it, but it's really a waste of space if you can't get people to participate. What's it for anyway? PvP doesn't yield any exp and considering how everyones stats are near equal it's really just a luck thing if you're including stats, if you're talking about RP'ing a battle between two characters, again it should be in the RP thread, in the form of a sparring session or something. ^^^Achievement unlocked (already)! Chase and Helios agreed on something XD
  25. Kamilla frowned, tonight seemed longer then usual, she had heard the two soldiers talking with Esphyr earlier but having heard nothing interesting, she decided there really wasn't any need to listen in. She figured if she didn't have anything to do, she might as well go collect a few herbs, as a apprentice priest, she'd been forced to study herbs as an alternative to healing, most of her knowledge consisted of what herbs could act to heal what sort of illness, but while studying, it was inevitable that she'd learn which herbs were poisonous and not to be used under any circumstances. She doubted she'd find anything useful, but it wasn't like she had anything better to do. "Ah well, might as well go find myself a few fatal poisons" she said out to the moon. Stretching she headed over to a cluster of shrubs she'd seen when they'd arrived.
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