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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. No stat NPC's, if you're going to fight them, just beat'em up and run through. (Aka Plot enemies, not stat enemies) Might want to make it quick though, since more guards = pain. You didn't specify how many guards, so I just it made 2 Guards 1 Commanding man As for recognizing Aiya's armor, Celeste did it earlier and there was no qualms so I'm assuming there's distinctive marking or design in Haltons armor. Reasons for no stats -Too much effort -Only three guards -We outnumber the guards, and them being wtf strong doesn't make any sense, -I'd rather hold out for the big battle Cynthia/Snowy will do sometime later in the chapter
  2. OoC: Hmph, Phoenix offers more of a challenge. The guards eyed the group suspiciously, the man wasn't making any sense, there weren't supposed to be any soldiers situated at Istample, furthermore the man who had put forward the note seemed to not really care about the incident and his tone and choice of words emphasized this. This wasn't a man who was seeking aid, but just a typical mercenary delivering a message. The guard reached for the red gem, but quickly withdrew his hand as his colleuge frowned and raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine, go ahead" the guard said getting out of their way. As the group attempted to pass, another voice called out headed their way from the other side of the gate, "Wait a second" he yelled commandingly rooting the group in place. "What's this groups excuse?" he asked demandingly at one of the pair. The soldier hesitated but explained to him what Eric had said earlier and the man smirked. "A mercenary group with a savage animal wearing a decent clothes? This is why I keep requesting we have competent guards at our gates" he said pointing his finger at Kelas. He looked over the group again. He glared at one of the girls and shook his head, "arrest them, they're the criminals we're looking for" he said drawing his sword. "Kill the others if they resist, but leave the Halton wench, we have questions for her"
  3. @Phoenix <_< Brings in her explosives @Kai, I budget FE, usually having my characters hold fire tomes and Iron swords in the later levels XD So I never used Fimbulvaya XD @Lacuna, Water = H2O :/ Can't be too hard to transfer floating elements and create water, and freezing something is little different from burning. IMO opinion anyway, it'd be easier then dark magic XD
  4. Not sure, Water/Ice is a basic element in most fantasy magic :/ I assume originally it was to maintain a triangle anima/dark/light. But can't imagine any reason why Ice/Water tomes didn't exist. Has been a bug in my closet since I first played FE :/ Iso+Caputure= Ilyphina on Fire :/ Doesn't even need to go as far as capture, soldier tapping his on the soldier would be enough XD
  5. I'm willing to see how the coupon goes, (Red gem has a 10% chance of working). Don't mind who controls the guards we pass, but I'm going to take (or create if you people are mean) at least one guard :P To make it a challenge. :P @Phoenix Hmmm? Ilyphina on fire? XD
  6. I'll let you handle it then Snikey, let's see if you're more fun to play with then Phoenix XD *Interested in what this coupon is* *Is hoping he doesn't mean a scrap of paper with the words 'village razed' written on it*
  7. Well, I forgot that part until I started writing my second post, and going to say her disgruntled look was due to cross-dressing. (Not surprising since I've seen past examples) Bow= A crossdressers weapon? :P
  8. Kamilla sighed with relief when told that Ulfrhahn was fine, but quickly observed the group again. I could probably convince the guards I was heading to the church in Ilyphina with an urgent message, Those who can prove themselves to be part of the clergy usually don't get questioned too much at the gates, and a quick blessing from the goddess and a few hand gestures and most are happy to let me pass. "Though I guess our numbers are too big for that, Could probably bluff our way throught that with Eric and Aiya, but the rest of you... well I suppose you two could pose as TISME mages, which is the obvious choice, but I was pretty sure they had a uniform, so that might not be a good idea. Hmmmm" Looking at Morgan she shrugged her shoulders "No idea, did you have a specific bluff in mind? Claiming to be travelers would seem suspicious anyway, and there's a chance the guards that captured you have been assigned to watch each gate"
  9. Sorry, got a phone call, then bombarded with work, and probably was missing for about 2 hours XD Not much happened anyway @Kai, you can find his stats a few pages back if you want it, no skills, but any non-trackable PvP rolls that involve me attacking someone, or me being attacked, will count as 0dmg. And I'll disregard it, otherwise it's just not fair. Anyway, (skill=evade)=Attack Miss still? Or did that rule get changed?
  10. Kamilla turned around slowly expecting to be held at sword point again, but managed a small smile as she recognized who it was, though the smile immediately faded as Helios spoke up and she noticed Kelas in the background. Looking around she frowned, wondering where the rest of the group had gone, but decided it best not to ask, especially since the last time she'd seen them they were between two opposing armies, and it was likely at least something had died in the chaos. She paused and looked around again, and her face paled a bit, "Where's Ulfhrahn?" she asked Aiya uncertainly, she didn't know if she was entitled to ask, but the wyvern had technically saved her life before. She knew Eric's question was most likely more important to the group as a whole, but she'd prefer not walking into the capitol with convicted criminals if possible. She also noticed that Amari wasn't around and the nomad seeming disgruntled, but she ignored that, the nomad usually had an unpleasant look upon his face when they made eye contact anyway (I still think Kelas is a he XD)
  11. Well we could encounter Aiya's group, but since Kai and Ether aren't around, I don't see any good in that idea just yet. *shrugs* Kai's getting less active lately and I don't see Rein as often as I used to after I blew up Selizara Edit: Then Ether shows up XD Could go for the meet-up now I guess, forgot Kelas was with them too :/
  12. Hmm, a few posts here, but nothing important in the RP? :/ Ah well, guess it's nothing new. Out of curiosity how many others noticed the Ixion thing before you decided to be blatantly obvious?
  13. @#1 Yeah, those stupid things. @#2Wait a sec, when did anyone end up owing Conrad anything? If he does pardon them, except a Nady Npc to start demanding his dismissal, or at least a demotion. Generals have power, but not power to do whatever the hell they please, and there's bound to be opposition for such injustice. @Lacuna: Careful, they might not have the two in terms of description, but they'd probably suspect anyone coming and going at the moment, I'd recommend waiting a bit before passing through.
  14. At least you people have a sob story <_< Only change in my day was that I found out that one of the kids I teach like to doodle on his kanji practice sheets, and that he has a love of those little helicopter/tank gun etcetc shooting thingies <_< If ever in doubt, that summarizes what's happening pretty well in all cases :/ Though not so much this time, Damian took Cynthia's bait and half the group are fleeing now, still wondering how a Viveka/Conrad recruitment is possible. :/ Oh and you have the go ahead for a Arrin/Kelas support and/or Arrin/Tessa support.
  15. "Hmmm, okay then Eric" she said reluctantly, but the thunder interested her more. "True, but what would they be attacking? I mean, it's not everyday that a group of people decide to openly head to the capitol and have to fight the TISME mages" she had a feeling the clap of thunder was related to the group she'd been traveling with until now but kept quiet, "It's be ironic if that was your friends spell" she said half joking. She wasn't sure if it had been the hint at the groups danger or the mentioning of his childhood friend, but Eric seemed to have increased his speed a little, quickly catching up and maintaning a fast paced walk she followed Eric, she estimated they were an hour and a bit from the capitol, not too far, but not exactly close either.
  16. Answer: Yes, or at least that was my interpretation of "Maximillian's students focused the power of thunder upon the cage, shattering it." I got the impression it was one big clap of thunder that shattered it, but I suppose it could have been lots of little ones. :/ Either way I'm going to say I heard thunder, if that's no acceptable, the rain cloud that passed are off somewhere thundering about, and if that's still not okay, I'm willing to say it was Kamilla's imagination. Either way, not important IMO
  17. Identifying the dead, and accounting for them are two different things, Unless all the soldiers were conveniently lying within reach of a soldier who was unaffected. Finding them would take awhile. "A wagon" sure, "wagons" no :/ the overall speed of the group would have been at a walk pace anyway due to not all soldiers fitting into the wagons. (Some would have to be left behind and I refuse to believe there was enough wagons for the entire army, even with their decreased numbers. The ones walking are uninjured soldiers (btw) just to be clear, but rain would hamper progress significantly, especially after such a crushing loss of troops. As for not taking the corpses :/..... The point of them pulling them out was what? XD Also, wagons filled with injured people, tend to not be moving very fast... for obvious reasons. I'm not too fussed over this though, I've already indicated dawn in the RP, and have pointed out that Eric/Kamilla should be able to arrive in about 2 hours. I just didn't want to spend another day (tomorrow) waking up and watching people not post. We might even be able to join up with Aiya's group or Kelas before 2 hours depending on which direction they fled in. Either way, I'm expecting to be able to start flaming you all with Kamilla within 24 hours XD
  18. Kamilla winced, she could have sworn she had heard thunder earlier and it might have been her imagination, but she was certain that the sky had lit up slightly as well. She looked over at Eric who was walking unfazed by the strange occurrences. "Umm, Mr Eric sir" she asked uncertain about what she should address him as, she had been told his name, but she'd been taught to add a Mr or Sir, or some sort of word to the name when speaking to her elders, especially if she was indebted to them. Having got Eric's attention she continued "Doesn't the sky seem a bit odd?" she said indicating the sky up ahead.
  19. You wouldn't be able to get to Ilyphina by midnight, nuh uh, just not possible. Not when a good portion of your soldiers are injured. Furthermore, the excavation of injured soldiers and accounting for the dead alone should have taken a good few hours. Also it's 10 miles to the fort XD Not 5 :P Roughly calculating I'm going to say 3.5 hours between Istample and the Capitol. (12miles) Considering how without any obstacles a human can see an average heighted human from 3 miles away (as a speck) I'd say Eric/Kamilla can see the capitol soon, (Elysimma was barren flat land wasn't it?) I'm going to eat up 1 hours (started before sunrise) And then add another hour as time spent running away from guards, getting hit, recovering etcetc. That's now an 1 1/2 hours left, of which I'm going to speed up now :P
  20. @Phoenix: I was under the impression we time skipped. @Snike: Aww why can't I just use those words? Nady not want to think, *Gets our thesaurus* Whichever option we take It's 5~15miles (Phoenix is 12?) So I actually think we can arrive in 4~5 hours. That said, dawn isn't the same as sunrise (It's before) So we could get there.... around 1~2 hours after the group made their escape, if we hurry. Roughly 4 Miles per hours, combined with "dawn" not being very clear as a time period. So I think we should be fine without a retcon, probably arrive just as the soldiers are done packing up, or right after they've gone back into the capitol.
  21. :/ Actually :/ That's your interpretation. So worst case scenario, Istample is 15miles from the capitol XD Assuming the closest case, Istample is 5 miles from the capitol XD
  22. Your choice, we left Selizara a bit after sunset.... Wait, wait, how far Istample from the capital? I sort of remember someone saying something about 10 miles, in which case we could get their by early morning anyway :/
  23. @Order It was just the order of names that came to my head, Kai's only up there since he's annoying :/ @Retcon It's not really a matter of busting the group, it's more about being stuck walking in the middle of nowhere for a few days while stuff happens (or doesn't happen) in the capitol. Up to Snike though, I'm following his lead until the capitol.
  24. You're proving you know what I'm going to say but saying "Nady bait" at the end of your posts?.... :/ Phoenix bait Snike bait Balcerzak bait Kai bait Cynthia bait Lacuna bait Ether bait Snowy bait Lightning bait Now I know everything you people you all are going to say. I iz smart, or something :/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, in regards to the RP, I'm tempted to ask if we can retcon, Snike/My posts about leaving at dawn and make it earlier :/ Cause at the rate time moves, you'll all be hanging, or about to be hanged by the time we arrive :/ (Nevermind not having anything to post for the next 3 days) Edit: @Phoenix's Predictability comment XD
  25. Neither can you, so it all works out, :/ There, happy? I took your bait, now what's supposed to happen now? Or are you just wasting bait?
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