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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. OoC: Took you long enough Bal XD Kamilla sighed, she could feel someone glaring at her nearby, but then again she wasn't exactly new to this sort of treatment. She quickly finished what she had come outside to do and hurried back into the inn, and to the kitchen, ignoring the glares she was getting once again, she quickly grabbed what she needed and hurried up stairs. As she approached her room she could hear voices still inside, and she hesitated. But decided she'd done this much, she might as well follow through. As she put her hand on the door knob and the door opened slightly she heard Tessa speak. Tessa; Why don't you get a cloth soaked in cool water? At least we can make him comfortable for now, while I do some more thinking. But don't worry, it really probably isn't anything serious at all." "I was starting to doubt if you were really a healer" Kamilla said rather rudely as she entered the room. She thought she saw Kelas scowl, but didn't pay her any attention. She didn't even look at them as she spoke. "Cold water" she said bluntly dropping the bowl on the table, "There should be clean towels in that 3rd drawer over there, if not go see the matron, If he wakes up, make sure to rehydrate him" she said propping 3 glass cups on the table. "Tessa was it? she said quickly glancing at the healer, but she continued without waiting for an answer "I've taken the liberty to switch our rooms for the night, I've already lied down in it, but feel free to use that bed over there" Kamilla jerked her head towards her bed, and then quickly turned 180, and marched out just as quickly as she had walked in. But she paused at the door "If you think the water's pois-" she paused, recalling how Arrin and Tessa had been one of the few to start eating without suspecting her. "Nothing, good night" she said quietly before closing the door behind her. As she walked down the stairs her brain finally started registering that the pair had spoken to her, but she'd ignored them completely, not that she was regretting it. As she entered the lobby she noticed Irina and Isotov had also vanished. Well, to be honest they might have still been there, but the lights had gone out. She reached behind the counter and pulled out a candle and match. "Heh" she said quietly as she lit the candle aflame, and headed towards the kitchen.
  2. Lacuna's either threatning to take Snowy's life at gunpoint, or taking Snowy in a completely different manner. Either way..... is scary.
  3. How about someone posts in the RP thread? So I can post part2 of that post? Instead of asking? I really have no idea why you made Eric go on without us Snike :/
  4. Kamilla shrugged her shoulders, she opened the vial and sipped a bit, then closed it and put it on the, table, "Antidote, do whatever you want, might be a bit sour though" she said heading back over to the kitchen and disappearing from the groups sight. The matron hadn't heard the groups comments but had watched as Mark and Helios and thrown the food out without touching it, and was in a foul mood. "I ought to charge those ingrates extra" the matron said quietly to herself. Leaving the brooding woman alone, Kamilla grabbed a small bowl from the cupboard she'd pulled plates out of earlier and hurried outside, not really caring if anyone was following her.
  5. More like the Aiya to Snowy's Damian..... Obviously not implying anything, that would be up to your mind and Ethers support ideas XD
  6. As Kamilla entered the room, she saw the vial which had been placed on the chair beside the one she had been sitting in, and Isotov looking at it, "Don't use that, it's uh, poison! Right, it's the poison I gave you all, you really don't want to be drinking that" she said grabbing the vial from the seat, and turning to leave with the vial in her hand. As she passed Irina, who still didn't look fit to walk, Kamilla smiled. "Rest well" she whispered with a grin on her face.
  7. XD Was quite fond of "Ni hao" for awhile after I made that comment. Nyeh, your amusement is good, but frankly I do it for my own amusement, anything else that happens are merely side effects. @Snike, depends on if you're annoying (to me) like Isotov and Irina, or if you make stupid comments like Helios/Chase..... (I'm gonna get yelled at :P ) Disappear would most likely be her somehow heading back to the church or fleeing from the group (Since "forever" might change and I might need her for something in the distant future) but I'm open to killing her off as well, depending on the circumstances. Edit: I was going to give you people a chance at the antidote, but if no one feels like grabbing it, then I guess I'll just recollect it :/
  8. @Eric, Kamilla or me? Kamilla, is either going to leave the party and disappear forever and Reika will join, or she'll eventually come to terms with the group. As for me, Nadesico, I'm here pretty much to spite the group :P Edit: Or rather "Spite Phoenix"
  9. No issues here, and whatever system of supports we ended up using, you've got the okay from the 3 most support critical people, so I'd say that's a yes XD
  10. Kamilla closed the door behind her, both Kelas and Tessa were watching over Arrin as he slept in his bed. "Hmmm" she said quietly, before reaching into her pocket for the vial only to find it missing. She frowned, she was sure she had put the vial in her pocket earlier, she quickly opened and left the room and headed back to the table where she had been eating.
  11. Regarding Aiya/Damian, I'm not too sure, to be honest interaction between the two has been strongly hampered by your (Ether) inactivity due to technical issues, but under the impression that they spent most of their silent time together, I'm not going to oppose this support. However would like to make you wait 3~4 more chapters before establishing an S. If you plan to go down that path. So my vote changes depending on if you're willing to wait a while for an S. If so, I'd say an A is acceptable, if you plan to have an "S" by the end of chapter 6 or 7, I'm going to have to say no :P
  12. "Get your hand off me" she said brushing Isotov's hand off. "First Morgan now me? what are you, in heat? stop grabbing women and keep your hands to yourself" with that she started walking off again :P
  13. Kamilla, quickly re-did the lid, and shoved it in her pocket, "What antidote? Didn't I say earlier that I didn't have an antidote, it's just drinking water" she rather unconvincingly. She stood up to leave "Good night then" she said with a smirk. She smiled there was only enough for one person to drink anyway and there were at least 3 people in the room that had consumed the food, excluding herself.
  14. Kamilla yawned, seeing that Isotov was now looking at Irina she reached into her pocket and withdrew a small vial of liquid, "just enough to save myself" she muttered quietly. as she moved the vial towards her lips.
  15. Kamilla snorted at Kelas suggestion, "You honestly think that would work?" before Isotov could react Kamilla slipped past Isotov, sat down at the table and picked up a spoon, dipped it in the soup, then took a mouthful. "There, happy?" she asked half-heartedly, continuing to drink her soup as the group watched her.
  16. "I wouldn't have a clue what you're talking about" Kamilla said with a sly grin, rubbing her throat carelessly, feigning ignorance. "Bottle? There's a bottle of water in the kitchen if you're that thirsty, or perhaps you need water because you set fire to the inn again?" she asked not afraid of Isotov at all.
  17. Kamilla smiled "Perhaps he was, perhaps he wasn't, I don't know" she winced at the wound but the smiled again. "So you're going to kill me?" she asked without a hint of fear, her tone suggested she was more curious then afraid. From what I saw, you were eating the food as well, perhaps you won't live too much longer either.
  18. She looked at the knife and then at Chase, "The goddess protects me, a lowly criminal couldn't possibly kill me" she stated with a daring look. "You're right, I have no intentions of providing an antidote, so if you want to kill me, by all means" she said smirking. "Come on, what are you scared of you lowly bandit?"
  19. Kamilla looked at Chase, uncertain what to say "I'm sorry, problem? poison? what?" Kamilla frowned, and then smirked, "So you found out already huh? Ah well, it's a fatal poison, and I don't have the antidote on me at the moment, so if you want to kill me, by all means, your friends will most likely die shortly after though" she commented with a smirk on her face. She pointed towards Arrin, "Looks like it's taking effect already" she said with a smile. OoC: I know Lacuna said it was a cold, but her idea and my idea matched, so I'm going to go with it :P
  20. Kamilla, strolled out of the kitchen humming to herself, oblivious to the conversation going on, she'd been helping cleaning up in the kitchen and had come out to check the condition of the group.
  21. @Lacuna: I assumed he heard from the matron, otherwise I couldn't see how he knew that "dinner was ready" From what I recall he was sitting/wandering around the lobby anyway, so he'd make a good, lapdog :P @Lacuna/Cynthia: My poison is perfectly accessible, I've contacted Snowy and he's told me that it's not at all "sketchy." I will reveal how I got the stuff later, but for now I'm just going to say it's possible for me to have it :P
  22. Let me just get this clear since if we're starting a tactical war I want my objectives known. Firstly I'm willing to let Isotov's appearance slide, I disagree with retconning, and as long as it's not completely impossible, (unicorns magically appearing and making everyone hold hands beneath a beautiful rainbow) I'm against redoing established events. First paragraph, I'm not sure if it's directed at me, or if it's your attempt at making a sob story for Isotov, either way, can't really comment, so I'll just say "good for him" Firstly, the kitchen is most likely in another room from the lobby, and it wouldn't be a simple, "I turned my head and saw it happen" -There is likely only one entrance to the kitchen, even if there was more then one entrances, the others would be for staff, or another entrance out the back. Either way, only entrance Isotov would have available is the front entrance connected to the lobby. -There is no reason for Isotov to accidentally wonder into the kitchen. -The front entrance is also barred by the matron (Innkeepers wife) who is most likely talking to Arrin, I find it extremely unlikely that the matron would just let a couple of strangers walk into the kitchen, especially if she's standing near/infront of the door. You could argue Isotov slipped past her, but again, no reason for him to do so, and the ensuing conversation between Irina and Isotov would have surely been noticed. "Peek in" is not plausible, as this is an "inn" not a modern food joint, there are no cuts in the wall were the chef hands out the completed dishes. So the only possible way for Isotov to "peek" is through the doorway, and the doorway as stated prior is blocked (or at least entry) by the existence of the matron. Again, I don't mind this...unlikely event occuring, just keep in mind, if you want to screw with my plans, then I'm going to screw with yours. :P And I will be referencing this action later when certain events move into motion. I predicted someone might do something like this <_<. That's why I snuck into the kitchen, and had Kamilla help prepare the food, instead of having her just approach the served food. Either way, Score: (-1, back down to) 0 Phoenix
  23. @Phoenix: Firstly your RP post, You screw with my plans,I screw with yours, remember that doesn't have any immediate effects so you can just ignore it, or you can cheat and not eat it due to Isotov somehow appearing magically in the kitchen <_< As for the contents of my "poison" and it's effects I'll PM Snowy the details. But am hoping I'll be around to see you all suffer XD (No it's not lethal poison, unfortunately I can't kill any of you, as someone mentioned already) ~Nominations~ Cynthia: Decent activity and probably the most important aspect of her is that she's not in love with her character, where as Phoenix, loves his characters too much and won't let anything bad happen to them Yes I'm angry at birdbrain Only down-side to her though, is from the post so far she doesn't seem to be someone who takes the initiative and starts things, more of a person who goes with the flow. Balcerzak: Perhaps the only other person who I'd consider suitable, sided with the "no"'s in the Iso/Katie war and hence is a comrade in arms..... Isn't "random" in their actions, and like Cynthia can view the entire playing field with a level eye. Only concern is Bal's lack of "on time" when things are happening.
  24. Kamilla reached into a labeled bottle and sprinkled it's contents on a few of the dishes, she could hear the innkeepers wife talking to someone outside the kitchen. She quickly put the bottle away, as the woman returned with a a confident smile, apparently she was pleased that the food had been prepared so quickly. She even joked about offering her a job if Istample ever became a tourist destination. As the woman started lifting dishes and taking them out, Kamilla grabbed a few plates as well, following close behind, she was looking forward to dinner....
  25. Upon hearing screaming Kamilla, asked the innkeepers wife to be pardoned, and hurried out of the kitchen and towards the entrance. It didn't take long before she saw Damian pulling what looked like a root out of her, blood was seeping into the dirt around Esphyr, while the healer just stood there, stunned by what had happened holding her staff, but taking a bit of time before reacting. Kamilla looked back at Esphyr, still shouting that it hurt. She wasn't sure what they had been doing but she didn't really care either, she stared at the screaming woman for a bit longer before turning away and heading back to the kitchen, as she passed a large mirror in the common room she noticed she had a big grin plastered on her face. Quickly she removed her grin, but couldn't help a smirk. As she entered the kitchen the woman looked at her curiously, "It' nothing, just a small hiccup in a training exercise" she replied, not entirely sure if it was true.
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