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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I see, hm. I'll wait until he's actually released before I put him up though. I can already tell who his JP voice actor is.
  2. I agree with the tiering sentiment, but it's unrelated lol. Math is just math, and the game literally runs on it.
  3. Personal experience no, but it's all in the numbers already.
  4. It's okay, I got a 5* Jakob once too, while trying for Bridelia... He is now part of Masked Marth.
  5. Will @Vaximillian get a Celica first, or will @GuiltyLove get her Summer Corrin first?
  6. Same, for Nohrian Summer. I have Summer Robin and Summer Tiki already.
  7. Which banner? I pulled a 5* Mathilda while trying for Tana... :((((((
  8. Well, after his weapon's boost, it's 34/33 I guess lol.
  9. We already have a datamined spread of Valter, don't we? 42/32/31/34/19.
  10. Valter is kinda in a weird spot, isn't he? He has the stats to tank, but the post-battle damage adds up really fast, especially if Fury is run. It does sort of keep with the theme of how GHB units are inferior to units released in banners at similar times though lol. Narcian was right after (or during?) the Camilla banner at release, when Camilla was queen flier. Julia came when Robin GHB was a thing I think, then Ursula came after Rein/Olwen banner (before SI), and I think there are others.
  11. She's pretty young and immature in SS, so a high voice fits. It has nothing to do with cuteness, honestly.
  12. Yeah, but Tana can be both. Cordelia is already mad good and Valter is coming in as well, so the Blue attacker category is already too crowded for fliers. Might as well set Tana apart.
  13. Mhmmm, she's not so fast that she can afford to drop Quick Riposte, so every point of Attack does kinda count.
  14. With +Spd, I don't think she even needs QR. Her QR breaks too fast anyway, with 36 HP. Outside of Flier Emblem, Fury gives her 39 Spd, 42 with +Spd. Flier Emblem actually doesn't have a Blue tank at the moment, only a lot of really good Blue attackers.
  15. What do you think; impenetrable wall Tana, or boring Firesweep Tana? 34/36 should at least be on par with Cordelia.
  16. I'm hype for Tana right now. She (apparently) has Lucina offenses, but Vidofnir gives her a different niche. With neutral nature, she gets 32 Def when baiting, which goes up to 35 with Fury, and this is running off of 34/36 offenses, so she can't get doubled easily while also having quite some firepower. +Spd variants with Fury go up to 42 Spd, so QR isn't even needed for those. Alternatively, in Flier Emblem, she can drop Fury and go for Fort Def instead, for 37 Def when baiting. The -3 Atk can be mitigated with Flier buffs, and Fortify Flier brings her Def up to a whopping 43. 36 HP is low, but with that much Def and Spd, she'd barely be taking damage. Subaki still runs Iote's better (though really, you don't need Iote's), but for tanking physical damage, Subaki can sit down now.
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