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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Maybe, maybe not. It depends on when I get a Switch. It's not really a fighting game, just a hack and slash.
  2. Yes. I'm gonna make my sig Cordelia from the Warriors reveal soon.
  3. What gave it away? Too bad the writers wrote her like shit. So you mean you can simultaneously be an old man and a minor? What a superpower.
  4. Sometimes other people know you better than yourself. Should be the same for your waifus. Also, if you're not at least 25 or so Genny's not interested lmao!! Yeah, they're different convos. Also, I'm not sure if the English version does this, but Azura has three different voiced confessions in Japanese. If you play the game in the order of Birthright -> Conquest -> Revelation, you actually get this weird thing where Azura's voiced confessions get more and more passionate the more routes you play. General gist is Birthright = I'll like you but I think I'll love you someday, Conquest = I love you, Revelation = I've loved you since forever
  5. How old is Legion? I'm sure the waifus have some way of recognizing the right Legion.
  6. Yeah, I wouldn't knowingly go into that kind of relationship either to be honest. I have cousins. That's a real problem. But does that mean Legion has infinite waifus?
  7. Why are we freaking out about waifus lmfao *hugs chest containing all the hoarded waifus*
  8. It's mildly relevant as a Ryoma joke to this forum, I guess. My friends and I just find it funny.
  9. Well. Lukas is higher in both lol. He's just... *deep breath* BETTER OBORO Thanks man, I'm looking forward to this Brave Lance Lukas.
  10. Nope. So I have this 4* +Atk -Res Lukas, and a 3* +Atk -Spd Oboro. Who should be the counter killer with Bonfire/Ignis, and who should be the Brave Lance user (nothing to do with this 5* Abel atm lol)?
  11. Did you teach her that? I don't get Lute's appeal at all... Tana and L'Arachel tho! You're Neko (Means Cat)?
  12. Probably, a Ninian would do wonders in the long term. I think you don't have a 5* Sword as well? Ike is pretty good. A flying mage is a bit more of a "lategame" concern, really, yeah. But since they're all seasonal, and Corrin is preying on my weak mind, it's now or never until next year. HA Yeah, her pose in Heroes caught me off guard at first. I wouldn't call her a favourite, but hey.
  13. Who else is on the list? I have none because I'm still trying to desperately pull for Summer Corrin, and the upcoming Hero Fest doesn't interest me THAT much. I already have Julia and Ninian (though a Julia merge would be cool), don't really need or want Ike, and I have no need for Wrathful Staff atm. Though Genny is cute.
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