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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. A man with Vantage always lives on the edge He can't be boring
  2. Sorry, what's the low Atk for? So they don't counter kill whatever comes their way? Or so more of their stats get distributed to the defenses? Bridal Lyn is sort of okay, I guess?
  3. Though, doesn't Camus get sort of carried by Gradivus and being Cavalry? Maybe Gradivus isn't absolutely vital, but I feel like being a Cav is a huge plus, such that an infantry version of him wouldn't perform nearly as well. Every time I have to download a patch, and see that Camilla's sprite in that screen is holding a Silver Axe, I cri.
  4. Martyr on a Wrathful/Dazzling healer (with Miracle if you want) was alright for Tempest Trials I guess.
  5. screw the rules I'll go edit that lmao. Brain fart of the month.
  6. My Infernal strat: Celica 5* +2 +Atk/-HP: Reposition / Draconic Aura / Distant Def 3 / Renewal 3 / Hone Atk 3 / Quickened Pulse Seal None of her skills really matter here, nor does the Seal matter. Kagerou 5* +1 +Spd/-Def: Rally Atk / Moonbow / Life and Death 3 / Vantage 3 / Hone Spd 3 / Atk +1 Seal Even with +Spd and L&D3, she gets Windswept because of the Sword Cav's Spur Spd, which is kinda RIP. Still, L&D3 is necessary. Rally Atk probably doesn't matter, but I can't remember if Hone Spd does. The Seal doesn't need to be there unless Hector doesn't have Bonfire, I think, but I don't have enemy stats on me. Hector 5* +Atk/-HP: Pivot / Bonfire / Distant Counter / Wings of Mercy 3 / Goad Armor Can get away with no Bonfire if your Kagerou has L&D3, but Wings of Mercy is important. Effie 5* +Atk/-Spd: Brave Lance+ / Swap / Bonfire / Death Blow 3 / Wary Fighter 3 / Fortify Armor Maybe Fortify Armor is a bit overkill? But I think it makes this whole thing safer. Swap and Wary Fighter are must haves. If you only have Silver Lance+, make sure you have Bonfire to be safe. Turn 1: Turn 2: Turn 3: Turn 4: Turn 5:
  7. Ready? Triangle Attack! I don't have any friends with a Minerva lead, so RIP. But that Cav up there over Palla is actually Abel...
  8. Alright, cleared Infernal, without any of that disgusting Horse Emblem shit. UGH! I'll post my strat later.
  9. He said that he might actually feed that 5* Elise he pulled to one of his Sakuras to inherit Live to Serve 3.
  10. @GuiltyLove @Astellius I can't remember if that Kiran is from SF, but this is perfect.
  11. Age is just a number; if I have to be clear, I'm saying you're just as immature as Ana.
  12. Is that how many he had? I never counted, and I thought he had more than that for some reason. I'm sure he wants a full team of +10 Sakuras though. One Ultimate Sakura isn't enough.
  13. The only forum I've been to that has strict moderation regarding feuds between members is meant for 10~12 year olds.
  14. You know, I won't say I disagree with your evaluation of Ana's character; I read your first "outburst" and nodded. But you're blowing this way out of proportion as well. You didn't need to make a new thread and type us an essay explaining to us your character and personality, and apologize for starting drama, because starting a new thread is how you start more drama. If you haven't already noticed, absolutely no moderator action has happened despite your long post yesterday and Ana's leaving thread. Because frankly, no one gives a fuck.
  15. Yeah, Fae just evaporates when she gets hit by a Falchion lol. Multipliers on multipliers.
  16. Maybe you're from a different franchise. It's here. Since Axe Valor is being introduced, Tiki has to be an axe unit. The Falchion and Naga are coded to be effective against the Breath weapons, probably for simplicity's sake, so since M!Corrin doesn't use Breath, he gets a pass. This probably will create a problem down the line for any Laguz or other animal shapeshifters introduced, unless they either introduce a completely new weapon type for them, or make them all Colorless Breath (Falchion etc. is only effective against Red Green and Blue Breaths).
  17. And let's not get into what being Leo's mother means, what with Garon and Xander and Elise etc. etc. I think Tiki was confirmed to be an axe unit by the dataminers. The melon is kinda attached to the stick like an axe head too, lol.
  18. Yeah, believe it or not, she's been part of my GHB strats a lot of times. Ursula is obvious, but she was also the mage I used for the Ice Dragon challenge for Zephiel, and the person I actually needed for Lloyd, as Bowbreaker Julia died to the Bow Cav iirc. With only the addition of TA2 (I was cheap), she was part of my strat for Legion Infernal. B Tomebreaker and Gronnwolf are mad good for GHBs, while Julia is a bit too slow, and mine is not designed for Enemy Phase. I've decided, F!Robin will be my next 5*.
  19. My Julia's already maxed out, but now she's going to have 10 billion SP... Or maybe I should take this chance to grind up F!Robin.
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