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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. So, I'm doing a Blitzkrieg run on Hard/Classic, currently sitting at 118 turns total. Alm has just cleared the Forest Shrine and gotten some forges done, while Celica is just starting the desert path. On Hard mode, Wolf's Fortress becomes extremely dumb, as there are extra Iron Bows and Leather Shields distributed to the Archers, while the Snipers and Wolf have their equipped Bows as well. This means the enemy is hitting hard from further away, which makes approaching the fort pretty troublesome; no one on my team except maybe Valbar with a shield can reasonably survive approaching, but carting him across the sand would take too many turns. Having Leon bait and kill everyone first would also take forever (it took me 50 last time lol). Palla and Catria are obviously out of commission here, except for maybe clearing the Mercs at the start. To top it all off, Genny doesn't have Physic yet, since it's hard for staffers to get EXP when I'm not doing additional encounters. Any ideas on how to clear this reasonably fast? I've basically resigned myself to not getting a single digit turn count on this map, but I do want to speed up the process a bit. Or should I spend a few turns grinding?
  2. Koei is, but IS and Nintendo have a hand in it, and they're starting to get bolder about pushing the limits of purchasable content, imo.
  3. Watch, Lyn's gonna cost 5.99 a week after the game drops.
  4. The Zweihandler is a much better choice than the Ilwoon, if you ask me. Good Might, reasonable Weight, natural crit, decent Hit, and access to two really good Arts: Sunder and Tigerstance. The Mercurius is pretty much 100% worse than the Zweihandler, since it only gives 5 HP regen and no Arts or natural crit. How do you even get the Kriemhild? I thought it's enemy only? For Bows, Killer Bow and Parthia are all you really need. Parthia for safe chipping, Killer Bow for the OP Hunter Volley. I'm pretty sure the Animus Ring is also not obtainable. The Mage Ring and Speed Rings are quite good, though. Keepsake Ring is really just a slightly better Coral Ring, since Skl isn't that useful for magic users, and Luck is... Well, Luck.
  5. Well, she just switches targets to you instead...
  6. It was technically only a double post since I split them up. I saved you!
  7. But if you had to search around to find someone hoping for Ike, that just means Ike doesn't seem that popular doesn't it? Though, a Famitsu comment section doesn't say much to begin with I guess. Everyone's just hating on the new originals.
  8. I know for sure the games sold terrible, but hmm, yeah, the CYL poll does say otherwise. I'm not entirely sure, especially since the poll is international, and a lot of Japanese people on the internet seem to make fun of Ike instead of being happy at seeing him.
  9. To be fair, Elibe and Tellius (other than Roy I guess) are much less popular in Japan, aren't they?
  10. I think they could have brought it up in Thabes. Would have been nice to not get poisoned to death.
  11. So in Awakening, Walhart was shown to have such strong charisma that nearby Risen would follow his commands. Since Walhart is said to be like a second coming of Alm, I wonder if Alm would have been able to do that as well. Of course, they bodied me in Thabes...
  12. Well, from that small picture alone, I don't like his face much either. He's like babyface Corrin. The female protag's hair isn't that great either honestly.
  13. Well for starters, this is Serra we're talking about. Also, I think it's just cultural differences there.
  14. Does Lyn have a terrible sense of fashion? I don't remember anything relating to that.
  15. I don't really like the look of the male protag. That's some shitty hair.
  16. I hope a theme they touch on is a child's duty to their parents.
  17. The last time I checked was like...2011? Surprised to see they're still kicking.
  18. AHEM I feel like the Whitewings will be assists at best, if they even have that system. I want Lyn to talk to Lucina.
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