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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I've heard that natures can very rarely affect AI patterns.
  2. I have both but I can't do what you're doing but it's ok :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] "Don't worry, Belinda. I'll crush these bastards!"
  3. Is Bride Titania close enough? Oh god... what if all the units included in the wedding banners are the ones with unrequited love?
  4. Lol, it's almost like you got violated. Too bad you didn't use that red luck on Celica.
  5. The regular orb doesn't require deathless though. Unless you're saying you couldn't figure out how to beat it even with deaths. I think Freddy and Ephraim would have done alright just sitting on the defense tiles.
  6. What he's saying is, if you spent an orb to get an orb, you didn't gain anything out of it, so it was a bit of a waste. I cheesed 11-3 with fliers lol. They can't reach you on the last two turns.
  7. :( Yeah, we did. It ended right when Celica's banner came out... I might have to whale to get a better Celica, if the Gauntlet orbs don't do me any good.
  8. Darting Blow nets kills on the faster Sword lords like Lucina, but overall does worse. If you don't have a reliable counter to some of the Sword units, you could try out Darting. Neutral Darting Blow Tharja gets 40 effective Speed, while Life and Death gets 39. Ragnarok-boosted Celica gets 38. The difference isn't enough to double, so it doesn't matter. On the other hand, with Swift Sparrow, Ragnarok-boosted Celica hits 42 Spd to Tharja's 34, so Celica doubles and kills. I consider neutral natures, because unless you're a massive whale fighting in the 700 score tier, you're not going to see optimal natures all the time. Swift Sparrow has a SP cost of 240, which is higher than average. Darting Blow and Death Blow are only 200. But to begin with, we're not pitting Tharja directly against Celica in a fight; we're talking about their overall performance as a unit on your side. And Celica does better without any support, while Tharja does better only if she has Eirika (Ephraim alone still makes Tharja worse).
  9. I don't curse people; I just drain other people's 5* rates so mine can go up really high at 1 am. Man, I would have wanted that +Atk Celica.... Why did we switch? I'l gladly give you my +Def -Atk one lel.
  10. A few things I want to rebutt: This is ultimately the point of Heroes, imo; it promotes the franchise as a whole, so I personally don't see this as a problem. Also, lol Idolmaster and story I agree that there should be a few more ways to earn orbs, but I actually find it tiring when a mobile game has too many events back to back. I've played one that, as its lifespan began to wane, there would be new units and events coming out every week, with a giant event that requires lots of grinding to actually have a shot at getting good stuff. The gameplay of that game was super basic though. Agree that Heroes' story is poor. Granblue really does push the limits on what a mobile game can be, but imo resources of that scale should be directed towards the main FE games instead of Heroes. Heroes is a relatively small part of the FE franchise, and the newer FE games are starting get stuff like full voice. I think you're jumping the gun a little bit here. Fury/Desperation etc. builds are currently popular because they're easy to figure out and quite effective. However, we haven't even truly scratched the surface of what skill inheritance can do, especially with the lesser known units such as Draug, Selena, Raigh etc. Along with the addition of defensive tiles, tanky builds have become more viable, which means there are new ways to build tanks now. I think the game is still developing, and it hasn't even been three full months since it released. I disagree with the "if you don't like it, don't talk about it" philosophy, so I for one welcome your post.
  11. Celica is only worse than Tharja if Tharja has Eirika buffs. Swift Sparrow (or even just Death Blow) Celica does significantly better than both Darting Blow and L&D Tharja if she has no support, and even if Tharja gets a Rally/Hone Atk, both of her builds still do worse than Swift Sparrow Celica. If you have/can afford to run Eirika, then sure, Tharja is better especially with no recoil, but Celica is much much better as a standalone powerhouse, much like Reinhardt vs Olwen.
  12. That Lucina I got is +Spd -Res It might have been yours or @GuiltyLove's
  13. It probably gets worse when you get Belinda to do voice lines lmao
  14. I ran it by putting Celica's max stats on Lilina, adding the Ragnarok boosts, then testing various skills. Life and Death only marginally outdoes Swift Sparrow, but it does get about 10 more than DB. You gain almost a dozen more losses on Enemy Phase though, which affects her flexibility. I have one Bunny, and her nature is meh. I'm tempted.
  15. @shadowofchaos Mod the game to put in Belinda
  16. I can't really decide between Moonbow vs Draconic Aura for Celica. Moonbow doesn't really increase her kills that much, but if you nuke a melee unit first turn, chances are Moonbow will be up to help pad your slightly weaker offense before Renewal kicks in. It doesn't help that much though. On the other hand, if you use Celica to bait instead, or attack a unit that can fight back, Draconic Aura will get charged up. You actually gain kills despite losing Ragnarok's bonus while DA is up, so you have a free "delet this" even before Renewal kicks in. Which one is more effective? Also, my Bunny Lucina has a poor nature, so I'm tempted....
  17. Oh. I think it hurts more than it helps compared to just Death or Darting, though it sort of depends on how you play with her. Swift Sparrow tho.
  18. I don't wanna burn my only Bunny... Also, I have no DB fodder either lol.
  19. Notably, +Spd -HP (or anything not Atk) Celica with Death Blow will get the same amount of kills as Swift Sparrow after Sacred Seal is factored. I only have one Bunny Lucina...
  20. @Arcanite For some reason your screenshots aren't loading. Anyway, I recommend against L&D on Celica personally.
  21. +Spd -HP Celica with Death Blow and Atk Seal is 99 wins and 3 losses, which is the same result for Swift Sparrow + Atk Seal. Huh. Spd Seal gets fewer btw.
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