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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I did it just for kicks, but yeah, the Anna one doesn't require Lunatic.
  2. Isn't +Spd usually the best nature? I always hoard all of the stat boosters and end up never using them for the Funds rank... Except that one Body Ring I gave Erk, which let him double Limstella. With Bolting. And both hits were crits because of Priscilla support.
  3. I showed my friend what my Effie could do the other day, and it blew his mind when she just ripped apart Green units like paper.
  4. The joke was that you can't use any of the Blows aside from Savage Blow while you have that A skill lol.
  5. The joke was that you can't use any of the Blows aside from Savage Blow while you have that A skill lol.
  6. Naaaaaah. I gotta keep all the Lucinas. She is my ace, after all. What if Celica had an A-skill that doubled all the effects of the Blows? Wait...
  7. You just happen to have the one guy that completely cheeses this map, like how Reinhardt completely invalidates Zephiel, and Camilla just laughs at Narcian's map. Ursula's map, imo, is the most challenging (but fair) map thus far.
  8. That's what I run on my Lucina. Now that she's +1, with the Spd +1 Seal her Darting Blow catch range goes up to 39 Spd now, where a lot of Fury Swords and meta mages sit at. Of course, if they're merged too, then it's moot... I have one Bunny Lucina. Lucina just comes to me.
  9. Yeah but they kinda fall short. I don't really run the meta builds atm anyway.
  10. I hope we start getting new skill combos or something. Fury Desperation and TA Raven are getting old.
  11. That's what I meant, I used my spare on Kagerou. What if Ragnarok deletes all your 5*s
  12. Just go kill the Ursula in Chapter 9-3, since you don't have to do it deathless.
  13. Huh. So are they actively going out to hunt for these people?
  14. Send Jaffar home to be with Nino like me... I definitely didn't have two Jaffars
  15. Fury is kinda pointless for Kagerou imo. It helps, but you're better off passing it to someone else.
  16. Do you have a spare Jaffar or 5* Hana or something? If not, Death Blow from Ursula works too for Kagerou. It's not as ridiculous, but she is harder to kill without L&D.
  17. I can't find the video, but you can literally just put Hector in the range of every ranged unit on the map, and he won't die lol.
  18. With Life and Death 3 and the Atk Seal, she gets like 97 wins, and it's ridonkulus. If you don't have a TA Raven you better be very careful.
  19. If Ursula doesn't get ORKO'd, she usually gets Growing Thunder, which is...bad. You can play around Growing Thunder, but it can lose you runs. The Green Knight gets taken down by magic with a Dancer, so if you can get a physical wall to hold him and the Red Cav off then you should be fine. I'd just do 9-3 for the kill, yeah.
  20. Triangle Adept Ravens screw up Kagerou too, even with Life and Death, unfortunately.
  21. Gronnwolf F!Robin is an instant Ursula kill button, so I think it's fine for her to revert back to that for this one. Without Triangle Adept, M!Robin does single digit damage to the Thieves while taking double digits back, if I remember correctly from the original thread.
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