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Everything posted by Luftwaffe

  1. What do you mean, "led to this". Are you implying that it was just some massive, unproductive shitstorm? I learned some new things, and hopefully other people did too. Did you even read anything? Dew doesn't pass down any good swords unless he's promoted. You NEED to train him in order to be a decent father, but it's more trouble than it's worth because Lex, Noish and Holyn are better fathers. And Lex passes down elite, which makes up for the lack of inheritance. If you're using the live and relive staves, then it's going to be slow as hell. She can't get too close to the combat or her pallies will suicide and steal exp. So the only way to spam healing staves is to get ardan or dew or anyone who can't clear the arena to die repeatidly so they can be healed. Tedious and boring as hell. I'm not too sure about the exp but I recall it being 40 to 50. Both the return and warp staves have 10 uses. If by spamming these staves she gains 5 levels per staff, it would be 10 levels with the elite ring. You'll have a Master Knight running around by C3. Dew's stats suck for a level 20 promoted unit, so it'd be better if he just gave all his money to Lachesis. So I acknowledge that he does have some use and could be given a few levels, but to try and raise him to be combat unit is just dumb. He's not Est. Dew has the weakest combat out of everyone, even Ethlin (critical). Everyone outdamages him. Midir is really underrated. His growths are decent. Until he gets the Hero Bow, he won't kill much outside of a Killer Bow crit, but his chip damage is significant and he's never a liability. Canto and his high movement help him keep up and escape danger. Maybe all the hate comes from looking like a chick, which doesn't make much sense to me. He looks like an ordinary anime teenage male to me. Maybe FE fans should reevaluate what masculinity is. Beo's got good growths and workable base stats. He's not a great unit but he has real potential, unlike Dew. Did you see those stats Shin posted? 14.6 str as a level 20 promoted unit? Hah. I've never lost Dew on that chapter, and he was always around level 6-11. The siege tome mages come in groups of 3, and are easily KO'd by Fury and Sigurd. I guess you could give him the leg ring to avoid the wait at the broken bridge but he does not need a single point of exp to perform his duty. "Great" implies something above amazing. Training him has a purpose, I will concede that, but it is not to be a combat unit or a father (in most cases). What is Dew supposed to do with the Cross Knights, hit them for 16 damage and not double? Why bother? What do you mean by the others 'don't do much with them'. What does Dew do with the extra exp? Yeah, we all know Sigurd is the best unit in all of FE. He still appreciates help from naturally good fighters.
  2. Live and Relive give her ~20 exp per use. Return gives 50, I think. That's slow as hell. How much fun is abusing a slow mechanic like this when you could give her the Elite Ring and have her level up twice as fast. Dew sucks even with the LS and Elite Ring. Beowulf will become a competent unit with high stats and movement if he's given the Elite Ring. Do you even know what that means? Don't talk shit. That phrase is used when somebody comes along and says their char far exceeded its average stats, and that's their reasoning as to why the char is good. Dew NEEDS to gain exp asap if you want to use him, and the best way is to have him fight the bandits chasing him. The fact that he CAN be hit and die (other bandits block his exits and he's too weak to make an opening) means that there is a legitimate risk. There's a difference between getting good level ups and being at risk of getting killed. Otherwise, I could say PEMN when FE12 Michalis gets crit'd and dies. That's not the case because he has low luck and is likely to die from a crit. First of all, those stats blow for a promoted character. Base Ayra and Holyn have better combat, mostly due to sword skills. Unless you give him a 50 kill weapon or the Hero Sword, he's not killing anything. So while it can be useful to have him around to chip, you're better off pouring your resources into characters with greater potential. Dew's problem is that his bases suck, and his growths are not up to par with the typical standard for Julians. He's the definition of mediocrity, so my point that he's more trouble than he's worth stands. OK, so he's got good avoid. You went through all that just to have an extra pair of arms to do some chip damage. Beowulf and Azel can actually kill things. In Noish and Alec's case, they can either do significant chip or kill unreliably. He's a perpetually bad combat unit unless you give him a 50 kill hero sword. The bridge is already easy to open. Since he's on foot, by the time he reaches the bridge, you'll have a bunch of mounted fighters to protect him. I've never gotten Dew promoted legitimately, he opens up that bridge without any issue every time. That's true, but I doubt he has a significant lead on them. Unlike Dew, they have high hp which means there's no dice rolling. They are reliable, Dew is not.
  3. Are you responding to this question? Since you quoted my entire post. Why should Dew get both the LS and Elite Ring over Lachesis, Beowulf etc.? You're depriving better units of their equipment to raise a weak-ass character into a mediocre fighter. Doesn't the bandit bosss chasing Dew in C1 have ~20 hit on him? I remember losing him there when I was trying to get him some exp and money.
  4. Woah. A bit off topic but props for not losing your shit against me. I seem to bring out the very worst in people, so I was expecting some slinging of faeces. Well, because it's far too different from the typical playthrough, it should not be considered. I hope 'casual' means a reasonably efficient playthrough (not LTC) and not turtling around and raising everyone to ridiculously high levels. From my experience and the raw numbers, Dew is a terrible character who is outclassed by almost everyone. You two may have had some good luck with him but whenever I use him he gets KO'd by everything and can't damage anything in return. Oh really? Growths are generally lower in gen 1, hence they are unreliable. There's also the issue of arena level ups screwing up and ignoring your 100%+ growths. I've also personally experienced Sigurd and Holyn not getting HP on the freaking map. Hardly. He's a mediocre fighter even when promoted. Then again, every extra helping hand counts, so the same can be said for Ardan and Azel. I'm curious, how does he get exp? He doesn't have pursuit, no elite, bad strength, C swords and weak defences. I honestly don't believe that it's possible for Dew to grow alongside the better characters without affecting their growth. I guess you could say that the gen 1 enemies are pushovers, so they don't need the extra point or two in str. Still, Alec, Noish and Beowulf are much better candidates to give the extra exp. I guess I should mention Midir, too, since everybody seems to harp on about how bad he is despite being a competent unit. Holyn and Ayra don't have the avoid? Dew will not have a significant lead on them at this stage in the game, unless you've babied him 10-15 levels. They also have actual bulk and will actually kill the Cross Knights instead of hitting them for whatever paltry damage Dew dishes out. The AI is pretty damn stupid and will attack with javelins most of the time, but couldn't you simply move Lex and Midir into the range of the javelins? Unless the almighty and exalted Dew has reserved that space.
  5. If you're doing a draft then OF COURSE you're left with no choice to give Dew all the exp. A draft has restrictions whereas a normal playthrough does not, ok? How about you use your noggin for a change? Your anecdotes are completely useless if they're based on your draft playthroughs. Also, I didn't claim that any character was useless. I simply stated they were more trouble than they're worth (trash). Come on, 40% is not that high. Not to mention this is FE4, where level ups are notoriously unreliable. There's also the chance that Elto is in range to give the Cross Knights more hit, but since I recall that he usually moves last, I guess it's not likely. I think he also gets WTD, though I'm not sure since the Light Sword does turn into the Lightning spell. What's the point of sending him in to kill the Cross Knights anyway? It's not like he has pursuit and it's unlikely that the LS has 50+ kills, so why the hell would you use Dew, of all people, to take on the Cross Knights? Who else is better suited to take on the Cross Knights besides Levin? Sigurd, Cuan, Fin, Midir, Jamka, Holyn, Ayra, hell, even Lex with that godawful hand axe could probably do better. Fair enough, my mistake. For most players, Daisy won't even exist. She's meant to be a bad character anyway, unlike this holy shota you folks seem to love.
  6. Sleep Sword abuse, you mean reset over and over again so she can kill actually something? We're not talking about LTC, the issue is that's an unreasonable and horribly stupid idea, hardly worth the effort. Bargain's good for the elite ring but I'd much rather have Luna. Still, it's the only Dew pairing that isn't terrible. Statistically and growth wise, he's hardly better. In fact, 90 / 40 / 20 / 50 is higher than 50 / 40 / 40 / 40, so statistically Lex is better still. The extra speed growth is negligible since he already doubles because of swords and Ayra's spd growth. Dew has 3 str, 5 mov and is at level 1. It takes, what, 10 hits for him to kill a bandit. He doesn't even have pursuit. Who cares about LTC, you will be on your ass training this pedobait for little reward. Holyn and Ayra will always be better fighters, unless they get RNG screwed. Dew isn't needed for anything other than the C4 bridge. You don't even need to train him. Of course, my statement about Cath was rhetorical. In any case, Dew is the worst thief for the same reason Ardan is the worst armour. He's liability (as in moving those little shits every turn) to YOU, not necessarily the army. Sorry, but LOL. Be honest, how long did it take you to get him to that level? Once again, sorry but it looks like you just gave him all the resources and then boss abused him to that point. There's no way something like that would occur in an ordinary playthrough.
  7. Wouldn't Patty would be completely unusable? But that's probably the only pairing with Dew I'd consider. Lex!Skasaha will almost always be better. He'll have enough speed to double, he will level up faster, and have better defences. Does anything else need to be said? Dew's growths in str, spd and def aren't that much better anyway. It's 40 / 40 / 40 compared to 40 / 20 / 50. Don't forget you'll actually have to use Dew so he can pass down swords. You know, that kid swinging around a dinky iron sword that 10hkos(?) bandits. He's pretty much the worst thief ever. I mean, Dew's not even fit to carry Cath's cum-rag.
  8. Dew is pure trash and a terrible father. Let him rot. 50% hp growth? no thanks. 85% hp growth on a 2nd gen char is pathetic. Can't think of anyone who actually wants bargain aside from Ares and Shanan. Solar sword is pretty lame also.
  9. I've no preference for any console era. I really only like the Akaneia games (and Gaiden). Also, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few who actually prefers FE11 over FE12. Then again, FE3 is my favourite and FE1 is the only fe i haven't played. FE6 is the onlt gba era game i enjoy. There's just something I like about using characters with low growths (another reason i'm not a huge fan of fe12). I've warmed up to tellius despite dismissing it prematurely after playing through RD's abysmal plot. FE9 is the better game imo. I like FE4 but half of the game is aids. It reminds me of FF4 except it's actually enjoyable at times. Both have great characters (dew can fuck off though, as well as everyone in ff4 apart from kain and rydia) but suffer from terrible game mechanics. FE5 is the better game though it quickly loses its lustre.
  10. This sort of generic advice almost never works. It's simply a case of easier said than done. Anyway, this sort of endeavour is not to be taken lightly. For those of us who truly want to become a "better person", it requires tremendous fortitude. Education can only take you so far (actually, it'll probably end in complete disaster). Ugh... it does get irritating when you hear of all these child prodigies who've had the privilege of receiving extra support from their wealthy parents. Oh well, so long as one continues the journey, at least he is almost certain to make some progress.
  11. ^ "FE4 二次創作系パッチ.zip" contains about 30 different (I think) hacks. Got bored a few nights ago and decided to try all of them. I think I managed to get all of them to work without any issues (there's some weird shit in there though). Neir seems to be the only one worth playing imo. Narga's in there, too. Edit: On Neir, the creator's idea of balance is screwed up. C4 Sigurd (maybe it was Lex?) had 1% hit rate on Alex. Didn't really matter because pretty much everyone couldn't do shit to the bosses except Shanan. Basically everyone in 1st gen sucks except Shanan (Elt is garbage, Siggy-poo is too slow, Lex is generally unusable etc.). Also, what's with those japs' obsession with Dew? In the original he's worthless in combat and a terrible parent, yet he's freaking popular in these hacks. Anyway, this game blows and these hacks belong in purgatory.
  12. It's actually pretty good. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
  13. Raven: "I think". What else do I have to put to clarify that the opinion expressed is mine? I offered my perspective on the subject and I was interested in seeing what others had to say about it. I used profanity, so what. Can't you look over shit and fuck? How about responding to what I actually say instead of how I say it? Othin: What the hell are you talking about? I gave the guy who uploaded it some props because it's a great game that deserves more attention. I said the OST itself was shit - what's wrong with that? Just because I used profanity doesn't mean that I intended to disrespect the guy. He's obviously of good character since he didn't react like some belligerent manbaby and instead chose to respond politely. Go ahead and talk shit about FE3. I don't care.
  14. Don't be a smartass. Just because it's classified as "background music" does not mean that it should conform to low standards (of being background music). Of course other people can enjoy it, but I clearly stated that I don't understand the reasoning behind it. So if you're up to it, care to explain what makes it so enjoyable rather than getting so defensive about it? Having played the game a while ago, I've not listened to the music since. On my revisit, nothing I heard could hold my attention so I promptly dismissed it and gave my reasons for doing so in the post above. It's obvious that we have different standards when it comes to music so I didn't expect you to cum all over your monitor after hearing that DBZ music. I consider it great because of its compositional mastery in portraying an avatar of wickedness. Mundane subject but structured to depict not only a character but his subsequent rampage and aftermath.
  15. How is that piece great? The problem is that too often I find the compositions resembling background music. The best incidental music contains musical narrative that can function independent of its original source. While there is some sort of narrative based on the source material, it is myopic, linear and entirely uninteresting. I see no reason why anybody could enjoy this music unless they were playing the game. I have perused a few tracks and from what I have heard, they lack character; what exactly is there that distinguishes it from your typical "battle theme" or "tragedy"? See "Desperate Fight" for one of the worst tracks - no development, loops ad infinitum to fadeout and the theme itself sucks. To top it off we have here some lazy ass and boring compositions, so the producer (or whoever is in charge) glosses over it orchestral bombast in an attempt to remedy this unrefined piece of shit. Jesus, I can say that at least 100% of 'orchestral' glazed music from japan, that I've heard, has been fucking garbage. Here's some great incidental music
  16. Much appreciated. I think the OST itself blows shit but it's a great game and it deserves more attention.
  17. DQII is my favourite in the series and also my favourite game of all time. It's probably the hardest in the series but that's what I like about it. I really hate how other RPGs let you go nuts grinding which makes the game a joke - DQII has none of that pussy crap. No amount of grinding could save me and I only beat it when I used an emulator and save stated Malroth to death.
  18. Liszt > Chopin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGBXA1tBiLw
  19. I think this one is pretty cool.
  20. between the buried and me is as death metal as gojira, or some other indie "death metal" shit
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2je_TvW549E
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_of_Mana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Turrican
  23. I'm watching Armored Trooper Votoms and Fang of the Sun Dougram. Love how they're drawn. And I love old school sci-fi from the 80s. For some reason I can't watch modern anime unless its art style is different fron the standard CGI crap which burns my eyes. I can deal with it if the series or movie is actually entertaining and worth watching though.
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