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Everything posted by Luftwaffe

  1. Auvers Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiSFftcwbxQ Jazz is better than everything.
  2. C10 Hard mode Level 13 pirate 31/16/0/14/18/12/6/2 It runs fine on my computer, but I still can't be bothered playing much.
  3. Shaft sucks. If you want something crazy and surreal, check out Cat Soup or anything by Masaaki Yuasa. Detroit Metal City is my favourite manga. Definitely worth a read. It also puts the adaptation to shame. My Neighbour Totoro and Only Yesterday, in my opinion, are the greatest anime films made. Right on par with legendary live action films like Apocalypse Now, Space Odyssey, and Happiness.
  4. Perhaps I exaggerated the shitness of HotD, but it's still a terrible show, and I can't stand it. "I personally think that Mars of Destruction Is as humourous as the great Detroit Metal City," is probably what I should've said. Mars of Destruction is a monument to comedy, and I am completely serious.
  5. Haven't seen Green Green, but Mars of Destruction has some good comic relief which saves it.
  6. I lost a significnt portion of my brain while watching that garbage. Honestly, I thought Maria Holic was the abomination of desolation, but HoTD easily takes the cake as the worst anime I have ever seen. It's the embodiment of everything bad in entertainment. And of course, it targets the lowest common denominator of the fandom. Oh well, at least stuff like Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei and Masaaki Yuasa's future works give me hope. Seriously, when will they make another film like Mind Game, or My Neighbour Totoro.
  7. Watching Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei, since I'm a Masaaki Yuasa fanboy. And I read Suck It.
  8. Agreed, although it's no Mind Game. And I am totally gay for Kusuriuri. I've heard some good things about Trapeze. I'll definitely check it out later.
  9. Finished re-watching Mononoke. 10/10 I still think the Bakeneko arc from Ayakashi is Kenji Nakamura's magnum opus. The Bakeneko arc in Mononoke was too modern and lacked the atmosphere of the other arcs. And Chiyo was a whore.
  10. i know these trainwrecks happen all the time

  11. Reclassing and better graphics is all i want from it. And I just hope the gameplay stays simple with no skills or any other crap like that.
  12. Gameplay is the only thing that matters in a Fire Emblem game.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F82mM0FOX8c
  14. dl link open > add header >select rom
  15. i say this a lot, but adding a header to the rom usually fixes everything for me
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