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Everything posted by Luftwaffe

  1. Non. 30% growth and 4 base is complete shit for an archer considering how important the enemy phase(lol 1 PCC) is for this game. He'll be stuck with E bows for a long time if you didn't destroy your team feeding him shit and letting him blow it into the air. Yeah, he might be able to try and escape trouble occasionally because he will be killed with his awesome 2 base def and 5% growth. Continue will let him do like 1-4 more damage which won't kill anything. And Karin gets scrolls when Ronan is fatigued? are you trying saying that favouring the sack of shit Ronan >>> a frail but naturally good unit who can fly? How about fuck you Ronan you piece of garbage. Stop raping my team. Ronan would be a little better but will still be shit because he's an archer. Marty can be given the Odo & Sety scrolls since nobody else really needs them and Wrath works great on him too. He'll be awesome with favouritism while Ronan would just change from being a quick-footed piece of shit to a quick-footed piece of garbage.
  2. I find Dick to be overrated and a lardass with muscles and a scar so Rutger.
  3. nononononon. He still can't capture and is locked to 2 range. Marty will always be better than that pile of horse semen. Until the day Ronan is forgotten, he will always be shit.
  4. Marcus isn't essential on hard mode but you would have to be a complete idiot to not use him
  5. Holy shit. Did you just ignore the three posts above? I actually kill Samuto and what's his name (blond hair mage dude with Merric) and still continued past C20
  6. What the hell are you talking about? uh what? Don't you mean to abuse savestates since there's no way your team will be able to take them out
  7. holy shit ambiguity http://www.seismo.unr.edu/ftp/pub/louie/class/100/plate-tectonics.html
  8. Fe5 also has: Scrolls, broken ass dual hit and prf weapons, PCC for easy crits, skill manuals and so on. Fe6 has status staves too, although not as many as Fe5. And are there any generic Fe5 enemies as ridiculous as these:
  9. fixed the ambiguous sentence The rule still applies, but i guess the example could be changed.
  10. giant waves flying across the stage would be broken. duh
  11. I would have made Robin a mage for better chip damage
  12. killing off shit like Vyland actually makes you a better player imo. Then again, i think 'keep everyone alive' playthroughs are bullshit. Fe5 and 3 being the exceptions
  13. We're talking about Fe5 elite mode, where every unit gets 2x exp. Gosh. When will you learn? Fe1-5 all use the 1 rn system. The fake difficulty part only comes from stupid chapters that everybody with a brain warp-skips, namely C22 and 24x. Raymond pretty much nailed it with the weapons having shitty hit.
  14. I meant the enemies. I just took a peek at some of the enemies in my save files and the highest avo was 13 from a sniper. Most knights have 0, as do mammkutes and cavs hover around 7. Yeah, complete bags of shit I also took a look at my star orb'd team. 40 avo, lol
  15. that's because everyone in Fe 1, 3 and 4 have shit avo. Nothing to do with the rng
  16. Why did you delete the rom? Anyway, just download the patch in my post and apply it to a rom and you should be fine. I think you need to add a header if it doesn't have one using snes-tools, but i'm not sure. Then again, you could just play it in japanese What the fuck is that dodgy website you posted meant to be anyway?
  17. I'm just proving to Soul that constantly missing with 90+ hitrates isn't exlusive to Fe5
  18. I've never had that problem. Mind posting a screenshot?
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