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Posts posted by Barrel

  1. Chapter 16 (1/81)

    Buy: 1x Elthunder.
    Sell: Bullion (L), Concoction, Steel Lance.
    Forges: +12 Crit Arcthunder. 12,009G left.
    Tonics: Mag/Skl/Spd Morgan, Maribelle Mag, Fred Str.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Bullion(M) Thief can't have Pavise+.
    • Neither the Hero nor the Warrior in near Cervantes should have Counter/Hawkeye (Lucina must crit through them if that is the case)
    • Either the centre Warrior or the Killer Axe fighter must have Counter.

    No, I haven't completely lost the plot; I'll abuse the AI a bit to feed Morgan slightly more XP before the boss is killed. More details below.

    This is another fairly involved strat - working through this map without getting the extra XP is almost completely trivial, but Morgan still would like the XP if possible. There's also a lot of treasure that I want all in one turn for forge fodder...

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Panne pairs with Fred, Henry pairs with Maribelle and Lucina pairs with Robin. Fred OHKOs the Bullion Thief with Silver Lance. Maribelle/Henry moves up and rescues Robin/Lucina forward, who moves off-screen and kills a Fighter, then switches to Lucina who bounces off a Sniper dropping a Master Seal then kills a Warrior dropping a Steel Bow next to Cervantes. Offensive procs/dual strikes make this step highly reliable.


    Lissa rescues Fred/Panne out of the way, is danced by Olivia then rescues Maribelle as well. Anna pairs up with Cherche and Chrom pairs up with Morgan. Cherche moves up, switches to Anna who rescues Morgan/Chrom up.


    He bounces off the Speedwings Thief and attacks either the Killer Axe Fighter or Warrior, depending on which one has Counter and/or Aegis+/Hawkeye:

    • Killer Axe Fighter: 47 damage with unforged Elthunder (avoiding 17% crit) + 15 on the return (36 disp without Hawkeye) for 5/67 HP remaining.
    • Silver Axe Warrior: 39 damage with unforged Elthunder (avoiding 10% crit) + 27 on the return (43 disp without Hawkeye) for 1/67 HP remaining.

    Libra rescues Anna/Cherche back and hits B staves in the process.


    Before continuing, IIRC the EP action order in this game goes:

    1. Thieves loot chests
    2. Mire users attack anything in range
    3. Units attack/gang up on anything they can kill (at 100% hit I think? e.g. a promoted unit going after Olivia. Not sure on this.)
    4. Any bosses on the map attack
    5. Regular units will attack
    6. Staffers staff
    7. Aggro'd units move, if any

    So on EP the AI sees Morgan as a killable target and tries to kill him before Cervantes attacks. Unfortunately for them, Morgan has Vantage and 76% Vengeance/~22-34% Arcthunder Crit/62% Chrom DS, and counterkills a Falcoknight, Bow Knight, 2-3 Warriors, 2 Heroes and possibly a Fighter, getting Mend, a Silver Sword and a Killer Axe in the process. (There is a Short Spear peg that deals 0 damage to  him, so she doesn't do anything). Lucina ORKOs Cervantes, maybe taking out a Hero/Warrior/Falcoknight trying to get to her beforehand.



    Chrom     Lord         11.06          29 17  2   13  12   11  14  2   A Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier   15/11/19.37    64 26  43  37  43+2 30  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan    Sorcerer     10/10/11/10.48 68 25  39  36  37   26  26  25  A Tom
    Lucina    Grandmaster  10/13/9.00     61 30  30  33  35   32  24  24  C Swd C Tom
    Libra     War Monk     --/8.60        46 20  20  18  18   13  14  20  C Axe B Stf
    Anna      Trickster    2.44           38 13  18  24  22   28  10  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa     Sage         10/2.36	      27 2   14  15  12   14  9   7   E Tom C Stf
    Fred      Great Knight --/11.98       38 19  4   16  16   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc A Axe
    Maribelle Troubadour   5.99           19 1   6   6   8    6   2   7+2 D Stf
    Olivia    Dancer       3.89

    Still deciding who to give the Arms Scroll to, maybe I'll just use it on Lucina once she hits B tomes because I can't think of anyone else. Also have a few statboosters that I'm holding for now (Seraph's Robe/Speedwings/2x Talisman) until I decide who needs them in C23.


    No new supports.

  2. Paralogue 3 (1/80)

    Buy: 2x Str Tonic. 10,404G left.
    Sell: N/A
    Forges: N/A
    Tonics: Str Libra, Str Fred.

    Waited until I got Say'ri since she can deal with the bottom two units on the mountains reasonably well. Have barely enough units to do everything I need for a 1-turn; Libra is given a Str Tonic so he is guaranteed to OHKO the non-Pavise+ Pegs, and Fred to OHKO the non-Pavise, non-Def +2 Knight at the bottom of the map.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Pegs can't have Pavise+.
    • Fred needs to survive Fighter+Peg+possibly Knight without blowing himself up in the process.
    • Boss can't have Aegis+.

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Gaius pairs up with Lucina, Say'ri pairs up with Cherche, and Chrom pairs up with Fred. Everyone else remains single.


    Libra moves down as much as possible and rescues Fred, who moves down and kills the Knight. Anna moves down and rescues Cherche. She moves to the mountain range, switches to Say'ri who ORKOs the Fighter. Lucina kills the Fighter then moves on the river and kills the Merc. (in retrospect I could have just deployed Cordelia in place of Gaius, oops)

    Morgan kills the Knight closest to the thieves then moves up two squares south of the top Knight and kills either it or the Merc. Robin has just enough move to get to the Knight near the village, killing it, then moving all the way south to ORKO the boss.


    On EP:

    • Robin kills the Fighter and Merc.
    • Say'ri kills the Merc.
    • Fred kills the Peg and Fighter.
    • Libra OHKOs both other Pegs.
    • Lucina kills a Fighter and two archers.
    • Morgan finishes off the remaining top wave near the village.



    Chrom    Lord         10.99         28 16   2   13  12   10  13  2   A Swd
    Robin    Dark Flier   15/11/19.19   64 26   43  37  43+2 30  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan   Sorcerer     10/10/11/9.01 67 24   39  35  36   25  25  25  A Tom
    Lucina   Grandmaster  10/13/7.81    59 28   29  32  35   31  24  23  C Swd C Tom
    Libra    War Monk     --/8.28       46 20   20  18  18   13  14  20  C Axe C Stf
    Anna     Trickster    2.10          38 13   18  24  22   28  10  11  C Swd D Stf
    Fred     Great Knight --/11.86      38 19   4   16  16   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Cherche  Wyvern Lord  2.00          39 21+2 2   17  16   10  20  5   E Lnc C Axe
    Say'ri   Swordmaster  1.26

    Libra is a single staff use away from B staves, yay.


    No new supports.

  3. Chapter 15 (2/79)

    Buy: 6x Rescue, 2x Mag Tonic.
    Sell: Bullion (L), Vulnerary, Concoction, Steel Axe, 49/50 Bronze Lance, Steel Sword.
    Forges: N/A. 10,704G left.
    Tonics: Robin Mag/Def, Anna Mag, Lucina Spd.

    Lissa promotes to Sage.

    Simple enough chapter, kids and staffers get shoved more XP, etc etc. This chapter is incredibly reliable; when doing attempts I estimated a >50% CoS for each map load, and it shouldn't get any lower from on here.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Robin has to face two Generals on turn 1 EP, so whatever allows her to kill them + not get killed in the process (no double Hawkeye/Luna+ or Aegis+ for instance).
    • Both melee knights on the beach cannot both have Counter. (One each is fine, or Lucina can crit one)

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Libra Rally Lucks in place to give my combat units +4 avo. Henry pairs up with Robin, Chrom pairs up with Morgan, and Lucina pairs up with Cherche. Anna moves all the way to the right and rescues Say'ri.


    Robin kills the Hammer General and galeforces up to the eastmost village, grabbing the large bullion. Morgan kills the closest cav and moves to an excellent routing spot in the middle of the map, killing whatever is most suitable; with Robin and Morgan's coverage the only units not in range are the knight behind Morgan, the mage all the way in the west corner, and the General next to the boss. At this stage I hardly need to mention that Vantage+Nos drops Morgan's chance of death to near 0%.


    Cherche moves all the way left, switches to Lucina who kills the Silver Sword cav. She galeforces and kills one of the melee armours. Everyone else spams rescue for levels/meanders in place.

    On EP Lucina kills/severely injures 1 General, 3 Mages, 1 Knight, 1 Cav. Robin and Morgan together pretty much clear out the top half of the map:


    Turn 2:

    Usually everyone that engages Morgan dies, but sometimes an Aegis+ Dark Knight refuses to die or whatever so there may be 1-3 stragglers still alive, which is usually ok since they'll die next EP. On the beach Lucina will usually kill everyone between Aether/Ignis/low crit%/DS chances, leaving the sole DK still alive. Here two units are still left alive but it doesn't matter.

    Lucina Aethers the DK then kills the mage. Robin finishes off the Aegis+ General and has just enough move to bounce off him to the village. Morgan kills the Knight, moves a little to the left, then is danced by Olivia who hitches a ride from Sumia. She is rescued back by Libra. Morgan ORKOs the boss with a Chrom DS.


    The remaining four alive units kill themselves on EP.


    I tried figuring out how to also grab the Physic but I don't think I have enough deploy slots for that, it's not very important anyway.


    Chrom     Lord         10.89         28 16   2   13  12   10  13  2   A Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier   15/11/18.87   63 26   42  36  43+2 29  23  22  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan    Sorcerer     10/10/11/8.53 66 23   39  34  35   25  24  25  A Tom
    Lucina    Grandmaster  10/13/7.08    59 28   29  32  35   31  24  23  C Swd C Tom
    Libra     War Monk     --/7.76       45 20   19  18  18   13  14  19  C Axe C Stf
    Lissa     Cleric       10/1.68	     26 2    13  14  12   13  9   6   C Stf
    Cherche   Wyvern Lord  1.94          38 20+2 2   16  15   10  20  5   E Lnc C Axe
    Anna      Trickster    1.76
    Henry     Dark Mage    12.39
    Olivia    Dancer       3.72

    So... time to faceroll the 3DS and win? Let's see what happens.


    No new supports.

  4. Paralogue 4 (2/77)

    Buy: 6x Mag Tonic, 3x Skl Tonic, 1x Elthunder, 1x Nosferatu.
    Sell: Bullion (M), Goddess Icon, Concoction, 29/30 Heal, Javelin, Steel Sword, 49/50 Bronze Lance, Vulnerary. 7,153G left.
    Forges: N/A.
    Tonics: Cherche Str.

    Used two Spotpass teams to replicate blocked shops since there are Risen spawning everywhere (forgot to add the exception to the OP and I'm having trouble editing it at the moment so I'll do it later...)

    Nice and simple chapter, with the Bullion also collected which is good as I'm going to be extremely poor soon.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Myrm/Barb/Archer near the entrance on the left need a low Counter/Pavise+ density so Fred/Cherche/Anna can consistently rout them.
    • Two barbs near the boss should not have Counter (Lucina will need to crit them with Elthunder if that happens)

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Lucina pairs up with Robin, Panne pairs up with Fred, and Vaike pairs up with Cherche. Libra moves underneath Morgan and rescues her to safety. Chrom talks to Anna and recruits her, trades her the remaining unforged Levin Sword and the Leif's Blade, then pairs up with Morgan. Anna pairs up with Cordelia who moves up, switches back to Anna, and attacks the Archer with Leif's Blade (34% crit, 29% Steel Lance DS, doesn't have to kill either). Robin/Lucina moves up and ORKOs the barb furthest away from her, Lucina kills the myrm in the centre passageway, then moves up to a routing spot in range of the boss and equips the Elthunder.


    Fred OHKOs the myrm in the alcove with Eph's Lance. Cherche moves in range of the middle myrm and OHKOs it with the Killer Axe at shaky hit (67 disp without Avoid+10, 34 crit with Pavise+) - she requires the Str tonic to kill it. Morgan moves up and kills the Mage in the middle, then Galeforces next to the right side door where the Archer beyond can reach him. Olivia dances Cherche, who trades Fred's Hand Axe to the top of his inventory and chips the barb with the Short Axe. Lissa pointlessly rescues Olivia and hits level 10.


    On EP Lucina kills a Myrmidon, 2x Archer, 3x Barb, 3x Mage, and Vincent. Morgan kills a myrm, 2x Barb, 2x Mage, and 2x Archer. Anna/Fred/Cherche/Libra duel with the remaining enemies (Myrm/Mage/2x Barb) near the entrance and try not to hiccup in the process.

    Turn 2:

    Lucina moves west to kill the thief. She activates Galeforce, moves to the Barb and kills it, then moves to a routing spot around the top middle. Morgan moves up to meet the Mage in the centre. Anna loots the Bullion(L) while equipping the Levin Sword. Fred/Cherche/Libra help mop up the stragglers near the start.


    On EP, the remaining enemies suicide on Anna/Morgan/Lucina.


    Full disclosure: this specific clear isn't as reliable as it could have been - there exists a better one that grants Morgan a couple of extra kills, but I'm moving on since I don't think he actually needs them. I think. >.>


    UNIT     CLASS          LEVEL            HP STR  MAG SKL SPD  LCK DEF RES WEXP
    Chrom    Lord           9.38             27 16   2   13  11   9   13  2   A Swd
    Robin    Dark Flier     15/11/17.46      62 26   41  35  43+2 28  23  22  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan   Sorcerer       10/10/11.05/4.72 62 22   38  30  31   24  22  23  B Tom
    Lucina   Grandmaster    10/13.48/4.93    56 26   28  30  32   28  23  21  C Swd D Tom
    Libra    War Monk       --/7.12          45 20   19  18  18   13  14  19  C Axe C Stf
    Lissa    Cleric         10.20	         22 1    9   11  9    13  6   7   C Stf
    Fred     Great Knight   --/11.57         38 19   4   16  16   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Cherche  Wyvern Lord    1.59             38 20+2 2   16  15   10  20  5   E Lnc C Axe
    Anna     Trickster      1.42
    Cordelia Pegasus Knight 7.93
    Olivia   Dancer         3.38


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina C
    • Chrom / Morgan B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Fred / Cherche C
    • Fred / Panne B
    • Morgan / Lucina C
  5. Paralogue 1 (1/75)

    Buy: N/A
    Sell: N/A
    Forges: N/A
    Tonics: Libra Mag.

    Morgan uses a Secret Book.

    Credit to Gradivus for this map's entire strategy - it works just as well in L+ and took a total of ten minutes to fully plan and execute! Both Lucina and Morgan have barely enough mov to get to the boss as promoted classes.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Barb closest to spawn cannot have Vantage+ or Pavise+.
    • Thief cannot have Aegis+.

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Fred moves up three spaces and damages the barb with the jav forge. Donnel takes the bronze forge from Fred and attacks the barb for the kill (79 disp, 24% Fred DS). Henry chips the thief with the Elthunder forge, taking care not to kill it in the process (22% crit). Olivia dances Donnel, who kills the Thief at 96 disp (aided by Henry's Hexathema) and barely hits level 2. Chrom KE's the bottom barb (30 crit). Libra pairs up with Robin and Morgan pairs up with Lucina.


    Robin kills the Barb, moves left and switches to Libra who has just enough rescue range to reach Lucina/Morgan:


    Lucina kills an archer, moves up and switches to Morgan who kills a barb, who has just enough move to reach the boss which Lucina kills.



    UNIT      CLASS          LEVEL            HP STR  MAG SKL SPD  LCK DEF RES WEXP
    Chrom     Lord           9.28             27 16   2   13  11   9   13  2   A Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier     15/11/17.19      62 26   41  35  43+2 28  23  22  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan    Sorcerer       10/10/11.05/3.32 62 22   37  29  30   24  22  23  B Tom
    Lucina    Grandmaster    10/13.48/1.66    55 24   26  28  29   26  22  19  C Swd D Tom
    Libra     War Monk       --/6.56          44 19   19  17  18   12  13  18  C Axe C Stf
    Fred      Great Knight   --/11.24         38 19   4   16  16   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Donnel    Villager       2.00             17 5    0   3   3    12  4   1   E Lnc
    Henry     Dark Mage      12.32
    Olivia    Dancer         3.04


    There are no new supports for the chapter.

  6. Paralogue 2 (2/74)

    Buy: N/A
    Sell: N/A
    Forges: N/A
    Tonics: Libra Mag, Lissa Mag.

    Did this now because I don't think I can 1-turn this regardless since I can't get to both the village and the bottom right mountains on turn 1 even with two galefliers, since the map doesn't allow enough deployment slots. It's also a trivial opportunity for yet more (unpromoted) XP.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Closest three barbs near the entrance should be able to be killed by Chrom/Libra (no Counter/Pavise+, etc)
    • Victor shouldn't have Aegis+ (Morgan has a 24% chance to crit him on EP otherwise).

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Pairups are Chrom/Fred, Lissa/Henry, Cherche/Libra, Cordelia/Morgan, and Robin/Lucina.

    Cherche ferries Libra as northeast as possible and rescues Robin/Lucina. Robin kills one of the barbs (whichever one Anna will have most trouble against) and Galeforces to the archer, which Lucina kills and has just enough move to get to the village. Robin visits it.


    Cordelia moves all the way east, switches to Morgan, and kills the barb blocking the bridge. He moves right under it and promotes to Sorcerer. Chrom/Fred kills the nearest barb (requiring a 30% KE crit or a 50% Fred DS) and Lissa rescues Libra.


    On EP Morgan swallows up the bottom group of enemies and the middle mage (thanks to attack order, the middle barb blocks the mage from attacking Chrom). Chrom trades blows with one or two barbs, or perhaps Libra does. Anna kills a stray barb going for her. Remaining enemies on the map aggro.


    Turn 2:

    Robin moves to the archer, switches to Lucina, kills it and activates Galeforce. Lucina switches back to Robin, kiills the barb, and bounces down to the mountain range where Lucina promotes to Grandmaster.

    Chrom finishes off the weakened barb. Morgan is rescued by Libra, moves up and kills a barb and an archer, ending his turn on a sparkly tile (it was 11 XP; shouldn't matter too much). Lissa rescues Chrom to safety.


    Morgan and Lucina kill off the remaining enemies on EP.



    UNIT      CLASS          LEVEL            HP STR  MAG SKL SPD  LCK DEF RES WEXP
    Chrom     Lord           9.08             27 16   2   13  11   9   13  2   A Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier     15/11/17.07      62 26   41  35  43+2 28  23  22  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan    Sorcerer       10/10/11.05/3.19 62 22   37  29  30   24  22  23  B Tom
    Lucina    Grandmaster    10/13.48/1.32    55 24   26  28  29   26  22  19  C Swd D Tom
    Libra     War Monk       --/6.23          44 19   19  17  18   12  13  18  C Axe C Stf
    Fred      Great Knight   --/11.22         38 19   4   16  16   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Lissa     Cleric         9.62	          21 1    8   10  8    13  6   6   C Stf
    Cherche    Wyvern Lord   1.10             38 20+2 2   16  15   10  20  5   E Lnc C Axe


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina C
    • Chrom / Morgan C
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Fred / Sumia B
    • Fred / Cherche C
    • Fred / Panne C
    • Morgan / Lucina C

    cut down inactive/unused supports a bit!

  7. C14 clear briefly updated - an extra Short Spear was obtained in the clear. The general mechanics of the clear remained the same though so not updating it there, it's pretty reliable.

    40 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Quick suggestion: Finish the playthrough, then do one last link update in the first post, and see if it takes.  If it doesn't, please let me know.

    I'll give it a shot again when it's done.

  8. Chapter 14 (2/72)

    Buy: 1x Nosferatu.
    Sell: Bullion (M), Goddess Icon, Steel Sword, Concoction.
    Forges: +4 Mt, +5 Hit Nosferatu. 3,343G left.
    Tonics: Morgan Mag/Spd/Def, Lucina Mag/Spd/Def, Chrom Skl.

    Lucina uses Naga's Tear.

    Hey, it's another one! As discussed above an extra turn is again spent in this chapter - both Morgan and Lucina get extremely crucial levels that allow them to juggernaut into (near) oblivion. Plus there's more treasure to collect!

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Boss shouldn't have Aegis+ (Morgan will need a shaky Ruin crit + DS if that happens)
    • General on western ship can't have Counter
    • There can't be too many 'bad' enemy skill densities - excessive Counter melee, excessive Hawkeye on the right ship, excessive Aegis+, etc but those cases will all be rare so not a real issue.

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Chrom pairs up with Morgan, who moves forward and ORKOs both immediate knights aided with Galeforce. He is danced by Olivia, moves just out of range of the Silver Sword GK but in range of everything else, and uses a Second Seal to Dark Mage, autoequipping the forged Nosferatu. Vantage and Hex are learned and RFK/Solidarity are unequipped. Libra rescues Olivia back to safety.


    Lissa moves up one and wards Lucina, who pairs up with Robin and heads over to the eastern ship. They will kill three different enemies each - Melee Counter>Hawkeye>Luna enemies are naturally prioritised in that order, otherwise the GK is obviously another priority.

    Gaius pairs up with Cherche and flies south, unequipping if the lone Silver Lance peg in the way has Counter. Everyone else vaguely huddles around in the centre.


    On EP, Morgan kills the remaining Knight, 3x Cavalier, 3x Pegasus Knight, 3x Mage, and weakens a southern Aegis+ peg and the General. Thanks to Vantage and the Nos forge Morgan is in little danger of dying, and thanks to Hex Chrom now has a fantastic chance of actually landing his Noble Rapier dual strikes. Morgan ORKOs all non-Aegis+ unpromoted units (the pegs with a few Mag growths on EP) and Chrom will (maybe) help out with any Aegis+ enemies.

    At the same time Lucina/Robin clears out the eastern boat and snags the droppable Short Axe and the chest key. Cherche takes a hit and the remaining flappy birds swoop north.


    Turn 2:

    Libra rescues Lucina/Robin down. Lucina moves directly below Maribelle, trades the Chest Key to her, swaps to Robin, and kills the Peg. Lucina kills the Cav in front of the chest, activates Galeforce, and kills the General dropping a Talisman. Cherche/Gaius yoinks the SS.


    Maribelle trades the Chest Key to Fred and rescues him to the right of her. Fred grabs the Bullion (M). Olivia pairs up with Sumia, who is rescued forward by Lissa. Morgan finishes off the General+lone Peg with Galeforce, is danced, and kills the boss on PP with Celica's.



    Chrom     Lord        8.38           26 15  2   12  10   9   12  2   B Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier  15/11/16.82    61 26  41  34  42+2 28  23  22  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan    Dark Mage   10/10.40/10.84 54 19* 31  24  28   22  18  17  C Tom (C Swd)
    Lucina    Tactician   10/12.49       51 21  22  25  27   26  19  15  C Swd E Tom
    Libra     War Monk    --/5.46        42 18  19  16  17   11  12  18  C Axe C Stf
    Lissa     Cleric      8.85           20 1   8   10  8    12  6   5   C Stf
    Maribelle Troubadour  5.59           19 1   6   6   8    6   3   7+2 D Stf
    Olivia    Dancer      2.87

    they grow up so quickly :')


    There are no new supports for the chapter.

  9. 1 hour ago, Irysa said:

    Do you intend to slow down more elsewhere to soak EXP for Robin's kids, and if so, how important would you rate that compared to trying to just bruteforce it with Robin and letting the kids just get piecemeal?

    I plan to slow down one more turn in C14 to feed more XP to the kids for safety + grabbing two chests, and don't anticipate needing any more. Compared to just bruteforcing it with Robin I think I will encounter large problems later particularly in C20, C23 and C24. (I also have a specific levelling plan for Morgan which was the basis on wanting to do this run at all).

  10. Paralogue 12 (2/70)

    Buy: 5x Rescue, 2x Str Tonic, 8x Mag Tonic, 4x Skl Tonic, 6x Speed Tonic, 4x Def Tonic.
    Sell: Bullion (L), Rapier, 1x Vulnerary, 2x Concoction, 1x Javelin, 1x Iron Lance, 1x Silver Bow.
    Forges: +5 Mt, +9 Crit Levin Sword. 2,743G remaining.
    Tonics: Lucina Mag/Spd, Maribelle Mag, Henry Mag.

    Lucina uses a Second Seal to Tactician.

    General (or specific) requirements:

    LHS SM cannot have Aegis+ (Robin needs to crit it otherwise).
    Right Thief cannot have Pavise+ (no Bullion (M)!)
    Morgan needs to be able to kill the centre myrm + 2x wyverns without killing himself/being killed in the process (Silver Axe wyvern really should not have Counter)

    Spent a turn to feed Lucina/Morgan some XP and to grab the faraway second seal. Morgan didn't get as much XP as I wanted originally (he would have to dodge 2 out of 3 70%+ disp for my originally intended strat, to say nothing of Hawkeye), but this works too.

    The gigantic Levin forge was originally intended for Morgan, but as I found out I needed it on Lucina more than anything else since with Morgan's mid-chapter reclass + Robin support he didn't need it. The DS's also provide a good amount of mitigation against bad L+ skills (large amounts of Pavise+ spam for instance).

    This is my favourite chapter of the run so far, having a completely original strategy that every unit gets to play a crucial role in. I tried to record it with a camera but got too annoyed at doing it without CFW or a capture card. (Also Australian internet is completely useless for uploads.)
    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Libra moves up and rescues Morgan. Lissa moves next to the enemy myrm and Wards Morgan, freeing up room for Chrom to talk to him. He gives Morgan a Levin Sword and Second Seal and pairs up with Lucina. Henry pairs up with Morgan. Morgan moves up two spaces and reclasses to Myrmidon. Lucina moves to the left of Morgan and kills the myrm, needing a 48% Chrom DS, 10% Aether, or a 30% crit (Hexathema on Henry helps greatly here). Olivia dances Morgan, who transfers Henry to Sumia then pairs up with Robin.


    Robin then moves up and ORKOs the SM, then switches back to Morgan and ORKOs the myrm near it, then ORKOs the arcfire Mage underneath him (dodging ~54 disp, or more hopefully Robin DS's). Lucina moves up and kills the remaining Arcthunder mage.

    Sumia moves below Lucina and drops off Henry to the right. Cordelia/Gaius, Fred/Cherche and Maribelle all move up.


    On EP Morgan kills a mage and two Wyverns (one Silver Axe, one Tomahawk). The bottom thief loots the Bullion (M).


    Turn 2:

    Fred/Cherche OHKOs the Bullion Thief. Henry moves up a bit and chips the Myrm, which Lucina hopefully finishes off. Sumia moves all the way northeast for rescue tile manipulation. Lissa moves to Henry's former position and rescues Libra, who moves just north of Sumia and rescues Cordelia/Gaius to his right, who have just enough resulting move to loot the Second Seal chest:


    Lucina kills the stray wyvern (if it's in position; sometimes it roams elsewhere) now that Cordelia/Gaius no longer need the resulting space.

    Morgan ORKOs the left wyvern, Galeforces, then kills the closest myrm up north. Maribelle rescue hops Olivia up who has just enough move to dance Morgan again. He switches back to Robin who ORKOs the Sage, then Galeforces up and ORKOs the boss with a ~35% Robin DS (and needs at least average speed on his levelups to double the boss).


    I have A PLAN. No prizes for guessing what it is already though.

    In my completed clear Lucina didn't kill the wyvern due to an error on my part but I'm interested in moving on, Morgan's levels are great (despite the paper defenses).

    Unit stats:

    Chrom     Lord           7.78        26 15  2   11  10   9   12  2   B Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier     15/11/16.44 61 26  41  34  42+2 28  23  22  D Lnc A Tom
    Fred      Great Knight   --/11.22    38 19  4   16  16   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Libra     War Monk       --/4.80     42 17  18  15  16   11  12  18  C Axe C Stf
    Morgan    Myrmidon       10.00/8.95  42 21  22  27  31   18  12  10  C Swd (C Tom)
    Lucina    Lord           10.00/4.21  40 16  17  19  20   18  15  9   C Swd E Tom
    Lissa     Cleric         8.17        20 1   8   10  8    12  6   5   C Stf
    Olivia    Dancer         2.53
    Maribelle Troubadour     4.79
    Henry     12.24          Base


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina C
    • Chrom / Morgan C
    • Robin / Sully B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Miriel C
    • Robin / Lucina C
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Fred / Sumia B
    • Fred / Cherche C
    • Fred / Panne C
    • Nowi / Gregor C
    • Lon'qu / Vaike C
    • Morgan / Lucina C
  11. Chapter 13 (1/68)

    Tonics: Fred Str

    General requirements:

    • Right-hand sniper can't have Pavise+
    • Top Warrior (and preferably boss) can't have Aegis+
    • Myrm on the bottom right entrance can't have Pavise+

    Simple boss kill chapter. I collect both droppables on turn 1 since I'm a stingy bastard and Chrom gets a kill.

    Cherche promotes to Wyvern Lord.

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    The following units pair up:


    Cherche flies up to the Sniper dropping a Silver Bow, switches to Fred, and has him 21% Killer Axe crit it. Henry and Cordelia chip the Myrm at the entrance with Chrom finishing it off. Libra rescues Cherche out of the way, Lissa takes Libra's rescue staff and burns it, then Olivia dances Libra who Wards someone and levels up.

    Robin moves up and ORKOs the Warrior then moves up and kills a fighter or archer.


    The boss gets ORKO'd on EP.



    Chrom     Lord           7.78        26 15   2   11   10  9   12  2   B Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier     15/11/16.03 61 26   41  34  42+2 28  23  22  D Lnc A Tom
    Fred      Great Knight   --/11.10    38 19   4   16  16   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Libra     War Monk       --/4.14     42 17   18  15  16   11  12  18  C Axe C Stf
    Lucina    Lord           10.00       38 16   13  20  21   18  14  7   C Swd
    Cherche   Wyvern Lord    12.22/1.00  38 20+2 2   16  15   10  20  5   E Lnc C Axe
    Olivia    Dancer         2.19        who cares
    Henry     Dark Mage      12.11       Base
    Cordelia  Pegasus Knight 7.73        Base

    Lucina's bases are pretty workable, she's got stuff to do this run with the Galeforce passdown and all.

    I'm trying to get Libra to B staves without an arms scroll for Hammerne but he's probably going to eat one anyway, lol.


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina C
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Sully B
    • Robin / Miriel C
    • Robin / Lucina C
    • Fred / Sumia B
    • Fred / Cherche C
    • Fred / Panne C
    • Nowi / Gregor C
    • Lon'qu / Vaike C
  12. Chapter 12 (5/67)

    Buy: 2x Str Tonic, 5x Spd Tonic, 4x Skl Tonic, 2x Def Tonic
    Sell: Bullion (L), Iron Sword, 97/50 Dragonstone, 32/40 Iron Bow, 32/40 Iron Axe.
    Forges: +4 Mt +9 Crit Elthunder, +1 Mt Beast Killer, +2 Mt (Crit)Thunder. 12,648G left.
    Tonics: Robin Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def, Chrom Skl, Libra Mag.

    General requirements:

    • RHS Bow Knight can't have Hawkeye (and preferably not Prescience either)
    • Paladins can't have Counter (must crit through it otherwise)
    • Counter/Pavise+ and Luna/Hawkeye+ density must be extremely low (or a lucky crit/DG can happen I guess)
    • Very bottom knight on the RHS shouldn't have Counter (Fred needs to 25% Killer Axe crit it otherwise)

    Energy drop goes to Chrom.

    Another crucial stat benchmark is reached: the 50 Mt Elthunder forge OHKOs non-Aegis+ Knights, and with a few mag growths the Wind forge can OHKO them too and the unused Elwind/Wind tomes can OHKO the cavs, saving a bit of forge money.

    This was still a very difficult chapter to complete even with meeting the required anti-Counter Mag benchmark - there are an incredibly high number of enemies, including promoted ones, and 22 def Robin is highly prone to death by a thousand cuts (or exploding herself against Counter Paladins).

    Starting formation:


    Technically more units could be deployed to do random niche tasks like chipping the Knights, but I was sick of constantly pairing up units turn 1. >.>

    Turn 1:

    Robin moves up and kills one of the Knights, staying out of range of the Beast Killer Knight near the entrance. Fred/Cherche moves all the way right in range of one Knight. Maribelle/Libra and Sumia/Olivia curl up in the corner.


    On EP Robin counterkills 8x Cavalier, 5x Knight, 2x Paladin and 1x Bow Knight without dying horribly in the process. Fred ORKOs the bottom Knight. The mounted group on the bottom moves, as does a stray Cav and the Knights.

    Turn 2:


    Robin loops back to the entrance in range of the bottom group and heals. Fred or Cherche kill the remaining armour knight in the entrance (aided by an Olivia dance if necessary). Libra heals Fred/Cherche.

    On EP Robin kills 5x Cavalier,1x Knight and severely injures the Aegis+ Paladin. (In retrospect Chrom should have equipped the Noble Rapier for more damage, which would have been a kill if it hit).

    Turn 3:


    Robin finishes off the Paladin, is danced by Olivia, then moves forward and OHKOs the other Knight. Libra+Fred finish off the Beast Killer Counter Knight.


    The BK and three cavs all suicide on Robin in the meantime.

    Turns 4-5:

    Robin moves up, baits the two Knights that moved the previous turn, and lets Libra/Olivia catch up to her.


    She kills the Counter Paladin next turn, is rescued by Libra, danced, and steps on the boat to ORKO Dalton on turn 5 PP, with the remaining cav group all dying on turn 5 EP.



    Chrom     Lord         7.18        26 15  2   11  10   9   12  2   B Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier   15/11/15.56 60 25  40  33  41+2 27  23  22  D Lnc A Tom
    Fred      Great Knight --/10.95    37 18  3   15  15   11  18  5   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Libra     War Monk     --/3.46     41 16  18  15  15   11  12  18  C Axe C Stf
    Olivia    Dancer       2.22        18 4   2   8   9    5+4 3   2   D Swd
    Cherche   12.22        Base

    I wish Robin had like 5 more def but whatever, the important part is that Robin has G A L E F O R C E.

    There are no new supports for the chapter.

  13. 10 hours ago, SSJDennis said:

    Yeah Ch12 is hard(ish), but still fun. My main problem usually is having Cherche survive, while she does so well with her Hammer. I probably want to feed her to much EXP most of the time. She can handle armor knights well, but those cavs are annoying. Still got the second Hammer on Fred? Chrom with Rapier (if you still have it) should also come in handy. Maybe get Sumia to Fred for speed, Vaike to Chrom for strength?

    Did you menage to get any of the Ch11 chests? Still looking good :)

    It's very easy to get Cherche to live, you can get her to a safe spot on Turn 3 if needed and Robin can take care of the rest of the map.

    Panne is Fred's best pairup and he can double the cavs with it if needed, but I'm not sure if I want to do that on this map at all given the massive enemy density (he can't really handle the paladins).

    I got the Bullion (L) for forge money (as evidenced by the last screenshot).

  14. 9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Libra, who also joins nice and early, is largely inferior to Anna, lacking the move, the offense, or the Speed to avoid being doubled

    This is just plain wrong. Nothing of what you mentioned are relevant for rescue (and occasional healing) staffbots (which is what both of them should be doing in the long term) and Libra has very strong bases for his join time.

    I would probably give a slight edge to Libra given that you can marry him off to somebody in a pinch if you really wanted, but they're around equivalent anyway.

  15. Chapter 11 (4/62)

    Buy: 3x Def Tonic.
    Sell: Bullion (M), Beaststone. 11,963G remaining.
    Forges: N/A.
    Tonics: Robin Mag/Skl/Spd/Def/Res, Fred Str, Lissa Mag, Libra Mag.

    Robin uses Seraph's Robe.

    Yuck. This map has no specific requirements besides the usual; Robin really needs to do all the routing work in this chapter especially since the window to getting Galeforce is ridiculously tight. Unfortunately this means that reinforcements also spawn on turn 3, further reducing reliability.

    Str Tonic on Fred was for another strat I was testing that didn't really go anywhere - perhaps I should have explored it more, but wanted to keep moving on.

    Robin needs to muscle her way through with the Thunder forge, fishing for 20-30% crits against Counter, or to crit at all against Aegis+ Heroes and/or Gangrel. She is just shy of OHKOing counter mercs though with Miriel C - if i knew this earlier i'd have rigged more levels for Mag on Robin. Stupid game. (Conserving an Elwind and forging it would drain too much money I think).

    I think 3 turns is definitely possible for this chapter, though any chests will have to be skipped (and it's a greater concern for me because gigantic forges are coming up) so I took the easy 4 turn with the large bullion snagged.

    Starting formation:


    Panne's position is irrelevant, she could have been undeployed.

    Turn 1:


    Robin/Chrom move up just into range of the closest enemy mage. Libra/Tharja move up and Ward her. Sully/Olivia moves up and dances Robin down south where she kills the mage closest to the eastern chest. This isn't shown here, but Gaius pairs up with Cordelia and moves close to where Maribelle is shown. Everyone else does whatever.

    On EP Robin routes the entire mage group, a wyvern, a merc and a fighter.

    Turn 2:


    Robin kills the thief (in retrospect, I should have experimented with killing Gangrel so reinforcements would not spawn) and gets rescued back by Libra. She is healed by Lissa (and Maribelle if necessary) and is danced to kill the closest myrm (which would kill our support units otherwise).


    On EP she kills the western group and another southern wyvern. The centre group keeps getting aggroed.

    Turns 3-4:

    Robin ORKOs Gangrel with the forged Wind so no reinforcements spawn (in retrospect, I should have tried to set up an effective routing of them on turns 3 and 4 EP), convoys the Wind to conserve uses, and kills all remaining units on EP. Only the thief is left on turn 4 - the bullion is looted by Gaius ferried by Cordelia and Robin kills the lone thief.




    Chrom     Lord           6.50        25 12  2   10  10   9   11  2   B Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier     15/11/9.60  56 22  34  29  36+2 24  22  20  D Lnc A Tom
    Fred      Great Knight   --/10.56    37 18  3   15  15   11  18  5   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Libra     War Monk       --/2.72     40 16  17  14  14   11  12  18  C Axe C Stf
    Lissa     Cleric         7.28	     20 1   8   9   8    11  6   5   C Stf


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Sully B
    • Robin / Miriel C
    • Fred / Sumia B
    • Fred / Panne C
    • Nowi / Gregor C
    • Lon'qu / Vaike C
  16. Chapter 10 (2/58)

    Buy: N/A.
    Sell: Killer Bow, Iron Sword, Vulnerary. 6,413G left.
    Forges: N/A.
    Tonics: Fred Spd/Def, Robin Skl/Spd, Cordelia Skl, Gaius Str.

    Robin uses a Dracoshield and the Secret Book originally meant for later.

    Credit to Gradivus for this map's general strategy, although with a slight modification to also get the Bullion (M) as money will become incredibly tight soon.

    General requirements:

    • Bullion(M) thief can't have Pavise+. The bottom two thieves preferably don't have Pavise+ either - Fred must crit/Sumia DS if that occurs.
    • Mid-top formation needs to be survivable by Robin - that means no or extremely little Counter/Pavise+ and Robin must be able to muscle through Pavise+ on his own with a Thunder crit or otherwise.

    Starting formation:


    Everyone gets to play this time!

    Turn 1:

    Everyone pairs up as follows:


    Fred/Sumia heads west and kills the Master Seal thief. Nowi/Gregor moves south of the Wyrmslayer thief, switches, and is hit with a Levin Sword. Cordelia/Chrom moves and hopefully finishes off the thief (DS's from both pairs are at ~35%.)

    Panne/Kellam moves towards the centre and Libra/Tharja move in between them, trading/unequipping Gregor where necessary and rescuing Robin/Gaius to his left. She moves forward and ORKOs a fighter. Lissa either plugs in a gap against Pass enemies or stays put.


    On EP six units suicide on Robin, while the middle units trade blows with each other (maybe).

    Turn 2:

    Fred/Sumia move to kill the Seraph's Robe thief, while Cordelia/Chrom move forward and kill the Bullion (M) thief (Chrom must DS).

    I try fishing for a DS from either Nowi or Panne to kill the Fighter in front of Libra (it has Counter) so that someone can walk up to the Wyrmslayer thief and kill it; sadly, neither happen. In retrospect, the Wyrmslayer was guaranteed with a Gregor Mag Tonic / Cordelia Str Tonic, but not restarting for it since I don't think I need it (lategame Wyvern Lords will be getting an Arcwind to the face and I don't think I need anything else.)


    Robin then ORKOs Mustafa with Celica's.


    Fun fact: this is the first map in the run that equals its respective turncount on vanilla Lunatic!


    Chrom     Lord           5.24       24 11  2   10   10   9   10  2   C Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier     15/11/5.60 48 22  31  26   32+2 22  22  19  D Lnc B Tom
    Fred      Great Knight   --/10.56   37 18  3   15   15   11  18  5   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Libra     War Monk       --/2.03    40 16  17  14   14   11  12  18  C Axe C Stf
    Panne     Taguel         7.29       29 9+3 2   10+5 10+5 9+4 8+1 3   --
    Lissa     Cleric         6.86	    19 1   8   8    8    10  6   5   D Stf
    Gregor    Mercenary      10.29      Base
    Cordelia  Pegasus Knight 7.60       Base
    Gaius     Thief          5.13       Base
    Sumia     Pegasus Knight 1.32       Base



    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Sully B
    • Robin / Miriel C
    • Fred / Sumia B
    • Fred / Panne C
    • Nowi / Gregor C
    • Lon'qu / Vaike C
  17. Chapter 9 (5/56)

    Buy: 2x Mag Tonic, 4x Skl Tonic, 4x Spd Tonic, 1x Res Tonic
    Sell: Iron Lance, Steel Lance, 40/45 Fire, 33/40 Iron Sword. 5,191G Left.
    Forges: N/A.
    Tonics: Robin Mag/Skl/Spd/Def, Lissa Mag

    Robin uses Master Seal to Dark Flier.

    Pretty simple now that Robin finally has access to tomes once more and is promoted - non-Hawkeye+ units have very bad hit on her and she has good enough HP to withstand Hawkeye hits (her def could be higher but c'est la vie).

    Lissa took a Mag tonic but she didn't need it at all.

    General requirements:

    • Extremely low to no Counter/Aegis+ on melee
    • Archers shouldn't have Hawkeye (and preferably not Prescience either)
    • Wyverns can't have Counter/Pavise+

    Starting formation:


    Half the units don't matter lol.

    Turn 1:

    Robin/Miriel moves up and kills the Wyvern or Archer. Thanks to Miriel C she has exactly enough mag with the Wind forge to OHKO the non-Aegis+ Counter soldiers and anything weaker than that. Chrom pairs up with Cordelia and Lissa pairs up with Sumia. Everyone else shuffles in place.


    Robin kills a horde of units on EP and the two soldiers move towards Fred.


    Turn 2:

    Fred kills the Silver Lance soldier. Cordelia transfers Chrom to Robin. Robin moves south, swaps to Chrom, recruits Libra, convoys him a rescue and a hand axe, swaps to Robin, and kills the soldier/DM/archer depending on skill distribution. Libra equips the hand axe and either chips something or heals Robin. Everyone else does whatever they want.

    On EP, an archer tries to attack Robin (I think Chrom DG'd it) and the soldier attacks Libra, who eats a bit of Counter to the face.


    Turn 3:

    Libra heals Robin who moves forward and ORKOs either the mage or soldier. Panne transfers Fred to Nowi who transfers him to Cordelia who moves forward, swaps to Fred, and finishes off the Soldier. Everyone else sort of hangs around.


    Turns 4-5:

    Robin counterkills a bunch of units on EP. She moves towards Tharja PP turn 4, swaps to Chrom, talks to Tharja, swaps back and OHKOs a wyvern. Tharja is able to move out of range of the remaining archer and wyvern without expending a rescue use, which are killed on EP (Robin tanks a Hawkeye/Luna+ killer bow in the process and lives on 2HP!). The boss goes down on turn 5 PP.


    A 4-turn probably exists somewhere but I took the opportunity for a brainlessly easy 5-turn and rig strong levels for Robin instead... still at least two stat benchmarks to hit in this run.



    Chrom     Lord         5.14       24 11  2   10  10   9   10  2   C Swd
    Robin     Dark Flier   15/11/4.08 47 21  30  24  31+2 21  19  18  D Lnc B Tom
    Fred      Great Knight --/10.38   37 18  3   15  15   11  18  5   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Lissa     Cleric       6.70       19 1   8   8   8    10  6   5   D Stf
    Libra     War Monk     --/1.55    Base
    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Sully B
    • Robin / Miriel C
    • Fred / Panne C
    • Nowi / Gregor C
    • Lon'qu / Vaike C
  18. Chapter 8 (5/51)

    Buy: 5x Str Tonic, 5x Mag Tonic, 2x Res Tonic, 2x Javelin, Hand Axe
    Sell: Bullion (M), Steel Bow
    Forge: +2 Mt Javelin. 5,522G left.
    Tonics: Str/Def/Res Robin, Str/Def Fred, Str Lon'qu, Mag Ricken

    Yay, I have 1-2 range on Robin again! It's not magical but I'm not exactly in a position to complain or be choosy at the moment. This is a reasonably simple chapter overall, and given the 5 turn benchmark I will have time to grab the southernmost village for the Second Seal, which I will need anyway for later.

    Str Tonic Lon'qu/Mag Tonic Ricken were originally for the eastmost fighter at the entrance but I didn't even need them, oh well.

    General requirements:

    • Still need a low aegis+ density particularly on Counter enemies (reliant on DS/other backup damage to finish off weakened enemies if that's the case)
    • Fighter near the southwest village can't have Counter
    • Arcwind DMs preferably don't have Hawkeye as Robin will take a chunk from them, but if the other enemies are kind it is OK

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Robin/Chrom move down and ORKO the fighter near the entrance. Fred/Panne moves up and javs the nearest myrm (it doesn't have to kill) or rarely the cav. Sumia hides in a spot just north of the closest village while everyone stays just outside of range. Gregor/Nowi move to safety.


    On EP Robin kills two DMs and two cavs with Chrom's help while Fred (usually) finishes off a myrm and a cav.

    Turn 2:


    A straggler or two may still be around which Nowi/Gregor may help finish off; hopefully the DMs are dead though as they can be annoying if still left alive. Robin moves to a good routing spot just beneath the village inside the fighter's range while Fred moves inside a DM's range. Sumia heads towards the southern village and everyone else sort of meanders around in the centre.

    On EP, Robin damages/kills a Fighter, an Arcwind Mage and a myrm. Fred kills the centre DM. The centre group aggros.

    Turn 3:


    Depending on Robin's current HP/enemy skill distribution, he can kill one of the cavs, the myrm, or move south of the cavs and heal. Fred finishes off the middle fighter and baits a (Counter) myrm towards his direction. The other pegs keep flying in the direction of the remaining villages.

    Turns 4-5:


    Robin and Fred clean up the remaining enemies to the south (the units near the boss aggro as a group), all remaining villages are visited, and Nowi/Miriel/Ricken finish off the fighter at the entrance. The boss goes down on turn 5 EP.


    Chrom     Lord           4.61        23 11  2   10   10   8   10  2   C Swd
    Robin     Pegasus Knight 15.93/11.26 43 18  24  22   27+2 18  15  15  D Lnc (E Swd C Tom)
    Fred      Great Knight   --/10.05    37 18  3   15   15   11  18  5   B Swd A Lnc B Axe
    Panne     Taguel         7.17        29 9+3 2   10+5 10+5 9+4 8+1 3   --
    Lissa     Cleric         6.38	     19 1   8   8    8    10  6   5   D Stf
    Gregor    Mercenary      10.10       Base
    Nowi      Manakete       3.71        Base
    Ricken    Mage           3.47        Base
    Miriel    Mage	         1.83        Base 

    For convenience I will only show units whose XP have changed since the previous chapter in the unit tables.

    Robin's defense is a bit low for my liking but hey, beggars can't be choosers.


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Sully B
    • Robin / Miriel C
    • Fred / Panne C
    • Nowi / Gregor C
    • Lon'qu / Vaike C
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