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Posts posted by Barrel

  1. My theory regarding Yen'fay and Say'ri that I'll stand by is that originally Yen'fay was meant to be a Lorenz, recruitable by Say'ri, by them trading blows in combat and both surviving (then Yen'fay joins as he realises that is indeed his sister on the other side). Somewhere within the management team after the entire chapters/storyline was all developed it was instead decided that Chrom ended up needing to recruit everybody, and as it was too late to completely revert the original decision it ends up as the clusterfuck one sees today in the form of Chapter 18.

  2. 6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    The only reason why you're not getting a spamming warning is because that was the exact same thing that I was thinking.  However, you'll need to do better than that as a counter-argument.


    yeah i'm not sure why i bothered honestly, my bad

  3. 1 minute ago, Slumber said:

    How are neither of those statements true? You have to reset constantly to get enemy skill combinations that aren't just completely broken, and by about chapter 3, most normal enemies(The Knights specifically) have near maxed out Defense, ~40 HP, speed that will keep Frederick from doubling, skill that allows them to hit reliably, and, then on Lunatic+, Pavise+ and Aegis+, which will further halve any minuscule damage you could put out. AND enemies start getting COUNTER on chapter 3 of Lunatic+.


  4. 9 hours ago, Slumber said:

    It's basically a fight against the RNG


    to "Everyone's stronger than Frederick" on Lunatic and Lunatic+.

    i mean neither of these statements are true at all but okay then

    9 hours ago, Harvey said:

    To me, unless if its something like how FE7 did having new modes unlocked and what not, I don't really see the point of harder modes other than just going to hard mode over normal.

    Lunatic+ needs to be unlocked by completing vanilla Lunatic first, if that's what you're interested in.

  5. 1 hour ago, Harvey said:

    The reason why I'm on fence on harder modes is because I don't want to end up screaming like hell for something that intense and what not. I mean...how can i persuade myself to play Conquest!Hard if normal itself  as hard as hard mode? 

    Eh I reckon you're psyching yourself out too much personally; just give it a shot! Gotta start somewhere.

  6. Endgame (1/96)

    Link to final unit stats.

    List of supports obtained throughout the run:

    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Morgan A
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina B
    • Robin / Sully B
    • Robin / Henry B
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Miriel C
    • Robin / Libra C
    • Robin / Anna C
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Fred / Panne A
    • Fred / Sumia B
    • Fred / Cherche C
    • Vaike / Lon'qu C
    • Gregor / Nowi C
    • Tiki / Say'ri C
    • Basilio / Flavia C
    • Morgan / Lucina A

    It's over! Please enjoy.

    Enemy loot from Chapter 24 was sold and +1 Mt, +5 Hit was forged on the remaining +4 Mt Ruin forge, along with a few tonics on the kids. The double Ruin crit exactly ORKOs Grima, though a fully forged Waste forge + Robin assisting with the kill would have been a more prosaic way to settle matters.


    Battles/Wins, sorted first by wins then by battles in descending order:

    Robin     218B 201W  1st
    Morgan    155B 151W  2nd
    Frederick 121B 88W   3rd
    Lucina    76B  72W   4th
    Chrom     10B  6W    5th
    Libra     8B   4W    6th
    Cherche   6B   3W    =7th
    Tiki      6B   3W    =7th
    Vaike     5B   2W    =9th
    Anna      5B   2W    =9th
    Panne     3B   2W
    Basilio   3B   2W
    Say'ri    2B   2W
    Donnel    2B   2W
    Virion    8B   1W
    Cordelia  3B   1W
    Nowi      3B   1W
    Miriel    2B   1W
    Lon'qu    2B   1W
    Stahl     3B   0W
    Henry     3B   0W
    Ricken    3B   0W
    Gregor    3B   0W
    Sully     2B   0W
    Gaius     2B   0W
    Kellam    1B   0W
    Tharja    1B   0W
    Lissa     0B   0W
    Sumia     0B   0W
    Maribelle 0B   0W
    Olivia    0B   0W
    Flavia    0B   0W


    This run is definitely doable in <95 turns, but I'm just happy to get it out of the door. Thanks to everyone who followed along!

    Shoutout to @Gradivus.and @Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi for helping this run out with strategy/stat benchmark references.

  7. 1 hour ago, XeKr said:

    There might be an argument for the Griffin variant in a “pure” vanilla Lunatic run of 0 renown (fresh cartridge) with no second seal until C8. Tho given how Rescue staff heavy it is, it kinda runs into trouble without Anna, and alternatively in a ruleset with non-children Paralogues required, Tiki’s chapter poses some issues.

    It might be more palatable as an incomplete recruitment run, since Tiki doesn't have to survive the map (but you can't recruit her). 0 renown vanilla Lunatic should be definitely interesting on its own - I noticed you never finished your original run either?

    Alternatively wait until the Khans to do it, lol

    1 hour ago, XeKr said:

    For your run, as you noted the last Robin reclass didn’t really do anything so it would be interesting if a midchapter reclass to sorc could help in 23 or 24. iirc C24 is fairly hard to 1 turn with 3 main combat units and Tiki/Basilio/Flavia helping a bit, since the ranges just barely don’t overlap enough due to the forest, but maybe triple Galeforce can get around that. 

    Yeah the stupid forest in the middle might be a dealbreaker and our lategame recruits aren't quite that strong enough to consistently help out on L+ I think. Maybe if you rigged more >_>

    1 hour ago, XeKr said:

    On the whole, I don’t think people really would have predicted sub100 tc without significantly more rigging/reset for skill distro, so the +Mag VV ohkoing was some really nice insight. 

    I actually thought it would have been ~110 turns originally since I was terrified of what the midgame would look like (though Robin eventually pulled through) and was really surprised at how easily executable some problem chapters were (6 for instance)

  8. Chapter 24 (2/94)

    Buy: 1x Master Seal, 2x Second Seal, 2x HP Tonic, 2x Str Tonic, 3x Mag Tonic, 2x Skl Tonic, 1x Spd Tonic, 2x Lck Tonic, 2x Res Tonic.
    Sell: 3x Silver Sword, 29/30 Silver Sword, Wyrmslayer, 1x 21/50 Bronze Lance, 1x Silver Lance, 3/30 Silver Lance, 1x 23/25 Beast Killer, 7/25 Javelin, Short Axe, 23/25 Short Axe, Silver Axe, Hammer, 2x Silver Bow, 1x 28/35 Elthunder, 1x 21/35 Elwind, 1x Arcfire, 11/30 Arcthunder, 1x Elixir, 2x Talisman.
    Forges: +3 Mt Beast Killer on top of the existing forge (so +4 Mt +5 Hit total), +12 Crit Celica's Gale; 105G left.
    Tonics: Morgan HP/Mag/Skl, Robin HP/Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Def/Res, Lucina HP/Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res, Basilio HP/Str/Skl/Spd, Flavia Skl, Tiki HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def, Anna Mag, Libra Mag, Lissa Mag.

    Basilio uses a Speedwing and Arms Scroll. Lucina uses the remaining Talisman. Henry and Tharja promote to Dark Knight. Fred reclasses to Wyvern Lord. Morgan reclasses back to Sorcerer.

    Morgan skills: Rightful King / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Charm / Aether / Ignis / Galeforce / Veteran

    It's at this stage that I noticed I made probably the first and last mistake of my run: Robin really wants to be a Sorcerer in this chapter to survive the hordes on EP, but can't as she is stuck in DF.  What I should have done was keep her level capped until around C22 or so, then reclassed back to Sorcerer as I won't lose out on any turns then. Though from my clear Robin's flight was actually pretty helpful, so meh. Speaking of mistakes, I opted not to redo Chapter 23 for the extra Ruin uses; I have just enough in hand for this map.

    Went all out on resources here; the Beast Killer forge is to ORKO the starting position non-Pavise+ Paladins (which was never used lol), and the Celica's forge is to help muscle through Aegis+ (It has a 45.3% chance to ORKO Pavise+ Valkyries for instance). The Chrom/Morgan A Support is critical for this map as Lucina needs to help with the rest of the routing.

    With Speedwings, Flavia pairup, and Speed tonic, Basilio is brought within doubling range to ORKO the Valks on this map (more precisely, the top Valk) with Yewfelle and the top Bow Knight with Helswath. Flavia can 39% DS with Mercurius if needed.

    Henry/Tharja are good pairup bots for Robin/Lucina for due to Anathema, +mag pairup, and +1mov; moreso for Robin as she gets +10 Avo with C support.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Great Knight in the centre nearest to Spawn cannot have Counter.
    • Aegis+/Pavise+ density on the bottom half must be negligible to aid reliability.
    • Excessive (Counter/)Pavise+ density near Morgan is probably a death sentence for him; losing out on the Skl pairup bonus + Solidarity is a big deal for crit chance.

    This is an extremely involved chapter; as such, I have put in detailed annotations in the below video (with apologies to mobile users!)

    I think a 1-turn miiiight be possible with Robin Lucina and Morgan all as Sorcerers (perhaps with a turn 1 reclass for Robin)? Hell if I know though.


    Chrom   Great Lord   11/1.33          34  21  2   15  14    11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin   Dark Flier   15/11/20/3.80    72  26  44  38  44+2* 33  25  24  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan  Sorcerer     10/10/11/20/3.59 80* 29* 48  39* 44*   32  29  32  A Tom
    Lucina  Grandmaster  10/13/16.47      66  33  32  36  41    35  27  28  C Swd B Tom
    Libra   War Monk     --/12.92         50  21  23  19  20    14  16  21  C Axe B Stf
    Anna    Trickster    --/5.28          39  14  20  26  25    30  11  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa   Sage         10/5.00          30  3   16  17  13    16  10  9   E Tom C Stf
    Olivia  Dancer       5.42             21  7   3   9   11    5+4 3   3   D Swd
    Fred    Wyvern Lord  --/12.34/1.30    37  20  4   19  19    12  15  8   A Lnc A Axe
    Tiki    Manakete     22.47            52  24  16  22  22    26  22  19
    Basilio Warrior      10.97            72  37  4   31  30    23  25  10  A Axe A Bow
    Flavia  Hero         10.15
    Say'ri  Swordmaster  1.40
    Henry   Dark Knight  12/1.00          38  10  17  20  12    11  19  7   E Swd C Tom
    Tharja  Dark Knight  10/1.00          33  7   14  9   15    3   15  8   E Swd D Tom
    Tiki with Dragonstone+: 52/24+11/16+6/22+5/22+4/26/22+13/19+9


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina B
    • Chrom / Morgan A
    • Robin / Henry B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Libra C
    • Robin / Anna C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Tiki / Say'ri C
    • Basilio / Flavia C
    • Morgan / Lucina A

    man why couldn't have Basilio and Flavia started off with an auto C support? that would have been so fitting



    Chapter 25 (1/95)

    Since this is so simple I figured I'd just lump this into the one spot.

    This is a completely trivial chapter where I didn't do any pre-battle prep, but I figure I may as well put this in. The only things of note are Libra Hammerneing the Celica's and Morgan grabbing the Levin Sword, both of which are redundant but whatever.

    Note that Robin could have Beast Killered Aversa at 85 disp instead.

  9. Thanks guys!

    6 hours ago, XeKr said:

    I think a tangent you brought up is interesting. It’s possible that Vantage manips would allow better Morgan snowballs in vanilla Lunatic as well, for comparable late rout turncounts. It seems to be most important earlier to get him started, and perhaps he can still hurt himself significantly then on the enemies even w/o counter. Just need the exp for 3ish competent combat units, as you’ve shown. Maybe with Lucina fighting separately and Bow Knight Chrom to give move so you can Rescue people into better position (with sacrifices maybe)?

    It seems to somewhat work even in no second seals (not full lowturn continuity), 2 turns with 3 main combat pairs with just 1 Galeforce unit, and no 1st turn Rescue. I also theorized/tried a 3 turn-ish with Deliverer!Hero/Wyvern/GK Robin/Morgan/Lucina, though that variant takes an extra turn in some chapters like 20 since there’s no galeforce anyway, which gives a lot of exp to Lucina/Morgan. iirc it seemed to work, the frustrating issue is actually random Axebreaker Heroes so accuracy and reliability is too eh (for me. It’s pretty safe from death tho.).

    I thought about it, but as you seemed to imply under this ruleset you lose 1 turn in C8, 1-2 turns in P12/C14, and possibly 1 turn in P3 due to no Deliverer, with only a net gain of 2 turns for C23 (albeit at the gain of more reliable bosskills, particularly for C20). The second seal distro is also really too low pre-Mila tree. There also aren't any dangerous skills like Pavise+, Counter or Luna+/Hawkeye in vanilla Lunatic, so it'd be overkill and you could probably achieve the same results with gigantic Nosferatu Mt/Crit forges. >.> Plus actually taking enough damage quickly is tricky because unpromoted enemies do nothing and by the time promoted enemies start rolling out en masse Morgan should be already on the roll.

    Griffon 10>Hero 5+ Robin/Morgan hould be totally doable on vanilla Lunatic; my first thought was that random Axebreaker heroes can be defeated with giant +hit Hand Axe forges though, unless that's still super shaky. Also this is totally 2-turnable there, just rig like 15 extra defence on Robin and you're good to go.

    1 hour ago, Irysa said:

    I hope there's something insane like a C24 1 turn you still have to show.

    I wish I did; thanks to a reclassing mishap on Robin that's not happening at all. Maybe for next time.

  10. Chapter 23 (3/92)

    Buy: 3x HP Tonic, 4x Str Tonic, 3x Spd Tonic, 2x Luk Tonic, 2x Def Tonic, 1x Res Tonic.
    Sell: Goddess Icon, Concoction, Silver Lance, Silver Axe, 19/30 Killer Axe, 17/25 Hand Axe.
    Forges: +1 Mt, +5 Hit on the unforged Ruin; +1 Mt on the +5 Hitforge Ruin. 10,190G left.
    Tonics: Morgan HP/Mag/Skl, Robin HP/Spd/Def, Tiki Str/Spd/Lck.

    Robin uses Seraph's Robe and Dracoshield. The small Ruin forges are to slightly boost hit against Avoid+10 Assassins, as well as for OHKOing non-Pavise+ Generals without a crit without any magic growths.

    Morgan skills: Tomebreaker / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Solidarity / Galeforce / Veteran / Ignis

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • After Validar's death on PP turn 2, he cannot spawn with both Aegis+ and Hawkeye.
    • The most northwestern Assassin on the pillar or the General to the right of it spawn must HAVE Counter and no Aegis+, Vantage+ or Luna+ (yikes). (preferably the Assassin for slightly better positioning for EP sweeping)

    This chapter shaped the entire run's existence, so have a video. Also I think it's hilarious.

    Note that the rescue staff may not be used turn 1 as Robin cannot kill Validar to destroy the barrier immediately as Chrom does not provide a +1 mov pairup, so careful positioning on turn 1 is needed.

    Once again, Morgan needs to seek Counter targets on turn 1 to bash his head in against, and finds one of the two following enemies:

    • Assassin: 51 Arcwind Counter damage (avoiding a 34% crit) + 88/98 disp 24 damage Silver Sword (avoiding a 20% DG from Lucina) = 75 damage with 3/78 HP remaining.
    • General to the right of it: 43 Elfire Counter damage (avoiding a 29% crit) + 76 disp 32 damage Silver Lance (avoiding a 20% DG from Lucina) = 75 damage with 3/78 HP remaining.

    With this, Morgan has 78-84% crit against the entire map with 96% Vengeance, except Validar who he has 75% crit. With the additional Vengeance damage he OHKOs every single non-Pavise+ enemy without a crit and every single enemy on the map with a crit (and gives L+ a gigantic middle finger). Validar has 0 disp against Tomebreaker Morgan without Hawkeye, so even with Pavise+ he is safe and deals 90+ damage against him with a crit. In case Morgan doesn't crit against a non-Counter Pavise+ enemy, Lucina can follow up with an 81% DS or 20% DG Morgan.

    Amusingly enough, thanks to the unique nature of this game(mode) and playthrough this is the first chapter I know of that has a lower documented turncount on a higher difficulty mode than its lower difficulty counterpart; the two fastest vanilla Lunatic LTCs I know of finished this map in 5 turns.

    One major optimisation that I didn't do in this video that I might go back and redo is: while Morgan sweeps up the most eastern area on EP turn 2 and collects droppables, he can take the opportunity to convoy a low-use Ruin which Libra can pick up from the Chromvoy PP turn 3, trade it to Chrom, then Hammerne it.


    Chrom  Great Lord   11/1.26        34 21  2   15  14    11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier   15/11/20/2.85  71 26  44  38  44+2* 32  25  24  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer     10/10/11/20.00 78 29* 47  39* 43    31  28  31  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster  10/13/14.85    65 33  32  36  40    35  25  26  C Swd B Tom
    Libra  War Monk     --/12.09       50 21  23  19  20    14  16  21  C Axe B Stf
    Anna   Trickster    --/4.95        39 14  19  25  24    29  11  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa  Sage         10/4.85        29 3   16  17  13    15  9   8   E Tom C Stf
    Olivia Dancer       5.08           21 7   3   9   11    5+4 3   3   D Swd
    Tiki   Manakete     21.60          51 24  15  21  22    25  21  18
    Say'ri Swordmaster  1.40
    Basilio Warrior     10.11
    Flavia  Hero        10.05
    Tiki with Dragonstone+: 51/24+11/15+6/21+5/22+4/25/21+13/18+9

    Morgan skills: Tomebreaker / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Solidarity / Galeforce / Veteran / Ignis


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina B
    • Chrom / Morgan A
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Libra C
    • Robin / Anna C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Tiki / Say'ri C
    • Morgan / Lucina A

    I wanted Basilio Flavia C for Chapter 24 but that's kind of difficult while completing the map in 3 turns, even when giving them a Seed of Trust.

  11. Chapter 22 (1/89)

    Buy: Arcwind, 2x Rescue, 4x Mag Tonic, 2x Skl Tonic, 2x Luk Tonic.
    Sell: Bolt Axe, Steel Sword, Silver Sword, 24/50 Bronze Sword, 27/40 Iron Lance, 31/35 Steel Lance, 12/25 Hammer, Fortify, Elwind.
    Forges: +2 Mt Arcwind, +3 Mt, +5 Hit on top of the existing Arcthunder forge. 10,316G left.
    Tonics: Morgan Mag/Skl, Lucina Mag/Skl/Spd, Robin Mag/Spd.

    Lucina re-equips Ignis in place of Charm.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Aversa cannot have Aegis+. (This requirement can be skipped with a Str Tonic on Robin which allows for a Beast Killer ORKO, but the appropriate tonic shop was blocked at the time)
    • Canis cannot have Pavise+ and shouldn't have Counter either.
    • Tigris cannot have Pavise+ (I think? Not sure...)

    Hey have another low-quality slightly tilted video (because I'm too lazy to re-record...) Hopefully it gives the basic idea of how the strategy for this chapter works.

    Note that the clear is broken down into three portions, I'll make notes about them individually:

    RHS with Lucina:

    Lucina takes the Say'ri pairup to double Canis off the bat and Yewfelle Draco after gaining a point of speed from her levelup. Rough damage calculations are as follows:

    • Each attack has 39% Ignis or 19.5% Aether, i.e. roughly 50% chance of any proc in one attack.
    • Canis kill: 26x2 @ 85 disp  Aether on either hit will kill, or an Ignis + Say'ri DS (46% with a shaky hit rate). With a Str tonic only a single Ignis proc is necessary without the Say'ri DS, but the tonic shop was blocked at the time.
    • If Canis has Counter, Lucina survives on 1 HP on a regular counter hit + Valflame and needs to proc Ignis to kill Canis without dying. (Or Lucina could dodge 72 disp as in the video...)
    • As shown in the video Libra can Physic her between combat rounds to sharply reduce her chance of dying.
    • Draco kill is sketchier, needing either two proc skill activations (Say'ri tinks him) or a 13% Arcthunder forge crit on either hit. Levin Sword can be taken out if Draco has Aegis+, which has a slightly lower than 25% CoS due to the chance of it missing.

    LHS with Morgan:

    Morgan wants to attack Tigris first so he takes Counter damage before attacking Equus. He takes 31 Elfire Counter damage + 37 Tigris Helswath = 68 damage, or 4/72 HP remaining.
    Equus kill: 22 base damage + 34 Vengeance damage = 56 total damage @ 90 disp and 45% ruin crit. Any crit will kill him, as well as Pavise not triggering (39% to trigger) on both non-crit hits.
    Not sure what the best idea is if Tigris spawns with Aegis+.

    Boss kill with Robin:

    Robin ORKOs Aversa with the Arcwind forge, or with the Beast Killer + Str Tonic if she has Aegis+. In retrospect money could have been saved by using Celica's to kill Aversa, but I think I need the forge anyway to kill Swordbreaker Wyverns in C24 so it's not a big deal.


    Chrom  Great Lord   11/1.12        34 21  2   15  14    11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier   15/11/20/1.98  65 26  43  38  44+2* 31  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer     10/10/11/15.54 73 27  42  39* 40    30  27  28  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster  10/13/14.01    65 33  32  36  40    35  25  26  C Swd C Tom
    Libra  War Monk     --/11.16       49 20  23  19  20    13  16  21  C Axe B Stf
    Anna   Trickster    --/4.47        39 14  19  25  24    29  11  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa  Sage         10/4.22        29 3   16  17  13    15  9   8   E Tom C Stf
    Olivia Dancer       4.74           20 6   3   9   10    5+4 3   3   D Swd
    Tiki   Manakete     20.76
    Say'ri Swordmaster  1.33

    Morgan skills: Veteran / Galeforce / Rightful King / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Solidarity / Galeforce / Veteran / Ignis


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina B
    • Chrom / Morgan A
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Libra C
    • Robin / Anna C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Fred / Panne A
    • Morgan / Lucina A

    Remarkably enough there still might be one or two more supports that I want to get for C24, but they're definitely not as important as the A supports, as A rank gives +10 crit as a support bonus which is obviously pretty... critical here.

    Up next: the moment of truth!

  12. Chapter 21 (1/88)

    Buy: N/A.
    Sell: Bullion (L). 18,136G left.
    Forges: N/A.
    Tonics: N/A.

    Lucina re-equips Ignis for Charm.

    The map's getting finished on PP since there's nowhere for utility units to hide safely on EP. It's a very simple 'escape' chapter otherwise (I put escape in quotation marks since there aren't any actual escape objectives in Awakening).

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Just one, see below.

    Starting formation:


    Robin, Lucina and Lissa's positions are important; the rest are mostly irrelevant.

    Turn 1:

    Anna pairs with Robin and Morgan pairs with Lucina. Lissa rescues Robin forwards, who moves forward and ORKOs the selected Assassin (it can't have Aegis+, else Robin must try to low% crit it).


    Robin Galeforces forward and switches to Anna, who has enough range to rescue Lucina/Morgan forward.


    Morgan kills the SM on the stairs then Lucina kills the Berserker near the boss, giving her just enough move to reach the boss on PP.


    Everyone else does whatever in the entrance without dying (mostly grinding support ranks) - in my completed clear the top SM ended up dying to two Fred Luna procs + Tiki which was funny so I kept it. FRED IS STILL USEFUL, GUYS.

    Lucina kills the boss.



    Chrom  Great Lord   11/1.05        34 21  2   15  14    11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier   15/11/20/1.68  65 26  43  38  44+2* 31  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer     10/10/11/14.60 72 26  42  39* 39    29  27  27  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster  10/13/12.51    64 32  31  35  38    33  25  25  C Swd C Tom
    Libra  War Monk     --/10.64       48 20  22  18  19    13  14  21  C Axe B Stf
    Anna   Trickster    --/4.14        39 14  19  25  24    29  11  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa  Sage         10/3.88        28 2   15  16  12    15  9   8   E Tom C Stf
    Fred   Great Knight --/12.34       39 20  4   17  17    12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc A Axe
    Olivia Dancer       4.57           20 6   3   9   10    5+4 3   3   D Swd
    Tiki   Manakete     20.76

    Morgan skills: Veteran / Galeforce / Rightful King / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Solidarity / Galeforce / Veteran / Ignis


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina B
    • Chrom / Morgan B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Libra C
    • Robin / Anna C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Fred / Panne A
    • Morgan / Lucina A

    There is just one more crucial support to grab next chapter, but I should be able to get it just in time.

  13. Chapter 20 (1/87)

    Buy: N/A.
    Sell: N/A.
    Forges: +4 Mt, +10 Hit Ruin. 8,136G left.
    Tonics: N/A.

    Morgan unequips Vantage for Rightful King.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Cervantes cannot have Aegis+.
    • Of the two Heroes in the centre in Excellus's group, one must have Counter.
    • Walhart should not have Vantage+, as he's being attacked on PP this time (Morgan has a ~62% chance to dodge if so or a low% Lucina DG).

    Hey, I made a (shitty) video this time! Enjoy.

    Note that Walhart always spawns with Pavise+/Aegis+ as well as one other random Lunatic+ skill, giving him a massive amount of bulk. Thankfully, we have a pretty reliable strategy for this chapter for which Morgan/Lucina have barely enough movement as foot units for.

    Morgan needs to find a Counter Hero to bash his face against again, and deals 41 damage to himself (avoiding 18% crit) + Hero deals 19 damage on the return at 72 disp = 60 damage taken with 11/72 HP remaining for 30 Vengeance damage. Note that in the recorded clear, Sol's activation priority overrode Luna+'s which would have otherwise killed Morgan by 4 HP (though a HP tonic would have made him barely live).

    P.S. Amusingly enough, this strategy seems to be less reliable on vanilla Lunatic due to the lack of Counter on random enemies.


    Chrom  Great Lord   11/1.05        34 21  2   15  14    11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier   15/11/20/1.50  65 26  43  38  44+2* 31  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer     10/10/11/14.39 72 26  42  39* 39    29  27  27  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster  10/13/11.37    63 32  31  34  37    33  25  25  C Swd C Tom
    Tiki   Manakete     20.13

    Morgan skills: Veteran / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Solidarity / Galeforce / Veteran / Charm


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina B
    • Chrom / Morgan B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Libra C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Morgan / Lucina B
  14. Chapter 19 (1/86)

    Buy: 2x Ruin, 1x Arcthunder.
    Sell: Noble Rapier. 17,106G left.
    Forges: N/A.
    Tonics: N/A.

    Robin Second Seals back to a L1 Dark Flier. I can't think of a better class for her and flight might be very valuable for C24. Lucina re-equips Solidarity and Charm for Morgan's benefit.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • Eastern Paladin near the entrance should have Counter / the DK near it should have Counter / Luna+.

    Starting formation:


    Good map design 10/10, can't deploy anybody other than juggernauts or juggernaut wannabes.

    Turn 1:

    Morgan/Lucina, Robin/Chrom and Tiki/Anna are our pairs. Robin moves to ORKO a RHS general with Arcthunder, activating Galeforce, then ORKOs the other general and hides behind the fort out of everyone's range. If the second General isn't finished off Tiki finishes off the job, otherwise she moves on a fort.

    Morgan attacks either the Counter DK or Paladin at melee, preferably the Paladin:

    • 36 damage against the Paladin (avoiding 18% crit) 20 damage on the return at 60 or 70 disp = 15/71 HP remaining.

    He moves forward, switches to Lucina who kills a Paladin, who moves forward and switches back to kill a Silver Sword cav in Walhart's range.


    On EP a surprising thing happens - Walhart moves before everybody, even any Hawkeye mooks that could kill Morgan cleanly. I don't think I've witnessed this behaviour before! In any case, Morgan has 92% hit, 60% crit against him and deals 78 with a crit through Aegis+ and Lucina 70% DS's him for 12 damage for the kill.



    Chrom  Great Lord   11/1.05        34 21  2   15  14    11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier   15/11/20/1.32  65 26  43  38  44+2* 31  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer     10/10/11/13.90 71 26  41  38  38    28  26  25  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster  10/13/10.73    62 31  30  34  36    33  24  25  C Swd C Tom

    Morgan skills: Veteran / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Solidarity / Galeforce / Veteran / Charm


    No new supports for the chapter.

  15. Paralogue 17 (2/85)

    Buy: 2x Elwind. 20,436G left.
    Sell: N/A.
    Forges: N/A.
    Tonics: N/A.

    Lucina swaps back in Aether/Ignis now that she's a lead unit again.. (for now).

    This chapter has always intrigued me; for the uninitiated, enemies on this map will never attack any player units unless they're directly blocking the enemy, so the two main strategies are to rescue Tiki against the wall and initiate five blocking units, or to Galeforce the map in two turns (since reinforcements spawn EP turn 2). No points for figuring out which one of these I use.

    The Elwinds are for both Lucina and Robin solely for this map and nothing else.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • No excessive Aegis+ thanks, but that is horrendously unlikely anyway.
    • Aegis+ Griffons shouldn't have Lancebreaker and Aegis+ Wyverns shouldn't have Swordbreaker either.

    Starting formation:


    Maribelle/Olivia/Panne/Fred don't really do anything this map and are just deployed for funsies.

    Turn 1:

    Say'ri pairs with Morgan, Chrom pairs with Lucina, and Henry pairs with Robin. Anna/Lissa/Libra rescue the respective pairs towards the enemy:


    Morgan kills two Griffons, Lucina kills two Wyverns, and Robin kills the boss + a Griffon off screen.

    On EP, the remaining five enemies swoop towards Tiki.


    Turn 2:

    1. Robin moves back up and kills the remaining Pavise+ Griffon with Beast Killer.
    2. Lucina kills the remaining top Wyvern. She is healed by Lissa, is rescued back down by Libra, and kills one of the remaining Griffons.
    3. Morgan kills the top Falco (if one of them has Pavise+, he can try to deliberately take more damage with Counter and/or Luna+ and fish for a Ruin crit) and is rescued down by Anna. He transfers Say'ri to Lucina for extra support points and finishes off the remaining Griffon.



    Chrom  Great Lord  11/1.05        34 21  2   15  14    11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier  15/11/20.00    65 26  43  38  44*+2 31  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer    10/10/11/13.15 71 26  41  38  38    28  26  25  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster 10/13/10.40    62 31  30  34  36    33  24  25  C Swd C Tom
    Libra  War Monk    --/10.20       48 20  22  18  19    13  14  21  C Axe B Stf
    Anna   Trickster   --/3.80        39 14  18  24  23    29  10  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa  Sage        10/3.54        28 2   15  16  12    15  9   8   E Tom C Stf

    Morgan skills: Veteran / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Aether / Galeforce / Veteran / Ignis

    Asterisked stats are capped.


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina B
    • Chrom / Morgan B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Henry C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Morgan / Lucina B
  16. Chapter 18 (1/83)

    Buy: 3x HP Tonic, 3x Mag Tonic, 3x Skl Tonic.
    Sell: N/A.
    Forges: +5 Hit Ruin. 22,256G left.
    Tonics: Morgan Mag/Skl.

    Lucina swaps out Aether/Ignis for Solidarity/Charm for the passive boosts. Ruin forge is to boost displayed hit against Yen'fay to 89%. Another straightforward bosskill where Morgan can hopefully pick up a few extra kills out of the deal (although he doesn't need them; he didn't even kill any extra Hawkeye enemies on EP in the final clear).

    There's a lava level gimmick that doesn't really come into play here since we're finishing the map in 1 turn.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • N/A. Absorbing Counter damage to kill more enemies on EP is useful, but entirely optional at this stage since Morgan is capping his important stats very soon anyway and isn't very reliable in any case since it depends on very specific enemies having Counter and having enough Hawkeye enemies.

    Starting formation:


    Turn 1:

    Lissa pairs with Libra, Lucina pairs with Morgan, Anna pairs with Robin, and Panne pairs with Fred. Robin moves up and kills the Paladin closest to the entrance, moves up as much as possible and switches to Anna, who rescues Morgan/Lucina.


    Morgan bashes his head against either the Griffon or Swordmaster below, where appropriate with Counter and/or Hawkeye:

    Griffon Rider: 46 Elfire + 19 Silver Axe damage = 4/69 HP remaining.
    Swordmaster: 38 Elfire + 20 Silver Sword damage = 11/69 HP remaining.

    He moves to the Sage near Yen'fay, switches to Lucina who ORKOs it, and switches back to Morgan who OHKOs a Paladin.


    Fred/Panne chip something unimportant on the RHS for support ranks. Libra rescues Anna/Robin, Olivia dances, and Lissa rescues Fred/Panne. Chrom moves back.


    On EP, Hawkeye enemies may attack Morgan, then Yen'fay attacks him:


    Boom. (89% hit, 58% crit if Yen'fay has Aegis+, 69% KE Lucina DS if needed)



    Chrom  Great Lord   11/1.00        34 21  2   15  14   11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier   15/11/19.68    64 26  43  37  43+2 30  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer     10/10/11/12.39 70 25  41  38  38   27  26  25  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster  10/13/9.52     61 30  30  33  35   32  24  24  C Swd C Tom
    Libra  War Monk     --/9.56        47 20  21  18  18   13  14  21  C Axe B Stf
    Anna   Trickster    --/3.12        39 14  18  24  23   29  10  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa  Sage         10/3.04        28 2   15  16  12   15  9   8   E Tom C Stf
    Fred   Great Knight --/12.14       39 20  4   17  17   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc A Axe
    Olivia Dancer       4.23

    Morgan skills: Veteran / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance
    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Solidarity / Galeforce / Veteran / Charm


    No new supports.

  17. Chapter 17 (1/82)

    Buy: N/A
    Sell: 2x Bullion (M), Steel Bow, Steel Sword, 33/35 Steel Axe, Mend, Heal, Vulnerary. 24,296G left.
    Forges: N/A
    Tonics: Anna Mag.

    Chrom promotes to Great Lord.

    L+ skill prerequisites:

    • War Monk near the middle entrance can't have Aegis+ (Robin must 11% crit it with Elthunder if that is the case).

    Another simple bosskill chapter with a few minor optimisations, nothing too interesting. I skip a few of them in my final clear though since they're not terribly important and it improves reliability by a lot.

    Starting formation:


    In case that's too small, that's Anna Cherche Lucina Morgan, then Robin Libra Chrom Olivia, then Lissa Henry Say'ri Fred Panne.

    Turn 1:

    Anna pairs up with Cherche and Lucina pairs up with Morgan. She gives Anna to Robin. Robin moves up and ORKOs the War Monk. She moves up around the bend, switches to Anna, and has just enough rescue range to grab Morgan/Lucina.


    Libra rescues Anna/Robin back down, is danced by Olivia, and pairs up with Chrom. Fred/Panne tinks the War Monk holding the Concoction; Say'ri may finish it off, but due to reliability issues I didn't end up doing so in my completed clear. Libra and Lissa spam more rescues and everyone scurries out of range.


    Morgan moves up and ORKOs a War Monk, activates Galeforce, and switches to Lucina who ORKOs a hero through a wall. She moves up to the boss and switches to Morgan who kills either the Hero or War Monk beside him.


    Pheros is ORKO'd on EP (through Vengeance procs/Lucina DS). No Vengeance killing beforehand this time sadly.



    Chrom  Great Lord   11.06/1.00     34 21  2   15  14   11  17  5   A Swd E Lnc
    Robin  Dark Flier   15/11/19.52    64 26  43  37  43+2 30  23  23  C Lnc A Tom
    Morgan Sorcerer     10/10/11/11.35 69 25  40  37  37   26  26  25  A Tom
    Lucina Grandmaster  10/13/9.26     61 30  30  33  35   32  24  24  C Swd C Tom
    Libra  War Monk     --/9.24        47 20  21  18  18   13  14  21  C Axe B Stf
    Anna   Trickster    2.78           38 13  18  24  22   28  10  11  C Swd D Stf
    Lissa  Sage         10/2.70        27 2   14  15  12   14  9   7   E Tom C Stf
    Fred   Great Knight --/12.06       39 20  4   17  17   12  18  6   B Swd A Lnc A Axe
    Olivia Dancer       4.06

    Morgan skills: Veteran / Galeforce / Vantage / Anathema / Vengeance

    Lucina skills: Dual Strike+ / Aether / Galeforce / Veteran / Ignis


    • Chrom / Robin S
    • Chrom / Fred B
    • Chrom / Lucina C
    • Chrom / Morgan B
    • Robin / Fred C
    • Robin / Lissa C
    • Robin / Lucina B
    • Robin / Morgan C
    • Fred / Panne B
    • Morgan / Lucina B
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