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Posts posted by Barrel

  1. Also idk if/how much that counts as unpopular, but I think Lunatic Reverse is an awesome mode and Lunatic+ is a good concept at least. (Actually, though, I think LRev being a bad/unfair mode is a rare opinion among people who played it)

    I would wager very few people period have played FE12 let alone L', which probably explains any kind of rarity of opinion on that gamemode.

    Agreed on L+ being a good concept, just was in the wrong kind of (EP heavy) game imo.

  2. If there's a better partner for Miriel/father for Laurent, I'll ditch Ricken without a second thought.

    Gregor is easily Miriel's best father, passes down AT or Sol very well.

    (I've heard Owain is an easy child to grab, which makes Lissa more interesting, but I'm not sure who she should marry or how.)

    Could marry Lissa off to Avatar, pass down Veteran and Tomefaire to Owain then have the latter go down Sorcerer for an easy VV build.

  3. Oh god has anyone had this mu before, I think I picked the general class by accident

    L10 +Def -Luk

    11 Str 7 Mag 7 Skill 7 Spd 7 Lck 15 Def 5 Res

    Hopefully I don't get doubled by anything important in the next few chapters. (vanilla lunatic)

    edit: In ch2 you can't even double the hill barb even with a pair-up, what would people do in this situation in lunatic+ lol. (besides re-roll to low luna+ concentration)

  4. just hope the supports, S and others, are more realistic this time


    Some S supports (or supports period) in FE13 obviously made a lot more sense than others - no need for everyone to marry each other. Doubtful we'll see modesty in this regard from IS though and we'll see a lot of nonsensical filler supports =/

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