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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Yeah, sorry, was out for the evening. I read it as Lorenz too but google translates it as Lorentz, so I went with that. Added a different pic for Caspar now that we have a better one. The two unknown characters from the Golden Deer are also pretty much confirmed to be the two girls from the back so Imma add them, even though we didn't get proper images yet. Currently looking at what else is in there. Edit: Okay, cleaned up this thing a bit, greatly reduced the amount of terrible edits courtesy of me, etc.
  2. I mean, we still don't know what the triangles represent, there's a general assumption that it shows formation, but it's just that, an assumption. Same language, though the first is from one of the new Famitsu images, while the other is from trailer two. But it seems like a weird thing to add. The purple box's shadow also makes it look like it's behind... unfortunately I can't find any other material of a portrait or something similar being hidden by the UI. Reminds me of exit icons from old rpgs if I'm being honest, represented by a winding path of sorts.
  3. So you're thinking of some kind of gauge? Didn't consider that. Seems like a weird place to put it, though... Also no, not to my knowledge. Though that would make sense.
  4. Anyone wants to try and guess what this is? Definitely looks like an icon of sorts, hidden behind the UI. It's not part of it, here's another pic for reference:
  5. There are pretty clearly close ties between the church of Seiros and Adrestia. The adrestian symbol is visible in various places of Garreg Mach(even though you'd expect it to be neutral territory), and the "oracle"'s dress also features it. I'd assume that in general, the eagle represents Adrestia and the dragon the church specifically, and that the above shot doesn't feature the knights of Seiros, but regular adrestian knights, hence the flag. It's true that it's weird that we get three different flags for Adrestia, but I don't think there's a way Edelgard would use it with Adrestian soldiers under her command if it was anything else. It's also visible here, in what seems to be the training grounds, which are very likely part of the academy rather than the church. As a result, we may actually not have seen any knights of Seiros at this point, beyond the fiery swordswoman, assuming she is one.
  6. I think the art of both Byleth is by far the best we got for either of them at this point, to be frank. So that's something. But doesn't F!Byleth's sword look... different? Might be the angle. Edit: Plus they're both the same on the boxart. Jeralt being just thrown in there when every main character gets their own section feels like a bad omen. Also I think Dimitri's lance is the same as on the cover art, which strengthens the implication that it's some sort of personal weapon. Most shots are probably from Garreg Mach, except Sothis' obviously, but Jeralt's might be a different place too. It's just too small for now, but I think it might be his and Byleth's home.
  7. I mean, I go with a "fake until proven true" approach when it comes to leaks, so I didn't give it that much thought, but... could have been cool. Maybe a bit too different from what FE usually is, especially for the first home console entry in a while. Not like Three houses itself seems afraid to shake down conventions though, to be fair.
  8. Nice, now to wait for a translation. The different kana for either Byleth is suprising, I wonder if both are supposed to exist at once... probably not. The map on the second shot is looking to be the same old one we've seen in trailer one and the ad, with a couple more forest tiles. The portraits of characters have a slightly different shape, nothing else jumps to my eyes at the moment. Edit: Actually Edelgard now has the same movement(4) as other nobles. She had 5 in the reveal trailer. Also it is kinda weird how we keep getting shots of this map with enemies that wouldn't fit in the other scenarios. Either they're really tweaking this one a lot, or we may be there more than once. Edit2: Crossed: No they don't, misremembered
  9. I'm always up for more strategical options, especially easy to understand but potentially deep ones like this. Sounds great to me.
  10. Welcome, hope you have a good time:)
  11. Fair enough. I hear you, but the fact of the matter is, the Switch is a winning design, that doesn't really lend itself to having two screens. Are they extremely happy that they can overprice Wii U ports as a result, I'd bet money on it, but it's hard for me to imagine that avoiding retro-compatibility was one of the main factors that made the Switch what it ended up being. Dude.
  12. Yeah, both sound pretty plausible to me. We should hopefully be out of the no-info tunnel fairly soon, at any rate.
  13. Why bring up the history at all, then? You said they had a retro compatibility problem since the Snes and fought against the feature and to my knowledge that was inaccurate, I was merely replying to that. I'm not giving anyone a pass, I look at the situation and see that Wii U, 3DS and Wii retro compatibility on Switch were close to being an impossibility, and considering it'd be weird to consider the Switch a bad idea on a conceptual level, especially compared to an hypothetical Wii U 2, there is a sense of fatality here(and yes, that situation's on Nintendo). If their next system can reasonably support it but doesn't, my stance won't be the same. Again, I've accused you of almost rewriting history when it came to retro-compatibility for Nintendo systems, and only that. I mean it. My stance on the N64 debacle is that I don't have the tools to know with reasonable certainty what was the primary problem(beyond them being way too late, because that's pretty easy to figure out), and I don't see the point in assuming. But, it could very well be a matter of arrogance indeed. Let's not get into Sega and the Saturn. Really, let's not, we'd be here for days.
  14. Might be hopeful thinking, but with the game releasing in July, it would seem wise to make Three Houses' E3 coverage substantial. Might be part of the reason. And we do have an expo coming up.
  15. I mean, you're handwaving it, but the fact that the Wii was fully retro-compatible, which implied putting four gamecube controller slots in it and supporting a different disc format, is something unheard of on modern consoles, similarly to the DS having an additional slot just for GBA cartridges; then there's the 3DS/GBA being able to run DS/GB games; that's a lot of systems. And hey, they're officially two for three on their gimmicky systems being massive successes, more if we include their portables, I'd say it's working out for them fairly well. They've been considerably less generous in recent memory for sure, that I won't deny. But you're almost rewriting history here. Also the N64 failure has been attributed to countless things, the fact of the matter is, they arrived too late and Sony had already won the industry over. Even if it had been more competitive, the N64 would likely have failed to put them back on top regardless.
  16. "Is still using Gamecube controllers to play Smash" It is quite a bit easier for Sony and Microsoft to include retro-compatibility since all of their systems have followed a linear progression, though that's only on a surface level obviously, programming is a different problem. Still, many Wii games have to be rethought to function properly on the Switch, you can't just give the option to play them and leave it at that. The same goes for the most touchscreen intensive Wii U games. Not that I disagree with you but it's just not the same in my eye.
  17. Which was the premise of both of our original posts, yes. It really doesn't matter.
  18. Seeing all this talk about bronze forging made me remember that the 3DS is dying and that the meta of this game will significantly change once its internet gets shut down at some point during the coming decade. Without it, you can't forge liberally, you're very much restricted, especially early on. In a sense that might have been the intention.
  19. Well yeah, the Horse spirit is even weaker, I wasn't denying that. I brought up the guard naginata as an example because it's also weak and imprecise, yet receives almost unanimous praise. Also, Horse spirit gives +3 skill, which translates to 4.5 hit, so they essentially have the same hit. Not that it matters. This also wasn't about Rinkah, or even demonstrating that Oni Chieftain is good(it is, but doesn't really get a chance to shine) but determining what was the best promotion between Blacksmith and Oni Chieftain. That's all. Also yeah, Oboro can use the Horse spirit too, absolutely. That does stop her from using the waterwheel, but it's gotten super late anyway. Guard stance is obviously not the only factor, it's just an additional defense layer that's always good to have. Chieftain has great def and okay res aside from that.
  20. A bit late to the party but, considering Louise is heavily pushed by Mangs, I do think Jill is likely the 2nd most wanted at this point. 2nd because she likely doesn't have Anna beat.
  21. I mean, I shouldn't passively pretend I had put the shortcomings of such a choice into proper consideration; I hadn't, and you're right, there would be realism problems there as well. If anything, I'm now foreseeing many debates within this community to determine what was the best 1-2 range option for swords if they actually go with whipswords in Three Houses. It being 1-2 range to some extent would definitely make a lot of sense(and btw, imagining an avatar with a 1-2 range, potentially unbreakable(because dragons) personal weapon is downright scary in terms of balance), hence why I took the liberty to assume that, but as long as it's not confirmed... you know how it is. I had seen quite a few of his videos actually, I mean it's hard to be entirely unaware of them when you spend time on Serenes, as they're brought up really often. I somehow still didn't expect him to have covered whipswords, though.
  22. Well, I didn't say "better" solution:p And yes, this might just be a personal weapon; we don't even know if it's 1-2 range at this point. This man has really made videos about everything hasn't he
  23. And you shouldn't be impressed. But it's not like the guard naginata itself doesn't have problems; it's weak, its accuracy is suboptimal and it lowers avoidance; it also cannot counter 2 range, period. Yet it's still considered as one of the best weapons in BR, because damage mitigation is that useful. Obviously your damage will be awful with the horse spirit, but the idea is, Oni Chieftain gets a tanking weapon, and Blacksmith does not(outside of random drops). Countering at all from range also builds guard gauge(and you'll likely be doubling because of the +3 spd) , or can be taken advantage of to attack stance through enemy phase with proper positioning. Compensates for the negligible damage, and helps build weapon ranks for characters with bad enemy phase(that's most of your units). None of that is top tier, obviously, but it's still stuff Chieftain has, that Blacksmith doesn't.
  24. As I said, Horse Spirit. It's D rank and pretty much a 1-2 range guard naginata. Outside of that you're not wrong, but it's not like E-rank swords help much either.
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