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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Thanks for the quick coverage once again:) I'm assuming it's not 3x total damage since that would be stupid, and I don't really like this change. It makes effective weapons considerably worse as the target gets more resilient, while they'll decimate weaker units. That's already what crits did, I liked how effective weapons were different. Also, I'm wondering about that water effect on Kamui's dragon form... maybe that's just its damaged animation though, since the transformation kind of has that too.
  2. I was open to this idea at first, but the leak revealed that Luna is Nohr exclusive. We don't know about the other two(assuming they're even a thing), but still.
  3. Agreed. Having the adult fight their kids, even if they don't end being the same people, will probably be a no-go. I'd be against it myself though. It'd be a little too much. Owain as a grandmaster in Awakening(closest I could find, with grey hair for some reason) Odin. Nohting more, nothing less.
  4. The issue with that idea is that we've seen Sakura with a crown in her status, and she doesn't look like the most important out of the four Hoshido royals. Then again that might not be true, she does probably join the earliest from what we've seen.
  5. "Attack" or "Support" edit:... but yes, "Attack" in that case
  6. Being at full hp is hardly conditional, especially if you have good dodge avoid. And we still can't say for Kazahana. It may hardly be conditional in the end. Though 20% of the target's hp(that's how it works right?)really won't be that much until endgame.
  7. I don't see how you can say that, considering we have no idea how her skill works. Could be tied to armor breaking, but that's another thing we know next to nothing about.
  8. Maybe you should rename that thread, Ryo We don't really know. It's about elements, maybe; so Dragon's vein, clans, magic, you name it.
  9. Tsubaki's personal skill sounds so good for a pegasus.
  10. Oh, they put personal(?) skills in their bio now. Edit: Isn't that Nishiki instead of Nitsuki?
  11. Honestly I haven't seen a lot of people advocating for that theory except for me:D Then again I don't really go to other forums than here. I don't know about dual recruitment for any of them, since Nohr already has a lot of characters available for Hoshido as of now. Plus the only reason I can see them bringing back Owain as something other than a Myrmidon is because that class isn't available for Nohr and they wanted all three on the same side
  12. Okay, I agree actually, I just wanted to know your reasons. Finding solid distinctions between the two could be a pretty important factor in guessing some characters' affiliation, like in this case. Although Luna does appear in Charlotte's profile as some people pointed out, so I think in her case it's not a must.
  13. Odin is playable on the Nohr side, in any case. Why do you say it's a Nohr castle exactly? Edit: also for comparison sake: Owain as a grandmaster in Awakening(closest I could find, with grey hair for some reason) Odin.
  14. She doesn't specifically look Nohrian, just not Hoshidan. She might be from an independant clan or something. You can see her in the direct too, around 6:43. Also the text box for talking to both her and Beruca is green(so a Hoshido dialogue box), which could mean anything really. To note though, is that right after Beruca, Nyx's dialogue box is purple. At this point it's pretty safe to say wyverns at least aren't Nohr exclusive honestly. The same cannot be said for pegasi.
  15. But the worst part is, even then it's so one-sided that he'd have to be in that specific type of relationship with everyone. And for quite a few characters I don't really see it working. I do realize there's not much of a point to keep talking about that, and since I have yet to actually voice an opinion on the rest I will say that I actually like the concept of MyCastle quite a bit. I AM worried that some features will be game-breaking, but most of what has been shown to us looks like a nice little time waster and I'm going to have a blast with it.
  16. Excuse me, but no. I don't believe most of the characters we've seen would let it happen, let alone be thankful afterwards. Kamui has them come to his/her room, alone, to stroke their faces and you're telling me they'd react with happiness and gratitude? Besides, it's not even about the coherence of it; unless there's an actual reason for this that we haven't been told, we have a characterization killer right there. I am seriously questioning the mere concept of making all of these characters seem like they're Kamui's pets. ... Unless you know, the narrative accomodates for that, which admittedly I'd be curious to see. Beyond curiosity though, that is not something I desire at all.
  17. Absent were the half naked 3d models of your allies though, but hey.
  18. "I'm honored to be directly touched by you" ... That is a problem. I mean it really, truly is a problem. And I'm not even thinking of anything silly. Thanks a lot for the translation though, people around here have really done a great job covering all this.
  19. There's Oboro behind that pillar. She's Hoshido only I think...? I'm mostly interested about that lancer girl honestly. The black dragon statue above makes me think this is as Nohr mycastle, and her stance is a little different from Oboro's(the legs mainly), so she may be of a new class.
  20. That's a big article. Only thing I saw that I think is wrong is this: We can see Camilla with a hat accessory (edit: and a tail) at the end of the MyCastle video:
  21. Do you really think it's a coincidence?
  22. Nice, but this begs the question: should Nohrian and Hoshidan weapons be regrouped like that? I get the feeling that the distinction matters.
  23. Mind posting a screenshot? There's a good chance you're mistaken though. I can think of a blue cavalier with a headband, but that's not the maid and she doesn't appear in Hoshido as far as I know.
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