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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. The others are giving ressources to you, so logically, they're talking about that. But you can bet that the smarties at IS did that on purpose.
  2. So much deja-vu in this one postXD You know, this pre-release charade is nearing its end, but I have to say, it was quite fun:p Now to give it a read... ... oh and thank you very much by the way:)
  3. Owain's japanese name, Eudes, was apparently inspired from a "french" king, who was also referred to as Odon. Edit: Also, capture's back? Talk about unexpected!
  4. "Lāzaward" would be written a bit differently though, wouldn't it? Never mind.
  5. Not sure what this changes... besides, we're not done with this week yet. You are referring to this character, right?:
  6. Lancer #2 is Nohr Pieri really doesn't look like someone who'd work under Marx to me... I do like her design though. It's quite unique.
  7. I'd say they just want people to play both.
  8. Soooo...Pieri, Raswald and well, Odin.
  9. I think Elphie's facing against some kind of wyvern on the first page(probably in the arena). And more reclassing infos on the top right.
  10. I don't know, even the sword's in-game model looks considerably bigger: Even in the April trailer, where the footage is probably from the game, the same can be seen: It just looks so tiny in that artwork in comparison. If I post enough big images will the site explode?
  11. Uh. Never seen that image. Marx's sword is quite small compared to how it is here: Still seems like it's the same weapon though. I wonder if that's a mistake.
  12. Assuming none of these skills are affected by the weapon Kamui's wielding, this shot confirmed that these are only from the Yatogami: As for Tsubaki's bow, it's hard to say wether it's special or not, considering we know next to nothing about the Hoshidan equivalent to bows(the wakyuus?).
  13. Ryouma is level 20 in that case though. And I'd be surprised if Felicia got to level 40 with less than 30 HP, even though we can see that units are not put automatically at their level cap during an actual battle. Still, everyone around is pretty low in that regard and in their base class, so unless they're doing Felicia solos for promotional material, something's amiss here.
  14. A fairly early Hoshido chapter takes place in a desert, and some sort of village with windmills is repeatedly visible in it, which COULD be tied to the wind clan, since Tsukuyomi, who is from that clan, apparently is recruited in a desert-like environment. Additionally, the world map displays a large windmill south-west of the Hoshido capital, which could represent said village. That would mean that there is a desert near, or even inside the Hoshido theory. As a result of that, having the option to have your Hoshido mycastle located in a desert makes sense, to me at least. As for Nohr, I think the most distinguishable feature of one mycatle area is the huge building in the back. I believe that a different building means a different mycastle scenery. As of know I've seen three, and only the desert is missing: The last two are likely to be Nohr sceneries because of several reasons including the buildings' names, visible units, general feel of the area, appearance of said huge building, dragon statues... Basically up until know I believe we have seen four different mycastle sceneries; two for Hoshido and two for Nohr. Not 100% but that seems pretty likely to me. Don't think we've seen anything from the third path yet, as far as mycastle goes anyway. Sorry for the repeated edits
  15. When was Crimson shown on Nohr exactly?
  16. Riiiight there: Courtesy of shadowofchaos for the translated trailer.
  17. Good eye! Seems like he has some kind of circlet or something.
  18. Seeing Archanea being considered as the "main series" is so sad. Worst part is, I completely understand why you'd reach that conclusion. There is no such thing though. Sure, Awakening tied some of the worlds together, notably Tellius and Archanea, but that actually doesn't mean much because the two have nothing in common, so they might as well be separate. From that point of view, they could all be linked and it wouldn't matter. For example, you think male pegasus riders would be a plot hole(that's what you meant right?), but what can be said of the laguz, or Ashunera, which are nowhere apart from Tellius? And that's just a quick example, there are many things that make such links not matter at all. In any case, I believe Luna and any other look-alike will just be references, not the actual characters, and this game will be in its own universe, but at this point I don't think we can say for sure.
  19. Well technically it could be total damage x3 -defense, but I don't believe it will be a thing. So yes, that was my point; VincentASM's translation made it seem like the formula changed to damage x3.
  20. Actually, thanks for motivating me to taking a look at it, because the damage is 26, which is not a multiple of 3. Unless I suck at math that hard Here it is(priorities, priorities): Edit: Say what you will about her, but her expression in Kazahana's bio is stupid cute.
  21. I just think the previous system accomplished all of that just fine. I don't like that "all or nothing" balancing, because it's only good in specific situations. At least it makes defensive stats much more valuable for units with weaknesses, I guess. I don't... think the archer was the one who attacked? They're way too close to each other for a ranged fight. Maybe there's someone hidden by the wings. Edit: The positioning of the archer also makes it look like a supporting unit to me...
  22. Well hopefully we're not getting attack power *3 on this one, just attack damage. OHKOs would be all over the place otherwise.
  23. The might of the weapon was multiplied by 3, not the damage of the attack. Right? Edit: I think that's correct, yes. It was that way in Awakening at least.
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