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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. I don't really care if they don't say anything of importance honestly. I'm looking forward to getting more footage to decipher.
  2. Well then I'd be really interested to see it if you can find it again. Shots of snowy chapters I have don't feature any Oni at all. I've found this though, which proves that you were right: Clan soldiers, Oni on the top right. So, my bad:x
  3. Yes, I got lazy and didn't take her out of the image this time around. Let's say it's for comparison's sake. I don't think her magic and resistance are at 1, because in that case, a stat of 15 would appear maxed out on those. The image with the Oni can be found in the If section, it's from the first Famitsu issue, one of the last pages if I... well... I believe these are 白夜 (Hoshido) soldiers. They're the only enemy Onis we've seen, I think?
  4. The only Oni we've seen as far as I know were Hoshido soldiers. Here are the Oni stats, too: Not sure about bandits returning, we've seen a lot of fighters in those earlygame shots...
  5. And here I thought we were getting into a routine, and the end of this week would be calm, with people diligently inhaling the pure fragrance of flowers, children of spring happily dancing into a sky of green, only disrupted by the occasional gust of wind, that... ... with people waiting for the next Famitsu issue. All aboard the hype train once more, ladies and gentlemen.
  6. The lack of doubling on their rivals' 1-2 range will definitely help a lot. I believe the formulas for stats is the same as Awakening though, which means that accuracy may only matter in extreme cases. Overall it may be different in Hoshido, since naginatas are weaker than lances and I'm not exactly sure we'll get some that can be thrown, same for maces to an extent; as far as Nohr goes though... It does seem like they'll still get dominated by axes and lances.
  7. I don't really like the idea of completely new base classes promoting into returning ones honestly. That's so boring to me. I'd like if each had at least one brand new promotion, preferably unique to them. One thing to note is that Samurai(so Myrmidon)didn't get Assassin as a promotion this time around, and Thief from Nohr already has bows. As such, them being a hoshidan class that Shinobis promote into remains to be seen, if they're anything like in Awakening at least. Tellius on the other hand...
  8. Oh, that's pretty cool. Let's see if there's a "both" options... Edit: Nope. Ah well, guess I'll leave it like that then.
  9. Well, the Fire clan seems closely tied to Hoshido, considering their leader sent his own daughter (Rinka) to help them. But admittedly, that's a strange coincidence. That being said, the elements most commonly associated with the japanese culture are wind and water(imo), so I don't see a hypothetic Water clan being a part of Nohr. If they have clans too, perhaps their theme is something different.
  10. I get the feeling they meant that you could learn many different skills, but not at once... for all intents and purposes, we still only have control over 5 skill slots just like in Awakening, and if we get scrolls or any kind of distributable skills, with four unavoidable ones from class, it really doesn't seem like we'd need anything else. We shall see. Edit: Well, maybe there won't be any end game dlc at all for Nohr! Yeah, right. Like some people suggested before, maybe grinding becomes available once you reach the final chapter. Possibly you even get level resetting devices at that point. Imho, grinding was a bit too important and successful in Awakening for it to mostly disappear this quickly.
  11. Just a note, but that fight took place in the desert, and the windmill thing behind can be seen on several other shots where you're opposing clan soldiers; their ranks seem to be comprised of classes from both sides, so I assume that was the case there too. I've always been a sucker for element related stuff(especially wind), and I kind of feel like this will be specific to Hoshido, with Nohr having a thing of its own. Deeper lore for both of these countries is definitely something I'm looking forward to. No the only problem is, the anime references aren't stopping anytime soon. With ninjas and the wind clan possibly living in the desert, I'm especially expecting a lot of Naruto... ninjas were cool before that you guys
  12. Well, guess I'm not leaving right away in the end. Again, thanks a lot for your hard work.
  13. I think you meant the second coming of Gon-gon, aka Gonzales. With no luck and axes, Harold is bound to never be super precise, so it fits even better than it already should.
  14. I wouldn't say that Kamui's stats aren't abnormally high(in all four status screens we got of him/her to boot), but at least every other unit we've seen are looking way more balanced in that regard. Now make dragonstones 1 range only again and maybe he/she won't be able to solo the game too easily Point is, Kamui may not be that good of an example of stats inflation in the first place.
  15. It's difficult to say, since we have a scene against Ryouma with pre-battle dialogue and Marx behind us, and one in a seemingly different place, with nobody around Kamui and Ryouma. I don't know, that clip is weird. But in any case, you're fighting Myrmidons/Samurais, which Nohr doesn't have as far as we know, with Hoshido characters, so I don't think this is a chapter specifically tied to your choice.
  16. But that doesn't add up. If that's the Nohr decision chapter, why are you there with the Hoshido? And why would you come back there afterwards...? Maybe it's simply a skirmish. Kinda wish we could see that myrmidon's affiliation... Edit: Also about stats inflation, considering how they're putting fixed statistical bonuses/maluses everywhere, surely they can't not realize that 40+ caps will make it all completely irrelevant... so hopefully it's not happening.
  17. I was actually reffering to the same image as him, but there's indeed that other one. Interesting tidbit, I'm pretty sure that this: Is the same place as this: ... but in one of them you're fighting Ryouma, while in the other you're on Hoshido's side, and your enemies are Myrmidons/Samurais apparently. This isn't chapter six from Hoshido either, it's similar but still clearly different.
  18. I... guess? Then again, he's shown with 11 strength and 21 attack at level 10, so maybe he's just... strong.
  19. A blond fighter was visible in promotional screens almost two months ago. When Harold got revealed, we assumed it was him, rightfully so apparently. In any case, how is Hinata dealing 19 damage to that myrmidon with a steel weapon? He's not even promoted either...
  20. They show the status screen of a knight before and after the debuff, so unless you can look at status mid-fight... Edit:Actually scratch that, you can see a visual effect on the map after the fight.
  21. Don't think that skill is tied to Kazahana though, because they'd have had to manually unequip it otherwise, and why would they have done that? It is true though that if bosses end up being vulnerable to debuffing effects, such combinations could easily break them apart. Edit: I'll be giving Oboro my Javelin personally. It's by command, you can see it in action on the lower part of the right page.
  22. But then again, his personal skill will probably give him a nice boost for a few levels, assuming he doesn't join super early. Considering you can see a desertic scenery as the background of that conversation between him and Kamui, he probably joins in that desert chapter we've seen from time to time... but it's hard to know for sure when it takes place exactly at this point. Edit: That was fast...
  23. That is the main reason I'm waiting for the digital release at this point. Usually we can see through the text box... Also well, he's level 1, so that's not horrible.
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