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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. They may have wanted to make knighthood a concept specific to Nohr, hence the pegasus warrior. There are quite a few theories about Camilla's. Black magic wielder, personal class, riding an undead creature... your guess is as good as ours.
  2. I've been wondering. What does Marx say to Kamui on one of the lower images of this page? This is completely new dialogue isn't it?
  3. Very nice, thanks a lot for that. I would assume so, yes.
  4. Nah, I'm saying that it cannot work either way. For example, why would Hoshido care if two people who betrayed them married each other? My point was that it's unlikely they can be on opposite sides and still S-rank. Through plot though, maybe, although Kamui can be female. I'm actually pretty sure Aqua follows you at least for a while after you make your choice.
  5. But why would you assume that, if switching up were to exist, it would allow to switch back down afterwards, when the opposite doesn't stand true for simply switching down?
  6. The worst part is, you may be right. Nothing was forcing them to put the difficulty/mode on display for streetpass, yet it happened. The rest also makes sense, except that last part, which I'm not understanding. I still really dont like the idea that if the thought of allowing to switch the difficulty up crossed their mind, the reason they didn't go with it would be akin to "But guys, what about bragging rights and the display on streetpass?"
  7. Unless it's before chapter 6(unlikely, Aqua isn't seen as playable until what's likely after that, except for that one new chapter where it's Kamui that doesn't seem to be present), both of them have sided with either Hoshido or Nohr by the time that happens. And if Aqua doesn't end up following you, well she's not playable, so S-ranking her seems difficult.
  8. The idea of switching difficulties on the go has been revealed for a few days. Kinda assumed it went both ways at the time, so it was more about getting it disproved than confirmed to me. But that was a complete assumption to begin with. I'm fairly sure bragging rights and what appears on your street pass profile isn't of much concern to IS. Mainly because it's highly unimportant. At worst, they could simply hide what mode you're playing on if it meant nothing. Honestly, your post to him was a bit confusing to me. The bolded part had little to do with what you were trying to say(how does "can't switch back" translate to "can't switch up"?), and it wasn't clear what premise you were referring to. But as said above, I was just defending an assumption as if it was a likely possibility. I somehow forgot nothing was confirmed yet. Thanks for the clarification.
  9. I don't know, when I read "you can go down, but not back up after that", I don't get "you can't go up at all". But that might just be me missing something. I guess if that's the case, this information is still less reliable than in Awakening if it's anything but classic, but for the most part it works.
  10. ... but you can switch at the last moment to make that information into something else, potentially.
  11. Well, some people have their work cut out for them. Good luck. The thief's affiliation from earlier was simply 賊, aka... thief. I STILL can't decipher the warrior's. It doesn't SEEM to be Nohr, though.
  12. Dooooood. I mean, okay, why not. Me? I don't "like" what I said after that enough. And I don't really like the idea of hijacking this thread with our conversation. I am interested to see if people react like I did though ... I guess that's a no.
  13. I'm of the opinion that it isn't happening, and I'd add that this is quickly shaping up to be one of the biggest tragedies of this game for a lot of people.
  14. It happened. I wasn't exactly looking around for reviews at the time, but I stumbled upon a couple that were complaining about the difficulty. They're french though:p More seriously, a quick wikipedia search will grant you your answers. Brace yourself though, there is some pretty stupid stuff in there.
  15. Dark night. Which is the japanese name for Nohr. I can't see either, but we'll know soon enough. Edit: Oh, I just saw the one you were referring to on that second shot. It looks like the 器 character to me. Which would mean vessel... The first one is looking like something - soldier though. Which is interesting, because both shots are from a snowy map. Though it's pretty clear that the first is from that one chapter at the end of the japanese direct, which as a reminder had Elise, cavalier guy and an unknown cleric seen as playable; but the second one has the green ninja(Suzukaze?), so they may be similar chapters from different sides.
  16. Except for the burning eyes and the generally darker appearance, yes, I can't deny that it's pretty much the same. So that may not mean anything.
  17. Wait, right, the TCG. ... actually... that doesn't really look like a wyvern, does it? Edit: the lower right part would be the head covered by a helmet, but still...
  18. First point, yes, pretty much. I was thinking more of the type of mounts than of the mounted classes when I said that. Which is my bad. And there are no interesting reasons for that. It never happened before, especially not on a flier. Axes are generally used by physical focused units. Dark magic mastery is generally restricted, uncommon. Stuff like that. But dark magic might be weaker in If, and relatively common in Nohr.
  19. I'd say that's a bit different. Valkyries are very specific mystical beings, while revenants, while not exactly a real thing, are more common, basic, and the term encompasses a lot of things. That's clearly a possibility though. You have too many classes riding a horse for all of them to include horse in their name, but specific mounts are generally in the name of the class, though Falcon knight is indeed an exception to that rule. Also, dark magic plus axes sounds a bit improbable, but why not I guess.
  20. Basically the first part of class names for mounted units units with specific mounts tends to refer to the mount itself. Aka she's not riding a wyvern, but some sort of undead creature, which probably serves the same purpose. It could be the case, we have no confirmations that wyverns actually exist as far as I know.
  21. Suzukaze is likely the green ninja. You can see him above Kamui. Oh, Hey, an edit: These may have nothing to do with dual guard. Armors can apparently be broken, so at the moment it's hard to say for sure if that isn't what they're for.
  22. Almost the entire game will be about Kamui's choice, and he's an avatar with dragon powers whom everyone wants on their side. I'm not even sure you CAN top that. I mean if If was taking place in an old FE universe, I'd already be hating Kamui with a passion. Edit again oh boy!: Well go read that 20 pages long topic already. It's somewhere in there. It's also not confirmed and that maid comment was an extremely good point that you have my congratulations for.
  23. Pretty much the same for me. Although I loved SF3, I'm no Shining Force fanatic, but I couldn't let the joke pass by. I'm still ashamed that I didn't recognize Peter sooner though.
  24. The guy in my avatar was inspired by Julian from Shining Force 3(his idol), and he just told me that this wasn't gratuitous in the slightest. I think that may have been sarcasm.
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