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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. I was kind of thinking, and I realized this wouldn't work unless Tauroneo (or someone) acts as your lord, seeing on how Micaiah leaves halfway through the chapter. Also the ending would make no sense. Mist passinh out and then the chapter ending makes no sense from the DB side.

    Yes, having someone take her place(or have three lords from the start)when she and Sothe leave is probably the best solution.

    And about the ending... After thinking for a while, I ended up with something like, having some generic soldier tell Tauroneo that Micaiah is nowhere to be found. He immediatly orders some troops to look for her. Maybe have him think to himself how the battle is far from being over... Or Pelleas version(but then 2nd playthrough only), where he goes to search for her by himself, and thus no more lord.

    Then end of the chapter, transition with a scene where Micaiah's running in the woods with that voice calling for her, and Sothe's trying to catch up...(this might seem pointless, but if the chapter ends like "where is Micaiah?", it'd be best to show what she's up to right after)

    Then, let's see... Maybe another scene where you'd see Rafiel collapse, and Nailah run into Tibarn with Reyson on his back while trying to bring him to a safe place. They both agree to take the herons to their sister. And the scene with the medaillon can start right as they get in, the beginning being skipped in this scenario. Hector mode like.

    My, I am overthinking things again.

    Given that I only have 3 units that I can use, I'm sure they would.

    That's a bit harsh on the DB. Having only three good units doesn't mean that some of the others cannot do some chip damage to help. And don't forget about Rafiel. Plus, there's little chance you'd actually chose the DB chapter if you didn't train them properly, I guess.

  2. Discussing the viability within a reasonably malleable setting is fun. Discussing it in one where everything else is set in stone is incredibly boring.

    A "discussion with a reasonably malleable setting" is not the kind of thing I'm expecting to find out there. And even then, seeing how people tend to get into arguments when they're talking about things utterly unimportant, I can only guess where malleability would lead(not particularly reffering to SF).

    So yes, I'm quite fine with the latter, personally.

  3. I forgot about her... *Wonders if a Nailah solo would be possible*

    You'd have Rafiel as well, who's arguably a bit better than Reyson on such a chapter(can't remember if you get a laguz stone by 3-E...)

    And most GM units would hardly survive yours ganging up on them, except for Ike and Titania I guess(Pelleas can deal with Haar). But there's little chances that you actually face them if the chapter looks anything like the one we have now.

    Tibarn could definitely pose a threat though...

    Either way,it would surely be the hardest out of the two...

  4. Topic, basically. Which is 3 years late, too.

    Has anyone here ever regretted the game didn't give you a choice at that point? Either to side with the Dawn brigade, or with the Greil's mercenaries? And thus that you'd get two different 3-E chapters depending on your choice?

    This seemed so obvious to me, seeing how the whole part 3 was a build up to something like this, that I was rather suprised when you ended up with Ike no matter what. This would have fit plot-wise, as whoever wins doesn't even matter in the end, and lots of DB units could have used the additional exp to catch up, making them perfectly usable, too. Maybe Kurthnaga and Pelleas could have ended far better thanks to this.

    So, what do you think?

    And while I'm at it, granted you had the choice, which side would you choose?(hoping for at least a few DB here...)

    Sorry if this has been asked a thousand times.

  5. Unless your point is "yeah but then it's 1~2 Range which is the problem as it means they're not choosing

    That, and balancing of thieves. Only giving them stealing to compensate for their low strength and durability made them pretty mediocre units in most FE games(didn't check any tier list actually, that's mostly how I felt it was). So very fast and cheap access to 1-2 range through knives is a nice buff to their usefulness. But, giving these to archers too would probably do more bad than good, since they don't really NEED it anyway, as you said.

    And make S rank knives as thieves only, I guess. Seems fair to me.

    Range for archers should be a stat, which they can level up (it'd be a low growth of course). The cap would be at 10 range.

    Seems like a pretty good way to completely break the game tbh, since we'll probably get battle saves on normal mode for every FE game to come.

  6. It would also reduce the amount of risk when attacking with player units that are bad characters: there's a smaller chance that you'll get utterly destroyed on the counter if you miss.

    Advance Wars and Fire Emblem are played quite differently, because in the former you can and WILL sacrifice units to win, whereas in the latter that doesn't work. Thus, depending on the balancing in the FE game this system would take place in, you'd either have to be aggressive to weaken the ennemy phase as much as possible(because taking hits there does you no good at all), or play defensvely if you feel that you have too much to lose otherwise.

    Advance Wars is a game of extremes compared to Fire Emblem in that regard. So, would that be a change for the better or the worse, I cannot say. But if I want to play something that's Advance Wars like, well, I play Advance Wars. These two games may not be quite different enough so that you can discard one of their main, well, differences(how they play), and be left with something completely unique on both sides.

    Iron swords have 90 ACC and 5 wgt. Silver swords have 80 ACC and 8 weight. However silver swords have 8 more MT. It seems pretty clear to me that' date=' durability aside, the silver is the outright superior weapon. If I'm ever in a position where that 10 ACC is, somehow, worth lowering my MT by 8, I am either fighting really weak enemies or have a really powerful charater.[/quote']

    And an iron sword's use is 10 gold; a silver one's is 75. Is this difference enough? Is it not? Is it really what we're talking about here? Surely if your only desire was a better balancing of a system you don't like, it would have shown by now.

    If you do care about balance though, I believe it's pretty good as it is. And for you to disprove me would take quite some time, and a lot of debating. So I'm asking you again. Is it really what we're talking about here?

    However, why don't you use the Master Sword all the time? Why ever use the megaton hammer or the bow and arrow? The answer is because each weapon has its own unique role in combat to fill and it is far from a trivial one. But if that is true, why ever go back to the sword? Because it's your baseline weapon and you can be assured it will always do well, just that it can't be used for every situation.

    You can say the very same about Fire Emblem actually. About the classes. Why do most of us use sword using classes? Why use the rest? Why go back to sword users in the end? There is more to Fire Emblem than weapons. But more about that later.

    That's the problem with a obvious upgrade that can simply be purchased or acquired through little effort, it becomes a meaningless upgrade that might as well just be removed from the game.

    This doesn't apply to Fire Emblem in my view, but whatever.

    No it doesn't. The feeling of progression, accomplishment and whatnot, is what most MMORPGs owe their large communities to. Remove it, people have nothing left to do and leave. Plus, the monsters do get stronger while your character doesn't anymore, having reached his maximum level. So even if having to work to get an upgrade is better(I don't deny that), getting it easily is far better than not getting anything at all.


    Forges. They're expensive to make. And if we admit you do get too much money in this game(which I don't remember), that doesn't make every Fire Emblem game the same.

    I also assume you throw on a iron, steel, and silver weapon as well just to 'get ready'?

    I always keep a large stock of iron weapons until the end of the game, but that might be just me. Actually, since we're speaking endgame, silver weapons often are far too expensive replacements for "divine" weapons, so, yeah. Not that great anyway.

    That's a product of poor game design

    But that is precisely what you blame the actual system of. Why wouldn't I do the same with yours?

    To be clear, if your version stood by itself, you wouldn't need to make assumptions about wether or not the actual system is flawed. The simple fact that you keep doing so just makes me feel that it's actually a pretty bad idea, and worse, that you're perfectly aware of it. Attacking as a defense just shows how, in the end, you simply cannot defend.

    Actually they are very similar. In FF 1-6, upgrading weapons was handled in your traditional RPG way with shops upgrading equipment as you progressed.

    Once again, you are putting money out of the matter. Money isn't unlimited in FE, apart from FE8(not even sure). Even when you have arenas, they're limited somehow. If you have arenas on every map(FE4), once you've completed it, you can't use it anymore. If you have an infinite arena(about every other FE), it's only on very few maps, and you can't go back to them if you need extra money.

    In any classic RPG, if you need money, get out of the town and kill monsters till you have enough.

    So money IS and important factor if FE games. Stop acting as if it isn't.

    The point isn't the core system, but rather the choice.

    I think I have already made my point on the "choice" subject. What I said afterwards was pretty simple really. Of course the necessity of choice within the weapon system of FE cannot compare to the whole game of Starcraft II. But add in the mix which characters you'll use, where will they go, what will they do, in which order, and most importantly WHY... having played Starcraft II quite a lot myself, I can say it's clearly at a loss here. While these choices might seem similar, they aren't even close. Wether you consider importance or complexity, Fire Emblem wins. It's when you're searching for quantity and simplicity that SCII prevails, and I'm definitely not saying it's without merit, but it didn't seem like what you were talking about here.

  7. It seems to me to be a point that me and Othin already covered. If you really really want to, any boss can be trivialised, given infinite time and freedom to set up.

    You misunderstood. I know that most immobile bosses can be killed extremely easily. My point is that I don't see how making it even easier would do any good. And like I've already said, it would make it reliant on archers only, and clearly lead you into doing it, wether your lord is an archer or not.

    Except that Javelins have in recent times been pathetically weak (as they should be).

    "Recent times" are remakes. We don't know for sure how IS will handle things for FE13, but I somewhat doubt they'll put as many difficulties or reclassing. I see FE11 and 12 as outsiders; time may prove me wrong though.

    Uh, how does that risk not exist if he's sitting on a throne? If a Dracoknight was trying not to get shot down, then it seems to me that there's very little he can do about it and that sitting in the same spot actually makes matters worse.

    You can't deny that thrones have always been considered as the safest place to be in any Fire Emblem map where there is one. In reality, the safest place to be would be far from the battlefield, but that's irrelevant here. And in these same games, it has often been implied that dracoknights, just like pegasus, feared arrows. Finally of course, they are staying on the throne for you not to take it, or because they've been given the order to do so.

    If a Dracoknight was trying not to get shot down, then it seems to me that there's very little he can do about it and that sitting in the same spot actually makes matters worse. Compare FE6 Freyr who can easily be trivialised thanks to sitting in one spot to FE5 Marlock who will attack you and then Canto back to safety on a Peak where you can't shoot him. Marlock is far, far more threatening because he's mobile. And the same applies for basically every flying boss in the game. Ashnard is way scarier when he's making use of his full ridiculous 10 move than when he just sits there. Catalena is a joke because she doesn't move. And wouldn't Valter be actually kind of dangerous if he moved, as well? How about if Sigune moved?

    I'm like about anyone, I like challenging bosses. Of course moving bosses are better. But like I said, some are under orders not to move, and this is Fire Emblem logic we're talking about. Apart from that, you speak about dracoknight bosses canto-ing outside of your reach. How far would they need to canto if you had a longbow archer with 4-5 range with you?

    If leaders staying alive is of such vital importance, then surely they should all be Generals?

    Not everyone can fight properly while wearing such a huge armor. Not every soldier that became leader trained to be able to do that. Not every noble kid that became leader trained to be able to do that. Some are physically frail but highly intelligent, so they master magic. Some are mercenaries who always fought riding a pegasus. Some live in a country were this style of fighting isn't taught. Or whatever.

    Oh, and game variety.

    Why is it so crazy that some leaders will mix things up and actually take the fight to the enemy? And this seems to me that it would fix completely the issue of using the same strategy to trivialise every single boss. You'd actually have to use different strategies for different bosses.

    Actually, I totally agree about that.

  8. It's not a problem in the sense of 'oh it must be fixed because it's awful' sense but 'this can be done better' sense.

    This is my main problem with all of what you said. What you may be forgetting is that there aren't just swords in FE. You have more than ten weapon types, and that's more than enough to show one big problem with your system.

    Discarding bronze, steel and silver to only keep iron + bonus damage weapons(doing of course the same for spells), leads to every type ending up with far too few items; the game becomes boring.

    Adding bonus damage weapons to each, forces you to give every single one of them the same, because there only are so many types of ennemies that you can get bonus damage against, every weapon types become roughly the same. Every character plays roughly the same. The game becomes boring.

    Adding bonus damage weapons against types of units that you couldn't get any bonus against before(like let's say berserkers), or even special bonuses-like more visibiliy in FoW for example- ends up with the game forcing you to play a certain way far too much; you lose your capacity of choice, the game becomes boring.

    What I'm trying to say here is not that your system is bad, with the right balancing between its qualities and its problems, it could lead to something fairly good(it will probably always lack variety though, in some way or the other). If just definitely isn't a better system than what we have now. The fact that the latter has been over-used does not change this in any way to me.


    The main difference that makes this comparison pointless is that it's a RPG, so it has very few and unique playable characters with a very high number of ennemy types, ehancing the possibility of weapons with attributes. That can't be said of a game like Fire Emblem. Plus, I clearly disagree that money is almost never an issue in the latter, as, simply put, it almost always is to me. Dunno if you play hard modes or if you're used to arena abusing, but depending on your playstyle, money can really be a crucial factor in buying a stronger weapon or not. It clearly isn't in 99% of classic RPGs.

    Starcraft II

    Same here, that's irrelevant. Making a choice in Starcraft II doesn't need you to actually think. They are extremely simple choices, the very difficulty is simply making these choices FAST, and being as good as possible at the game. So really, you do not think a lot in Starcraft II. This might be why it's so popular. In Fire Emblem, you have all the time you need to make your choices, but some are pretty complicated, you must make calculations, observe, predict, memorize: simply put, you must think. A lot.(this might be why it's not so popular, yeah, that sounds about right) That, and you are comparing the core system of Starcraft II to the weapon system of Fire Emblem. Seriously, there is far more to Fire Emblem than weapons.

    Basically, you are trying to put a system you saw and liked somewhere else, in a game that's not fit for it. I believe that's the problem here.

  9. You're kind of right. And I suppose that putting Bows on all bosses necessitates them being in Bow-using or Magic-using classes. Not such a bad thing if you have lots of FE4/5/11/12 style Generals or Barons, but it limits the variety of bosses.

    Yes, pretty much. Moreover, that would allow the player to force them into using a bow once, then go rapefest the next turn with melee characters(and magic with 1-2-3 range seems obviously overpowered). Using that strategy to clear every boss in the game doesn't seem enjoyable at all to me. At the very least, even bosses with, let's say, a silver lance and a javelin could still punish melee with the javelin, and forcing the silver lance could be pretty dangerous. And then, relying on the very same class everytime to clear bosses safely doesn't strike me as overly interesting either.

    That being said, I would prefer to have every Throne or Gate or Fort camping boss be some sort of armour, or general. It doesn't really make sense to have Paladins or Dracoknights sit in one spot instead of taking advantage of their movement. I wouldn't even mind if the boss was a generic, like in FE12 Ch20 where the boss is a generic General with souped-up stats and the "real" bosses are the Wolfguard.

    Well, while I DO find that a throne guarded by a paladin is a bit strange, you can't discard every other class in the game, as some of them make very good bosses, even if they wear very little armor(swordmasters and sages come to my mind). Plus, a dracoknight leader taking the sky to fight would put himself at risk of being shot down by archers. So seeing him staying in the safest spot doesn't seem illogical to me. And after all, leaders mustn't die. Wether they wear a big armor or not doesn't change that fact.

    Back to the subject, I agree that archers are a pretty bad class in most FE games, but I don't think that the solution is to change them so they become game breaking and potentially your best units(ennemy archers gets killed by your melee units, everything else can be killed by your archers without any risk of punishment)

    Seriously, being the only unit with an accurate and strong 3 range upon promotion already seems like an extremely good reason to train them to me. Maybe with a slightly higher strength base too, but nothing more really.

  10. Giving to the player the ability to hit from 3 range at the very beginning of the game would be a bit broken imo. Think about all these bosses with 1-2 range weapons that could feed your archers with exp simply using an iron bow.

    Personally, I found archers pretty useful in FE10, and I always ended up having one with me endgame because of their particular range and insane damage. Ledges, shoving and +1 range upon promotion did the trick for me(but the general weakness of sages could have been a factor too).

    So I guess an archer lord with an 1-2 range personnal weapon(crossbow or not) and +1 range upon promotion could be perfectly usable, and very interesting at that.

    Apart from that, I'd really like to see a female wind sage lord, or a female thief lord(with daggers and not swords of course. No need for another sword user lord).

  11. It actually didn't. The big cusp of the fandom accumulated in a small group hoping for FE6 to be localized. This eventually emerged into FESS, but not before Sigurd's Pants came out. It wasn't a very large group at first which banded together in anticipation for FE6. Before that, it had a following comparative to any other non-localized series of the time.

    Meanwhile, the Earthbound series was freaking huge not only long before that, but long since as well, as far as a cult-following is concerned. Fire Emblem lost that cult following with the steady flow of games--it's now just a series with fans for American and European fans. Meanwhile Earthbound continues to accumulate a mass cult--its seclusion breeds the interest.

    While that might be true, I believe you forget that no game from the Mother series ever made it to Europe, and thus you really can't talk about a fanbase out there. Fire Emblem, though, does have a large community of hardcore fans all over the world. Moreover, Mother 3 never made it out of Japan, and the director of the series has claimed having no desire to do a fourth game, ever. While he might change his mind someday(and I sure hope he does, being a fan myself), this fact is still widely known within the Mother's fanbase, which will thus decrease, little by little. That's unavoidable.

    I do agree, though, that regularly getting a new Fire Emblem game no matter what, every two years or so, might have made us hardcore fans into something more, well, generic. But don't be fooled by the relative lack of interest on FE12's localisation. After all, it still IS a remake, and very few people will fight for a remake's localisation these days. I believe, though, that if FE13 isn't released worldwide, considering that the 3DS is region locked, we might get an outburst of fans asking for the game.

    On topic, I am still hoping for Roy's return in ssb4, but I really don't see it happening, sadly. Marth will be there for sure, along with the most recent FE's lord, I guess(probably no Chrome.). Ike... Well, call me crazy, but I see him getting left out, with his style of fighting given to Ganondorf so fewer people complain.

    "Imagines Ganondorf using Aether"

    ... Okay, never mind. Ike will definitely be in.

  12. Tibarn mentions his suspicions on how Neassala suddenly became next in line to be king of Kilvas suggestign there were better candidates. NEassala might have signed the contract to ensure those that he couldn't beat in a fight would be "disposed" of.

    Maybe it's just me,but I didn't understand this part of the plot the same way you did.

    So there was that king of Kilvas that signed a blood contract.My guess is it was Naesala's predecessor.When his people died one after another,and he understood what was going on,he probably told everyone that all of this was caused by some terrible plague,(just like Ashnard did)because he didn't want some civil war along with all of this mess.Then he submitted to Begnion,but kept that and the blood contract a secret.

    As he grew older,a new king had to take his place,and lots of candidates came to the castle(or whatever place he lived at);one of them was Naesala.The old king probably had to tell them about the blood contract at some point,as it would become their responsability as the new ruler.And the only one that had the guts to get the job done even after hearing the terrible truth was Naesala...

  13. I still wish Mist would be more like Lachesis.

    Starts with swords and staves (just like Mist), on promotion gets a horse (just like Mist) and awesome caps (not so much for Mist) and access to every weapon type but dark (...). Good times.

    60% hp growth, 50% str growth.

    Mist can keep her other growths, though. In fact, she'd be rather bad if she doesn't.

    Actually,and as much as I love the way Lachesis/Leaf were in FE4,getting Sol upon promotion and a sacred blood in some new sword lineage(to emulate the SS rank)would probably beat that anytime,even with bad growths:p

    As for FE10,seing how hard mode takes away the weapon triangle,and you don't get any ennemies actually wielding any weapon at the very end of the game,in other modes(except Sephiran...And maybe spirits,but with their high resistance,you're better of dealing with them using physical weapons anyway)...

    Well,actually,that could have been great.Mist using magic(and actually getting to use siege tomes,which wasn't possible in FE4 if I recall correctly)could have been fun:p(no access to Nosferatu sucks though)

    Only mounted magic-user,and highest speed cap of all(if I'm not mistaken)

  14. Congrats Vykan12:D

    Just out of curiosity,your video does not show if anything happens after you killed both of them.I guess not,but...:)

    Anyway,siege disarm does work,so I was wrong all this time...Sorry about that >_<

    Good work,both of you:)

  15. Thanks for the imput Cysx. I made some edits to my strategy, which you can see on my previous post. I corrected the Rescue staff weapon rank, a mistake that I made because I confused FE10's Rescue with FE9's Rescue. I gave the Smite scroll to Janaff instead of Vika to fix the Tormod positioning mistake. W was removed from the battle because he was no longer necessary. Finally, I think you were wrong about Calill. She starts exactly 21 spaces away from Hetzel (I checked) and she moves a total of 10 spaces in her two moves, in step 16 I shoved her 1 closer to Hetzel, and Meteor has a range of up to 10. You might of been confused by my poor positioning diagram or you might have missed step 16.

    Nah,I vas actually confusing Hetzel with one of the generals near Oliver.

    You were right.Provided long range disarming is possible,this should work.



    Sorry,I didn't make myself clear about Tormod and Janaff;I meant that Tormod's real position was in Janaff's range,but that's with unit W's shoving.So you can't take W away: /

  16. Here's the strategy I came up with to kill Hetzel and get his Heal staff. I also wrote at the end how to kill Hetzel and Oliver on turn 1. If you asked BK666 to PM you, you might notice that I have edited the strategy on defeating Hetzel and Oliver (yes, I was the one who came up with this whole topic and strategy in the first place).

    Ahah!The mastermind!!:D

    There are some problems with your strategy,one of them being pretty important.

    The rescue staff is an A staff.So all those that are going tu use it need A in staves,not B.

    You are mistaken on Tormod's starting position.He is the lowest of the trio.That's not very important,as this way he starts in Janaff's range,so you just start the shovings with him,instead of Vika.

    And,Callil lacks one range to hit Hetzel(if I'm not mistaken).

    Anyway,I didn't think you could trade then use staves in this game,but you can.Great strategy overall.

    I just got Calill to activate adept twice while using meteor. Are you saying adept doesn't work with seige tomes once they're blessed?

    I think he's saying that if adept can activate with blessed ranged tomes, he got very unlucky

    Well,not quite,but that doesn't matter much.

    What I really wanted to point out is that these are weapons with very few uses,and thus,if the devs nerfed it in any other way than forbidding mastery skills activation on them(which seems to be a fact),we probably wouldn't even know about it.And indeed,there's a possiblity that blessing them changes something,as they become incredibly broken once blessed.But that's one possibility among lots of others.

    Thus,they are unreliable.That's what I meant.

    Now,if I'm right about that problem with Callil,I guess you just need to find a way to shove her one space further to the left,after the canto.

  17. I chose sanaki, since she has to be brought in the endgame, so I always give her BExp and the skill blossom

    (BExp fill exp to 99 and make blossom give her a stat up in almost everything in her next fight. and still she'll level up at least twice each chapter)

    I did that too,and I can say that it really isn't worth it.She has great growths,but you just get her too late,and she is so weak for her level.Seems she didn't get the great str boosts of the mage/sage promotions either,and thus her very low strength will always get in her way.

    I tried Soren in hard mode...Honestly,he is pretty much useless.Never doubles,and far too frail.

    I'd like to say Laura,if only her terrible caps didn't make her totally useless...

    So,I'll go with Micaiah...At least she serves some purpose in any difficulty.

  18. Adept works with seige tomes for any character. Not sure where you'd get the impression it doesn't.

    When did I say that?Do people even read what I'm writing?(T_T)Guess I just write too much at once...

    ...If what you mean is that you can get an adept activation on a ranged tome by attacking anything,not juste playable characters specifically...I got the impression you cannot by having Soren with a blessed ranged tome in the endgame,and with 20+ uses on dragons or spirits(actually,with all my retries,that could be more than 40 uses),never getting any adept activation.That's just very unlikely.

    But if you're sure of what you say...

    Anyway I'm up for recording Hetzel and Oliver dying on turn 1 provided it's possible.

    Then,don't do this as I did.Rather than that,I guess we should wait for BK666 to post his "procedure",and if there's no problem with it,you're better off trying his way.

  19. Innate skills that they start with won't have any special effect other than taking no capacity.

    Yes,I know that much.What I said about that was just speculation.

    My friend has done several calculations and unless something is wrong it will work.

    That's the problem.There's lots of things you're unsure of.The problem is that if any part of what I supposed is correct,your idea may become undoable.

    I'll post the procedure eventually.

    Okay.I'll be waiting.

    Why not kill him with a seige tome?

    I might be wrong,but with Hetzel's very high resistance and no possibility of flaring,you'd need three round of ranged tomes.So you basically need to kill the first set of ennemies,as you don't have enough pass skills for everyone(probably with ranged tomes too).I really doubt you will have enough movement for everything,even with heavy reliance on shoving.But then again,I might be wrong...

    You already stated Tormod flared Hetzel with a seige tome so I'm pretty sure it is doable.

    No,I never got a flare with a ranged tome.That flare was with a rexfire.I don't recall saying that,but whatever.

    And that doesn't really tell me why you actually want to do this(killing/stealing from Hetzel)...Which is what I'd like to know to begin with.

    Edit:Rather large edit,decided to post a more "in depht" answer.

  20. I wish there was rep, because this post deserves it.

    Well,thank you:)

    Don't know if you'll still say that after reading this one,though: /

    Now try killing Hetzel and stealing his staff. It can be done on easy mode based off calculations. Requires long range tome to disarm. As far as I know it can't be done on normal or hard mode.

    Provided this is actually possible,I don't really see why you'd want to do that.I can't clearly recall his inventory,but from his battle skin I'm pretty sure he's equipped with a regular "heal" staff.I don't think he has any other staff on him either.And I've more or less proven that this Hetzel and 4E1's one are two different and unrelated characters.

    Anyway...You'd need two units able to go all the way to Hetzel(thief and killing unit),and another one that can pass trough the first set of ennemies to attack him with a ranged tome and activate one of the most unreliable skills of the game on a type of attack which we don't even know if it can activate on.

    Actually,I had adept activate once on a ranged tome with Soren.But.He was attacking another playable character(Pelleas),it's an inate skill,and I can say that not all skills work on ranged tomes,as I had 4 sages with blessed ranged tomes on hard mode without royals(that means lots of retrys and altogether maybe even more than one hundred uses,without ANY flare/coronna activation.No other adept activation for Soren either,btw,as he was one of those four).

    All this doesn't prove anything,but there's a large probability that:

    -For some reason,skills activate by attacking playable characters only,

    -There's a very large reduction on skill activation rate on ranged tomes,

    -Skills with direct effects on the opponent cannot activate with ranged tomes,

    -You need the skill to be innate for it to activate.

    Pick your choice.But if any of these is true,your idea is basically not doable(for most of them anyway;that's just extremely unlikely to work for the reduced activation rate).And I could also mention that you only have two pass scrolls anyway,that Heather will never have enough move to get to Hetzel if you need to teleport Rafiel(or to Rafiel,if you do teleport him;you can't shove your units up ledges),and that Tormod basically can't be the teleporting,killing and disarming unit at the same time,even with 100 move.

    Your idea requires ressources that the game just does not give you.

    The only way to do that would be hacking,I guess.But actually,I don't even understand why anyone would want to try,even if they hacked their game;but I must be missing something.

  21. Took longer than expected.The game is fairly long even on easy mode...<_<

    Anyway...Here are the results.

    He was one space further from what I thought,and if you shove Tormod on three spaces only,he won't be able to pass trough the ennemies just after the stairs.So you need to shove him on four,at least,and that's with the boots used on him.

    Aside from that,what we planned worked perfectly,tough at least one Flare activation was needed,even at max magic and with the Rexfire.

    So,the Hetzel you can see in this mission is basically the original(same stats and skin),but treated as a generic bishop ennemy.No boss conversation or death line.He doesn't react at all if you don't OR him,and if he dies,the dialog with Oliver still happens,though even if you see Hetzel's face,he can't be seen as a unit,and Oliver doesn't look at where he was.There's no teleportation afterward either.

    By the way,I tried killing Oliver instead,and if you do,there's no conversation.Hetzel just teleports away.

    Just in case,I guess it could be interesting to kill both of them on the first turn,but I don't really see how that could be done...And I guess nothing would happen anyway.

    If for some reason someone else wants to try this,don't forget to send all the arms scroll you get from the two other groups in your storage.I needed 5 of them,and that's 6 if you didn't get Tormod's Fire WR to S in part 1(Even though you don't really need to use the Rexflame,actually).

    Edit:For those who wonder,I went trough this chapter and the next one,and Hetzel still appears in 4E-1.So all of this was totally useless...but at least you have your answer.

    And in fact,I even got rewarded with the sight of Tormod destroying Oliver,with two criticals in a row,using...the rescue staff.

    So that was worth it indeed:p

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